Just a small town girl

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Driving into Mystic falls, after hearing about this "bad luck town" from my sources I am surprised. It doesnt seem too bad. I continue driving my old black 67' chevy impala past the sign and drive into the main part of town. 'The Mystic Grill' sign stands out. I park my car just down the street. As I get out of the car, I place my wedge heeled boots onto the pavement. I step up, locking my car and walking into the grill. As I enter my senses are overwhelmed with a strange smell. Mostly human, but at the bar I smell a vampire.

When I was younger I was seen as an outcast. With my mum being a witch and my father a werewolf, I was seen by few as special and a miracle. To others I was seen as a monster, a hybrid, a ticking time bomb. My mum taught me from a very young age to control my powers.

My father taught me to embrace my werewolf side.

When I was born, I killed my mother. My birth caused a haemorrhage she lost too much blood and died. My nana, a very well respected witch, took it upon herself to ressurect her.

I graduated from medical school a year ago. My upbringing was mixed to say the least. I found my passion for helping people and decided I would become a nurse. I was still able to go to school, I loved history, physics, biology and chemistry. My love for languages came from trying to decipher the family's grimoires. Latin being most common.

I decided to move to Mystic Falls as I noticed their need for a Phlebotomist. Ironic, isnt it. A town renowned for having vampires and yet, nobody able to take blood.

I walk over to the bar, sitting close to the door and nod to the bar tender asking for a cinnamon whiskey on the rocks. As he brings over my drink I slip a 10 dollar bill to him and sit back in my seat. I feel a burning in the back of my head and I turn round.

Dark hair, pale skin, dreamy eyes - wait - he's a vampire. I think to myself. He stands up from his chair and walks towards me. 'Shit' I curse, almost in a whisper.

He walks around to my right side and smirks towards me 'You aren't from around here are you?' He says, his accent as dreamy as his eyes- I think to myself. 'Yeah, just arrived actually' I stick out my hand 'I'm Alex, Alex Baker'. He firmly shakes my hand and I feel the coldness of his skin. I shiver slightly. 'Im Damon Salvatore' I nod and smile towards him, 'Nice to meet you'.

'What are you drinking?' He asks inquizitively. 'Cinnamon whiskey on the rocks, care for a sip? Or are you more of a bourbon guy?' I ask. 'You must have read my mind, I am a bourbon guy! What are the chances'.

I laugh awkwardly and catch the bartender asking for another couple of drinks for us.

We talk the night away, half way through the night I switched from my whiskey to just a soda and we started discussing how I knew from the instant I laid eyes on him, that he was a vampire. By the end of the night - or should I say morning, I suggested that we leave. As I stand up I wobble to one side, Damon catches my arm and stands me back up. 'Thankssssss' I say to him, drawing out the hiss sound.

He laughs and asks 'Where do you stay? If you want I can drive you home?' I smile then almost instantly sobering up and realising that i still had no where to stay start to cry. He says 'Okay, your coming home with me tonight.' I dry my tears and ask him how we are going to get there. Before he could reply I dig out the keys from my back pocket and hand them over to him.

'What do you drive?' He asks, trying to calm me down. 'A 67' chevy impala' I reply, I hear him mutter 'cool' under his breath. He walks us down the street and to my car. He opens the passenger door for me and lets me in. He proceeds to get into the drivers side. As he starts her up I almost fall asleep right there to the purr of her engine.

Damon drives us a little while past the grill and we arrive in front of what could be the largest house i have ever seen - maybe even beating the legendary Mikaelson' house. He stops the engine, super speeds to catch the door as I kick it open and almost fall out and catches me.

He lifts me up over his shoulder and next thing I know I am lying on the comfiest mattress ever. 'Goodnight' I mutter and let my eyes close over.

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