Reanimation...a Yugioh Fan Fi...

By HopeJohn

64.8K 1.8K 633

The Pharoah is gone peace within the spirit world, but that does not keep the world alone peaceful... More

[PART ONE] Issue #1...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #2...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #3...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #4...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #5...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #6...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #7...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #9...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #10...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #11...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #12...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #13...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #14...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #15...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #16...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #17...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #18...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #19...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #20...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART TWO] Issue #21...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #22...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #23...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #24...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #25...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #26...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #27...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #28...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #29...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #30...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #31...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #32...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #33...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #34: Reanimation's Holiday Issue...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #35: Reanimation's Holiday Issue [continued]...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART THREE] Issue #36...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #37...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #38...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #39...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #40...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #41...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #42...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #43...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #44...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #45...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #46...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #47...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #48...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #49...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #50...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #51...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Issue #8....a Yugioh Fan Fiction

1.6K 55 12
By HopeJohn

The video on the side is's so hard to find decent Yugioh music videos so I hope you check it out. :D

[Third person point of view]


The video on the side is's so hard to find decent Yugioh music videos so I hope you check it out. :D

[Third person point of view]

Seto face was a maul of pain. He shuddered at its pain running hotly through his veins like fire. His shoulder burned in fury; nothing else mattered right now.

Not that the only reason his misery was because he went to pick up his security card off the floor and they had pulled his deep stitches and immediately his wound began aching at the strain on his body—he didn't even hear the elevator door click open—nothing.

"Seto—are you alright?" A soft voice asked running to him and placing her hand on his good shoulder. He could smell Hope's floral scent through the pain—distracting him momentarily. He pulled himself together.

"I'm fine—it's just my past experiences with you catching up to get me." He said and felt his sewn shoulder. She stared at his torn shoulder and glanced into his eyes with concern.

"I smelled blood—I was worried." Hope said.

That's an odd thing to say that she smelt blood, Seto caught himself as he remembered what she was—what she could do. He remembered well, her shredding the arm on that guy in the suit like it was paper. That made the strong sense of smell sound convenient, at least, for what she was.

"What you could smell was my stitches being torn. I was picking up my security card that had fallen onto the floor. Sorry if that made you run up from the seventh floor." He said bitterly. Hope knelt down, picking it up and handing it to him.

"My sense of smell wasn't that good," He took the card, staring at it a moment before tucking it in his pocket. She explained herself, "I was headed to bed and I didn't know what floor it was on so I came to see you;"


[Hope's point of view]

"Wolves are nocturnal you know;" he said in an absolute tone.

"I'm aware of that—but I'm more human than you think." I said calmly.

His eyes widened a bit in surprise, I wondered if he was in a bit of shock that I was assuming he thought of me as nothing more than an animal, "Oh alright," He paused for a moment, as if trying to collect his thoughts on the whereabouts of my room. "You're lucky it's on the top floor, I think it will suit you." He said as we turned and stepped into the elevator. The door closed and we headed up.

We stood closely together and I wasn't suddenly so perplexed by Seto, "When you say 'it will suit me—' that isn't some sort of sick joke where you guys throw me out on the roof for fun with nothing but a doggy bed and a stupid squeaky toy—right?" I said with a sideways grin, trying to make light of an unusual situation.

He gave a small chuckle, suppressing most of it, "Something I haven't thought about—maybe I'll do it for Wheeler." What he said made me laugh, not having expected that as a response.

The door opened after Seto slid his card through. It was a large hallway with wooden floors. There was something that threw off a beautiful smell it was enough to get rid of the sterilized smells on the other floors. They must've had a few rooms.

"Why are there rooms here?" I questioned.

"It's an easier place to stay here and work at times," Came the reply.

I nodded, "I guess that makes sense, so you live here?"

He replied. "Sometimes I get out of here when it's too much, and stay at the mansion when I'm tired of looking over papers. Here, this rooms yours, we have the spare rooms kept for some individuals we work in partnership with, but they only come to the city for business meetings, so you don't need to worry about them for now." He pointed to the door next to the stairs and I opened the door. I was soon in a room with a queen size bed and a large entertainment center next to it. Near that there was a small bathing pool and the whole room was luxurious.

Unable to really express my feelings in any meaningful words I hugged Seto Kaiba. He tensed at the sudden gesture. "Oh, Seto its great! This is awesome thanks so much for even offering to let me stay here. Oops...sorry I just hugged your shoulder didn't I?" I said embarrassed as he tensed.

I pulled back and he looked stunned, like someone had shot him, "I wasn't expecting a hug."

"That's okay," I said, "Not too often but sometimes I am a little bit more impulsive when it comes to my emotions. You know—before I ended up here. It's're giving me a place to stay, when I have no where else really to thank you." Despite him doing all and this I still felt like it was a grand gesture to even do for someone, because even though I had helped him once, still sometimes I felt like an outsider, I needed to get to something familiar, something that reminded me of home. I looked around, "Can we go up on the roof from here?"

"Yes, why?" Seto asked.

"Because it's so nice outside—don't tell me you spend all of your days in here,"

He walked towards a door, opening it and leading me outside. I followed him as we walked up the steps and I looked outside contently.

"What is it you find so enchanting here? It's the roof." He said boredly.

"Not what's on the roof Seto—what's above it." I said and stared amazed up at the sky. The world was glazed in stars, and the moon a giant sphere upon the world. No matter what world I was in...the moon looked the same and the stars were just as beautiful here as back home.

I whispered quietly, "At my house you can see them beautifully; but at my friends places...even in small towns they have troubles seeing it.

"Because Kaiba Corp installs energy efficient lights—" He said in occasional conversation. "They do it because they are more green and it saves the town a lot more money."

I stood next to him quietly, thinking of my conversation with Grandpa Moto earlier today, "I'm sorry for calling you Seto all the time, I didn't know you preferred being called Kaiba."

"That's alright," He said roughly.

I ignored the fact that I was far from normal—far from having a normal life. "So I can keep calling you Seto?"

"Go for it." He said, pretending not to care, "You've saved my brother so I think you're allowed some privileges."

I held back a smart mouthed remark about how me being granted privileges, "Really? Well...thanks for letting me stay here too, it means a lot." I said as I walked over to the edge of the roof, propping my elbows on the railing, "especially since I don't have anywhere else to go."

"My brother and I were adopted, so I know what you mean." He said walking up alongside me as I peered down at the city.

I looked at him curiously, "Really? I didn't know that."

"Yes, when my brother and I were at the orphanage no one wanted to adopt us together, so I challenged Gozaburo Kaiba to do so and he accepted. He was a respected and hated man," His tone when he referred to the man was hostile, as if he loathed the man. He must have grown to dislike him for some reason.

"Judging from your reaction it wasn't just his workers that hated him." I pointed out, his eyes fell on me, now realizing that he had said that last part aloud. "It's okay," I acknowledged, "I know how it is to not appreciate some relatives, biological or not. What's worse is when they think you're in debt to them because you share their blood."

My parents had been good to me, my sisters as well, but it was one of my uncles I had disowned. They had done unthinkable crimes, beating their children and the like, we got my cousin into safe care and I decided that I would die before ever claiming him as my uncle. He was a drunk, he was cocky, immature, and he thought he was better than everyone when he was not. To this day he still tried to get money from us, saying we were in debt to him.

"So to some degree you understand," Seto answered and continued, "But becoming a part of this business was very difficult. I studied hard to take over Kaiba Corporation, and to take on the name, so Mokuba would never have to go through anything like that again." He looked down to the street lights, "I sometimes wonder if my choices were the right ones."

I gave a small nod, "I think if you have to ask that question, then you're doing the right thing." ***************************************************************

[Third person point of view]

Kaiba looked at this girl in question, wondering why she of all people he spilled his guts out to. Then he realized he had used the wrong choice of words...people. She was not a person, yet she had seemed to understand his conflicts with ease. His eyes fell on her shoulder, which had nearly healed from the fight earlier that night. No, Seto decided, she's not human at all.

As if in reply she rubbed her shoulder. "Something bothering you?" He asked, in some ways feeling quite bitter; because he imagined her shoulder was probably fine compared to his. Seto made himself ask about it though, she hadn't taken the injury, it would have hurt Mokuba.

"I'm fine," She said, as if reading his mind, "It must seem like a scratch compared to you..." Then her eyes flickered, her knees buckling, he looked at her in surprise, quickly catching her. Immediately she began to pick herself off the ground.

"Jez, that's embarrassing," She stated while trying to pull herself up.

"It's not, you did just get out of the hospital," Seto retorted, looking at her in surprise. She gave a small laugh, actually trying to brush that off. He wondered despite her quick healing how exhausted she actually was.

"You just got out of the hospital too," She retorted, "I'm probably just tired, that's all." She said and went back to leaning against the railing, while he held her shoulders to steady her. After a moment he let his hands fall to his sides and he went back to staring down at the city, his city.

It took a moment to take his eyes off of her and he couldn't deny how beautiful she was. The long brown hair, the intense blue eyes that were haunting. They almost reminded him of the woman in Egypt...he shook his head lightly, he shouldn't be making such comparisons, after all they were completely different people.


[Hope's point of view]

For me to do that, act so weak in front of anyone, was embarrassing. Frankly all I wanted to do after making a fool of myself was head down to bed, or crawl under a rock, maybe get in a few hours of sleep to make up for everything that's been going on lately.

"I think I'll head down in just a little bit," I admitted, while looking down at the city below. It was just so large, we were so high up you could barely make out things down below, "This is unbelievable. I've never been to such a large city before since I grew up in a small town." I commented, wondering what city I could even come close to comparing this to. Was it as large as Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit maybe? I had only been to a couple of those places I couldn't make much of a comparison to this place.

"Where did you live at?" Seto asked curiously.

"It's a long story," I sighed, "Even with you knowing what I am I doubt you would believe where I came from, I still think I'm hallucinating this whole thing sometimes, it doesn't feel real." I stated blandly.

"Well try to tell me, you've really got nothing to lose." Seto pointed out.

"Well that's true if this is all a bizarre dream or something..." I sighed, "Okay, here goes, my city's pretty small I grew up there my whole life, many it's based around agriculture. I grew up on a small farm, and we raised horses."

"So basically your family were farmers," He questioned and I turned red with some embarrassment, all of this must have sounded alien to him, "Yea, and so yesterday I was out in the woods going for a walk, mainly just to clear my thoughts, then this rabid coyote comes after me. I ran of course, but it didn't do much good, then she came...a white wolf saves me, and she had the bluest eyes." His eyes narrowed as he stared at me.

"Then I passed out and the next thing I knew I was here, downtown in the pouring rain. Then I barely remember seeing you in the alley, you know everything that happened after that."

"I think I can believe what you said, it's no worse than some of the crap the Geek Squad has tried to get me to believe, before."

"Well I'm glad you believe it," I said with a small laugh, "Because, I certainly don't know what to think." I tiredly rubbed my aching shoulder again. I stopped myself, knowing that it probably didn't hurt nearly as much as Seto's injury did, but it just ached, like how any muscle would after a lot of use,

"Well," I sighed, "I think it's time for me to call it a night. Thanks Seto." I said and gave him a small hug, his eyes widened in surprise, probably worried I was going to brush his shoulder again.

I didn't though, and he wrapped his arms around me, and gave me a small hug in return. I pulled away and gave a small smile. "Night."

I turned to walk away, he looked at me befuddled. I looked at him in confusion when suddenly I felt dizzy again. I fell to one knee.

I could feel him beside me. "I've got to go to bed," I reminded myself and tried to pick myself up to walked away but I felt his hands still holding my shoulder. I could feel the bracelet pulsing back heat inside me as well. My energy was drained.

I stared back into his starry eyes; he gave a small smirk, "Looks like you're not getting to bed on your own," he replied, then he threw me into his arms, tucking his left arm underneath my knees and wrapping the other around me, hugging me close to him. Some of this was against my will, and for good reason.

"Wait!" I shouted in alarm, "If you carry my butt aren't you just going to tear your stitches!?"

"Oh please," He scoffed, "I'll be fine,"

I wanted to protest further but exhaustion filled me, and I could only close my eyes in answer. I listened intently around us as we walked back inside. By the time we made it down stairs I could smell the blood beginning to restart around his shoulder.

"Hey!" I heard voices talking down the hall, then the sounds of two sets of footsteps approaching.

"What's wrong?" Yugi asked, I could feel his eyes bearing down on me with concern.

"She's just exhausted, that's all." Seto said tightly, holding back any pain that he was enduring with his shoulder. He hid his pain so well, if I didn't have such heightened senses I would have thought he was fine. "If you wouldn't mind getting the door, I could take her to her room."

"Sure," Yugi said, his feet sliding across the floor to step aside.

I heard the other voice, which was feminine and I quickly recognized as Tea, "Well yea, I can imagine her being so, she just got out of the hospital, and on top of all that we had to deal with Oracalcos again today."

I kept my eyes closed unable to do much else except listen. I could hear a doorknob turn and the soft steps entering the room I was supposed to be staying in. The smooth falling of footsteps helped me relax even more, forgetting about Oracalcos...about being from home....

"That and she's been shapeshifting into the wolf a lot lately," Yugi pointed out. I was set down on the bed, the smooth sheets pressing against my back.

Seto deeply replied, "That's probably part of it, she told me she had never become a wolf until we met,"

So he had been listening. And nothing I had said was a lie either, I found myself beginning to be able to speak more openly about my abilities around him. Part of me wondered if he understood better than the others since he had witnessed me shapeshifting first, and another part of me wondered if he looked at me as nothing more than some wild, rampaging wolf that'd kill without a second glance.

"Yep," Tea stated, "That'll do it." She decided with a yawn, "Well I think I'm going to bed too guys, everyone else has."

"Okay," Yugi said pleasantly, "Good night Tea," Suddenly he was being dragged out of the room by her, I heard his feet sliding across the floor.

I would realize that later it was to give us some privacy.

"Okay, ugh...goodnight Kaiba!" He called as the door shut behind him.

I heard the mattress squeak so slightly he plunked down into it with a grunt, I forced my eyes open at a squint to see Seto now holding his shoulder tightly.

"Great," I mumbled sadly under my breath, "Now whose going to carry you to your room?"

"Shut up," He said tightly, offending me, but I did feel partially responsible anyways, so it didn't take much.

"You could sleep here if you wanted." I muttered...slipping out of consciousness, "That don't have to walk, all the way, back...."


After putting a blanket over her, Seto sat in the middle of the bed, looking at the girl wearily, her chestnut brown hair falling in tangled layers behind her. She must have been exhausted, she didn't even finish her sentence.

His shoulder spasmed in pain, and he clutched his shoulder, his vision blurred. He fell on his side into the bed and collapsed in exhaustion next to her. He went to rise, but he just couldn't do it and he decided to lay there.

She rustled next to him, and rolling over to face him and began to snuggle with the pillow she was laying on. He gave a small smile to her expression, so peaceful at the time. He began to rest his eyes, he tried to force himself to stay awake, but he found himself giving in, part of him deciding just to stay there.

As long as he left before she woke up, she wouldn't even know he was there.


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