One Word

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Surrounded by our friends and family we enjoy the happy feeling, my father and Klaus shake hands as my mother holds me tight telling me how proud she is. With the guests leaving outside, myself and Klaus decide to follow the crowd. Once we walk through the doors all our family, friends and other guests throw confetti into the air as the sun shines down on us, 'hip, hip, Hooray' can be heard in the crowd mainly coming from Elijah and Kol. I stand in front of them, 'So I take it I am now officially a Mikaelson and your sister in law' I say to them, 'You have always been like a sister to us, but now you are  definitely a Mikaelson' Kol tells me before fully embracing me in a hug, only to be further squashed in a hug from Elijah too.

Klaus pulls me away as we run and jump into the car. Escaping the madness for a moment before our wedding party. Klaus and I kiss in the back of the car as we drive to the venue. 'I love you Mrs Mikaelson' he says softly 'I love you too Mr Mikaelson' I tell him, we both gaze at each other, both as happy and excited as each other. The car comes to a halt as we arrive back at the Abattoir. Klaus opens the door for me and helps me bring the rest of my dress out with me. I stare in awe as I notice the entire place covered in decorations. We smile at each other and run into the main hall area, I notice Josh working the music and a large amount of tables and chairs. I look at the table center pieces in awe, handmade wedding gifts for all including bubbles. Klaus pulls me over to the table which holds our wedding cake. My eyes go wide as I look at it 

'You are my queen now after all' he tells me whilst kissing me on the cheek

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'You are my queen now after all' he tells me whilst kissing me on the cheek. 'King Klaus and Queen Alex of New Orleans... I love the sound of that' I reply hugging him. As we browse everyone's tables and checked the seating arrangement we sit at our table. It is one long table, including from the outside in; Rebekah, my mother, my father, myself, Klaus, Elijah and Kol.

Klaus notices everyone coming in and holds my hand tightly. Davina rushes up to me and asks to speak with me quickly in private. I nod to Klaus and say 'keep my seat', to his smile as a response. I follow Davina into one of the back rooms, 'Davina, what's wrong?' I ask concerned, 'Alex, I don't have much time to explain, the ancestors have contacted me and told me of a very grave situation happening very soon' she says checking that no one is near, 'Ester, the Mikaelsons' mother has been resurrected and I have been told to tell you that' she breathes out deeply and continues 'Act like normal, enjoy your wedding party but remember what I have said' she tells me before opening the door and leaving.

I walk back to my seat and smile shyly towards everyone 'are you alright love?' Klaus asks, 'I'm fine, just been given something to think about' I reply trying to end the conversation. Klaus places a band on my thigh and kisses my cheek, in that instant the stress I had about the returning mother dissolves and I listen to everyone's speeches.

Once Rebekah and my parents finish their speech I rise and decide to say a few words. 'I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for making our wedding day such a great day! I also wanted to say thank you importantly to my Maid of Honor Rebekah... You are a sister to me and without you I know that today wouldn't ave gone so smoothly. I would also like to thank  Bonnie, Davina and Vincent for bringing my parents back' I look to my parents ' for without you Mum, Dad,  I would never have grown up to be the woman I am today and wife that I am.' I look towards Elijah and Kol 'And I am so happy to have been accepted into such a wonderful family and have you both to call my brothers' I smile and raise my glass, in union with everyone.

 Klaus makes his speech short and sweet,  'Alex, from the moment I met you I loved you, your passion and desire to do good in the world shone through you. You made me change from a man with hardly a care in the world to a man that loves every part of the world around him, I now have an appreciation for all who share this world including witches and wolves. You are the light in my life and to be married to you is honestly the best thing I have ever imagined and can't believe this is true. I love you Alex, forever' He says kissing me on the forehead whilst sitting down. Elijah and Kol both describe quite mad times from their life with an un married Klaus. Many laughs are shared with the guests before Klaus and I head to the dance floor for our first dance. Josh plays the music and I notice the song.

'A thousand years' by Christina Perry plays as we slow dance in the middle of the floor. I have a feeling of de ja vu as I fully remember the first time Klaus and I danced to this. Twirling around the dance floor we both start singing to each other. 

'I have died every day waiting for you darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more' we sing together.

Klaus, whist spinning me around and brushing his lips close to my ears so I hear him, sings 'time stands still beauty in all she is' I join in singing 'I will be brave, I will not let anything take away, what's standing in front of me, every breath, every hour has come to this. One step closer' we sing in perfect unison as the chorus returns 'I have died every day waiting for you, darling, don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more and all along I believed I would find you, time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more'.

 He picks me up twirling me above everyone as we continue singing in harmony, the entire hall watching our performance, eyes locked together we stop dancing and sing 'I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more'. breathing shallowly and gazing deeply into each others eyes we are brought out of our focus by everyone clapping at us' I smile as he kisses my lips passionately and we hug again. 

Pulling me off the dance floor we sit back in our seats as we enjoy some drinks. Everyone takes to the floor. The song 'I'm so excited' by the Pointer sisters comes on, I whisper a shortening spell and my dress changes length.

 I exit my seat and serenade Klaus with the song and dance routine, halfway through the song Bonnie, Davina, Rebekah and I have organised a dance routine and are performing for the crowd. I jump and dance around 'I'm so excited and I just can't hide it, I know, I know,I know,I know,I know, I know I want you, I want you!' I point directly at Klaus as we finish the song. I throw my hand up in the air and smile. I sit back with Klaus out of breath but happy.

All of a sudden the power goes out, the lights smash and the hall goes silent. I rise up out of my chair and walk over to the door, a woman walks through the doors 'Ester' I breathe out, everyone moves behind me. Klaus, Rebekah, Kol and Elijah move to the front to stand next to me. 'What are you doing here?' Klaus asks slightly growling, 'Can't I congratulate my son on getting married?' She asks sarcastically. 'What could be a better way of killing off my children than after a celebration - rather have your last memory to be a nice one' she says nonchalantly.

I notice Davina behind me. Klaus gets distracted and asks Davina what this is all about before turning to me 'Its going to be alright, you just have to say it' Klaus says. I look at the guests in the hall 'Forever and Always?' I ask looking at them all from Klaus to Kol. 

I whisper 'yes'. 

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