Wolf Inside

By LoopyLuna98

5.8K 162 26

Just your average witch. Except I am an outcast. My witch mother bore me to a werewolf father. I am a new or... More

Just a small town girl
Family or Foe?
Long time no see
Plan A-Z
De ja vu
A night to remember
Divide and Conquer
Which Witch is Witch?
I don't wanna live forever
New Orleans Soil
Eat, Sleep, Howl, Repeat
Change is normal
Turn back time
Who? When? Why?
Witches for the win?
New Hope
Home is where the heart is?
Now you see me
Mirror, Mirror
Family gift
Yes? No? Maybe?
Three Words
Two Words
One Word
Our reality

Friends? Friends

67 1 0
By LoopyLuna98

Once the light leaves us our vision  returns to normal. 'What the hell?' I say looking at Bonnie, 'I have no idea what that was all about' she says. Looking around I notice that we are still standing in Damon's bedroom, I look to the doorway and notice no one but us is here. 'Bonnie I don't like this' I say nervously, 'me neither Alex' she says looking worriedly at me. I look down to our hands and realize that we both dug our nails into each other and our hands are slightly bleeding. I let go and her hand drops to her side. 'Lets go get cleaned up' I suggest, we walk down the stairs hearing nothing and no one, seeing no one either. After cleaning and plastering my hand up and once Bonnie had done hers we decide to look outside. An full moon just passed its peak is visible in the sky above us, no breeze, and no one around is quite weird. 

'What is this?' I say shocked still looking around at our location. 'I read about something like this in one of my Grams' books once, The Gemini Coven trapped the twin son of the leader in a prison world in order to prevent him from becoming the leader due to the fact that he basically murdered most of his family and tried to kill his twin sister and younger twin siblings and that he is practically a sociopath and a siphoner' She says and nods at me when I look at her in intrigue. 'That's crazy' I say, 'Yeah well maybe this is what my Grams meant' she says, 'You mean your Grams and my Mum thought, the only way to save them is to put them into a prison world where they won't be able to leave... Great!' I snigger.  'Come on Alex, it can't be that bad, the days reset meaning that you have an infinity of lives, no matter how much food we eat we cant get fat and no one can annoy us!' She says enthusiastically. 'Sure...' I reply.

4 Months Later

'Morning Bon' I say cheerily, 'Morning Alex sleep well?' She says sarcastically, 'Yeah well better than ever..' I reply 'Come on Alex, look on the bright side, at least you can still use your powers and transform into a wolf' she says trying to lighten the mood. 'Once a month was fine for me, not every night for the past 4 months!' I moan in response hitting my head off the table. 'I have been looking into my Grams' book and it mentions an ascendant that could alter time and space to send us home, though it doesn't mention where it is...' she says whilst looking closer at the book.

'I think I am going to try and fly a plane today and land it, hopefully...' I say looking to Bonnie, 'what do you think?' I ask, 'go for it! I can't wait to see you, that'll be so cool' she replies. 'Okay see you in a couple of hours, don't worry I'll be back before the full moon' I laugh and leave.

Driving to the airport and taking a plane is easy, I tried a few times, just with a small two engine plane. I have tried to fly on and off for the past 2 months. I haven't exactly landed right, but at least i landed in something be it grass or water. Setting her down I drive to the local store and decide to grab some food to keep me going through my transformation, again.

 Walking down the aisles keeps me somewhat sane in this empty world. Walking down the aisle with the alcohol I stop near to the beers and wines. I pick up a good looking bottle of prosecco and a couple beers. Whilst walking to my car I take a sip of the prosecco and feel my mouth and throat burn in pain, I scream out in pain and the bottle smashes out of my hand revealing sprigs of wolfsbane in it. 'What the... argh... FUCK!' I scream out. Wiping my mouth I stand up and face the grocery store. A figure standing in front of the doors draws my attention, I focus on his face and see a smile, revealing a set of pearly whites I want to knock out.

'Who the hell are you?' I scream at him. 'Rough day huh Alex?' he says smiling whilst eating a packet of pork grinds, 'Sorry where are my manners, I'm Kai, nice to meet you'. I step back clutching my throat. 'Stay... Away... From me' I breathe out. 'Very simple that, I have watched you for the past 4 months, always grabbing a bottle of whatever from the shelf and drinking something that tickles your fancy, so to get your attention I decided to add a little wolfsbane to them all, since I didn't really know what you would pick. Smart don't you think?' He smiles at me.

He walks towards me and I stand up straighter, I put my hands down to my side and wait for the right moment to hit him with something. He walks close to me, within arms length when I hear someone shout behind me 'Get away from her'. Bonnie closes the distance and walks to my side. 'Ooh, Bonnie, nice to meet you I'm Kai, shame you can't stop me, with your lack of magic, I've seen you try and fail for the past 4 months and its disappointing to say the least' He fakes a pout and I look to her. I notice the sky getting darker and the moon rises, I look to Bonnie with panic in my eyes and with them turning bright yellow. 

I raise my left arm, and push him into the grocery store, the floor engulfing in flames, I run from Bonnie. I leave her to deal with Kai as I transform, as I am running away I think to myself, surely all these transformations are damaging me...

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