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Today is D-Day. Tonight is the all powerful full moon. I am as prepared as I can be, Klaus has dug a hole in the cemetery's corner with Kol's help, Elijah is supervising Vincent to ensure he is able to perform the spell and Rebekah is getting everything ready for my return including a whole new outfit and blanket. I decide to relax a little so I just laid out on the couch. Falling asleep is a common thing I have been doing now. I must be using up my energy very quickly. 

I wake up to a bang in the kitchen. I jolt awake as does Seraphina and we both head to the kitchen. Looking at a very miserable Rebekah there is pieces of meat and blood all over her dress and the most part of the kitchen. She looks down to me. 'At least I tried' she says whilst hanging her head low and walking to get changed. I jump up on the side and me and Seraphina decide to eat it from the walls and surfaces. I admit the thought of doing this whilst human would put me off but it tastes amazing when I am in my wolf form. Jumping down from the side Seraphina finishes up and runs outside. I look in the hallway floor length mirror and realize that I am covered in blood, with chunks of meat still in my fur. As Rebekah comes downstairs she looks at me. 'Don't expect me to give you a bath or anything...' She says whilst laughing. 'I know just the place' I tilt my head sideways as she makes me jump into the boot of her car. I sit un-amused as we park in front of a dog grooming parlor. She opens the door and I jump out, we walk inside and a woman comes forward and asks, 'Do you have an appointment?' Rebekah walks forward and looks into her eyes and says 'Give the full platinum treatment to my dog no questions asked' Rebekah looks to me and smirks whilst sitting down, compulsion has its perks... After a full treatment of washing, blow drying, combing, nail filing and a bow added for finesse we leave. I jump into the front seat and we head to the cemetery. I shake my coat until the bow is out of my hair. 

As we arrive in front of the cemetery I jump out of the car and run straight for Klaus. I walk up to him, hair bouncing off my body, smiling. 'Hey Alex' he says coolly. I walk to the edge of the pit, the fire is ready at the side along with the torch to alight me with. I walk away from the edge and ask Klaus 'How long till the moons up?' 'Not long now Alex, Vincent will tell us everything in steps so we will know when to do things' He replies. 

As the light fades from the sky and the dark night is drawn in I am asked to jump into the hole. I do and am instantly feeling dirt under my just manicured nails. I lay down as instructed as Vincent shouts out the spell, once everything is complete, my blood mixed with earth and my sides sliced open so I bleed out, with light fading from my vision I feel a sudden heat all around me, the torch having been lit was thrown down onto my body igniting the soil and my blood causing me to die, burned alive 

Death, a peaceful place, no pain, suffering or hunger. I feel as though I am weightless. I look at myself raising my hand to my face, no paws, no hairy legs, I place my hands over my face as I feel my familiar skin. I smile and laugh loudly. All of a sudden the happiness is drained as I feel myself being dumped on the ground, the real world appearing clearer. 

A voice, calling out to me. 'Alex? Alex, can you hear me?' worry in his voice is clear to hear. I open my eyes slowly, breathing slowly, I move from my laid down position and place one hand on the side of my head. Focusing, I hear sighs of relief. I look around seeing everyone. 

Klaus picks me up and places me on a seat. I am wrapped in a blanket as I am naked. 'Thanks everyone' I say and smile. Vincent looks visibly exhausted as he sits down too. I look up to Rebekah, Elijah and Kol. 'Glad to have you back Alex' 'We missed you a lot' 'Yeah, we missed you'. I smile as they all say that. 'I missed not being able to do normal things, and eat normal stuff. Whilst we are on the topic of food, could we hurry this all up and go out for some dinner, like pizza, steak, pasta, garlic bread, macaroni..' I ask them all. 'Sure, lets get you dressed then out for some dinner' Klaus says smiling and laughing at my addiction for every food ever. 

Walking back to the car we part ways with Vincent and I give him my phone number. 'Keep in touch Vincent, I hope we can talk about recent events and everything' I say and he nods putting my number in his pocket. 

I get changed behind the car and notice a few things since my re birth. I have a large moon shaped tattoo on my shoulder with a flame through the center of it which wasn't there before. I lick my finger and try to rub it off, with nothing happening. I put on my cardigan making sure to keep it hidden from everyone and decide to wait till tomorrow to deal with anything else.

I walk round to the front of the car, up to Klaus and hug him tightly. 'Are you alright love?' He asks softly. 'I'm fine' I say smiling with my eyes flashing a fire orange and red  burn colour. 

I smile innocently as I look out of the window, my eyes turning back to normal

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I smile innocently as I look out of the window, my eyes turning back to normal. I think to myself for a moment.

 My re birth may have brought me back my body, but what if it has changed me??

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