No More


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After winning the Building Competition without her, her friends Petra, Axel, and Olivia no longer acknowledge... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 3, It's not fair.
Prologue Part 4, The end of the beginning.
Chapter 1: A Dark Rebirth
Chapter 2: Companions
Chapter 3: Mercy
Chapter 4: King and Peace
Chapter 5: Birthdays
Chapter 6: Countdown Part 1
Chapter 7: Countdown Part 2
Chapter 8: Countdown Part 3
Chapter 9: Countdown Part 4
Chapter 10: Interlude Part 1
Chapter 11: Interlude Part 2
Chapter 12: End Part 1
Chapter 13: End Part 2
Chapter 14: End Part 3
Important... Again!
Chapter 15: End Part 4
Chapter 16: End Part 5
Chapter 17: Reunion
Chapter 18: Update
Chapter 19: Boom Part 1
Chapter 20: Boom Part 2
Chapter 21: Boom Part 3
Chapter 22: Boom Part 4
Chapter 23: Boom Part 5
Chapter 24: Boom Part 6
Chapter 25: Boom Part 7
Chapter 26: Boom Part 8
Chapter 27: A deal
Chapter 28: Twilight Part 1
Chapter 29: Twilight Part 2
Chapter 30: Twilight Part 3
Chapter 31: Twilight Part 4
Chapter 32: Twilight Part 5
Chapter 33: Twilight Part 6
Chapter 34: Conclusion
Chapter 35: Aftermath
Chapter 36: Realization
Chapter 37: Explanation
Chapter 38: Demand
Chapter 39: Crime
Chapter 40: Punishment
Chapter 41: Deception
Chapter 42: Start
Chapter 43: Order
Chapter 44: Lesson Part 1
Chapter 45: Lesson Part 2
Chapter 46: Conflicting
Chapter 47: Appearance
Chapter 48: Puppets Part 1
Chapter 49: Puppets Part 2
Chapter 50: Puppets Part 3
Chapter 51: Puppets Part 4
Chapter 52: Puppets Part 5
Chapter 53: Exposure Part 1
Chapter 54: Exposure Part 2
Chapter 55: Exposure Part 3
Chapter 56: Consequences Part 1
Chapter 57: Consequences Part 2
Chapter 58: Redstone Part 1
Chapter 59: Redstone Part 2
Chapter 60: Redstone Part 3
Chapter 61: Redstone Part 4
Chapter 62: Redstone Part 5
Chapter 63: Redstone Part 6
Chapter 64: Redstone Part 7
Chapter 65: Redstone Part 8
Chapter 66: Damnation Part 1
Chapter 67: Damnation Part 2
Chapter 68: Damnation Part 3
Chapter 70: Damnation Part 5
Chapter 71: Damnation Part 6
Chapter 72: Damnation Part 7
Chapter 73: Revealing
Chapter 74: Explaining
Chapter 75: Demonstrating
Chapter 76: Clockwork Part 1
A/N again
Chapter 77: Clockwork Part 2
Chapter 78: Clockwork Part 3
Chapter 79: Clockwork Part 4
Chapter 80: Clockwork Part 5
Chapter 81: Clockwork Part 6
Chapter 82: Clockwork Part 7
Chapter 83: Clockwork Part 8 (With Q&A)
Chapter 84: Clockwork Part 9
Chapter 85: Clockwork Part 10
Chapter 86: Clockwork Part 11
Chapter 87: Clockwork Part 12
Chapter 88: Clockwork Part 13
Chapter 89: Clockwork Part 14
Chapter 90: Clockwork Part 15
Chapter 91: Revelations Part 1
Chapter 92: Revelations Part 2
Chapter 93: Revelations Part 3
Chapter 94: Revelations Part 4
Chapter 95: Revelations Part 5
Chapter 96: Deicide Part 1
Chapter 97: Deicide Part 2
Chapter 98: Deicide Part 3
Chapter 99: Retain
Chapter 100: Deicide Part 4
Chapter 101: Deicide Part 5
Chapter 102: Deicide Part 6
Chapter 103: Deicide Part 7
Chapter 104: Deicide Part 8
Chapter 105: Confession
Chapter 106: Correlation
Chapter 107: Causation
Chapter 108: Fallacy
Chapter 109: Gone
Chapter 110: Neglect
Chapter 111: Used
Chapter 112: Damage Control
Chapter 113: Startling News

Chapter 69: Damnation Part 4

536 35 52

The duo ran towards the wounded Bailey, Petra glancing at Chai walking away as the urge to fight her never disappeared.

Bailey may not be friend, but she's a good girl! She didn't deserve what happened to her just because she pleaded for help.

Both of them kneeled by Olivia, who's trying to stop the bleeding and preventing Bailey's organs from spilling out again. "Olivia, listen to me," Said Lisa in her calm voice. "I need you to help us get out of here."

Olivia looked at Lisa, still horrified at what she had to do just to keep Bailey alive as her blood is still covering Olivia. "Help how?" She croaked, still shaken by the recent events.

"I need you to bring out a golem." Lisa stated calmly as Petra rushed towards Axel, ready to help kill the swarming undead monsters. "You always carry the parts in your inventory, and I need one that can carry us."

"But that'll take too long," Olivia shook her head as Lisa pulled out a Potion of Healing, provided by Bailey and applied it to her. "Besides, your Templar energy will disrupt the golem's movements since my Golem Tinkerer Class uses Mana to control the golem."

"That's why it's only going to carry everyone but me." Revealed Lisa, much to Olivia's surprise. "The golem, the Scorpion model to be exact, is big and fast enough to carry everyone away from here."

"What about you though?" asked Olivia, finally taking her hands off of, the now unconscious, Bailey as the girl seemed to be stable... for now, at least if her pained breathing is any indication.

"I'm a Templar," Lisa reminded. "While I don't use Mana, that doesn't mean I can't use spells."

"But I can't just leave you here," Protest Olivia as Petra decapitated a zombie that was about to flank Axel. "You're our friend, and Jesse's wife and-!"

"And I can take care of myself," Lisa interrupted calmly as she handed over the green gem Collin gave them. "There is an outpost north from here, this will help you get inside."

"But what about you?" asked Olivia, pocketing the gem as she started to pullout her golem parts and started to set up.

"I need to find my husband." Said Lisa as she pulled out her black longsword. "He would have transported the soldiers out of the town on a platform made out of an earth type material, but I didn't see it on the way over here, and I still don't see it now."

"Then we should help too!" Protested Olivia as she's halfway done with the construction of Scorpion, saving time by not adding in the weaponry. "We can't just abandon you all alone here!"

"Bailey needs medical attention, the outpost in the north can save her." Said Lisa as she decapitated three zombies that rushed at her, circling around Olivia to protect her while she works. "Also, Axel is exhausted, and so is Petra. We are outnumbered here, and more monsters are coming!"

Olivia looked around as she was almost done, the never-ending swarm of undead monsters that, for some reason, are heading towards the town. With a final click and connecting the jointed, mechanical stinger to the main body. Scorpion is completed.

Olivia gently picked up Bailey and placed her on top of the large, mechanical arachnid. "It's done," She shouted above the fighting. "Axel, Petra, get on!"

The duo that was fighting gave Olivia a surprised glance before running towards her machine. Hopping on top with Axel near the tail, Petra in the middle with Bailey's head on her lap, and Olivia in the front as she concentrates on bringing the machine to life.

The red eyes of the artificial arachnid glowed. Olivia used her red mage magic as her current Class, Golem Tinkerer, branched off of the Red Mage Class. Axel looked at Lisa as she is easily fighting off the undead monsters. "Lisa, get on!" he shouted.

Lisa just shook her head. "I'll just slow you down," She shouted as she bisected another zombie, not wanting to explain how her being a Templar would make things worse. "GO!"

"But we can't just abandon you," Shouted Petra, ready to get off again but was stopped by Lisa's stare.

"You're not abandoning me." Lisa stated while fighting. "We're simply regrouping-!" She then threw her black longsword at the group, flying pass them and killing a zombie that was about to munch on Bailey's flesh.

"Just go already!" Lisa shouted, looking at the monsters that blocked her friends' path to the north. "Head into town, and circle around the monsters and then head north!"

Lisa used her Templar energy to gather into her hands, launching white fire at the zombies. On contact, like a parasite, it siphoned the Mana off of the monsters, and formed chains around their necks before expanding so thick it separated the heads from their bodies.

"Olivia," Lisa reminded as the group, reluctantly, went into the town. "Remember, use the gem I gave you to get into the fortress! I'll meet you there!"

And so they rode on top of Olivia's golem as Lisa's fighting form became smaller in the distance. They continued through the empty streets of the destroyed town.

"Wait, something is not right." Axel shouted, above the groaning and roaring of the undead monsters that are roaming the empty streets.

"Yeah, there are undead monsters everywhere!" shouted Petra. "Where are they coming from?!"

Olivia looked around, noticing that all of the monsters are heading in the same direction, just not directly at the group. "They all seem to be heading deeper into town," She concluded. "But why?"

"No, that's not it." Denied Axel. "It's not the monsters, but something else."

'But what could it be?' Thought Axel.

While Axel pondered this question, Petra explained what happened to the town to Olivia and Bailey, as she woke up thanks to Lisa applying a Potion of Healing earlier.

"So... is he dead?" asked Bailey, her head still on Petra's lap, her skin a sickly pale, and yet horrified of Petra's explanation of the cloaked man, and how he caused so much disturbing destruction.

"He blew himself up, and the rest of the intact part of town with him." Confirmed Petra as they rode through the empty streets. "Before that, a soldier named Collin gave us a gem that can get us inside the fortress to the north of this empty town."

"Do you know the name of the place?" asked Olivia, focusing on operating her golem to turn north on an empty street as they found an opening in the surrounding horde of undead.

"Collin died before he could tell us," Said Petra, as she let out a sad sigh. "He said to take any survivors we find to that outpost. But we didn't find any."

"Well, I guess that would be Axel's fault." Casually said Olivia as she let out a disappointed sigh before Petra could mention Jesse actually found survivors. "I shouldn't have given him a task that was too complicated for his low intelligence."

"Okay, that's it," Seethed a frustrated Petra, making Bailey flinch from her hostile tone. She didn't care if she's going to yell at the only person who could operate their transportation. "Olivia, you need to stop-!"

"Wait, that's it!" Interrupted Axel. Tolerating his soon-to-be wife's insult of his intelligence. "That's why this doesn't fell right: the streets, the town itself, are empty!"

"So what?" Sassed Olivia. "There's more room for us to run away from the monsters. Don't think about it too hard, or you could end up hurting yourself."

"But what happened to all of the dead people who became frozen, black statues?" Asked Axel, much to their shock. "They're gone!"

Then there was silence. No one talked as everyone realized Axel is right! They looked around as they traveled through them empty, destroyed town. The very streets that Petra, Axel, Lisa, and Jesse passed through had hundreds of frozen-in-black corpses, a mix of soldiers and civilians, are now gone.

What happened to them?


The grey-cloaked man watched at the mechanical spider-like contraption continued to copy and download Jesse's memories. He let out a sigh, black dust polluting the air as he did.

Soon, he'll have his revenge. But is avenging more accurate? He is doing this for another person who got screwed over by the Kingdom of the Forest. To be more specific: the soldiers under the command of the Clockwork Fortress, north from this town as the soldiers from there spread out to the surrounding villages.

He didn't bother finding out the name of the village he just destroyed, just like the other twenty-one villages he slaughtered in the past few days.

Sleep didn't matter. Hunger didn't matter. Life didn't matter. Names didn't matter, neither his nor his victims. Nothing did. Not even him. His own existence, as Jess described it, was nothing more than a mistake. A fluke even.

A motherless abomination is an accurate description for him, unable to die as the constant agony makes it so much worse. The days of constant pain... it reminds him of what Jess asked him.

... How many seconds are in eternity...?She asked him. Because you will be able to count a part of it as you live every second of eternity walking in agony, you freak...

'My life is nothing more than a joke.' Thought the man, but Jess promised him one thing, something that will make it all go away. 'I just want to die... is that too much to ask?'

So the one thing that actually does matter was fulfilling the requirements Jess assigned to him as he continued with his rampage. He was fulfilling them right now: granting PAMA access to Jesse's memories.

And soon, after destroying two more villages, and then the Clockwork Fortress along with the female leader who runs it, he will hunt down the one woman who did this to him. The very female responsible for his body in this agonizing state.

The man snapped out of his thoughts when Jesse rose from the ground. He gripped his scythe, preparing for a fight, only to let the weapon be gripped loosely in his right hand as he saw Jesse's eye turn red.

"Hey, PAMA." The abomination greeted, black dust pouring out as he did, making sure none of it went near Jesse. "Does Jess know you are controlling her brother?"

"My master gave me permission just this once," PAMA informed, using Jesse's body to communicate as Jesse's normal voice sounded slightly higher in a static tone. "Only to help you in your quest of vengeance and avenging, freak."

He didn't care that PAMA called him a freak, it's right. That's all he is, nothing more. "So how can you help me?"

"One of the meatbags who you are trying to kill is nearby." Reported PAMA, controlling Jesse's body to tap Jesse's head. "This meatbag's memories confirmed it."

"Is it the leader of the Clockwork Fortress? Is she nearby." He asked hopefully. He wouldn't kill that woman in charge... yet. He may not know her name, but he needs to download her memories into PAMA, and ultimately delivering them to Jess.

"Even better." Revealed PAMA. "The meatbag called Bailey: the woman who is responsible for your current agonizing existence."

A/N: Oh no, Bailey, what did you do?! If only there was someone to give an answer! Oh, wait, that would be me! Hahahahahaha~!

Who is the cloaked man? And what will he do now that one of the people he's after is so close?!

Also, what happened to all of the people who died, frozen as black statues as they silently scream in agony? Care to take a guess?

But seriously, keep up the discussion in the comments! I love hearing people's theories and ideas and it makes me feel... good. More than good. Proud even.

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