Divide and Conquer

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After our wonderful morning it was time to get ourselves ready to face the day and the Ester problems. As I exit the bedroom, with my top on backwards due to Klaus tearing the front, I make it a fashion statement and walk downstairs. Rebekah spots me walking down the stairs with my torn top 'Alex, I have spare clothes in my bedroom, you can help yourself.' She says laughing with mild disgust.

I walk back upstairs and into Rebekah's room. I make my way to a chest of drawers and pull out a lacy black top: Loose fitting and cute.

 I make my way to a chest of drawers and pull out a lacy black top: Loose fitting and cute

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I walk downstairs and place my torn top in the bin. I look in the fridge for something to eat and notice the bottom compartments are filled with blood bags, and regular food such as Bread, butter, eggs, milk and chocolate on top. I nod happily taking the eggs, milk and bread out.

I make myself a cup of tea  and some fried egg on toast. I pour Klaus a cup of B+ blood. Hoping to keep his happiness up for the day. Once fed, I walk upstairs to find Klaus just getting out of the shower. I bring up his glass of blood and notice him wearing nothing. I look his body up and down and decide to close the gap between us. I walk up to him swaying my hips. I place my lips on his and we passionately kiss. As he decides to hold on to the back of my neck I pull myself back. 'Klaus, we have a busy day today. We can do this later. Drink up!' I say whilst gesturing to his glass of blood. I walk out of the room and back downstairs. After clearing up the mess I made in the kitchen I walk thorough to the lounge and notice everyone sitting. 

Kol looks to me and smiles knowingly. I know we were loud last night and this morning but with vampire hearing, I guess for them we may have been un bearable. 'Good Morning guys',  I say cheerily. Breakfast conversations consisted of talking about anything but my involvement with Klaus. As Klaus walks downstairs placing his glass in the sink, the conversation starts on how we go about getting rid of  mother Mikaelson. 'How about we throw a huge party to celebrate the family reunion and we put her back 6 feet under where she belongs.' I suggest bluntly. 'That Is actually not a bad idea Alex, although I do believe we should cremate her so we can bring her back if we need her later.' Elijah says  followed by Kol admitting 'Although it is nice to see mother dearest, her purpose here must be for a damning reason, she was never one for polite hellos.' We look to Rebekah and she nods in agreement. Klaus follows us up by saying 'To throw a party we will need everyone possible, the more people the less she should  fight back.' 

'Lets throw a party. Again.' I say and we all nod and take up our various tasks. Rebekah has networked the entire town, almost, to come to the party. Not much decorating is needed and food had been compelled on time. I open up the boot of my car, once we brought it up to Rebekah's and find the flat packed fifty dresses. I unzip the bag and bring them all out along with the box of accessories. I bring them up into Rebekah's room and we choose our dream gowns. I wear something a little more comfortable.

Rebekahs dresses in a beautiful gown instead, always one for modesty and elegance

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Rebekahs dresses in a beautiful gown instead, always one for modesty and elegance.

Rebekahs dresses in a beautiful gown instead, always one for modesty and elegance

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Once we are fully dressed for the ball we organise our roles. 

'We need to make sure that we keep our eyes open for Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, Matt, Katherine, Stefan and Damon. They may see this as a perfect opportunity to take us out, whilst we try to deal with mother' Klaus says looking from me to Elijah. 'What about your brother Finn? Do we try and help him or just wait and see how this goes with Ester?' I ask. 'Finn must have taken it upon himself to resurrect her. He has put us all in danger, including you Alex.' Elijah states. 'Maybe you can use me to get to her, since she will likely hate me the most for disrespecting her.' I offer. 'Absolutely not.' 'No.' No way.' The three say. 'Alex you are a part of this family and we protect our family. Always and Forever. You will not be bait. We will work together to take her down' Klaus says with nods from them all. I smile to them all and ask 'how long till everyone starts showing up?' and within a few moments the doorbell rings signalling the start of a very long night.

Standing on the staircase I watch as people flood into the house, I wonder if everyone will fit, I think to myself. Caught in a haze a hand brushes against mine, I look to see Klaus standing beside me holding onto my hand. 'Klaus what are you doing? I am trying to focus on who is arriving.' I tell him. 'Come on love, have a break, lets dance' he says before he twirls me on the step and we walk down to the dance floor. He looks over to the pianist and orchestra and they begin to play the melody to a familiar song.

Klaus softly places on hand around my waist and places the other in mine. A Thousand years is playing and as I realize it he is already mouthing the words in my direction.

'I have died everyday waiting for you, darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years and I'll love you for a thousand more. Time stands still beauty and all she is' 

I join in singing with him 'I will be brave I will not let anything take away whats standing in front of me every breath, every hour has come to this, one step closer.' I let him lead in the chorus. ' I have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid I have loved you,  for a thousand years and I'll love you for a thousand more.' I sing louder 'And all along I believed I would find you time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more.' We stare smiling into each others eyes singing in unison 'one step closer, I have died everyday waiting for you darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years and I'll love you for a thousand more. 

As the song ends our dancing stops and we embrace each other in a hug. Applause is all around us and I notice everyone is staring. 

I look to Klaus as he pulls us back to the banister. I over hear Kol saying that Ester is talking with Elena and her group about a simple way to take us all out. 

I look up to Klaus and say 'Thanks for the dance, I loved it' 'Alex I want you to remember tonight. As the start of our lives together.' He replies.

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