CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fa...

By xlaurynwritesx

5K 129 29

Sen•sa•tion•al Causing great public interest; very impressive Everything is good again. Henry and Emma are st... More

•Forgotten Memories•
•Breaking Free•
•The Future•
•Ice Cream•
•Sea Witch•
•Lily and the Witch•
•Heroes and Villians•


222 6 4
By xlaurynwritesx

David, Elsa, and Henry came home soon and they found out the ice cream lady was the person who hurt Marian. Emma said that she seemed familiar like she had heard her before or known her but they didn't understand what she meant. Supposedly the snow queen also took some memories from Elsa so everyone was pretty confused.

A little later Emma had come home and went upstairs. Maya looked from her bed to see her. She had a smile on her face. "What's going on?" Maya asked looking to her sister.

"Oh nothing." She lied as Maya looked to her.

"Em." Maya said with a serious voice. They weren't good at lying to each other.

Henry looked to Emma as well. "Well..." she said looking from Henry to Maya. "Hook and I kissed again." She said looking them.

Maya smiled bright. "So you guys like each other?" She asked her sister.

"Yeah I guess." She nodded then looked to Henry. "Are you mad?"

"That you are happy? Of course not." Henry smiled.

"So are you gonna go on a date?" Maya asked her sister.

"Well I don't know yet we just-" Emma started.

"Then it's settled." Maya smiled. "Tomorrow you are going to go to Granny's and asking him on a date."

"Okay then." Emma replied surprised.

They went to bed and the next day Henry and Maya went with Emma to Granny's so he could ask. After pushing her into Granny's the two headed to school.

Maya was finally a senior and she would be graduating soon. Every once in a while she had missed days because of the monster threats but she always caught up. She was excited to finally finish school soon. She had even been working harder to graduate early. She only had about two months left along with about 20 other people who wanted to get out as soon as possible like her.

After going to school she walked out and saw Zach. He wasn't going to school because first, he had never been and he was already eighteen so it would just be difficult. It was normal in the Enchanted forest to not be at school but he had a basic knowledge of everything.

"Hey." Maya smiled to him as he grabbed her hand and kissed her.

"So what's your plans today?" He asked looking to her.

"Well I have some homework to do and then I'll probably help mom with Neal." She answered looking to him as they walked hand in hand.

"Okay." He nodded. "What about the snow queen?" He asked looking to her.

"They said there hasn't been any trace of her so I think she's laying low for now. We've just been helping Elsa lately." She said looking to him.

"Alright." He nodded. They talked about the snow queen and Elsa. Maya also mentioned how Emma was going on a date.

"You know, we haven't been on an official date since this new curse broke." He said looking to her.

"No we haven't." Maya said realizing it.

"How about tonight then. I'll pick you up and take you out." He smiled to her.

"Where?" Maya asked.

"It's a surprise." He smiled to her. "I should probably get back to the camp. I'll see you later." He smiled as they got to the loft.

"Okay. Bye." She smiled to him as he kissed her lightly. "Watch out for the snow queen." She said to him.

"You too okay?" He said before walking off.

Maya got to the house and started on her homework. She had a lot of math homework since she doubled up to finish early. After working for a while she finally finished and went to get ready. She told her mom she was going out earlier and she said it was okay.

She saw Emma working on her hair. "Up or down?" Emma asked looking to her.

"Up." She smiled.

"Are you going somewhere too?" Emma asked looking to her.

"I am. After telling Zachariah about you guys going out he wanted to take me out too." Maya smiled.

"Hmm Okay." Emma said as Maya got on a dress.

"Okay honest opinions. What do we think?"  Emma asked as Maya opened the curtain that blocked off her room upstairs.

"Wow." Mary Margaret smiled.

"What your mother said." David responded.

"You look amazing Em." Maya smiled to her sister as she put on her shoes.

"Is that just the corset? Where is the rest of it?" Elsa asked as Maya chuckled lightly.

"This is the rest of it." Emma answered as Maya came downstairs.

"Oh Maya you look beautiful too." Mary Margaret smiled to her.

"Again. What your mother said." David said with a sigh.

"Nice." Emma added looking at her dress.

"Thanks." Maya smiled lightly.

"Someone's sisters are going on a very special date tonight." Mary Margaret said putting Neal in his crib.

"Well me and Zach have been together for a while so it's not too special." Maya smiled lightly.

"Yeah. Let's not oversell-" Emma started before Mary Margaret took a Polaroid of them.

"Oh my gosh." Maya chuckled.

"Wow. I really need to get my own place." Emma chuckled.

"Cut your mother some slack. It's not like she's ever taken you to a ball." David smiled to Emma.

"Are you sure you guys don't want to help? Maybe I can get Hook to stay in for the night." Emma said looking to them.

"You are not avoiding this Em." Maya said looking to her. "If anything I'll stay by definitely not you."

"My sister put her wedding on hold for me. I don't want anyone else to stop living their lives on my account." Elsa said looking to them.

There was then a knock on the door. "You are me?" Maya asked looking to her sister.

"Probably me." Emma answered as she went to the door.

Emma answered and stayed quiet looking sort of in shock. Maya turned to see her dad with a stern face on and her mom with a big smile. Maya chuckled lightly.

"You look stunning Swan." Hook said to Emma and Maya smiled.

"You... look..." Emma started.

"I know." Hook answered as they both chuckled lightly. "Now that I'm settled into this world, I finally thought it was time to dress the part." He answered looking to her as he offered her a rose. Maya looked at his confused realizing that there was two hands on him.

"Wow you really went all out." Emma chuckled lightly.

"Uh, Emma-" Mary Margaret said looking to her.

"Is that-" Emma started.

"Mine? Yeah. The dark one kindly restored what he once took from me." Hook said looking at his hand. "It seems he indeed changed his ways.

"So what do I call you now? Captain hand?" Emma asked as Maya chuckled.

"Killian will do." He answered with a nod as he looked over to Maya. "All dressed up as well? Don't tell me she is chaperoning us." Killian said looking to Emma.

"No I have my own date thank you very much." She said looking to him with her arms crossed.

"That would've been a good idea though." David sighed looking to Maya.

"Okay. We should get out of here before David gives his over protective dad speech." Emma said looking to him.

"Don't worry mate. I assure you your daughter couldn't be in better hands." He said looking to her.

"That's what worries me." He answered looking to Hook. "Especially now that you have two of them."

"I can take care of myself." Emma answered a she started to walk out.

"Sure you don't want me to drive?" David asked.

"I'm sure. Bye." Emma said as she walked out. "Oh hey Zach. She's inside." Emma said as Zach looked at her and nodded.

Maya looked to him as he walked in and smiled. "Hey." She smiled as he smiled back.

"You look great." He smiled to her.

"Thank you." She said back as he grabbed her hand.

He looked to David with a smile. "I'll be sure to bring her home in time." He said as David nodded.

"Okay. Don't get into any trouble." David said looking to them.

"We won't. See you later." Maya smiled as she walked out. As they got to the bottom of the stairs they saw Hook and Emma walking the other direction.

"So where are you taking me?" Maya asked looking to him.

"Well after a long time of thinking I decided on the beach." He smiled to her.

"The beach?" She asked surprised. She thought they were going to go to a fancy restaurant or something.

"Trust me." He smiled. "You'll like it."

"Okay." She smiled looking to him.

They walked to the beach and Maya could see some torches lit. "What's that-" she asked looking at him.

"That is for us." He smiled to her.

"Hmm okay." She smiled curious as to what was there. They walked over and there was a huge blanket with pillows and a basket in the center. "A picnic?" She asked looking at it.

"Yep." He smiled looking to her. "By the water with lights and a nice blanket." He said looking to her.

"How romantic." She chuckled looking to him.

"Thank you." He bowed as Maya sat down.

"Your such a weirdo." She chuckled as he sat down.

"But I'm your weirdo so it's okay." He smirked looking to her. She blushed looking down. "So are you hungry?" He asked.

"Yes." She nodded.

"I found this fancy dinner place earlier and they had this thing called pasta." He said looking to her.

"I love pasta." She smiled to him.

"I was hoping so. I got us some spaghetti and meatballs and bread with butter." He said looking to her as he pulled out two plates dumping the spaghetti on to each of them and adding the bread.

They ate and talked about each other and the thugs they used to do in the Enchanted forest. They both liked it better in Storybrooke because of the food options and plumbing.

"So I have a question." Zach asked looking to Maya as she looked up to him. They had both finished eating by now. "When did you first realize you liked me as more then a friend?"

"Well it happened twice." She chuckled as he nodded.

"So tell me both then." He smiled.

"Well in the Enchanted forest it was when we were talking after the ball and you told me about you. How you lost your parents and all. I realized that we were a lot more alike then I thought. I never then really thought I would find someone like me." She answered with a small smile. "The second time was when I was here. I was crying and you came over to comfort me, a complete stranger and you treated me so kindly. I was sold." She added.

"Wow." He smiled to her.

"Now your turn. When did you realize?" Maya asked blushing lightly.

"When we were in the Enchanted forest and you had your ball." He chuckled lightly. "We were dancing and you didn't have your shoes on. I thought you were so carefree and amazing." He smiled. "When we were here it was when you took me to Granny's. You were kind to me and as far as I knew I didn't have any friends yet. You took me in with open arms." He grabbed Maya hand. "Before I met you I was really sad all the time. I only ever just did what I was told and stayed by myself. Honestly I didn't even hang out with Roland a lot either." He answered.

"So what are you saying?" She asked looking to him holding his hand.

"You made me better and I'll always love you for that." He smiled looking at her.

"I love you too. I'm glad you came into my life. Without you I probably would have never been able to defeat the wicked witch." She said looking down.

He put his hand under her chin. "With or without me, you'll always have been and always will be strong and beautiful." He said looking to her before kissing her.

She kissed him back wrapping her arms around him with a smile. "Zachariah." She said backing away. "Please, never change or leave." She said intertwining her fingers with his leaning her head on his. Before if you would've asked her she would've said she'd rather have him away and safe than with her and in danger, but now she wanted him there. She felt selfish.

"Maya I'd never leave you." He said looking to her. "You're my everything." He said as Maya smiled and kissed him again.

They kept kissing until they had to stop. Zach walked Maya home as she wrapped around his arm. She was so in love. She couldn't help but wonder if it was true love, if Zach was her soul mate.

As they headed in Maya saw Emma and Hook kissing up stairs. Maya laughed and walked back or with Zach. "What is it?" He asked looking at her.

"Emma is sucking face with Killian." Maya chuckled. "I'm happy she found someone." She smiled lightly as Zach held her hand.

"Well I'll say goodbye now then." He said looking to her.

"Okay." Maya said with a sigh.

He kissed her lightly before kissing her again. "Mmm." She said as she took a deep breath. "I love you." She said looking at him.

"I love you too." He smiled kissing her cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He said looking at her.

"Okay." She nodded. "Be careful." She smiled.

"You too." He said as he kissed her once more before walking off.

Maya went inside and saw Emma and Killian still at it. She walked up and saw them. She cleared her throat. "I don't mean to interrupt but you're kinda blocking the door." She smiled to Emma.

"You know what I'll just go in too." Emma said looking to Hook.

"I have to ask you something first Swan." Hook said looking at her.

"Okay." Emma nodded as she looked to Maya before she looked at her. Maya passed them and went inside. The one thing she looked forward to was being the annoying little sister who ruined the moment and she gladly succeeded.

"How was it?" Mary Margaret asked looking at her.

"It was good. We had a picnic at the beach." She smiled to her mom.

"That's it?" She asked.

"Um I don't really want to know everything." David said as Maya chuckled.

"Okay then I'll go upstairs now." Maya smiled. "Goodnight." She said before going upstairs. It was a great night for her and she liked Zachariah even more then she thought she did.

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