Phantom Girl (A Yuri Musaigen...

By nightdragon456

75.8K 2.9K 655

A story about a girl named Kyouko Ichjio, the twin sister of Haruhiko Icijo, decides to come back home to her... More

Kyouko Ichijo
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Question Time :3
Chapter 9
Results (Not an Update)
Chapter 10
New Cover
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Sneak Peek of the Last Chapter
New Story
New Story: Titan Wolf
Chapter 38
Titan Wolf is Published!

Chapter 34

1K 49 4
By nightdragon456

~Kyouko's POV~

Ever since Reina and I started dating again, Mai and Koito started acting weird around us. They became more possessive of me and would glare at Reina whenever she acts all lovey dovey with me. They would cling onto my arms whenever they have the chance and reply in short responses when asked a question. I didn't know what their deal was but I let it be.

I was over at Reina's place watching some movies since she was free. My head was resting on her lap while she watched the movie. I suggested that we should watch a horror movie but she said she didn't want to get a heart attack so we decided to watch some comedy. My ears perked up when I heard Reina's phone go off. She grabs her phone and checks it.

"Kyouko look," Reina said and showed me her phone. I looked at the screen to see a picture of Koito smiling with another boy. I felt as if something stabbed me in the heart. A feeling began to grow inside me, I felt territorial about her all of a sudden. "Who's that?" I asked. "It's Koito's prom date. They're having a prom in two days and this guy just asked her out. Isn't that great?" She asked. I let out a small grunt and continued to watch TV.

Reina pauses the movie and looks at me. "You're jealous aren't you?" She asked. I sat up and looked at her. "What?! Pffff! No!.......A little bit...." I shouted at first but then mumbled the last part. "Awww, you're jealous," Reina teased and pinched my cheek. I groaned and pulled away. "So what if I am? It's not like she still likes me," I said. "You would surprise about what she thinks," She says.

"Huh?" I asked and looked at her. "Oh nothing," She replies. "But be happy for her okay? It's been a while since she actually got a date with a boy." She said. I sighed and nodded. I laid my head back down on her lap. She strokes my hair gently and continued to play the movie. I wanted Koito to be happy. I really do but I hated the feeling I got when I saw her with someone else. Eventually, after a few more hours of watching movies, I fell asleep on Reina's lap.

The next day, we went to a pizza place to meet up. Turns out Koito was bringing the boy with her which made me not want to go anymore. But Reina and Mai convinced me by buying me ice cream after pizza so I went.

We all sat down at a booth and ordered our food. "So what's your name?" Mai asked the boy. "Josh. But you can call me anything you want hot stuff," he said with a wink. Oh, I hate him already.  My hand clutched into a fist as  I glared at the boy. Reina held my hand and gave me a gentle squeeze to calm me down.

During the whole time, Josh would flirt with the waitresses and the other girls. Koito would pretend not to notice but I could tell she was upset. I hated how he behaved towards the girls, he wouldn't stop flirting with Reina even though I told him that she was already taken. He just laughed it off and continued to flirt. I got angry when I found out that he's been inappropriately touching Koito who was sitting next to him. I saw his hand slide up her thigh several times and reach for her ass. Luckily Koito was having none of it and would scoot farther away.

"Oh excuse me. I have a call," He told us when his phone went off. He gave us one last wink before heading outside to answer his call. "What a fuckboy," Mai scoffed with her arms crossed. Reina nodded in agreement and Koito stayed quiet. "I'll be right back," I told Reina and kissed her head. I got up from the booth and headed outside. I looked around to see Josh was gone but I could hear his voice in the distance. I quietly followed his voice to the back of the pizza place and saw him talking on the phone.

"Yeah, I'm with Koito and her friends. Dude her friends are smoking hot. Well, expect the one with weird wolf ears. She's too masculine for my type but the other three. Oh damn, how I wouldn't mind fucking all of them at once." He said. I gritted my teeth at his words and swallowed back a growl. "I probably can't anyways so I'll take them on one by one." He told the person on the phone.

"Oh please? You think I actually like that girl? No way! The only reason why I'm with her is that I've been with every other hot chick in school and she's the only one left." He said. I clutched my hands into fists and glared at him. "Oh yeah, you can take her after I'm done with her. I'm just gonna fuck her and throw her out. Yea she might say no at first but don't worry once she has some of this, she'll want more. What if she resists? No way bro! I'm spiking her drinks. Yea I gotta go now before they wonder where I am. See ya." And with that, he hung up.

I quietly headed back inside, my anger still boiling and my teeth gritted. I sat back down next to Reina, muttering curses under my breath while gripping onto the table. "Kyouko?" Reina asked concerned and placed a hand on my shoulder. I flinched slightly in surprise but felt some of my anger melt away when I looked at her. "Yeah, just angry about something," I said. She frowns but didn't ask further. She leans against me and nuzzles closer.

I held her tightly around the waist and stared down at the table. I heard the front door open and Josh made his way back. "Hey baby," He said to Koito and wraps an arm around her shoulders. "Miss me?" He said with a smirk. Koito just shrugs and drank her soda. He looks up at me to see me giving him a death glare. "What's your fucking problem?" He said, trying to sound threatening. I let go of Reina and leaned slightly on the table without breaking eye contact with him. 

"Watch your back," I growled in a deep and almost demonic sounding voice. He looks slightly taken back by the sudden change of tone but kept quiet. "Anyways, we should go since we're done eating," Mai said. Koito nodded and looked at Josh. "What? You expect me to pay for you guys?" He said harshly. I rolled my eyes and took out my wallet. "Don't even try with him Koito. Someone like him doesn't have the manners to treat a lady." I said with venom in my voice. 

A waiter came over and took the money then came back with change. It turns out the waitress Josh was hitting on got so uncomfortable, she had to be replaced by someone else. Josh held Koito by the hips, well more like by the ass. Reina pulled me along with Mai walking by my side. 

Once we left, Josh took Koito home while Reina and Mai fulfilled their promise and got me ice cream. "So that Josh guy," Mai said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Don't even talk about him. Thinking of him makes me want to puke up my pizza," I growled and ate my ice cream. "Even though I said to be nice about it in the beginning, I'm starting to regret saying that. He's a real asshole." Reina said. "Yea, flirting as if Koito wasn't there. Worse of all, he's the guy that's gonna take Koito to prom." Mai said. "At least it's for one night," Reina said.

I stayed quiet while thinking about what Josh said over the phone. I can't let him hurt her. I won't allow it. I'll fucking kill him if he ever does. "Kyouko?" Mai asked while waving her hand in front of me. I snapped out of it and looked at her, "Yeah?" "You're zoning out. You okay?" She said concerned. I shook my head and threw away my trash,  "I want you two to stay away from him. I don't need him hurting you too." They stared at me for a while, a little surprised and smiled. 

"We will. Thank you for being so concerned about us." Reina said and hugged me. "Aww, you're so cute when you're protective and worried." Mai teased and ruffled my hair. I blushed slightly and looked away. "I have the rights to be worried. I don't want people to hurt you guys." I said. I glanced over to Mai to see her cheeks were pink now. I chuckled and poked her cheek causing her to look away. 


"Kyouko, she's going to be fine," Reina said reassuringly. I shook my head and paced around my room, "I can't stop worrying. What if he does something bad to her! I have to stop him!" "Kyouko, Koito is a strong girl. She can take care of herself. I know that." Reina said.

Makoto was leaning against the wall and looks at me. "Kyouko, if you're so worried. Why don't you go to the prom and stop him yourself?" She asked. "I would but what if she thinks I'm weird." I sighed. "Kyouko, what's more important? Her safety or how she thinks of you?" Makoto said. I stayed quiet and sighed, "Her safety."

"Besides, you can just keep an eye on her instead of doing anything. And if he does do anything, you're there to stop him." Makoto said. I nodded and smiled at her, "Thanks for helping me with this." "It's nothing. Well you better hurry up. The prom probably already started." Makoto said and walked out. I quickly went into my closet and looked for my tux.

"Kyouko?" I heard Reina call me. "Yeah?" I replied while looking for my tux. "You're not gonna break up with me so you could date Koito right?" She asked quietly. I stopped looking and turns to face her. "Why would you think of that?" I asked surprised and walked towards her. Reina looks down and fidgets slightly, "Koito is better looking than me. And I know you like her so I thought that you might leave me for her." "I would never do that! Yes, I do like her but I like you as well. It's like back then. I can't choose between you guys. You guys mean too much to me." I comforted her. She smiles sadly and hugged me tightly. "You're right Kyouko. I'm sorry for thinking like that." She sniffled. I hugged her back and kissed her forehead. "It's nothing," I said and we both let go. "Kyouko, the truth is..... we all still like you. I didn't tell you that because I thought you probably choose Koito over us since we were the ones who said the meanest things." She said sadly. I smiled softly and kissed her cheek, "Nonsense."

Reina helped me find my tux and I got ready. Makoto was already waiting downstairs in the car for me. I gave Reina one last kiss before getting in the car. As we headed to the university, I kept fidgeting in my seat while fixing my tie. "Kyouko, you look fine. Stop worrying about it." Makoto said. "I wanna look my best still," I said.

Makoto drops me off near the school and I got out. "Call me when you're ready to go," Makoto told me and drove off. I took a deep breath and looked around. There were people in tuxes and dresses. When I got in, music was blasting loudly while people were dancing and drinking. Others were talking, laughing, and taking pictures. 

I felt kinda nervous since I was by myself and began to look around. It wasn't long till I saw Koito wearing a dress. I felt my heartbeat quicken as it pounded hard in my chest. She looks beautiful. I gulped and walked towards her but got blocked by other people. I watched as Josh came over and pulled Koito away to their table. I growled and pushed past the others.

I wasn't far from their table but I watched as Josh quickly dropped a white tablet inside of Koito's drink when she wasn't looking. "Here, have a drink Koito," I heard Josh say and handed her the drink. I can't believe he's actually doing this. I quickly went over there and took the drink out of her hand.

"Kyouko?" I heard Koito say in surprise. I was too busy glaring at Josh while holding the drink. Josh glared at me angrily. "Why the fuck are you here?!" He shouted, drawing attention towards us. "I'm here to stop you from spiking her drink and taking her to your place so you can have your advantage with her!" I snarled. I heard people around us mutter as Josh's eyes widen with shock. "Wh-Why would you assume that?!" He said back, trying not to stumble on his words.

"I heard your little fucking phone call yesterday buddy and I saw this," I said and poured the drink into another empty cup then took out the white tablet that was half dissolved. Josh tried to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. People around us were muttering things about him now and pointing at him.

"I can't believe you would do this," Koito said, her teeth gritted in anger. "No-Now baby it's not like that," He stutters. "Don't call me by that awful name," She scoffed. I went over and grabbed him by his jacket. "You stay away from my fucking girls. Or you're dead. Consider this a warning. Next time, I won't be as nice." I growled and shoved him back.

He growled and spat on the floor then stormed out. I looked back at Koito who was clutching her fists in anger. I went over to her and pulled her into a hug, "He didn't deserve you anyway." I felt her nuzzle closer against me and sigh softly. "I thought I could get over you if I tried to move on with other people but I couldn't." She said. I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

She pulls away and sighs, "I should head back home then. Since there's nothing left to do." "Well there is one thing," I suggested. "What's that?" She asked curiously. I bowed down slightly and took her hand. "I know it's a bit too late but can I be your date tonight?" I asked.

Her cheeks flush and look away, "I-I guess." I smiled and stood up. "Then come on," I chuckled and took her to dance. We mostly dance and chatted the whole entire night. I loved making her laugh, even if it is just a small snicker. It warmed my heart knowing she's happy. The dance was coming to an end and they started playing slow songs now. The two of us were just resting at our table until Koito asks, "Hey Kyouko. Maybe one last dance won't hurt." 

I nodded and got up from my seat. I took her hand and found an empty spot we could dance, I held her hips as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled and pulled her close. "You look beautiful tonight," I complimented. She blushed and looked down embarrassed. "Where are your glasses?" I asked. "I only need them in class." She said. I nodded and continued to dance with her slowly.

Her head was resting on my shoulder as I looked at her. "Kyouko, I don't think I can ever get over you. None of us can," She said sadly and looked at me. I blushed and looked away, "I'm sure there are people out there better than me." She shook her head, "That's not true. You've been there for us for so long and you've helped us with so many things. We haven't really gotten over you." "I know. I haven't either," I said. She looks at me surprised, "Yo-You knew?" "Reina told me. I still like you guys too but I just can't trust you yet. Not after what you guys did." I said. 

Koito frowns and moves closer to me. "I'm sorry we hurt you. We really do regret what we said." She said softly. "I-I just don't wanna get hurt again by you guys," I whimpered sadly. "You won't," Koito said and wrapped her arms around me tighter then kissed me. I felt my cheeks heat up as I kissed back. Her lips were soft too but it was different from Reina's but that wasn't a bad thing. 

We pulled away from the kiss, our cheeks pink and our hearts pounding. "Ky-Kyouko, we don't want to hurt you. Never again. Ju-Just give us a chance." She stutters. I smiled softly and nodded. "Okay," I said and pressed our foreheads together. "Wait... What about your girlfriend Ashley?" She asked. "Oh her? She wasn't really my girlfriend." I chuckled. 

We danced for the rest of the time and Makoto drove us back home.

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