CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fa...

By xlaurynwritesx

5.1K 129 29

Sen•sa•tion•al Causing great public interest; very impressive Everything is good again. Henry and Emma are st... More

•Forgotten Memories•
•Breaking Free•
•The Future•
•Ice Cream•
•Sea Witch•
•Lily and the Witch•
•Heroes and Villians•


518 7 3
By xlaurynwritesx

Maya sat with Zach when a woman came in who Emma had bright from the past. "Marian!" Robin said as Zach eagerly turned to see the woman.

"Mommy?" Roland asked.

"Roland! My sweet boy." Marian said as she hugged Roland.

"Marian?" Zach said as he got up and looked to the woman.

"Zachariah? Is that you?" Marian smiled looking to him. "You've gotten so big." The woman said as she hugged Zach. "Wait is that-" the woman said as she let go of Zachariah and held Roland behind her. "The Evil Queen?" She said angrily as she looked to her. "Why are you all not running away from that monster? Do you know what this woman has done?" She said disgusted.

Regina looked to her then Robin saddened before running out. Emma went after her while Maya looked at Zach. "Marian is Robins wife. She died but I guess they brought her back. She was always like a mother to me."

"Poor Regina." Maya said looking to Zach. "She really has come a long way."

"But Robin lives by a code." Zach said looking to her. Maya held Zach's hand looking to him.

Eventually all of the merry men, including Zach left to go take care of Marian. Maya went home as well as everyone else and ended the day. Maya and everyone else really hoped that this wouldn't turn Regina dark again.

The next day Maya went with Emma Henry and her parents for a walk. Henry was trying to figure out what was going on with Regina. Maya kept walking with Emma and Mary Margaret.

"Henry seems to be handling it well. I mean between losing and regaining his memories and seeing both of his mom's and best friend with new men." Mary Margaret started.

"Speaking of, He told me he loved me." Maya said smiling to her mom.

"And you did what?" Mary Margaret asked with a smile.

"Said it back." Maya responded.

"So that's why you two were-" Emma started.
"Um you know let's- who are you with?" Maya asked looking to Emma. She didn't want to talk about how she made out with someone while her mom was there.

"Me and Hook kissed again last night." Emma said. "And Henry-" She started not sure how to finish.

"Henry doesn't know about you and Hook." Mary Margaret insinuated.

"There is no me and Hook." Emma said looking to her mom.

"Sure seems like there is." Maya said looking to Emma.

"Okay fine I don't know what there is but I can't talk to Henry if I don't know what I'm talking about." She said looking to him.

"Swan." They heard Hook say from behind them.

"Speaking of." Emma sighed as they run red around.

"Mausoleum's all clear. Regina's not hiding there." Hook said looking to Emma.

"Thanks." Emma said as she turned back around and they continued walking.

"Swan are you avoiding me?" He asked as Maya looked to her mom with wide eyes.

"Can you give us a minute?" Emma asked looking to the two women. They both turned around and went to walk with Henry and David.

Maya heard Leroy yelling about something and her and David went to the noise. When they walked over they saw a huge ice monster.

"It's heading for the forest." Emma said as they all ran towards the merry men's camp.

"What is it?" Robin asked as Maya saw Zach and he got up with his bow and arrows and went to her.

"Some kind of snow monster." David said looking to them out of breath.

"No monster shall cross our path. Well give you our assist-" Robin said before they heard growling.

"There." Little John said as he pointed his arrow at it.

"No!" Emma said trying to stop him, but failing.

"It only attacks when it feels threatened." Hook said as they looked to it.

"I don't think we have what it takes to defeat it." Hook said looking at the monster.

"Emma and Maya do." David said.

"What?" Emma asked.

"Our magic." Maya said as she put her hands up.

Emma blasted him first but then he grew shards on his back. Maya blasted him again but they only grew larger.

"Crap." Maya said looking at Emma. The snow monster hit Emma and Maya making them fall down and black out.

Maya started to wake up and Zach looked at her as he woke up as well. "You okay?" Maya asked as she stood up and held out her hand.

"Yeah. Are you?" He asked taking her hand.

"Yeah. That was an interesting monster." Maya sighed as she looked to him.

"Definitely." He nodded.

"I should probably get going." She said looking to him.

"Already?" He asked looking to her.

"You can come hang out at the loft with me but I warn you, there will be a crying baby and my dad to be all stern." She said looking at him.

"I can deal with both of those." He said with a nod.

"Okay then. Let's go." She said as they left.

They hung out at the house as Maya looked to her brother. They talked for a while about silly things and watched Netflix until it was night time.

"What do you suppose babies dream about?" Henry asked.

"Bullfighting." David answered.

"Laser tag." Emma added.

"Probably archery." Maya responded turning around on the couch.

"That's not true!" Mary Margaret answered looking to them.

"I think they are joking." Henry said as Maya chuckled.

"Right. I'll recognize funny again when he's 3 and I've had some sleep." She said as she sat on the couch next to Maya.

"Three?" David said. "I see the optimism returning."

Maya and Zach chuckled looking at her. "You two start laughing when you have to raise a baby." She said with a sigh.

"She's right. He does cry at night. Sometimes I wish I wasn't directly above his crib." She smiled lightly.

"Thankfully Roland has already grown out of that." Zach said looking to Mary Margaret.

"I look forward to those days." She sighed as a bird flew into the window making noises.

"What was that?" Emma asked as Mary Margaret and David went over to the window.

"It's a message." Mary Margaret said as she grabbed something off the bird. Maya and Zach got up to see what it was. "It's for Henry. It's from your mother."

"What does it say?" Maya asked looking to him.

"She doesn't want to see me." He said as he looked up sadly. He walked away and went out of the loft.

"Should we go check on him?" Maya asked looking to Emma.

"I'll go." Emma said as she grabbed the note and went out.

"I hope he's okay." Maya said looking to her mom. Zach put his arm around her and rubbed her shoulder.

"Regina's hurt right now. I'm sure she'll come around soon." Mary Margaret replied with a smile.

She stood there sadly before the power went out. "What the heck?" Maya said looking around.

The phone started ringing like crazy. David answered it and looked to the rest. "Town wide black out." He said as Maya looked at him.

"Really? What caused it?" She asked confused.

"How about we go find out." He said as him, Maya, and Zach all left.

"Hey Emma." David said on the walkie as they got in the car. "Town wide black out. I'm getting calls from all over."

"Yeah I know. I'm looking at it." Emma said through the walkie.

"I'll swing by and get you so we can go check this out." He said as he put down the walkie.

"So this is a phone?" He asked looking at it.

"It's a walkie talkie. It's kinda like a phone." Maya said as he nodded.

They got Emma and they started to drive. "So how is Henry?" Maya asked looking at her sister.

"He wouldn't even let me hug him. It was awful." Emma said as Maya sighed.

"Sounds familiar." David said looking to her.

"Because I do it. Great." Emma sighed looking out the window.

"Not just you. He has two mothers who build walls." David said looking to the road. "Sounds like he's taken after the both of you."

"It's not like him to pass up on operation anything." Emma said.

"He passed on an operation?" Maya said looking to him.

"That's why I'm worried." Emma said.

"I'll have to talk to him." Maya said looking to Emma.

"I don't know. I think it'll just make it worse." Emma said looking to her sister. "Sorry Mys."

"It's okay." She nodded sadly. "We'll figure out a way to get him back to normal."

"There's always going to be people trying to get you to give up. Don't make their jobs any easier." David said as Emma nodded.

"Guys what is that?" Maya asked as she looked through the front window. There was a huge ice wall by the town line.

"What the hell?" David asked as he looked at it. He stopped the car and they got out to look at it.

"It appears to be an ice wall." Zach said looking at it.

"Why would someone build a wall?" She asked Zach.

"Your guess is as good as mine." He said as they saw Hook come from a side of the woods.

"The wall circles the whole town by the way. It's also what caused the power outage." He said looking to Emma. Maya could tell he really liked her. She could tell for a while, but now it seemed to show more.

"When did you become a 21st century man?" Emma asked looking at him. "It looks to me that whoever made this wall was just putting up a wall."

"So they probably didn't mean to make the power outage." Maya nodded as they looked at the wall. "But why a wall?"

"To kill us all one by one. It's what I'd do." Hook said as Maya rolled her eyes.

"Let's go look over here. See if there is an opening." Maya said as she walked to the side.

They looked but didn't see anything. Maya saw something move out of the corner of her eye. "I'll be right back. I think I saw something." She said as she walked over to the side.

"You saw something too?" Emma asked as Maya nodded. They walked in and saw an opening. When they went in there was a blonde haired woman with a blue dress on.

"Uh hi." Maya said looking to her.

"Who are you?" Emma asked as the woman put her hand out. Maya noticed magic in her hand.

"My name is Elsa." She said angrily.

"Hey Elsa it's okay. I'm Emma." Emma said.

"And I'm Maya. We are just trying to figure out why there is a wall." Maya said as they put their hands up looking to her.

"I'm looking for someone- my sister." Elsa said her hand pointing back and forth from the two twins. "This was hers." She said as she showed a gray star like necklace. "I found it in the store filled with things. Where is she?" Elsa asked raising her voice.

"We have no idea but if you want us to help you you have to help us." Emma said looking at Elsa. "What's her name?" Emma asked.

"Anna." Elsa said looking to her.

"Okay Elsa. We'll help you. Just-" Maya started as she looked to Elsa.

"Emma! Maya!" David said as Maya looked to see the three men coming up.

"Stay back." Elsa said pointing her hand at them.

"Hey hey hey hey!" David said looking at Elsa.

"No it's okay. Stay back!" Emma said looking to them. David cocked his gun and pointed it at Elsa.

"Wait dad. She's just trying to find-" Maya started before the wind started gusting. Emma got knocked over and Maya yelled as they both fell and the ground shook.

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