That October Night

By keepingitkk

3.8K 561 1.3K

"Maybe dreams do come true after all. Even dreams we chase at midnight hours, Shorts." At least Ray had dre... More

Story blurb
Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Part 3
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Part 4
Chapter 40
Bonus: Deleted chapter

Chapter 6

120 18 49
By keepingitkk

HAKEEM HAD SHOWN ME his favorite spot behind the school during our free period class that was the last class for the day, informing me that it was better than the library 'cause no one knew of it, not even the 'pack he runs with.'

Ironic huh?

According to Hakeem, everyone abandoned that particular area, so it was pretty much a secretive spot. Why'd he shown his spot to me? I have no idea 'cause I never asked.

There was a huge wall that never got finished with several stumps and a log long enough for three people to sit on it. Near the log was a tree big enough to provide shade from the sun.

"You're not going on that bus anymore," Malik murmured matter-of-factly as he fell in step with me after school. All it took was a week to get accustomed to Malik's bluntness so I ignored him, but he decided to block me and a few others that were behind me.

"Move or there won't be any space left you dimwitted blocker."

He rolled his eyes far enough to get them stuck, staring at me as if I was a retard, and slowly said what he told me next. "Exactly. That's why you can get a ride with us from now on."

"Who's driving?" I asked, still deciding to follow him anyhow. Malik and the others were so diverse in personality, style, and ethics yet I couldn't imagine hanging with any other group in this school.

Besides not one but two girls in my group of friends was definitely something new for me. I mean girls are way too dramatic and petty for my liking, but I guess I needed the change.

"Too many questions," he sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Just answer me."

"When I said us, I actually meant Hakeem. I ride solo." He stopped in front of a green and silver mustang that I never really noticed. Everyone was there except Lola and when I turned around, Malik was nowhere to be found.

Uh ok? I thought before taking a seat next to Bre who was way too busy playing candy crush. "Where's the golden couple?"

Hakeem thrust the key into the ignition, bringing the car to life. The sound was loud enough to spike my adrenaline up a notch just by sitting there. "Basketball practice. Lola's there to support him. You know the typical girlfriend role and shit."

I nodded like I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Josiah was never into sports, or anything social for that matter. Even our dates were rather private. Every single last one. I should've noticed that something was up with that dude, but like they say love blinds you.

Or was it love at all?

Love is always the blame for someone's stupidity. I was stupid enough to look for attention in all the wrong ways.

In all the wrong people...

I mean I was always the girl who hung out with the guys. My brother's friends, wherever we moved to, were always my friends. No doubt I'm the brother Chris never had--always covered in bruises and mud from climbing trees, camping out, and sports.

Everything changed when I met Josiah. He was-

"...girl did you hear a word that came out of my mouth?" Kat snapped me out of the past just in time.

"Oh, yeah of course."

"Then spill it." Because they were in the front, Hakeem and Kat twisted their body, waiting to hear what I was about to say.

I sighed, shaking my head with a wince, and stared at them lost as can be. "Refresh my memory please."

Kat pierced her lips together tightly, but that ever going twitch at the corner of her lips was noticeable. "What do you want?"

"What?" If I said that I knew what she was talking about then I would be lying big time.

Really, I wanted a lot of things, but just because I said that I wanted them doesn't mean I'll ever get them.

Bre snickered, adjusting my head so that I was looking out of the window only to see McDonald's.

"OHHHHHHHHHHH! What do I want!" I repeated slowly in realization. Hakeem face-palmed himself while Kat shook her head in disbelief. My smile quickly vanished when I realized that I had no money to buy anything to eat. "But I didn't bring any money."

"Don't worry about that cupcake. You're riding with a king remember?" Hakeem stated, already shoving his hand down his pocket.

I mean how can I say no to free food? That would literally be an abomination.

"Dude, stop with the pet names," I mumbled then my tone changed to excitement when I said, "Anything."

"Frog legs, nuggets with some human blood that is."

"You know what I meant, Keem."

"Actually no I don't. You said anything. Got to be more specific than that."

I licked my lips, staring out the window with a smirk on my face. "Yeah exactly what he said." Kat looked at me for a while as if she was trying to figure me out before she got out of the car with Bre who was already a step inside.

"You're a bit far there miss."

"I'm good, Keem." I pulled my headphones over my head, listening to some music. Four songs later Kat and Bre returned with hands packed including a kid's meal. Kat for some reason became giddier by the second, impatiently tapping her fingers like raindrops on a windowsill. It wasn't until she started humming that she got annoying.

"Kat, would you shut up already? I like to eat my food in peace."

For a second-just a split second she actually froze then slowly looked at me. Sighing in relief, I took another large bite of my big Mac, only for Kat to start humming twice as annoying as before.

"Do your thing then," I mumbled, reaching over to turn the volume up to whatever song that was playing.

All my life, you stood by me, when no one else was ever behind me. All the lights, they can't blind me, with your love, nobo-

"I'm not listening to this," Hakeem and I said in unison. He was about to switch the song, but Kat slapped his hand away.

"Guys its One Direction for crying out loud," she nagged for a good thirty seconds too long until we let the song continue. "Yay! Thank you. Thank you. Thank-"

Hakeem interrupted her. "Babes we got you already. You're very welcome."

Kat started running a competition with the song and damn she had a voice. Honestly, I wasn't expecting her voice to be so melodious but it was. Bre went back to playing candy crush, and Hakeem kept his eyes on the road as they both blindly reached for their fries to shove into their mouths.

The minute we arrived at the nursery, Kat fast-walked in only to return with a cute, vigorously, curly-headed boy with the deepest set of dimples I've ever seen.

"Your brother is cute," I told her with my mouth stuffed with burger only to which Kat laughed at, patting my shoulder.

"Bwe! King! And....uh was your name?"



All of his R's converted into W's, and his lips were soaked with drool. Hakeem laughed, shaking Kaden's already bouncy curls. The minute his eyes fell on the kid's meal.

He rubbed his tummy, yawning. "I'm so hungwey."

I chuckled at his cuteness.

Kat handed him the kid's meal with a chuckle as she placed him between Bre and me. "This bundle of joy, Kaden, is actually my dearest son."

More like a bundle of energy. Kaden was jumping on a box with a brand new lawnmower in it from we got here and that was fifteen minutes ago. We were waiting on Kat to freshen up so that Hakeem could drop her off at work. This was my first time meeting Kat's mother and she was such a sweetheart. Right now she was dusting off something in the kitchen while Bre, Hakeem, and I lay down on the carpeted floor in their too small of a living room, but rather comfortable.


"Kaden, stop before you hurt yourself," his grandmother called out.

"That not me. That King."

"That little liar," Hakeem mumbled, getting up. Kaden noticed a second too late and tried running away, but Hakeem caught him just before he slipped out of his fingers.

"What did I tell you about lying Lil man?" Hakeem wasn't even smiling like he usually does which scared the tears out of Kaden's eyes. But I admired that 'cause Proverbs 22:6 couldn't have said it any better.

'Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.'

Kaden's answer was barely a whisper as his bottom lip quivered. "It not good."

"Why did you do it?"


"Now go tell grandma the truth."

Obediently Kaden did as he was told, but as he left I noticed that he walked on his toes instead of flat on his feet.

"Aye Mute, why does he walk on his toes?" I whispered to Bre, leaning closer to her. She answered with a shrug as she changed the channel. I huffed with a nod. It's pointless talking to her.

When Kaden returned he was all sluggish with his head down dragging with shame. Hakeem shook Kaden's shoulder but not aggressively just enough to shake the shame away. "Lesson learned huh? Big boys don't cry remember. Now let's go have some guy talk." By the time they were back, Kaden was laughing his socks off. Guess Hakeem knew his way with kids.

"Done," Kat grinned, kneeling to kiss Kaden on his chubby cheeks. "Mommy will see you later pudding. Be good to grandma okay?"

Before nodding, Kaden took a glance at Hakeem who fought to keep a straight face. "Good boy. Love you, baby boy."

I looked at Hakeem on our way to the car with a smile. He noticed this and winked at me, already understanding the reason behind my smile. "Kings have their ways."

I was the last person he dropped off since my house was nearer to his, telling me probably it was because he had triplet siblings and an older brother when I asked him how he got so good with kids. His older brother, Orlando, lived in L. A with his make-up artist girlfriend who was pregnant.

"Bye," I waved as I was about to close the car door.

"Friends don't tell each other bye."

I whirled around, leaning against the seat and staring at Hakeem in curiosity. His eyebrows were knitted tightly together as he turned the volume down.

"So what do they say?"

He broke into a grin as he said, "Later alligator," and winked.

I copied his movements except for the winking part because I can't wink for shit. "In a while crocodile."

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