De ja vu

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Yet again I am standing in the middle of a death explosion. I listen for anything. Hearing a few slow heart beats I rush over to the closest person. Young, male, bite, low blood, survival rate: Low. I pick up my phone and decide to call an ambulance. All three of the available ambulances are sent our way. I listen in to ten more people's faint heartbeats and attend to them. Five confirmed dead. I use my powers and am able to keep the thirteen people fully stable. Standing away from the casualties, I walk back over to Rebekah, Elijah and Kol, 'five dead, thirteen stable. Klaus and Katherine are missing. I called the ambulance, should be here in --- well right now' We look out of the window and notice three ambulances and 9 support staff. I clear up with the staff , and the survivors all exit. 

A cop car pulls up and I notice it to be Sheriff Forbes'. As she comes in she walks towards me. Doctor Baker I understand you were first on the scene, could you tell me what you saw and how you responded. I give her all the answers. As she leaves I confer with with Mikaelson siblings. I tell them that two people were seen leaving the diner and they left on foot for 'The Falls'. 'I have no idea where that is. Road trip anyone?' We walk out of the diner and get back in my car, following the directions from Rebekah. I park a little away and we walk to 'The Falls'. I keep myself low to the ground, listening to the vibrations, nothing, absolutely nothing. 'Guys, I can't hear anything. No Klaus and no Katherine.' I say slightly worried. 'No worries, Ill see if I can pick up their scent.' I close my eyes and focus on the scents around me, Klaus has a particular scent. Petricor, with a hint of maple syrup. I open my eyes and they have turned bright amber. I run in the direction of the scent, with Rebekah, Elijah and Kol running behind me. I run just behind a tree and notice Klaus talking to Stefan. Stefan speeds off and Klaus is left standing alone. I look to Rebekah and she nods for me to go first, I walk forward, calming myself down. 'Klaus, what happened, whats going on?' 

'You know Alex, I have fallen in love with you, I gave you this ring as a kind of promise that I will always look out for you, us. I genuinely thought that I could help you with stopping the werewolf curse. Katherine destroyed all the blood bags I had from Elena. There is no way to make any more hybrids, because she now has vampire blood in her system.' His eyes glaze over as he cries into my shoulder. Rebekah, Elijah and Kol come over and embrace us, making us a giant hugging bundle. 

We all seem to separate. 'Klaus I love you and your family too!' Is all I say as we release each other. 'Now that this is all settled, who is up for some revenge?' Rebekah states. 'Without hurting any humans though...' I butt in. They all seem to sigh.

We walk into the town, leaving my car behind. I am hand in hand with Klaus as we stroll into the Mystic Grill. Sitting at one of the tables Meredith Fell and her lover Alaric Saltzman. Matt is serving a table and Caroline and Tyler are sitting across from each other. Conversation vary and I see Elena enter with Katherine in tow. My spell changing the looks of the Mikaelson's is working, they have no idea we are here. I listen in closely to their conversation. '

Elena (to Caroline, Matt, Bonnie and Tyler) 'So we'll lure Alex to Wickery bridge, if we play our cards right, the mikaelsons will follow after her. We will get Bonnie to cast a siphoning spell over her, making her lose her power, then we will cause her body to transform into her werewolf form, then we kill her. Once she is out the way we can focus on destroying Klaus further, taking his family members one by one, like he did for Aunt Jenna.' All of them nod in agreement. 

I stand up and walk into the bathroom. I start to cry as Rebekah comes in. 'Alex, don't worry, they won't be able to get to you. We know their plans, and as usual we will kill a few people then leave'. I smile, my face red and my mascara running. 'Let's get back out there and enjoy ourselves. Tonight will be our last in this town. We are going home to New Orleans!' Rebekah says. We exit the bathroom and leave the bar. We decide to take a trip back to the Mikaelson House. Once in the door our false appearances drop and we regain ourselves. 'We are going to have to come up with a plan of our own now that we know their intentions for us.' Elijah says looking at us. I move closer to Klaus' side and nod. 'I don't care about Elena living anymore. If we kill her all this will stop. She is a spoilt brat, acting just like the way Katherine does, she will always get her own way, its time to shake things up a little bit'. Kol nods.

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