I Really Do Hate You.....(Ave...

By tippilanea7x

226K 6.5K 211


Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Brian's POV
Anastacia's POV
Brain's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Johnny's POV
Zacky's POV
Brian's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Anastacia's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Zacky's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Brian's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Zacky's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Zacky's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Matt's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Anastacia's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Meg's POV
Ana's POV
Jimmy's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Meg's POV
Johnny's POV
Anastacia's POV
Stacey's POV
Lilah's POV
Jimmy's POV
Johnny's POV
Meg's POV
Zacky's POV
Stacey's POV
Bree's POV
Brian's POV
Meg's POV
Zacky's POV
Lilah's POV
Bree's POV
Ana's POV
Jimmy's POV
Meg's POV
Jimmy's POV
Lilah's POV
Matt's POV
Ana's POV
Bree's POV
Meg's POV
Brian's POV
Ana's POV
Zacky's POV
Bree's POV
Meg's POV
Ana's POV
Matt's POV
Brian's POV
Lilah's POV
Zacky's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Brian's POV
Bree's POV
Matt's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Zacky's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Jimmy's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Brian's POV
Matt's POV
Ana's POV
Meg's POV
Matt's POV
Ana's POV

Matt's POV

1.4K 46 0
By tippilanea7x

I layed there for awhile thinking......thinking about how stupid I'd been.....I'd wasted three year's making her life miserable......maybe if I hadn't been such a dick Ana would've been my girlfriend a long time ago.


I looked at her sleeping.

Yes girlfriend......I wanted her to stay in my life....it had taken me three year's to get here and I certainly wasn't going to let her go.

But first I had to speak to her dad. I didn't want to hide, I wanted everyone to know she was my girl.

And Brian......I hadn't even thought about Brian......what would I say to him?

I pulled Ana closer and she opened her eye's and looked at me.

"Go to sleep baby." she whispered brushing her lips over mine.

I kissed her forehead and drifted off to sleep.

The sound of a zipper opening woke me up.

Oh shit,  I thought, what if it's Ana's dad?

I sat up.

"What's wrong?" Ana asked me sitting up too.

"Someone is up." I whispered looking at her.

And I had to smile, she looked beautiful with her crazy hair everywhere.

"What are you smiling at?" she asked looking at me wide eyed.

"Oh my god....you." and I pulled her face to mine and kissed her.

"Jesus do you two ever stop." Lilah said climbing back in the tent "It's time to leave studly."

I leaned over and kissed Ana again.... "I'll see you soon." I whispered and climbed out of the tent.

I really didn't want to leave her.

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