De nikkihershell

133K 6.7K 697

He's here, he's always here. Watching me, protecting me. Even if I can't see him I know he's here. I can sen... Mai multe

In The Blink Of A Eye
Story Of My Life
Wicked Imagination
Accidents Happen
Only In My Dreams
Silent Stalker
Enough Is Enough
Take Me To Church
Winging It
Time For Change
Truth Unfolds
Free Falling
Time Heals All Wounds
Broken Wings
Parties And Picnics
High Above Me
Mixed Emotions
Get A Grip
Hell's Bell's
What's This?!?!
Blown Up
Fighting Back
pretty cool
Something's Got To Give
The Truth Unfolds
Time Will Tell
Your Up
It's Here

This Little Light Of Mine

4K 231 32
De nikkihershell

Yes, you can tell I'm rather new in the Angel business considering I keep messing things up, or may be Aspen is just too observant and not the dead head I thought. This chic misses nothing, better than the damn FBI. At the store the other day her fingers were in jeopardy of being crushed so I  intervened, so she decides to play a little game of open-shut with me. I had no choice, I couldn't let the door crush her hand... or could I?

That's not the worse part though, the worse part is how she prances around her home always in the buff. At first I turned away and try not to cop a look but that's hard when the majority of the time she's nude and just maybe there's a bit of human male still buried in my angel soul. Aspen has a amazing body and it's a shame she hides it beneath those black, bulky clothes she chooses and allows men to use it. But enough about all that, I have a major issue occurring at this very moment. I've screwed up too many times and Aspen knows something isn't right plus she's a smart cookie. The way she whipped that old camera out and shot over a dozen photo's you would have thought she was in a showdown in the wild west. There was no way I could zap myself out of every portrait, she was just too fast. Now she stands in the middle of this crappy apartment demanding I reveal myself.

I'm going to give her what she wants. Yea, so what I'm breaking the Angel rules, won't be the first time. Plus I have a feeling that, that will be the only way to get through to her. Aspen is a very strong willed woman and it's going to take more that just flying around her head to set her on the straight and narrow. It's time to scare her straight. Stepping closely in behind her I released a tuff of air against her delicate neck. I saw her posture stiffen and a inch of uncertainty cross her features before she whispered "Is that you?"

Grinning at the ways I could really mess with her head, I opted against it. After all this isn't some little game nor a time to be a joker. Placing my lips right next to her ear I whispered like the wind. "Yes".

Laughter erupted from deep within my chest as she jumped like a frantic cat and skidded to the opposite side of the room. Glancing in my direction she stuttered out. "W-what do you want? W-what are you?"

Gaining control over my amusement I spoke in a soft yet deep tone. "I'm here to save our souls".

Her eye's flipped from side to side urgently trying to locate my whereabouts. "O-our souls". Aspen repeated more or less to herself.

"Yes. Seems you are on the wrong path in life. I'm here to correct it and in return gain my passage. I mean no harm".

I sensed a change in her demeanor, almost as if she were suddenly angry. "I don't need any help. My life is perfectly fine, the way I like it, so you can just go back to wherever it is you came from".

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. It's not that simple Aspen. I'll be by your side until you recognize your wrong doings. Only then will I go".

"Why can't I see you? Show yourself, don't be a coward".

"I'm far from a coward little girl". I said beside her ear once more and watched her scurry to the door. I beat her to it and held it shut. "Let me out. You can't keep me here".

"That's where your wrong Aspen. I can do whatever I wish. Now calm down and let's have a reasonable conversation".

"No" she spat. "Not until you show yourself. If you want my cooperation let me see you".

Letting a breath of frustration out, I knew I had to do this to gain any ground with the irritating woman. Concentrating all my engery into my core I made myself visible. Raising my head to meet her astonished face she froze. Her jaw hung open like a loose shutter and she slowly brought her hand up to cover the gaping hole her mouth displayed. "You asked, I gave it to you".

After a hard moment Aspen slowly made her way toward me. Tilting her head at ackward angles to absorb every inch of me she finally came to a stop mere inches from me. With a shaky, slow movement she brought her hand to rest on my chest. With a gasp she quickly retrieved her hand as if I had shocked her. "What was that"? She inquired bewildered.

"What was what?"

"When I touched you I felt a buzz, almost like a electrical current running through you filled with warmth".

"It won't hurt you, it's just the feel of my blood coursing through my body, my feelings, my inner workings".

Before I could continue she placed her hand back on my chest but this time left it there. As if that wasn't enough she placed her free hand on my upper arm. A dizzying smile cracked her lips open as her eye's closed and her head tilted back. "It feels so good, like a humming running through me. I feel so happy, so safe, soooo good."

Taking notice of her increasing breaths, and redened cheeks only one thought occurred to me. Could she be on the verge of a orgasm just from touching me? Her thighs clamped together tightly and her tounge licked at her moist lips. "It's, it's getting stronger. Oh it's so nice".

Her grip tightened on me and I knew I had to put a stop to this. Roughly I removed her hands and a sad whimper escaped from between her puffy lips as I took several steps back. "Do not touch me again without my permission".

Aspen's lusty smile evaporated like steam as she glared daggers at me. "What did you do to me?"

"You did it to yourself Aspen. As I said, never touch me".

Stepping closer to me again she asked. "What are you?"

Rolling my eye's at her dumbness I simply snorted. "What do you think I am?"

Taking a moment to reply she spoke. "You look like a dark angel, fallen, broken".


"So your evil".

Laughing at her stereotyping of me, I shook my head no. "That's what television has made humans think but it couldn't be farther from the truth. To answer your question, no I'm not evil. Quite the opposite to be exact."

Aspen reached toward my wing so I quickly darted out of reach. "Don't touch me".

"B-but your feathers are like no others.  There almost like silk, so soft".

"You must listen to me Aspen. I'm here to help you, not seduce you."

Giving up on trying to touch me for the moment she asked. "Do you have a name".


"Gath". She whispered so sweetly.

"Yes, Gath. You know it rhymes with math, bath, and so on".

Shooting a hard look my way she snarled. "Yes, I know. I'm not stupid".

"Good, I'm glad you cleared that up. However judging by your behaviour I'd have to beg the differ".

Rage filled her eye's and her body took on a defensive stance. "You know nothing about me".

"Wrong again sweetheart. I know your a tattoo artist, both your parents are gone, you like to party too much and screw strangers in bar bathrooms while other's watch. I also know you like to walk around here in your birthday suit".

Sucking in a deep breath she hissed. "You've watched me naked? You pervert".

"Call it what you want Aspen. Now that you know maybe you will keep your clothes on and your legs crossed. I will be by your side at every turn you take. You can't escape me, not until you wake up and cherish your life".

With that said I vanished before her eye's.

"Gath, are you still here?"


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