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As I woke, I felt the heat from the open slit in the curtain in front of the window. I sit up, shifting myself out of the light, close to the other side of the bed. I rub my eyes violently and open them to a predominantly dark featured room. I turn my head in the direction of what I think is the door and shimmy out of the bed covers. I feel the cold touch on my skin and look down to notice that I am only wearing my bra and panties. 'What the hell man?' I say just, a little louder than a whisper. I walk over to one side, noticing that I have stumbled into an adjoining room. 'Whoa, a bathroom? Shit! A vampire with class, my kinda guy...' I say. I back myself up and look around the room for the rest of my clothes. I notice them piled on the floor next to the armchair. I put my jeans and t-shirt back on and look for my shoes. After giving up on the search for them I decide to take the plunge and leave the bedroom. I open the door and walk along the hallway and down the stairs. I look forward and notice the door. My shoes sitting neatly to one side. I have a quick thought to grab my shoes and leg it and then my attention is drawn to the lounge after hearing a voice. 

'What do you mean shes a werewolf and a witch- you mean we have a hybrid upstairs? Who is she? Why is she here?' The males voice sounded stern, but he also was speaking quietly, as if i could hear them. 

I walk through and one of the floor boards creak. I decide to walk on through to where the men are.  As I walk through my attention is drawn to Damon and a man who looked unfamiliar. 

'Hi, uh Damon?' I say looking towards them both. 

'Stefan this is Alex, she is a Werewolf/Witch hybrid' I smile and wave in his direction. 

'Look,  I am not some psycho, power hungry witch who wants to punish the world. I actually want to do some good. I am a doctor, and before you ask I came here for work purposes, the town needed a Phlebotomist - which is ironic because this town is full of vampires but, well here I am telling the truth. I say strongly, asserting my dominance, something I have always done, I guess its because of my werewolf side. Stefan looks shocked towards me, he breathes out heavily and nods approvingly.

I look over to Damon and ask for the time, hastily '8.30 why?' I rush past him into the kitchen and look for something I can quickly munch. I only find an apple and a fridge of blood and decide to run with the first. I run past Damon or so I think and he vamp speeds in front of the door. 'What are you doing?' He asks. 'I have to work, yesterday I was meant to just nip to the grill for a drink then look for an apartment nearby, but, I got caught up with you.' I reply still trying to move him away from the door. 'If you don't mind I would like to go now.' I flash my amber wolf eyes at him and he smirks. 'How about you stay here, until you find yourself a place of course... and I could drive you to work and pick you up, just so you can get a feel for the town.' He said cautiously. I back down, making my amber eyes fade to my normal hazel colour 'Fine, but we are using my car, and I might need to borrow your phone, because I don't have one, is that okay?' I ask shyly. 'Sure, i think i have a spare in my room if you want to use that.' Before I could blink he has vamp sped to his bedroom and came back. In his hand was a simple gold Iphone 6s and sim. He fixed it right and sorted a few key numbers out before he finally gave it to me. 'Consider it a gift, you have my number so you can text me when you need me. You do know how to use this don't you?' He asks sarcastically. 'Of course I know how to use it, Thank you Damon' I reply sweetly and I move past him, shouting out a quick 'Goodbye Stefan' as we left in my car.

As Damon drove down the picturesque streets he pulled up in front of the Mystic Falls Hospital. He dropped me off in front of the emergency doors and again reminded me to text him when it was time to come home. I walked through the automatic doors and up to the front desk. 

'Hi, I am Doctor Alex Baker and I am the new doctor for this hospital.' I smile at her and she nods. 'Please come this way, I assume you know your primary role is for Phlebotomy, but you will be called in for other duties such as assisting A&E staff.' she asks, leading me down to a staff room. 'Yes I understand'. We enter the room and I am met by many staff members. I say many greetings and shake many peoples hands and i walk through to the cloak room. I hang up most of my belongings and find a medical robe I am to wear. I am walked back through with everyone as I catch the eye of a woman, with wavy brown hair looking at me suspiciously. She gave off a worried scent, as though she was feeling threatened... no...I am not too sure. I catch her eye and smile. I walk up to her and shake her hand. 'I am Doctor Alex Baker, nice to meet you' She smiled and shook my hand firmly. 'Doctor Meredith Fell' 

The day goes by in a blur, at lunch I ask Meredith to show me how to use my new phone. We gossip over our different backgrounds and I make sure to tell her anything but the truth as to what I am, I don't feel like I can fully trust her yet, but its a work in progress. I end up finishing work around 6pm and I call Damon.

'Hey Damon, hows everything going' I ask politely. 'Everything is fine Alex, just catching up with some friends that's all, I will pick you up as soon as I can.' I hear grunts down the phone and the phone drops dead. 

I look to the end call screen. I shut it off, put the phone in my zippered jacket and run. With me being able to constantly be in control of my werewolf side I have heightened senses, endurance and speed. I focus on the smell of Damon that I have from my clothes in his room and run straight for him. I find my way back to the Mansion and continue to hear grunts, not in pleasure, but in pain. I collect myself and focus my strength on blowing the door down. I whisper 'patefier' and brace myself. My body begins to glow a familiar green and purple as the door opens wide. I see a beaten and bloody Damon on the floor. Towering over him is a familiar face.

I stare wide eyed at the King of New Orleans. 'Klaus'.

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