Boarding School for the Rejec...

By everetet

63.6K 705 143


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3.3K 44 11
By everetet

Woot double digits guys!!! :D

Recap: Zeke shrugged, "Get some sleep Elizabetta," he said to me before walking away. It was the middle of the day, but it seemed like a good idea. It's pathetic I think, but crying was exhausting. Damien slammed the door behind himself as he walked in with me still in his arms. He placed me down on my bed, "What happened?" He asked me and I could tell that he was trying hard to keep himself from shouting and being angry. I didn't look at him; I simply curled up on my bed waiting for sleep to overcome me in its sweet embrace.

The next couple of days weren't the best I wouldn't even write anything to Damien or Zeke or anyone else who I knew that tried to talk to me. They tried to get my attention, but I just ignored them not even focusing on what they were saying. I was scared to get close to people again after the events from the other day, the memories which had flooded back from the back of my mind. Damien gave up trying after a while having gotten pissed by me ignoring him, and Zeke tried to talk to me during our magical sciences class, but just got himself in trouble, and I wouldn't let him talk to me after our classes were over for the day because I just went straight into my room as quickly as I could. I really didn't even care to find out what I was anymore, it would probably be easier for me to stay human, it wasn't like I was special anyway.

When I arrived at the room there was a folded piece of paper taped to the door that read "Happy Birthday Elizabetta!" I felt a bit touched that Zeke (I figured it was from him considering the fact that he knew everything about me now and since I hadn't told anyone else) would put this up for me, but quickly dismissed the feeling as I tore the paper down not even bothering to read what it said inside.

I walked in to my room and stopped surprised to see Zeke in there. I began to walk out of my room feeling pathetic that I was leaving MY room to get away from a person that should not have even been in there. "No Elizabetta wait. I need to tell you something really important!" I stopped because his voice sounded urgent. I turned back around looking at him with a painful gaze on my face wanting to be away from him.

"Listen I found out that you're a Fallidrah. It's one of the rarest species among us- only one every millennia- , and it's really important that you be careful, because you're going to... Well be transforming sometime today I believe." He said whispering the end, and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head. What? Was I going to turn into some freak?

"I need to speak quickly because I don't know when it'll happen, but you're soul is basically made of nearly every nonhuman species. You will basically look normal, but your mind is going to-" His quick rambling came to a halt as a blood curdling scream rang through the room. It took me a moment to realize it came from me as I fell to the ground curled up holding my head in pain, my eyes clenched close. I felt as if I was being stabbed over and over in the head. The pain was unbearable as I wished for it to stop; I would have rather died if it meant it would stop.

After several minutes the pain began to subside, as I was finally able to finally let go of my head and sit up as I opened my eyes as well. I looked up to see Zeke sitting on my bed just watching me. My lips formed a scowl as I glared at him, he must have understood why because he immediately began to try and explain, "I'm sorry Elizabetta, but this wasn't something I could do anything about. The power was going to unleash itself when your body became the most mature," he told me with a smile on his face.

I looked at him oddly. "Did you understand me?" He asked still smiling. I nodded my head wondering why I wouldn't. "I am speaking the language of my people." My eyes widened in confusion and shock, and then I noticed also that his accent was gone. "This is one of the things that come with being a Fallidrah is that there will be no limitations to what you can understand."

"That is odd...." I said not realizing I had and I think even in Zeke's language until I saw a shocked expression upon Zeke's face. I then realized that everything that was holding me back from speaking before, all of the worries and fears of getting to close and then losing people were gone. My mind felt more open, and felt less fearful of things that could, but might not happen.

"I haven't learned enough about Fallidrahs... Right now I don't know what to tell you, but that you're memory and knowledge are going to increase. Apparently you are going to be able to know things that you had never learned." I sighed at hearing that, I didn't want to know things I didn't learn. I didn't want to be a Falliger? Fallitrah? Whatever it was, I didn't want to be some rare thing that a new one came to be every millennium.

I suddenly noticed pounding at the door as chair was put underneath the doorknob. I turned my head to Zeke, "Why did you lock the door?"

"I didn't want anyone to interrupt when your mind was trying to change." He said quietly as if hoping he would be forgiven. I just shook my head giving him a small smile. I walked over to the door removing the chair and opened the door almost having Damien pound into my face. "What the fuck happened?! Why did you scream? Are you-" He bombarded me with all these questions, but suddenly stopped as he saw Zeke in the room. "Why are you here?" I have no idea what he must have thought me and Zeke were doing, but his face suddenly paled. I almost laughed.

"Damien calm down! Nothing happened- okay well that's a huge understatement. I just found out I'm a... Oh yeah Fallidrah and then some shit happened in my head that made me scream and now I'm all better," I said smiling. Damien simply gave me a 'What the fuck? Are you high?' kind of look. "Look I'm fine don't worry, and sorry about how I was. Just... Too much stuff had been putting me out of it." I said and his face softened.

"Okay... But right now I still want Belikov out of here. Now." I just nodded to Zeke for him to leave right now I would talk to him more later. He gave me a small smile before heading out of the door. "So... You're talking now? ...Like permanently?" He asked apparently not sure if this was really real, that I was going to stay talking. I gave him a light smile, "I believe so, and again I'm sorry for ignoring you the past few days," I said frowning lightly as I walked over to him and hugged him lightly, he stiffened up for a moment not hugging back, but relaxed into it though still not hugging me.

"So you finally found out what you were huh? A Fallidrah... These things really aren't common, not many people even know about them, most actually think they're myths... And unfortunately I don't know much either. You should probably talk to Headmaster Draemond soon before anything serious happens..." He said emotionlessly. I kind of felt sad that he was starting to go back to his bitter way, but then again I guess in his mind I was probably like 'Fuck you' for the past few days when I ignored him. I had another question in my mind though. "Why do you say before anything happens?"

He was quiet for a few moments after that and then he just shrugged, "In case you get any powers or something." His voice was cold and it seemed like he was getting colder by the minute. His face suddenly dropped and I wondered what had happened. "Exactly... Exactly how did you find out you were a Fallidrah?" He asked his blue eyes light and intense as he stared at me. I felt like I had suddenly grown smaller as he looked at me and felt a bit embarrassed to tell him how it happened. "Tell me. Now." His voice held so much power in it and I knew from my own experience a bit about how much power he held physically.

I bit my lip for another second before opening my mouth, "Well you see, Zeke kind of bit me because he is a Fang Viewer and wanted to help me find out what I was and yeah." Unlike how I felt my words came out with complete casualty even followed by a shrug. I was completely surprised by it, but what surprised me even more was that I think I caught Damien off guard, which truly was a rarity, because his face dropped and seemed to be completely shocked. His face suddenly became composed just as quickly as it had fallen apart and a look of pure rage crossed his face. My eyes widened as I started backing up away from him. I'm not sure what was completely wrong with that, but whatever it was I knew this wasn't going to end up well.

"He is a fucking Fang Viewer?! Did you even bother to find out anything about Fang Viewers before you openly stuck your neck out?" He had more to say, but I cut in as I stopped walking back, "I didn't "openly stick my neck out" he kept me from moving when he did it! I had said no!" I yelled and then bit my tongue cursing under my breath. I had not meant to tell him this, I had purposely not told him when explaining how I found out, but now I had idiotically let it out.

He was suddenly in front of me slamming my body against the wall that I had ended up in front of, "You are now bonded for life since he bit you! He is always going to know what you're feeling and you should be able to feel his emotions too. It's like a protection technique of their people so that they can always protect their mates, and now you're his, and you're going to be for the rest of both of your lives unless he decided to break the bond which I doubt he'll do considering he did this without your consent." He said with so much lethal venom and anger shaking from his body and his words that it almost scared me, but really I was speechless. How could Zeke do this?

Comments? Opinions? What do you guys think?!?!?!??!

And by the way I really want to say thank you to everyone who has fanned and voted for me you have no idea how much it means to me. I made it to #173 on the What's Hot list which is a new personal goal, and got like 10 new fans from the last chapter. If I would see all of the people who have voted and fanned for me I would give every single one of you a hug <3 Thanks guys ^^

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