By nikkihershell

133K 6.7K 697

He's here, he's always here. Watching me, protecting me. Even if I can't see him I know he's here. I can sen... More

In The Blink Of A Eye
Story Of My Life
Wicked Imagination
Accidents Happen
Only In My Dreams
This Little Light Of Mine
Enough Is Enough
Take Me To Church
Winging It
Time For Change
Truth Unfolds
Free Falling
Time Heals All Wounds
Broken Wings
Parties And Picnics
High Above Me
Mixed Emotions
Get A Grip
Hell's Bell's
What's This?!?!
Blown Up
Fighting Back
pretty cool
Something's Got To Give
The Truth Unfolds
Time Will Tell
Your Up
It's Here

Silent Stalker

4.3K 223 25
By nikkihershell

Just what in the hell am I to do? I mean this is some out of world shit I'm dealing with. I'm still not totally convinced this is really happening, I'm just twisted up in some odd nightmare. You couldn't even call this stalking, no this was more like a kidnapping. I'm being held hostage by some paranormal oddity. I can't even see him which only worsens my delima. It's not like I can report this to the authorities. They would surely give me a one way ticket to the crazy house and throw away the key. I'd be the next wacko plastered on the Enquire but instead of the headline reading I was abducted by an alien, it say kidnapped by a dark angel. If I truly didn't believe I was losing my mind I'd  laugh at all this rubbish. Right now, the point is that I need to figure out how to make this angel disappear for good and fast.

Not going to lie though, he was a looker. It's scary that a angel makes me want to commit sins, but he is just scrumptious. Dark, thick hair, nicely built, the most piercing blue eye's paired with his olive toned skin. Just plain yummy. Not to mention that strange sensation that overtook my body as I touched him. It was like his hands was on every part of my body at the same time, no spot left unattended. I could feel a humming thrill vibrate down to my bones. My mood and emotions instantly changed, going from scared and worried to peaceful and wanting. Fuck I'm not even a happy, smiley person, so I guess just his mere presence brought out the best in me, made me happy, and giggly. That explains my chipper mood over the past few day's. His golden glow is rubbing off on me and I don't like it. I can't continue to rebel if I'm all happy and shit. Yes, Gath must go.

Now he's just reveled he knows my entire life history as if it's a best selling novel, but he's full of shit. He can't know my deep, darkest secrets, the reason I'm like I am. More power to him if he think he can change me. I'm bound and determine to prove him wrong, as a matter of fact I know just the person I can talk to. Silvia. She knows all about this sort of craziness. That's right dear Gath, in a few days I'm going to send you back to cloud nine. Be prepare because I'm going to serve you up on a silver platter and devour you.

First thing first though, how to speak to Silvia if Gath is constantly latched to my side. Then it hit me. Ahhhh.... the ole mighty higher power of a text message. First thing in the morning I'm hitting her up. As for now I've got to figure out where he's at in my apartment. Pushing my thoughts aside I cleared my throat and called out. "Hey feather man, would you kindly disclose your whereabouts and stop playing all this Houdini crap?"

Several seconds passed in silence then suddenly I hear a loud "Boo" echoed in my ear. Jumping like the devil himself had appeared, I balled my fist up and yelled. "Stop doing that shit, will ya? You can't just go around sneaking up on people".

Hearing him chuckle only infuriated me more but I pushed my anger aside. "Seriously, where are you?"

"Sitting right beside you".

Looking in the direction of his voice I mumbled. "Wow, you really don't believe in personal space do you?"

"Until your fixed, your space is my space".

"Why don't you expose yourself so I can at least see where you are?"

"No can do. It's against the rules. I only did it earlier so maybe the seriousness of your situation would sink in."

"Okay, so what if I was in danger, would you expose yourself?"

"Depends on the situation".

Nodding my head I made mental notes to use against him later. Then another thought occurred to me. "I have some ground rules as well".

Hearing the sigh he released I had no doubt that he just rolled his eye's. "Please Aspen, let me hear your rules"
He said with sarcasm.

Ignoring his smartness I made my demands. "When I shower, dress, etc. You are to leave me alone in privacy. You must become visible so I'm assured your not perving on me"

"Whatever Aspen. By the way you should stop wearing all those baggy clothes. You have a tight little figure that should be showed off".

Gasping at his rather unangelic remark I retorted. "And tell me exactly how you can save me if your making comments like that?"

"Oh I can. Just watch and learn. Watch and learn kid".

Tired of his arrogance I stood up.  "Goodnight" I grinded out and fell into my bed.

The next morning as I ate breakfast I sent a text to Silvia.

"How do you get rid of a unwanted spirit, demon, and the sort?"

I wasn't about to let her know why I was asking because the last thing I needed was everyone knowing about my craziness and Silvia was sure to blab.

"What are you doing?"

Jumping and tipping my coffee I squealed. "Didn't I tell you not to do that shit. Now look at the mess you've made. I thought you was asleep, or even better....gone".

"Sorry sweetness, I don't need sleep. I'm always up. By the way do you know you make this adorably irritating chewing motion in your sleep?"

Tossing my spoon in the direction of his voice I hissed. "Are you even watching me while I sleep, that's just tenth degree creepy".

"Hey, like I said I don't sleep. I needed entertainment".

"Then watch t.v., read a book, fly off a cliff for all I care".

"Wow, anger issues much?"

"No. Your just cramping my style and I don't like it".

"Newsflash Aspen, your style went out a decade ago. All the 90's grunge bands called and want their wardrobe back".

"Oh, ha, ha, ha. That was a good one you over grown bird. Now kindly shut up and let me be".

"Right after you tell me who you was texting".

"Silvia about some work issues".

He seemed satisfied with that answer and I continued my breakfast. Finally Sivial text back with what I needed to know. Salt I had, sage was another thing though. Slipping my shoes on I headed for the door and I could feel Gath's presence around me. I went to the closest market and got my sage along with a few other items as not to look suspicious. Once at home I grabbed the salt from my cabinet and went to the center of the floor where I spread it out in a circle around me. Then I lit the sage with a lighter and swished the smoke about. Supposedly the salt circle would keep him from me and the smoldering sage would expel anything harmful from my home. After a few minutes I heard Gath making a gruntal sound. "No,oh no, I'm melting, I'm melting. Help me".

Everything went silent and I was shocked that this seemed to work. Just as I was getting ready to rejoice I saw the salt circle being scattered wildly and the smoldering sage being put out. Laughing he spoke. "You silly little thing you. That mess doesn't work Ghostbuster. Like I said your stuck with me. Suck it up buttercup".

Yes, i truly felt stupid and couldn't even argue back over my idiotic tactics to rid me of this annoying ass. "I'm taking a shower. Expose yourself like we discussed."

A second later his beautiful black wing's came into sight along with the rest of him. Rushing over I yanked one of his feathers out just to get a bit of revenge. Walking toward the bathroom I heard that bratty chuckle of his.

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