Notice Me

By callheryellow

441 10 0

A story about teen pregnancy, love, heartbreak, and rekindling. happy reading! xo More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen

chapter six

23 1 0
By callheryellow

June 8, 2012

I rubbed my hands together. I was sitting in Rodney's room on his bed, while he was in the bathroom showering. We got back to his house after dinner two hours ago. His parents are still out of town, they've been gone since last week. We were the only ones here, he sent the maids home early so we could be alone. I was so scared I was second guessing telling him. Rebecca called me earlier and told me if I didn't want to do it I didn't have to. I needed to though.

I heard the bathroom door open and my heart dropped. He was standing in front of me with nothing but a towel hanging low on his hips. He was gorgeous and all mine. Not for long. I gulped.

"Hey baby, you okay?"

My eyes snapped to his and I looked down. Clothes, he had on clothes. How long was I daydreaming for? "Yeah I'm okay, um.. Rod?"

He raised an eyebrow and sat next to me. "Yeah Jess?"

"I.. I have to tell you something um.." I looked down and started playing with my fingers. Get a hold of yourself Jessica!

"Hey, hey.." He lifted my chin up so I was looking at him. Blue to brown. "It's okay princess you can tell me."

I took a deep breath. It's now or never Jess you can do this. I gulped. "I'm um.. I'm uh.. I'm pregnant." I looked down at my hands again.

Silence, that's all I could hear. Same with Rebecca, except hers was comforting, this was deafening. I looked back up to see a look of disgust, my heart dropped.

"You're what?" He stood up and ran his fingers through his fluffy dirty blonde hair. "Is it.. is it mine?"

I reeled back in shock. "What?"

He shook his head. "No no.. of course it's mine I'm sorry." He looked away for a moment.

"Rodney.. please say something. I.. I don't.. I don't know what to do." My voice was so shaky I didn't even recognize it myself.

He sighed and then looked at me. He was shaking with anger. "I don't want it. Ellie was right about you."

My heart skipped a beat, and it wasn't in the good way. "I'm confused? You don't.. you don't wha-"

"I don't fucking want it! Kill it!" It happened so fast I didn't even see the money flying towards me until it hit me in my chest. "There.. That's two damn thousand dollars." He shook his head and pulled his hair. "I thought you were different Jessica, but you're not. You're fucking not. I thought you were. Fuck!"

I stared down at the money. What the fuck? Ellie was right about me? I looked up at him and saw nothing but hate shinning in those beautiful blue eyes that once stared at me with so much love. I knew that this was going to happen, I just didn't think that him nor his sister would think of me as some kind of gold digger. I thought he knew me better than that, clearly I thought wrong.

"Just get the fuck out, go kill the thing , and get the hell out!"

I closed my eyes. My heart was breaking in two and I couldn't do shit about it. "I'll pay for it myself.." I got up and walked out leaving the money.. walked out and away from the love of my life. Forever.

April 6, 2016

I was sitting down in my living room, starring at the wall. There were pictures of Reid covering it, from when he was just a week old until now. I still can't believe my big boy is three. I remember the day that he was born like yesterday. I had a natural birth. I was in so much pain, but it was worth every second.

I was brought out of my thoughts with a knock on the door. I looked at the time on the TV and raised my eyebrow, it was almost ten o'clock at night. I got up and went to the door. "Who is it?"


My eyes widen and I looked around. I was on the verge of a panic attack. I took deep breaths and managed to calm my self down a little.

"Jessica, open the door please I just want to talk."

I looked around again and sighed. I pressed the remote and a black screen fell down over the wall of Reid. I didn't like it at first, but now I praise Adam for recommending it. I really didn't want Rodney to find out yet.

"I know you're standing right there. I can hear your loud breathing."

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. "Talk about what?"

"I'll let you know once I'm inside, it's cold out here."

I walked over to the door and my hand hovered over the door knob. This is it Jessica, take deep breaths it's not like you haven't been alone with him before. Yeah just be calm. I nodded and open the door slowly. My breath hitched when I took in his appearance. Hair tousled, pink plump lips, soft blue eyes connecting with my soft brown ones, the feeling was so intense I could've passed out. He was so beautiful. Stop.

He walked past me and sat down on the couch. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and closed the door and locked it. I turned around to face him to see him already looking at me. I raised my eyebrow. "Talk about what?"

His eyes shone in amusement. "You're not going to greet me?"

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I sat on the chair across from him. "No better yet, how did you find me?"

He shrugged. "I have connections." Adam told you about this, he's a very powerful man. Whatever.

"Sure, what do you want?"

He looked at me, blue to brown. "You."

I flinched from the certainty in his voice. "What?"

"And I always get what I want."

I scowled. "Well tough luck, I'm not up for grabs."

He raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that?" Cocky bastard.

I gritted my teeth. "Yes. Now, please tell me what you really want so I can go to bed."

He cleared his throat. "I just wanted to talk to you about the company."

I leaned back in the chair and crossed my leg over the other. His eyes caught the movement and lingered for a moment then back up to my face. I shook my head. Men. "What about it? You took it almost three months ago."

"I did, but I don't want you to work there any more."

My eyebrows creased. "Why?" I sat up alert as realization dawned upon me. "You're firing me?"

He nodded. "I am, but-"

"You fucking bastard!" I slammed my hand against the chairs arm.

He didn't even flinch. "Calm down Jess, you didn't let me finish."

"It's Jessica to you." I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. I was furious, how dare he do this to me. "Finish what? You said what you had to now get the hell out."

"No I didn't Jessica there was a but.."

"But what Rodney?"

"If you calm down and just let me tell you then may-"

I looked at him bewilderingly. "Just fucking say it!"

He raised his hands up in surrender. "Okay, I'm working on this project with my company to start a new film program and I want you to be the head of it."

I frowned and sat back. "What?"

"I want you to be in charge."

I shook my head and let out a breath. "I'm not good with things like that. My sole focus is producing and directing. That's what I furthered my studies for."

He nodded. "And that's why I want you to be in charge of the program. I want you to run it, I remember how much you wanted your own business." He got up and walked over to sit beside me. "This is your chance, please take it."

I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes. "What's the catch." I stated blandly.

"There isn't one. Just say you'll think about it. I want to make your dreams come true, that's all I've ever wanted for you." He pushed some of my hair behind my ear.

I flinched from his cold touch, but my heart fluttered at his words. Don't go soft Jessica, he hurt you. Yes I know but it's kind of hard to ignore the way I'm feeling when he's literally right in front of me. Toughen up. I mentally rolled my eyes at my self. "Okay, I'll think about it."

He let out a breath and forced a smile. He finally looked around my apartment. "This penthouse is nice, that horrible job must be paying you well I assume."

"Yes that horrible job pays me very well thank you." I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Well if you were working for me you would be living in a mansion right now."

I wanted to roll my eyes but I resisted. Damn I've been doing that a lot lately. "Technically, I'm working for you now and I said I'll think about it."

"Hey, I was just saying. But I think I'll leave now."

I glanced back at him and nodded. "Okay good, I'll show you out." I walked to the front door and opened it.

He looked at me with longing and smiled softly. "Goodnight Jessica." He walked out.

I closed the door, locked it, and laid my head against it. "Goodnight."

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