I'll Be Superhuman (One Direc...

By _Its_Zen_

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You thought you knew One Direction. But everything you heard is just their cover story. These boys are hiding... More

Chapter 1- Harry- Rehearsals
Chapter 2- Harry- The Gunmen
Chapter 3- Louis- Liam Payne
Chapter 4- Louis- The Bully
Chapter 5- Louis- The Invisible Boy
Chapter 6- Liam- Chub Chub
Chapter 7- Liam- Fear
Chapter 8- Liam- Family
Chapter 9- Liam- The Street Dancer
Chapter 10- Liam- Mr. 'I Don't Drink'
Chapter 11- Niall- Head Aches
Chapter 12- Niall- One Year
Chapter 13- Niall
Chapter 14- Niall
Chapter 15- Zayn
Chapter 16- Zayn- Heroin(e)
Chapter 17- Zayn
Chapter 18- Zayn
Chapter 19- Niall
Chapter 20- Liam
Chapter 21- Harry- Busted
Chapter 22- Louis- Gods Among The Mortals
Chapter 23- Niall- Liar
Chapter 24- Liam- A Deadly Game Of Tag
Chapter 25- Liam- RV-T
Chapter 26- Harry- The Debut
Chapter 27-Niall- Mr. X
Chapter 28- Louis- All I Have
Chapter 29- Zayn- A Piece Of The Night
Chapter 30- Zayn- Poision
Chapter 31- Eleanor- Femme Fatale
Chapter 32- One Direction- What They Were Meant For
Chapter 33- One Direction- Six Legged Spider
Chapter 34- One Direction- Jedi Master
Chapter 35- One Direction- Playing Hero
Chapter 36- One Direction- ZAP!
Chapter 37- One Direction- Finale
Epilogue- One Direction- A Twist Of Fate
Author's Note- Zen
Long Time No See

Chapter 38- One Direction- A Reason To Fight

2.7K 92 59
By _Its_Zen_

~Please get your chapter prep items ready for this one. And enjoy the song "Superman Tonight" by Bon Jovi on the side. I think it'll be a great song for this chapter- especially this first scene. I picture it like a movie and it's playing softly in the background and before the time lapse, the final chorus just kinda bursts out as like a happily ever after sound :) if that even makes sense... Haha. And this is an extremely long chapter. So... Sorry and not sorry. :P~

The streets were littered with bystanders and police officers. Government helicopters had landed in the middle of the road, making the boys wonder where they had been the entire time. The government officials were looking at all of the technology X had used in his robot and in the androids. Louis could just barely over hear a couple of the men discussing how they should get the robot out of the streets and back to the lab for analysis.

Louis was standing next to one of the parked ambulances. He was brought all of the seriously injured civilians for him to heal. Others with more minor injuries (broken arms, legs, small gashes,) were taken to the EMT's to be taken care of there. Louis had managed to save dozens of lives already. Lives that would have been taken because of Mr. X's rampage through the city.

He had tried to save Danielle. He had tried to bring her back to life like he had with Niall. Liam had come stumbling up to him after the battle was over, the frail girl cradled in his muscular arms.

“Please,” Liam pleaded, falling to his knees before his friend. He was so distraught, he could barely walk. “Heal her,”

And Louis had tried. As soon as he touched her with his power, he could feel how cold she was. Not with his own skin, though. His healing power felt through her limp body, searching for something that could just bring life back into her. But she felt so empty and hollow, Louis had to flinch away from her.

Things had gotten bad for Liam after that. Louis and the other boys had left him to grieve in the middle of the streets. They knew he needed his space.

Louis didn't even try to heal Mr. X. That wouldn't make much sense to bring a certified psychopath back to life. X had been the first one put in a body bag once EMT's and police arrived. Half the boys had also gotten to work helping the people of the city. Liam and Harry went off to help fire fighters lift rubble off of any trapped people in buildings. Louis healed whoever was brought to him in need of urgent care. Niall and Zayn sat on the back of once of the ambulances. Niall was too weak to even walk any more and Zayn was still recuperating from his fight with Mr. X.

The fire fighters put out the fire Zayn had started in one of the buildings and the two boys looked over just as the men were walking out of the sky scraper. One of the firemen was holding Zayn's kusarigama, which had survived the fire. Zayn hopped off the back of the ambulance, leaving Niall to absentmindedly pick at the blood caked hole on the stomach of his super suit.

“This yours?” The fireman asked speculatively, holding up Zayn's weapon. He eyed Zayn's gold and red suit up and down, not knowing what to think of the costume.

“Yeah,” Zayn said. The fireman placed it in Zayn's hands. Zayn turned his kusarigama over in his hand, examining it. Not a single scratch flawed the shining surface. The same couldn't be said about One Direction. All of them had their own wounds to nurse once Dr. Tomlinson was done doing his thing.

Before Zayn could turn away, the fireman spoke up. “When we were looking through the rubble, we found this,” He held up something that caught the light perfectly and blinded Zayn for a moment when it glinted in his eyes. “Is this important to you, or do you think it was something someone had in the offices up there? The other guys weren't sure, so I just wanted to ask.” It was Mr. X's mask, flawless as ever. The fire hadn't burned the silvery surface at all. The eyeless face stared at Zayn with remorseless features.

“Um... Yeah,” Zayn said, clearing his throat. “That was...” He trailed off and motioned towards one of the vehicles off to the side which held Mr. X's body in it. “But I can hold onto it.” He held out his hands for the mask.

The fireman shrugged. “Whatever,” He said, giving it to the Bradford boy. “The thing was creepy anyway.”

Zayn turned on his heels and headed back for Niall, turning the mask over and over, looking on the inside and seeing how the light reflected off of it. He briefly thought of putting it over his face, but he didn't want to see the world through that man's eyes.

“What the hell do you got that for?” Niall demanded once he saw what Zayn had.

Zayn stopped in front of the blonde, turning the mask so it was facing himself. He shrugged and looked up at his friend. “I dunno. A souvenir?”

Before Niall could respond, there was a rumble of an engine that would always be familiar. The two lads whipped their head around just as the RV-T pulled up and someone cut off the ignition. The side door slowly opened and Perrie was the first to poke her head out.

“Zayn!” She cried when she saw her fiance standing a few yards away. She rushed out of the RV-T, still in her dress from the night before, and threw herself into his arms.

“Louis!” Zayn heard Eleanor squeal.

“El!” Louis responded.

Zayn hugged Perrie tightly, listening to the other couple behind him celebrate their reunion. Perrie's feet hovered off the ground because Zayn was holding her so close. She buried her face into his neck, crying happy tears. Zayn squeezed his eyes shut, breathing in the scent of her shampoo and remembering how perfectly her body fit against his.

“God,” Zayn whispered in a shaky voice, stroking her hair.

Perrie pulled away to look at him with teary eyes. He set her on the ground, but kept her close to him. Zayn kissed her forehead, holding her face in his hands. His eyes burned with his own tears, but he couldn't bring himself to cry yet. He just didn't have the energy for it.

“God, I'm glad you're ok,” He said before kissing her on the lips quickly.

“Me?” She said when they pulled away. “I didn't know if I would see you in one piece again.”

Just then, movement behind Perrie caught Zayn's eye. Paul and Simon were both stepping out of the RV-T. When they saw Zayn and Niall, the immediately walked towards them, but Simon had his eyes locked on Zayn.

Perrie felt Zayn freeze and followed his gaze behind her. “The boys told Eleanor and I where to find the RV-T,” She explained, turning back to Zayn. “We went back to HQ to get Simon and Paul to help, but somehow the elevator was broken. We just fixed it, but by the time we got here...” She trailed off, looking at the robot behind Zayn.

Zayn hadn't taken his eyes off of Simon as he approached and he stepped away from Perrie. His hand slid down her arm and their fingers laced for a moment, long enough for her to give him a supportive squeeze, and he walked towards the two men.

“Zayn,” Simon said once they were close enough. “You disobeyed every order I gave you last night.”

Zayn lowered his head in shame, knowing he was far past trouble for what he had done. “Sir,” He said in agreement.

“Perrie told me about what you had done. About how Mr. X had taken over your mind. You could have hurt those girls, Zayn. You could have killed them.” Simon didn't raise his voice. He said everything calmly, and Zayn was just waiting for the storm of rage that was sure to come.

“Sir,” Zayn repeated. He bit his tongue, trying not to say that he had done this to protect the girls. He knew he had to hold his words back, or else things would get really bad.

“You could have killed them,” Simon said again. “But you didn't. And I'm proud of you.”

Zayn looked up, confused. No yelling? No punishment? He was proud?

“Sir, Mr. X is dead,” Zayn said, holding the mask out to him. He unable to think of a proper response to Simon's praise.

“He's dead?” Paul spoke up for the first time.

“Who was he?” Simon asked, taking the mask and looking at it.

“Xavier,” Zayn told him.

Simon's eyes grew wide and he looked from the mask to Zayn. “Xavier?” He demanded. “Are you sure?”

Zayn nodded, looking down at the mask again.

“X.” Simon muttered. “For Xavier.” He scoffed. “How narcissistic.” He looked back up at Zayn again. “Is everyone ok? Is anyone else hurt?” He eyed the scenery, looking out for Harry and Liam who were just coming back from their final building.

Zayn nodded. “Niall. He was stabbed in the stomach.”

A thousand emotion's crossed the dark haired man's face before landing on confusion. “The stomach? Where is he?”

Zayn turned his body so the two men could see Niall sitting on the ambulance. “He's ok now. He... Uh... Died. But Louis took care of it,” Zayn tried to tell the story in a way that wouldn't freak out Paul or Simon, but he seemed to do just the opposite.

Simon brushed past Zayn with Paul in tow and walked up to Niall. “How were you stabbed?” He demanded once he was facing the blonde.

“With this,” Niall told him, holding out his staff. There was still blood on it. His own blood. He hadn't gotten around to cleaning it yet. Simon took the staff from the boy's hands. “One of X's soldiers took it and got me,”

“But... How?” Paul asked. “It's all bullet proof, fire retardant. A little blade like yours- no matter how sharp- shouldn't be able to even rip the seam of your suit.”

Niall shrugged, jutting out his lips to show he wasn't really sure.

Simon examined the bloodied staff and twisted it so the blades came jutting out. He turned the staff vertically and eyed the knives on the end. “Liam,” He called the grey clad boy over and Liam did as he was told. Harry and Louis followed, Louis and Eleanor were holding hands tightly and Eleanor had her arm wrapped around his protectively. Simon picked up one of Zayn's gloves- which the boy had taken off after the battle was over and set it on the back of the ambulance- and gave it to Liam. “Rip this up,” He demanded.

Liam cocked an eyebrow, but placed both hands on the opening of Zayn's gloves and pulled. It took only a second before there was a harsh ripping sound and the glove burst open in frayed strands. Everyone stared at the glove in amazement.

Simon held up Niall's staff for everyone to see. “Your weapons are stronger than Liam, but your suits aren't. That's why it cut through.” He lowered his eyes to Niall and he looked at the boy apologetically. “I'm so sorry we never tested that, Niall. It nearly killed you. I don't know what we would have done without you here.”

Niall stared at Simon, unable to find his words. There hadn't been very many times Simon had apologized for anything and actually meant it. This was a strange and rare moment that took everyone off guard.

“Excuse me,” A voice said behind Paul. Everyone turned around and saw a girl standing a few feet away.

“Alli,” Niall said, immediately jumping to his feet. He regretted it just as soon, too. Pain shot through his stomach and he winced, clutching the bloody cut on his suit.

Alli's eyes grew wide when she saw how much blood was on him. “Niall!” She gasped. “You're hurt!”

Niall smiled and grimaced at the same time as he sat back down. “Naw, it's really nothing.” He said.

“We should probably go,” Louis said and he and the lads started to walk away from the two blondes.

“Who is she?” Simon muttered, jogging to catch up with the group.

“Niall's girlfriend,” Harry said in a teasing voice.

“Girlfriend?” Simon demanded, stopping in his tracks.

“No! No, no.” Eleanor nearly scolded. She let go of Louis' hand for the first time to grab Simon's and lead him away from Niall so he wouldn't stop his chance at getting to talk to Alli. Simon craned his neck to watch the couple near the ambulance, but Perrie grabbed his other arm and lead him away.

“We'll explain once we get out of ear shot,” Perrie told him.

“Care to sit?” Niall asked awkwardly. He cleared Zayn's gloves and his staff from the back of the ambulance and patted the spot.

“Sure, Superman,” She said, stepping just as awkwardly towards him. Her hands were laced behind her back and it looked like she was trying to fight a grin from her face.

Niall chuckled. “I'm not Superman.”

“So you're the Hulk?” She teased, pulling at the green material on his shoulder playfully.

“No, I'm not the Hulk, either.” He said, smiling.

“So then what are you?” She asked.

Niall pulled his feet up on the step of the ambulance and rested his arms on his knees. He pulled his gloves off at the same time and held them in his hands. “Simon calls us superhumans,” He told her. “But I'm just Niall,”

Alli nodded. “Ok,” She said, thinking. Her eyes slid over to his blood caked suit. “And you're sure you're fine?”

Niall looked down at his small wound and nodded. “Yeah. Lou will stitch me up properly when he has the time, but it's nothing major.”

Alli nodded again, scooting a little closer to him. “Ok, Just Niall,” She said, leaning close to him. “There's something I want to give you for saving my life today,”

Niall's eyes fell to her lips and he realized how close she was. And she was getting closer. Her face was inches away from his and Niall started to lean in. “Ok,” He murmured.

But before they could kiss, Alli raised her hand and hit him sharply in the back of the head.

“Ow!” Niall shouted, jumping back and rubbing the sore spot before he even realized what had happened.

“You idiot!” She shouted, jumping to her feet. Her hands were in fists and her arms were shaking with anger. “You nearly killed yourself out there trying to be some stupid superhero! What the hell was that?”

Niall slowly stood from his spot on the ambulance, his expression unusually calm for the amount of pain it brought to his stomach. He took a careful step towards Alli, a small, amused smile playing on his lips. “It's my job,” He told her as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Alli took a step back when he took a step forwards. “No,” She argued. “You're job is at Starbucks with me... And the other employees, playing your guitar where it's safe.” Her cheeks started to turn red when she caught herself and added the last part to her sentence.

Niall took another step towards her and Alli was too flustered and furious to take a step away from him. “They can be both my jobs,” He said in a low voice as he reached out to tuck a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.

Alli grabbed his wrists and pulled them away before he could touch her, but she didn't let go. “Oh, no you don't, Superman,” She growled. “Don't think you can turn those damn blue eyes on me and I'll just melt into a puddle at your feet. It doesn't work that way.”

“Really?” Niall asked, taking another step towards her so they were almost chest to chest. Niall was taller than her by a few inches and he looked down at her, smirking slightly. “Because, where I'm standing, it looks like it is working that way.” Alli's face turned completely red and she looked anywhere but him. “Why do you care anyway?” He finally asked.

Alli looked up at him and tried to stammer out an excuse, failing miserably. She looked down at the ground, still holding onto his wrists. “I hate you,” She muttered, knowing she had lost the argument.

Niall chuckled. “I know,” He told her. “Hey,” He said quietly, to get her attention. She looked up at him and then down at her hands. “It's my job to make people safe. I have to be safe, too. You don't need to worry about me.”

“I know,” She sighed, running her thumbs along the exposed skin of his wrists. “I'm sorry I freaked out,” She said.

“I'm sorry I scared you,” He said.

Alli looked up at him again. This time, she didn't break eye contact. “I like you, Niall. Ok? Like...” She sighed in frustration, trying to find her words. “Like a lot. So I don't want anything to happen to you.”

“I know you don't,” He said, trying calm his pounding heart beat. She liked him? Since when?

“Do you like me?” She suddenly asked.

“Do I really have to answer that question?” He joked. “What do you think?”

“Oh...” She said, lowering her gaze and letting him go.

“No, no, no!” He said. “I mean I do like you Alli,” He told her quickly, grabbing her by her shoulders and rubbing them comfortingly.

“Oh,” Alli said in a different tone. “I mean, my manager said that you did- you know- just 'cause you would hang around all the time.” As she talked, her words poured out faster. “I mean, like, you did come around a lot, but I just though 'Hey, this dude must really like coffee!' So I called her ridiculous, but she said that you only came around on my shifts and so I was like 'Well maybe that's the only time he can come over-'”

Niall let out a laugh, cutting Alli off from her rambling. “God,” He laughed. “This sounds like a conversation me and the lads have had for years!”

Alli's eyes widened and her cheeks turned red for the millionth time that day. “Years?” She asked.

Niall nodded and his eyes focused back on her lips. “I've liked you for a really long time,” He admitted.

Alli noticed him watching her. “You have?”

Niall nodded, biting his lip. “I have waited for forever to do this,” He told her before cupping her cheek and kissing her. The kiss was different from the one they had had on the roof. This kiss was softer, more careful, and not as rushed or forceful.

“Oh, God, now I know what it feels like to be you, Harry!” A voice behind the couple made them both jump and pull away. Behind the ambulance, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Harry were peering around the edge, talking loud enough to bug Niall and Alli.

Harry nodded and looked at Louis, who had been the first to interrupt the couple. “I know,” Harry said. “I told you it was the most mentally scarring thing I had ever seen,”

Zayn and Liam started laughing. “Oh, hey, mate!” Zayn said as if he had just seen Niall for the first time. “Don't mind us, we've just been watching the show you've put on for us,” Harry threw his head back and laughed. Liam nearly doubled over and Louis had reached that point of laughing where he wasn't making a sound anymore. He could only clap and gasp for air.

Alli covered her mouth to keep from laughing too, but she blushed with embarrassment.

“We would have brought popcorn if we knew it was going to last this long,” Liam told Niall.

Niall turned to Alli and he held up his pointer finger. “Excuse me for just one minute,” He said to her politely. Niall turned to the group and stalked over to them.

“Uh, oh,” Harry said, seeing Niall approach them.

“What's he gonna do?” Louis asked just as Niall pulled out his staff. He raised it like a baseball bat and wound up for a swing.

Run!” Liam hollered just as Niall swung his staff at them. All four of them scrambled for safety just as the staff hit the side of the ambulance, making a loud ring. The four boys tripped over each other as they took off, forcing Niall to double over with laughter. He dropped his staff and put his hands on his knees, laughing at his friends as they tore through the streets.


Harry knocked on the front door and waited patiently for someone to answer. It was a cloudy day back in England, but the birds still chirped merrily around him. A couple cars drove by the street behind him, but otherwise it was pretty quiet where Harry stood.

Simon had moved them all back home and they were living in his mansion until they found their own places to live. They didn't have many ties back in America to keep them there. Alli had come to live with Niall in the mansion and, after Tori had managed to get a proper explanation from Harry, she was also invited to live with the boys in Simon's house.

After the mess was cleaned up in New York, donations from fellow scientists had come pouring in. The boys had gotten stronger suits and all together better funds for One Directions and Simon's further studies. The man wanted to do them all at home again. He had said it was the best place for him to work, so they all packed their bags and headed off once more.

Harry knocked on the front door again and then crossed his hands in front of him, rocking back on his heels a couple times. Maybe nobody was home? Should he leave a note? Wait for someone to come back later?

Before Harry could make a decision, the door swung open and Harry's heart froze in his chest. The girl on the other side hadn't looked up from her phone, but Harry would recognize her anywhere. She was tall and slender with long, straight, light hair.

“Yes, what is it?” She asked. Harry stared at her for a moment, trying to think of something to say. When Harry didn't speak up right away, she looked up for the first time and her eyes became massive. The girl gasped and dropped her phone, stumbling backwards and using the hallway wall as support. “Mum!” She hollered, tears brimming over her eyes. “Mum!” She yelled again. Harry stood on the front step, watching her panic at the sight of him. He wasn't sure if he should follow her in and comfort her. He was afraid that him going after her would only scare her more. “Mum!” She sobbed, on the brink of hysteria.

“What is it?” Another voice said just around the corner. Even when that voice was also panicking, the sound of it made Harry's heart squeeze in his chest and he could feel his eyes start to burn with tears. The woman finally rounded the corner, followed by a man Harry knew fairly well. The woman was beautiful, just like her daughter.

The mother rushed up to the girl, grabbing her arm just before her daughter could collapse on the ground. The light haired girl had her hand over her mouth to keep herself from screaming as she stared directly at Harry. The woman hadn't even looked over in his direction yet. She was too busy trying to keep the girl from having a full blown panic attack in the middle of the hallway.

“Gemma, what's wrong?” The mother said, fear spreading all over her face.

Gemma pointed a finger at the young man standing in the doorway. “Harry!” She wailed behind her hand. The mother froze for a second before her eyes snapped over to the curly haired boy and she nearly dropped the light haired girl onto the ground.

“Oh my god!” Harry's mother gasped. She turned around and looked at the man behind her. “Harry!” She turned back and looked at her son. Harry gave her an impish smile, too nervous to walk into the house. He had already started to cry, but they were happy tears.

Their reaction was what Harry had expected. Of course the boys had been on the news since Mr. X's rampage, but only blurry pictures and false names had been released. To his mother, sister, and step father, he was like the dead come back to life. His ghost had just come to their house and they were completely shocked.

“Harry,” His mother breathed before bursting into tears. She rushed towards him, arms spread and she wrapped him into a tight hug. Harry hugged her back just as tightly and they both cried.

“Mum,” He sobbed as she rocked him back and forth. “I'm so sorry,” She only cried harder at the sound of his voice. At how deep it had gotten, how mature he had grown, how she had missed it all, thinking he was dead. All these thought raced through her mind and Harry read them all. He knew she wouldn't have been able to put them to words, but her thoughts were crystal clear.

Harry opened his eyes as he hugged his mum and looked at his sister who was still halfway on the ground, staring at him. “Gemma,” He said, holding out one of his hands towards her. Gemma stood instantly and ran over to the mother and son. Harry's mum had just enough time to turn out of Harry's arms for Gemma to crash into them. She grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and cried into his chest.

“I know,” He told her in a quiet voice, rubbing comforting circles on her back. He felt his mother touch his shoulder and she cried at the reunion. “I know,” He said to the both of them. “Shhh, it's ok. It's ok. I'm here. I'm not going to leave you again,”

Simon had lifted most of the rules he had set when they first came to be One Direction. Girlfriends were allowed. Family could be seen. After Simon had realized Zayn had gone after Perrie and Eleanor to protect them, he decided that these people were not distractions, but a reason to fight. He had warned all of them of the dangers that they were bringing their loved ones by visiting them, but they didn't care. It had been nearly four years since they had seen anyone else but each other and it was time that not only did the world know who they were, but their family knew, too.


Liam sat outside on a little patio of a small coffee shop with his mum. Their reunion had been extremely tearful and they were both crying as they talked to each other and waited for their orders.

“I had known you didn't leave us just for nothing,” Karen said, wiping away tears from across the small circular table. “Your father didn't believe me, but I just knew somehow that you wouldn't just leave.”

Liam laughed, choking down tears. “Mother's intuition,” He told her. He blinked and a couple tears fell from his eyes, but he still smiled.

“I had seen those pictures on the new this morning, right before you came to the house,” She said after she took a calming breaths. “I'd been watching it for some time. I saw you the first day and I knew it had to be you. They were all so blurry, but I could see it was you. And then more were released this morning and it was clear as day that it was-” Karen stopped as she started to cry all over again.

Liam reached across the table and took her hand. “I won't be able to tell you how sorry I am, mum,” He said. “But I am so sorry I left,”

Before they could say anything more, the waitress came out on the patio with their food. “Here's your order,” She told Karen, setting down a plate of food. Liam looked up at the waitress and his eyebrows knit together. She looked familiar, but where had he seen her before? She turned to him now and set his food in front of him. “And here's your or-” She stopped when she saw him looking and she smiled. “Liam,” She said. “Liam Payne.”

“Yeah,” He said, still trying to think of where he had seen her.

“I saw you on the news this morning. You're, like, a superhero or something. Or was that just a publicity stunt?”

Liam shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. “No, no,” He said, struggling to find his words. “It's all real. It's-” He cut himself off. “I'm sorry, but have we met before? You look familiar.”

The waitress smiled and tucked her light brown hair behind her ear. “I'm Sophia Smith,” She said shyly. “We use to go to school together, remember?”

Sophia! Liam remembered her now! He had asked her out countless times, and she turned him down just as many.

“Right, Sophia,” He said, nodding his head. “How have you been? It's been ages,”

“Pretty good,” She told him. Her thick hair kept falling back in front of her face and she tucked it back again. “But I need to get back to work.”

“Ok,” Liam said.

“But we should catch up some time,” She added before she turned around.

“Yeah, we should,”

She smiled at him and waived as she walked back into the coffee shop. “I'll see you around then.”


Niall took a calming breath as he pulled up to his mothers house in Mullingar. He put his car in park just across the street and looked over at his old driveway. He saw his mums car. His father's, too. And there was another car that didn't look familiar. Why were there so many people there?

Should he come back another time? Niall shook his head, dismissing the thought immediately. No. He had to see them again.

He took the key out of the ignition and opened the door of the car. Niall shoved his hands into his pockets as the cool wind blew around him and he walked briskly across the street, looking both ways on the vacant road.

He stopped in front of the door and hesitated for only a moment before rapping his knuckles on the wood. The door of the small house opened almost instantly and Greg gasped and the two brothers stared at each other in shock before the oldest pulled him into a hug. “Niall!” He breathed. Niall was too stunned to hug back right away.

“What?” Niall heard his mums voice say. “Did you say Niall?”

Greg pulled away from his little brother for everyone in the room to see. Maura covered her mouth and gasped at the sight of him. Bobby froze in his spot. Over on the couch was a woman Niall didn't recognize, holding a baby. Her mouth dropped when she saw him, though.

“Oh my god!” Maura said stepping towards Niall and crying. Niall hurried into the house to hug her. Maura sobbed into his shoulder and Niall started to cry too.

“Niall,” Bobby said after a moment. “We thought you were... Dead.”

Niall pulled away from his mother, wiping tears away from his face. “I know,” He said, his voice thick with tears. He explained quickly what had happened in the hospital room. About him becoming a superhero and not being able to see anyone after that.

“It was you,” The woman on the couch finally said. “We've been watching the news reports. Greg thought the pictures looked like you, but I told him he was being foolish.” The baby on her lap stared at Niall with big curious eyes.

“Niall, this is my wife- your sister in law- Denise.” Greg told Niall before anything else could be said. “And on her lap is your nephew, Theo.”

Niall's chest tightened as he looked at the mother and son on the couch. Greg had gotten married and had a baby? And he had missed it all. So that's why everyone was here! It was just a little family reunion.

“Oh,” Niall said, looking at baby Theo. He glanced up at Denise and smiled slightly. “Congratulations,” He said. “Both of you,” He turned to look at Greg, too.

“Would you like to hold him?” Denise asked.

Niall broke into a grin. “Sure,” He said. Denise stood up from the couch and cradled Theo into Niall's arms.

“Theo, look,” Greg said over Niall's shoulder. “It's your Uncle Niall!”

Niall held Theo in his arms, bouncing him a little. “Hi,” Niall said, smiling broadly at the baby. He dipped a little, making Theo grin back and giggle. Niall laughed softly, looking up at his family who were all watching him with misty eyes and proud smiles. It was good to be home.


Zayn stood in front of the rows of houses. His feet were planted firmly on the sidewalk just a few yards away from the front door. The house, and the two on either side of it, were new. He could tell because they weren't as grungy as the others around him. The fire had destroyed it and they had been rebuilt.

His hands were fists at his sides, his arms shaking. Zayn stared at the middle house, looking for familiarity, but seeing none and all at the same time.

The front door of the middle house opened and a portly, middle aged woman came waddling out. She was extremely short and shaped like a pumpkin with light brown hair, cropped short and curled wildly at the top of her head. She had a slightly wrinkled face that dimpled into a smile when she saw him standing there.

“Hello, love,” The stranger said sweetly as she walked over to the mailbox. She stopped when she got a good look at his face. “Are you alright?” She asked.

Zayn carefully pulled his gaze away from the house and really looked at her for the first time. He didn't say anything right away. He just looked at the woman standing on the sidewalk in front of him.

“Have you been crying?” She asked, concern crossing her round face.

Zayn's hand went up to his eyes and he dabbed away tears. He looked at his wet fingertips curiously. He hadn't even realized he had been crying. “Um,” Zayn said, quickly wiping at his eyes and sniffling. “This use to be my house,” He explained. “I haven't been home for a while.” He stuffed his hands into his pockets and forced a smile. “Just feeling a little nostalgic, I guess.

“Oh,” The woman said, smiling again. “Well there was a pretty big fire about four years ago. The whole family died in this one. Shame, isn't it? I doubt it looks the same on the inside since it's been rebuilt, but I could give you a tour if you'd like. Did you know the family, by the way?”

Zayn cleared his throat to keep himself from crying again. “Uh, no, I didn't,” He said once he could trust his voice again. He didn't feel like explaining the whole situation. “I musta lived here before then,”

“Ok,” The woman nodded, still smiling. “I could still show you around if you want,” She offered.

“Zayn, babe, are you ok?” Zayn heard a car door slam. Perrie had been waiting in the car while Zayn was having closure with his old home. It had been four years since the fire that had killed his mother and sisters. Zayn just wanted to be able to say goodbye properly. Perrie walked up next to him and laced her fingers through his.

“Yeah,” He told her. He looked at her and smiled slightly. He turned back to the woman and gave her a more sincere smile. “Thank you, but I don't think I can have a tour today.”

“Well, if you'd like one anytime, you know where to find me,” The chubby woman said.

“Thank you,” He said. She nodded and waddled back into her house.

“Are you ok?” Perrie asked looking up at him. She had come along with Zayn for moral support, but she had stayed in the car so he could do this alone.

Zayn nodded licking his lips and sniffling again. “I think so,” He told her. “Come on. I know a place not too far from here where we can eat. Are you hungry?”

Perrie nodded. “Yeah, a little.”

“This way,” He said, walking down the sidewalk with his hand in hers.

~Six weeks later~


“Hold still just one second more,” Sophia said, adding one more layer of mascara to Perrie's eyelashes. “You almost done there, El?” She asked as the put the wand back into the tube and set it on the table.

“Last pin right here!” Eleanor said and Perrie felt Eleanor slip the sharp metal into the blonde girl's hair.

“Let me see, let me see!” Alli said excitedly and Perrie turned around for the small crowd behind her.

Perrie's mother gasped and covered her mouth. Tori's jaw dropped. “Perrie, you look beautiful!” She told her daughter.

Perrie grinned and looked down at the ground.

“Here,” Tori said, walking up to Perrie and rubbing her thumb at the corner of her mouth. “Your lipstick was smudged a little,”

“Thanks,” She said. Perrie turned around and looked at herself in the mirror and she had to admit, she looked amazing!

“I'm going to start crying already!” Eleanor said, covering her mouth and grinning widely.

“If you start crying, I'm going to cry!” Perrie threatened.

“You are not allowed to cry at all tonight,” Sophia said firmly. “We have worked too hard on your makeup for you to smear it.”

Before anyone else could say anything, the door to the large room opened and an excited murmur of of voices filled the area. A man in a dark suit was on the other side and he smiled at Perrie before saying, “It's time,”

“Ok, I'll be there in a minute,” Perrie said. Her face hurt from smiling so much and the man nodded and shut the door, cutting off the chatter on the other side. She looked at the group of women. “Do I look ok?” She asked, holding out her arms for everyone to see.




The bombardment of compliments made Perrie blush deeply. “Ok,” She said, taking a deep breath. She grabbed a bit of her long dress so she wouldn't trip over it. “Let's go,”

Alli and Tori rushed up to the two huge doors and opened them for Perrie. Perrie's father stood on the other side of the door and he smiled hugely at her when he saw her. “You look beautiful, Perrie,” He told her.

Perrie smiled wider and he held out his arm for her to hook hers through.

“Oh, wait!” Alli said before the father and daughter could walk outside. Alli pulled Perrie's veil over her face and Sophia quickly handed her a bouquet.

“Ready?” Her father asked.

Perrie nodded and they walked through the final double doors that lead outdoors. As soon as the two stepped onto the grass, soft music flooded through the crowd and everyone stood from their seats and turned to look at Perrie.

Perrie gripped her flowers tightly and looked over at Zayn who was grinning ear to ear at the end of the isle on the alter. The four other boys stood behind him, all dressed in matching suits. Sophia, El, Alli, and Tori all stood on the other side. They had come in first and took their spots on the ends of the alter. Perrie's mum walked behind her, holding the train of her daughter's pure white wedding dress.

They finally got to the end of the isle and Perrie's father let go of her arm. Zayn held out his hand and the two men shook hands, grinning broadly at each other.

“You be good to her,” Her father demanded.

“Always,” Zayn responded. He took Perrie's hand and she took a step up onto the alter.

They exchanged vows, cried dozens of time, mixed together Christian wedding traditions with Muslim wedding traditions, gave each other their rings, and kissed once they were pronounced husband and wife.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” The pastor said when the two pulled away. “May I be the first to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Zayn and Perrie Malik!”

The crowd of friends and family applauded as Zayn took Perrie's hand and they walked down the isle. Perrie held her bouquet victoriously over her head and strutted back inside, making Zayn laugh.

The doors were closed behind them and they were all alone in the hallway. “We're married!” Perrie said excitedly.

Zayn bit his lip to try and keep himself from smiling so wide, but he failed miserably. “I know,” He told her before pulling her in for another kiss.

~One Direction~

They partied most of the night with everyone around them. They ate and drank and danced. Zayn noticed how difficult of a time Perrie was having dancing in her poofy dress, but she looked so beautiful in it.

The couple had taken a break between songs to get something to drink. The rest of One Direction and all their girlfriends were there, too. They were all talking and laughing about how it's such a great party. Perrie and Zayn were congratulated dozens of times and they smiled endlessly the entire night.

Simon approached them, grinning the entire time. “Hello,” He said. It was the first time he had been able to talk to the couple since the wedding. “I need to tell you all something,” Simon shouted over the pounding music.

“What is it?” Perrie asked just as loudly.

“Can we all step outside? This involves all ten of you,”

Everyone set down their drinks and made their way to the balcony of the reception. Once the doors were closed, it was much quieter and everyone's ears rang from the lack of the blaring bass.

“What's wrong?” Liam asked, taking Sophia's hand. Maybe it had been too soon for him and Sophia to start dating, but she was the only one that could make the pain of Danielle's death go away. Sophia made it easier. She made him happy.

“Nothing is wrong, exactly,” Simon explained. “But it is important.” The crickets chirped madly around them and the moonlight glittered off of the pond below the balcony. Simon took a deep breath. “I have been researching your powers for the future,” He told them.

“The future?” Niall asked. “Like, we're going to get more? I thought we were going to destroy the pod.”

Simon shook his head. “We are. But... Your abilities are going to live on,”

Everyone cocked an eyebrow at the man.

“You see, when you were given your powers, it was engraved into your genetics. It's apart of you now. My science team and I have figured out that it can be passed down to your children. And their children. In a few years time, superhumans will be populating the earth.”

Everyone gasped at the news just as Simon's cellphone rang. “Hello?” He said as the group chatted excitedly. “Well, they're a little busy at the moment,” Simon sounded irritated as he looked at the boys, earning curious looks. “Are you sure you can't do this without them?... Alright, I'll tell them,” Simon snapped his phone shut, looking aggravated. He looked at Perrie apologetically and then at the boys. “I'm sorry, One Direction,” He wiggled his cellphone at them. “Duty calls.” The group groaned. “There's a terrorist threat that requires your help. It'll only take a couple hours and then you can go back to your party.”

Perrie looked at Zayn with pleading eyes. “Do you have to go?” She asked.

Zayn nodded. “I won't be gone long,” He told her. “I'll be back before you know it, ok?”

Perrie nodded sadly and Zayn gave her a kiss as the other couples said short farewells to their girlfriends.

“Race you lads to the RV-T!” Louis shouted.

“You're on!” Harry said bursting through the doors back into the party. The crowd gasped as One Direction sprinted through the dance floor full of people.

“You all know you're going to lose this race!” Niall shouted as they ran through the hallways.

“Yeah, but I have the keys!” Liam laughed, pulling out a key ring from his pocket.

They had made their way down the stairs and into the parking lot where the RV-T was parked among the rest of the cars. As they sprinted up to the massive vehicle, they all peeled off their jackets and undid the buttons of their shirts, throwing them on the ground and revealing their super suits underneath them.

“Let's go!” Louis cheered as the doors lifted.

All five boys jumped in, grabbing their ear pieces and taking their seats as Liam fired up the RV-T. Everyone hollered at the sound.

“Woo!” Harry yelled and the others did the same as they raced down the road. Files pulled up on their screens, telling them where they needed to go. The wings of the RV-T protruded from the sides.

“Damn, I love my job,” Zayn laughed just as the rockets shot out fire and they soared up into the moonlit sky.

~I can't believe it's almost done. The prologue will be updated next week. I'm trying to to say too much now because I want to save it for my last authors note, but thank you for everything.

Tell me what you think of the song, the Zerrie wedding, the familiy reunions. Vote as always. Love you lots!~

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