Plan A-Z

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After having a flash back to what happened last year, I shift in my seat and say, 'Klaus, I have always felt like your family, someone on the outside that has finally been accepted. I have always been interested not only with you but with the older days, filled with elegance and history. I have heard about the Mikaelson's family in over 80 scriptures from over 100 different cultures and to me your family is royalty. I just wished that I could experience life like you did.' I say. 'Well Alex, you were always one for nostalgia and history.' 'Are they awake yet Klaus?' I say softly. 'Yes, but they have been laying low for a while to keep up appearances.' Klaus replies quietly. I smile brightly and finish my burger and a few of Klaus' fries.

As we continue catching up a splitting image of Elena walks through the diner door. I can smell the difference. She's a vampire. Its Katherine. 'Klaus, Katherine is behind you.' I say in almost a whisper. The entire diner goes silent as they look towards us. I take a last sip of my cola and push my plate and glass forward. Klaus smiles and looks over to her. 'Well, well, well if it isn't the dear Katerina. Why are you here?' He says forcefully, but without moving from his chair. 'Oh you know, decided to catch up with this dreadful town and I heard that you were here. Surprised I wondered what you could be doing, only to find out you haven't killed that pesky Elena.' Katherine smirks. 'It was an awfully foolish idea to come here Katherine, after running away from Klaus for so long, why are you just sitting there?' I ask. 'Well Alex, for a while I have had a plan to re take my place between the dear Salvatore brothers' side but with Elena in the picture I couldn't possibly have a chance to fool them, so I decided to make myself a plan, with Klaus included.' She says with sass.  'How many plans do you have exactly?' I ask. 'Oh you know plan A, plan B, plan C, you know how the alphabet works now don't you?' She says staring down at me. I growl and stand up.

Klaus pulls at my hand for me to come back to him

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Klaus pulls at my hand for me to come back to him. 'Alex, here is a key for the house I am occupying at the moment. Why don't you have a look around whilst Katerina and I continue this discussion?' 'Where is it?' I ask in response. 'The address is on the key, I'll be home soon, don't worry.' He says. 'Its not you I am worried about' I say looking from him to Katherine. I move past her and walk straight out to my car. Oh my baby. I get in and drive around looking for this house. I decide to ask someone and I quickly find it. As I drive in I notice the perfectly trimmed garden, clean outside and not to mention that it is freaking huge! I leave my car around the front of the house. I walk up the steps and put the key in the door. It unlocks. I walk through and am hit with the most heavenly scent, like a bunch of flowers have been shoved up my nostrils. Its fresh, clean. I don't pay attention to anything else as I walk through to the kitchen. I stand almost perfectly still as I notice four people staring at me. One with long blonde hair, and three with short tamed hair. I breathe out a breath I didn't know I was keeping in. 

'I am really sorry, I must be in the wrong house. Excuse me.' As I turn around to leave, my head feels heavy and I grab onto the wall. I look to my hand seeing the rainbow gemstones in my ring glow. I fall straight down and breathe heavily. As I regain my strength I stand back up to notice four faces staring at me. Remembering who they are I smile, with tears in my eyes. I look from one to the other. I walk up to the woman, I place my arms around her in a hug. 'Rebekah? I can't believe it is you.' I release her and walk into Elijahs arms. 'Elijah, whoa I have missed you all so much!' I stand in front of Kol and he opens his arms wide. I hug him too. 'Its finally nice to meet you Kol.' 'And you must be Finn, I believe' I hold out my right hand to shake his, using my other one to wipe the tears from my eyes. We all seem to be crying a little as we walk to the sofas taking a chair each. 

'What the hell happened guys?' Is all I say as they look from each other nodding and beginning the story with Rebekah. I sit for what feels like hours, listening about the party and talking about graduation and everything that has happened this year. I have drunk over five cups of tea since our discussion. 'So what is our brother up to now Alex?' Rebekah asks. 'He told me to come here from the diner we were at. Katherine showed up and was talking about making a plan with Klaus to put her back with the Salvatore brothers.' As I say that, I suddenly have a sharp pain at the left side of my head. I stand up panting. I left Klaus with Katherine. In a bar filled with humans. How could I be so stupid. I go to run away and I am stopped by Rebekah, Kol and Elijah. 'Why don't we say hello to everyone? What do you think Alex?' Rebekah says with a strong attitude. 'I have missed you guys way too much! Lets have some fun!' I say back. They open the door, get into my car, with Rebekah in the front with me leaving Kol and Elijah in the back. We wave to Finn as we leave and head back for the Diner. 

Pulling up we hear screams. One that I recognize. I breathe through my nose and smell her. Elena. I get out along with the others and high tail it straight for the door. I raise my arms towards the door and freeze everyone inside.

Bracing ourselves Rebekah, myself, Kol and Elijah walk over the threshold. I notice Katherine on the floor. 'I guess that plan A to Z didn't exactly go your way' I snigger.

Looking over the room, I see all the damage done. Not again.

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