
By Fanfunctional

609K 28K 36.3K

Welcome to Arcadia Academy- where friendships are forged, memories are made, and enemies lurk behind every un... More

Chapter 1: TRAINing For This
Chapter 2: Arcadia Castle
Chapter 3: Rebellion & Red Hair
Chapter 4: Fresh Prince of Belmont
Chapter 5: Finding Simone
Chapter 6: Deception
Chapter 7: Libraries and Liquor
Chapter 8: Answers
Chapter 9: The Five
Author's Note
Chapter 10: Roman
Chapter 11: The Party
Chapter 12: Class
Chapter 13: Aren't YOU Popular
Chapter 14: Y/n's Blood
Chapter 15: A Wet Weekend
Chapter 16: A Lit Weekend
Chapter 17: A Magical Weekend
Chapter 18: A Daring Weekend
Short Update (Nothing New)
Chapter 19: A Starry Weekend
Chapter 20: Too Many Questions
Chapter 21: Welcome to the Night Class
Chapter 22: Off To A Bad Start
Chapter 23: The Second Night
❀Crimson Group Chat❀
Chapter 25: The Creatures Almanac
Chapter 26: Unraveling
Chapter 27: Dreadful Coincidence
Chapter 28: Arcadia's Secret
Chapter 29: Morning With The Undead
Chapter 30: A Day in Delwood
My Message
Chapter 31: The Disappearing Shop
Chapter 32: The Gang Returns
Hallows' Eve 1939
Chapter 33: Weekend's End
Chapter 34: A Legend Returns
Chapter 35: Hearts of Steal
Chapter 36: Broken Glass
Chapter 37: Make A Wish
Chapter 38: Maurice Speaks
Chapter 39: Memory Lane
Chapter 40: The Plan of Attack
II- Chapter 41: Vampire Hunting for Dummies
II- Chapter 42: Burnt Photographs
II- Chapter 43: Meta-Speculation
II- Chapter 44: BelΓ­ssimo
II- Chapter 45: In Plain Sight
II- Chapter 46: A Warn Welcome
II- Chapter 47: Birds of Prey
II- Chapter 48: What Friends Are For
II- Chapter 49: Coffee Date Complications
II- Chapter 50: Mutual Exchange
II- Chapter 51: Tattletales
II- Chapter 52: Exploiting Friends in a House of Cards
II- Chapter 53: Putting Out Fires with 3 Litres of Gasoline
Arcadia Discord Server Now Live

Chapter 24: Ever the Trickster

10.9K 493 311
By Fanfunctional

I wouldn't worry so much if I were you. Remember what I said over the summer? You'll be fine. Besides, if you really miss me, I'll see you over the break.

And this y/n... is she cute?

Tensions ran high in the night class dormitory. All but one student partook in the discussion. But for the first time, they were making an attempt to stay on the same page.

"I thought we were all smarter than that," Dimitri said. "But maybe I gave Avery too much credit."

"It's not like this is the first time he's done something like this." Said Roman. He glanced at Lucian who stood by the stairs. But if the frosty-haired boy had anything to add- he didn't.

"I don't think it'll be the last time either." Bel said. The usually confident blonde had a weary look in his green eyes.

"Guys," whispered Luci. He pointed upwards.

"Let him hear us." Dimitri said without emotion. "He won't learn from his actions otherwise."

Roman made his way past Lucian and began his ascent up the dark oak steps.

"I don't think he'll learn either way." He muttered.

The rest of the night students spoke in hushed voices, making use of Cadere's absence. Except for Roman, who reached the top floor with few long strides.

Unfortunately, talk of Avery's actions only reminded him of the events of that night, and the events of that night only reminded him of y/n.

The upper floor was relatively quiet, but even at this hour, poorly lit. Roman's room was around the corner, second last. He didn't bother checking to see what Avery was doing in his room. Dimitri had already given him hell.

But after entering his room, Roman noticed that someone had been inside. And from his guess- Avery was in line for a lot more than a stern talking to.

"Oh no." Said Lucian from below.

The others looked at him in confusion. But before Dimitri or Belmont got the chance to ask what was wrong, Lucian had already fled up the stairs, gripping the railing.

A single crash followed by dull thuds meant the bookcase was now on the floor.

"Where is it?" Roman growled.

The others followed upstairs. Dimitri was calm and unmoving, but Belmont watched with wide eyes. Roman was radiating heat.

The blonde slid comically out of Roman's way as he marched into the hallway, each step unadulterated rage waiting to be unleashed. No one stopped him when he headed towards Avery's room and burst the door right open-

But aside from the curtains flowing gently over the open window, no one was there.

"That poor kid isn't getting a break." Theodore said through mouthfuls of bread.

You glanced up from your lunch to see Sophia being pestered by students who no doubt wanted the details on her attack. With classes becoming routine, people were looking for any bit of drama to keep themselves occupied.

"It's too bad," said Simone. "At least her injuries have healed up nicely."

No one said anything as the cutlery clanked against your plates. Maybe everyone was just tired. Eleanor didn't have much to say. But as of recently- he never did.

"You're quiet." You said to him.

"Hm? Oh." He replied. "Sorry."

You raised an eyebrow after more silence followed.

"Just thinking." He said, pushing up his glasses before taking a swig of his drink.

Out of all your classes, you had to say mathematics was the worst. Love it or hate it, your prune of a teacher was ironically funny at best, and deathly boring at worst. And after a new seating plan was put in order (how old did they think you were?), you had no choice but to make first impressions all over again.

With your friends, it was easy. Embarrassingly easy, really. Eleanor was witty and kind. Theodore always knew how to have fun. And Simone never failed to offer a bit of dry insight. But they all worked to keep you on track and (especially in class) were a massive help.

Unfortunately, being swept up by the academy's wave of homework and night patrol meant little time to mingle outside of your friend group and even less time to care. But maybe sitting with new people wouldn't be so bad anyways.

The black haired boy to your right seemed just as annoyed to move seats as you did. He used to sit in the back row too. Now you were closer to the front. To your left was no one, for the time being. You didn't mind.

After the math lesson, your gratitude for Sylabil's class grew because you knew you'd be sitting with your friends again. Everything progressed as usual until class was over and you found yourself with a bit of free time.

Eleanor was nowhere to be found, Theodore you presumed was with him, and Simone told you she was in dire need of a nap.

No matter, it had been a while since you checked out a book.

The library rarely had many students. Especially during free time. The castle grounds were far too interesting and the library far too quiet for most students to want to gather here. Which was a shame.

However, you wondered if the girls in your class would still feel that way if they knew a night student was here almost every day.

You thought of Dimitri. Make that two night students.

Row upon row of books passed your sight as you meandered by Lucian's study. But as the door opened, you saw Roman standing with his back towards you- a book in his hands.

"Hello, y/n." He said without turning around.

You weren't sure if you were more surprised that he knew you were there, or that he was in Lucian's study.

At this, however, the man himself emerged from behind the doorframe.

"Y/n?" Said Lucian. Roman turned and placed the book on the desk. "What are you doing here?"

"What is he doing here?" You asked, nodding to the red-head.

"None of your business." He said aggressively. His eyes were sharp. This one was clearly not in a good mood.

Lucian made an odd face and placed a hand on your shoulder, looking at his friend. "Don't be like that Roman."

You noticed Lucian's desk was a clutter of papers and stacks of books towered above even your height.

"If you're not going to help me I can do it on my own." Roman said, glaring at Lucian.

Despite the boy's attitude towards you in previous encounters, he was never angry. Annoyed, sure. But his incessant eye rolling never came from the place he was in now.

"It's not the best time y/n." Lucian said.

"Oh- sorry then." You said quickly. "Did you guys lose something?"

Roman disappeared from sight, and Lucian nodded.

"That's too bad," you said. "Anything I can do to help?"

Lucian sighed and began walking with you towards the library. "No, it looks like this is up to him."

"I figured something was up," you told him. "I never expected to see Roman in a library."

The boy reemerged from one of the bookshelves and paced towards you. Lucian's grip tightened slightly. But all the orange haired boy did was gaze down at you and smile a smile that failed to reach his eyes.

"Actually, you might not be useless after all." Said Roman.

With suggestive eyes that rivaled Avery's, Roman looked at Lucian for a moment. The bookworm's eyes widened and then he shook his head, a firm "no."

You watched this silent exchange and had no idea what to make of it.

"Let's go for a bit of a walk, shall we?" Roman said after rolling his eyes. And then you were pushed out of the study by him, followed by a concerned Lucian.

"You just- what?" You asked them. "What is that going to accomplish?"

"Yes, what is that going to accomplish?" Lucian glared at Roman.

The mean gaze previously worn by him was replaced by his usual disinterested expression. A bit of a dangerous glint in Roman's eyes.

The ginger leaned down with his hands on his knees as if you were a child, and he spoke to you as such.

"Y/n, all you have to do is go back to the plaza. And we'll see what happens." He repeated.

"When what happens?" You asked.

"You know what happened last time he got involved-" Lucian began.

"This time is different." He said. "This time it affects me."

Agitation grew in Lucian's golden eyes. And in your gut. Why didn't anyone care what you thought?

"If this is some stupid prank, I don't want any part of it." You told them. "Besides, why would I help you Roman?"

You could have sworn a fire blazed in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to hit you. You wished he would go back to rolling his eyes- why was he acting so sensitive?

"We would go with you," Lucian said quickly," It's just that we don't want to get stopped by any day students."

You crossed your arms. Roman softened.

"It would really help us out." Lucian pleaded. You couldn't tell if he was saying that for his friend, or for you.

"Fine." You agreed, looking between the two. "If it makes him shut up."

Lucian thanked you, as Roman grinned, leading you suddenly by the arm back to the library entrance.

You'll be fine, you found yourself thinking. And then you were alone.

In the castle shadows outside, the eyes of two night students watched over the vicinity arount y/n like hawks.

"You know... he could be anywhere." Said Roman, fixated on the girl.

"It's certainly a problem." Said Lucian. "But that doesn't mean we have to use y/n as... as bait."

"Hmph." Muttered Roman. "If you're Avery, Lucian, then you're a very good actor."

The thought hadn't occurred to Lucian. But Roman was right. Anyone could be the violet eyed night student. It launched a pit in Lucian's stomach.

"And this may not be the best time," continued Roman. "But it was a little hard to notice all the wine bottles-"

"I'm working on it, alright?" Lucian snapped.

"Are you?"

Lucian didn't say anything. He stared straight ahead.

"It's not good what you're doing." Roman said flatly. "It's not healthy. You won't be worth much half dead."

"We're all dead." Lucian remarked.

A shadow of a smirk lit up Roman's face.

"You don't sa-"

But at that moment, they watched as someone approached y/n from behind.

"I can't believe Cadere thinks going to
town is a good idea," said Belmont. "As if Avery would seriously consider Delwood the perfect place to plot in secret."

Bel and Dimitri were surrounded by very little light save for the single window in the night class observatory.

"Cadere knows what he's doing." Dimitri sighed lightly. "But maybe Avery leaving is what the school needs right now. It'd save us trouble."

"Delwood..." Belmont shook his blonde head.

"You haven't been able to see where he is?" Dimitri asked.

"No, not yet." He told him. "It took more than I expected to erase y/n's memories."

The sound of footsteps followed Dimitri as he began pacing around the room intently.

"And y/n..." he continued. "You never had any visions concerning her peculiarities?"

Dimitri was not facing Belmont as he spoke, but Bel knew better than to lie.


The room was quiet. Until Bel arrived at a thought.

Or rather, like an unpleasant dream you've forgotten, he was struck by the very feeling he'd long to oppress. The sour taste that makes you wish you'd simply forgotten.

Dimitri sensed his apprehension at once.

"You don't... think..." Bel began, "that Avery is angry at y/n and wants to get back at her in some way, do you?"

Dimitri didn't say anything.

"You were there." Bel said. "Why y/n?"

"I think you know why." The other night student replied. "All we can do now is wait for him to return on his own, or bring him back ourselves."

The window to the outside world began to open, as Dimitri stood before it.

"If we feel y/n is particularly at risk, she might have no choice but to reside under our watch." Dimitri said. The rays of the lowering sun left streaks of amber on his face. "I can't speak for all of us, but another tragedy would be most regrettable."

With that, the head of the students disappeared into the daylight, leaving Belmont to sit in silence.

Everyone wondered where Avery was right now. But would he really ever goes as far as to hurt y/n?

A hurtful thought crossed his mind for the second time.

Avery might make impulsive decisions and he might be selfish. But he hadn't nearly killed a first year student and left her for someone else to find. Didn't that make Belmont worse?

The blonde made his way to the front of the observatory, before stopping in the door frame.

"She might have no choice but to reside under our watch," Dimitri's words replayed in his head.

Belmont chuckled.

The truth was, he knew that everyone was already watching her very carefully. Only time would tell how long she'd be unaware.

Only time would tell.

Thank you for reading, thank you for making art, thank you for being you, I can't thank you enough. It's 2:30am, I'm going to sleep. I trust you'll leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments ; )

Love as always,
~ Fanfunctional ♡

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