A Mindless Twin!!

By C_Perry16

63.7K 596 78


A Mindless Twin!!
meeting for the first time:)
Finally Together
The Sleep Over!
Once Again:/
The tour.
We Going To The Mall.....
One down...Two to go
Gummy Worms
Cyra...and the boys
The date!!!
I dont know what to believe anymore...
so sad
We miss Them
The airport
meeting again
Not A Morning Person
At the Park
I like fried chicken;)
This Nigga again...
Sorry I haven't wrote in a while
Hate On Cyra Day
I done got shot
come one Cyra..wake the hell up
Jake and Bella
second play date
Jake comes home.
Baby Moments
You are so dead!!!!
Update!! Castig Call!

unexpected arrival

1.2K 11 14
By C_Perry16

~~Prod's POV~~

I opened my eyes to see I was still in the hospital room. I sat up from my spot on the floor, looking around.

"Look who's up." Cyra said, with a laugh. I shook my head and stood up. "Did you have a nice nap?" Ray asked, laughing with Cyra. 

I ignored him and walked to Cyra's side. "which on is this?" I asked, rubbing the babies cheek with my thumb. "Ty. Roc has Sky." she said, smiling up at me. I nodded, "Can I hold him?" I asked shyly. 

"Sure." Cyra held him out for me to grab him. With the help of her, I finally got him in the right place in my arms. "Hey lil man. I'm your uncle." I said, smiling down at him. "how come you won't let me hold them mommy?" Jake asked, pouting. "You can at the house." Roc said. 

"I wanna hold Sky now Roc." Cyra said, looking over to Roc. He looked up from Sky with his eyebrow raised. "Come on you got to hold her since she came out. Hand her over." 

Roc slowly made his way to Cyra with a tight grip on Sky. He signed then pasted her over, but keep his hand on her back. "Hold Tyler." I said, holding Ty towards him.

He smiled and grabbed him from me. "Hey baby." He said, messing with his fingers. I moved off the bed so he could sit down and went to stand by Prince.

"Princeton!! I want a baby." Celeste whined to him. "Um, ok...how about in a few more years." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Cel sighed with a nod. 

"well, Cyra when do you get out of here?" Casey asked, walking over to the bed. "I think tonight. They said the babies looked fine and I did to so yea." 

We all nodded and looked down to the twins. "I can't believe I'm an uncle." I said. "You? I'm a mom of twins." Cyra said, rubbing Sky's cheek as she fell asleep. "But your already the best." Roc said giving me a kiss. 

"And your the best daddy." She said, perking his lips. I rolled me eyes and sat down on the other side of Cyra. 

"Knock Knock." We all turned to see the doctor walking in. "Well Cyra your free to go and the twins also. Just keep it easy for the next few days." She said looking at Cyra's charts. 

"Thank you." Roc said, taking Sky from Cyra so she could go get dressed. "Oh and someone is in the waiting room for Cyra." We nodded and she left.

"Ok, we ready?" Cyra asked coming back out. We nodded and she grabbed Ty and walked out the room.

"Hold up babe, someone's waiting for you in the waiting room." Roc said. She looked confused but still headed towards the waiting area.

We walked in the area to see my mom and dad, Keisha and Walter sitting in the chairs. "What is mom and dad doing here?" Cyra whispered to me. I shrugged and headed towards the four. 

"Hey honey." Mom said hugging me. I hugged back for a few seconds then pulled away. "What you are two doing here?" Cyra asked coming up beside me. 

"Well we heard you had twins and we wanted to come see them." Dad said."I can't believe you would be so stupid to get pregnant at 15." Mom said, staring at Cyra. I looked down to Cyra to see her staring at mom and dad. 

"what did you say? You haven't been around you don't know how well I took the pregnacey." She said. Roc came up beside her and threw his arm around her shoulder. 

I watched mom look down at Cyra's leg and saw Jake hugging onto her. "Who is this?" SHe said, looking at Cyra again. "My adopted son, Jake." 

"So now you go without my permission and adopt. Your only 15, you can't take car of three kids." Mom yelled. "I'm not doing it alone." Cyra said. 

I took Ty from her and headed him over to Ray. "So your the father?" My dad asked, glaring at Roc.

"Yes.." He said gulping. "You better take care of my grandbabies." He said, in a serious tone. "He doesn't need to be told." Cyra snapped at him.

"watch your mouth Cyra." Mom said, back to her. Cyra only glared at her. "Well we need to be going, so yea.." Roc said, pulling Cyra off. 

"Cyra is coming back with us and the twins." Mom said, causing everyone to stop. "What do you mean? I ain't going anywhere." Mom came over to us. "I don't think Roc will be a good provider for you and the twins." 

Cyra started at her like she had four heads. "Your crazy." I said. Mom turned at looked at me. "I'm not crazy. I'm smart. which means I know what's best for her." 

"How would you know. Even when I lived with you, you were never there for me. I went through so many things alone because of you. Roc has been there with me every step of the way, and thats how it's going to stay." Cyra said, glaring at mom. 

"I don't care, your coming back." Mom said, grabbing Cyra's arm. Cyra snatched her arm back and turned to leave. "Come on everyone." 

We all looked back at my mom and dad then headed out the hospital. 

Roc was holding onto Cyra as she cried into his chest. "I'm not leaving." I heard her mumble. "I know, and I wouldn't let it happen anyway." He said, kissing her hair.


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