Black Luna

By Wolfy411

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"Today is not a good day Gage," Mac said. "When is a good day? Tomorrow? Maybe the next day?" Gage said he wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 17

856 69 22
By Wolfy411

Mac felt the air through her fur sending tingles all over. She got used to running every morning when the sun was coming up, found it very therapeutic. She would think of her life. She would first think about Sandy, Derrick, Victor, and Michelle. It has been over two weeks since she last saw Sandy and Gage. At first, she thought of getting her revenge. But that would just make her angry, so she finally stopped thinking of them, wanting to move on. It didn't mean she forgave them, if they ever crossed her path again, she would make them pay. But for now, they didn't have to be her daily thought.

Instead, she thought of college. How she would have been finished with her freshman year starting on her sophomore year soon. She thought about the sorority and how clueless she was to not realize how those people weren't good to her. Unlike her group now. She thought a lot about Matt. He would be home already, but she wasn't ready to see him. Not afraid of him, but of his cult or as he kept from her his pack. He warned her about them being horrible so she wasn't mad at him, but she still wished he had told her the complete truth. She knew why he didn't, who would believe him? She would and if she did she would have been scared of him, scared of what he might do to her. She wasn't sure if he was a wolf or a shifter but it didn't matter to her, she just had to stay away, for now, that is. She knew she would see him again.

She would go around the property and lake whenever the sun came up and went down, it would take her about  two hours each run. She asked them every night if they wanted to join her with her run, but all of them thought she was insane for getting up at four just to run around. They would join her on her twilight runs through after combat training.

She could feel herself getting stronger and stronger and so did the boys. She didn't think she was as strong as a normal Alpha yet, but she was getting there.

This morning she cut her run short, knowing that it was the full moon and she would go for an extra long run with the boys tonight. She ran up to her porch finding the clothes she placed earlier on the bench.

"You made breakfast," Mac said with a wide eye look once she walked in the house. Their back door, which they use as the main door, goes directly to the kitchen.

"Of course I did," Trent replied flipping a pancake in the pan.

"We should all be concerned," Jason said rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Relax you can't kill somebody with a pancake," John said following him in, both were still in their pj's. Jason went over to the coffee machine grabbing himself a cup and one for John. John sat down at the table grabbing the newspaper to read.

"This is why I don't cook breakfast," Trent said pouting a bit.

"Stop it boys. I love that you made us breakfast." Mac said giving Trent a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you so much."

"Well, I woke up with energy today," Trent said. He flipped the pancake in the pan, having it spin once in the air and landed on the plate. He got a nice cheer from the group. "Here. Tell me how it tastes." Trent said pouring batter onto the heated pan for the next pancake.

Mac covered it in syrup taking a big bite. Both John and Jason looked at her like she was crazy but she smiles. "This is by far one of the best pancakes I have had in a long time." Trent gave a toothy grin, happy that Mac was enjoying his pancake.

"I'm amazed," Jason said. He grabbed Mac's fork when she joined them at the table, grabbing a piece of her pancake. She loved this little table, it could easily fit all four of them, even with John having his newspaper spread out. It felt like home. Jason grabbed a second piece, this time bigger. "You are cooking from now one," Jason said, his mouth filled with food.

"I'll need a second one," Mac said, glaring at Jason who is finishing off her pancake.

"No problem," Trent said referring to both. "I actually wanted to talk to you guys about something. He placed the stack of pancakes on the table places dishes in front of Jason and John.

"Go ahead," Mac said with a surprised look. Trent sounded serious which is rare for him.

"I'm going to start working, I got hired at Resota's," Trent said. Resota's was a little Italian place in town, they've only gone there once and fell in love with their desserts.

"You are going to start working," John said placing down the newspaper. So far they have been living off of John's and Jason's family money. Their family used to have a giant ranch taking up a big chunk of Wyoming, once their parents passed away they sold the land buying this little property in Idaho. Trent followed putting as much money that he could, but it wasn't much. Mac started putting some money in as well when she moved in. She was thinking of expanding the house though because at this point John and Jason were sharing a room and even though it was a large room, they were still two adults and needed their own space.

"Yes, I get tired not having a purpose to do every day, I mean other than training. But now I think it will be best if I contributed and we'll do something different every day." Trent said, he hasn't touched his food yet focusing on the conversation.

"I think that is great," Mac said, Jason and John, shaking their head in agreement. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm the sous chef," Trent said.

"That will be amazing," John said.

"Do we get free food?" Jason asked getting a kick from Mac.

"Of course," Trent replied.

"Congratulations," Jason responded. "You will do amazing."

Good Job. Mac said in her mind to Jason.

"Are you okay that I will be missing the rogue day trips," Trent said referring to how every day at noon they go fight rogues on the border. It has actually been such a big ritual for not only them but for the rogues as well that it gets quite a big crowd on a daily basis. Each taking their turn to fight this little pack. So far not once have any of them lost, but they have come close. When they lose it doesn't result in death, just some money loss.

"We will be fine. I'm so proud of you." Mac said she stood up giving him a kiss on the back of the head like a mom would for her five-year-old son.

"Thank you guys," Trent said finally taking a bite of his pancake.

Mac went and sat back at her seat grabbing another piece.

"When do you start?" John asked.

"Tomorrow," Trent said taking a sip of milk.

"Way to give us a heads up," Jason said in a sarcastic way.

"I was nervous," Trent said.

"Don't ever be nervous, we are a family," Mac said. "A weird one, but a great one." She reached for his hand grabbing it and giving it a quick squeeze.

"We will stop by tomorrow then," John replied.

"For lunch," Jason said.

"Not my first day, how about my second week," Trent answered.

"Whenever you would like us there," Mac said.

"Awesome," Trent said. "But I don't do dishes, so..." Trent said looking at the messy table.

"I'll do them." John offered. Trent just gives him a cheesy smile, before going back to eating his meal.

"Come on boys let's go," Mac said shifting into her wolf. It was almost midnight and the moon was high in the sky. Tonight was beautiful like every full moon. Everything was heightened for her, the sky brighter, the air fresher, and the windy crisp just the way she liked it.

Let's play tag. Trent said through the mind link. He goes and bumps Mac with his head before running off into the woods. John and Jason run in the same general direction but not exactly the same way. They were heading to the meadow, their favorite place to play tag.

It was the size of three football fields and the grass came up to their belly's. The rule of tag was you had to tap your head anywhere on the other werewolf's body and then they are it. They had to wait twenty seconds giving the person enough time to leave and they can't leave the meadow.

I'm going to get you. Mac said through mind link chasing the boys. She could hear the crunch of her paws on the ground, twigs breaking under her weight. She sees the clearing of the meadow and runs to the middle of the meadow.

Mac. Jason mind links, his howl echo throughout the night. She could tell right away something wasn't right. She sniffed the air, she could smell Trent, John, Jason, and somebody else, a shifter.

She looked over to see him on the small hill that looks over the meadow. His hair was was short silver and he had a full white suit on.

Leave now. Mac mind linked to the boys. They hesitated but ran off to the entrance of the forest. She could see the glimmer of the gun in the man's hand, it staring her down. She growled getting into a fighting stance.

"Now, now puppy dog. I'm not going to fight you." The guy said. Mac heard a bang and felt a pinch in her shoulder, the world spinning around her. "I am going to take you with me." The guy said walking over, his bright silver eyes were the last thing she saw before everything went black.

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