Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...

By xbookgirlx15

1.7M 41.1K 5.2K

"No!" I say softy, choking back tears that were threatening to pour out. "It just can't be!" I say with my h... More

1. Prologue -Nora Faith
2.Prologue -Alpha Damon
3. The Start...
4. The Meeting...
5. The Truth...
6. The Proposal...
7. Here Comes the Bride...
8. The Offering...
9. His Victory...
10. The Farewells...
11. The Perfect Illusions...
12. The Collisions...
13. The First Appearance...
14. The Lost Luna...
15. Wedding Flashback...
16. Wedding Duties...
17. The Crest...
18. The Home...
19. The Stairway...
20. The Last Farewell...
21. The Alpha...
22. The Dealthy Silence...
23. The Trip Home...
24. The Trip to Hell...
25. The Christmas Sprirt...
27. The Attack...
28. The First Page...
29. The Fight...
30. The Bad Liar...
31. The Cruelty Of The Alpha...
32. The Third Entry...
33. The Luna and the Rogue...
34. The Waken and Riven...
35. At The Strike of Midnight...
36. The Truth Behind the City Lights...
37. If It Was Meant To Be...
38. The Deliberate Move...
39. The CommonWealth Games...
40. The Wander, the Broken, the Helpless and Pawn
41. The Skeletons of Not So Long Ago...
42. The Final Pages...
43. The Promise...
44. The Coming to Truth...
45. The Heart Knows What It Wants...
46. The Morning Sun...
47. The Complications...
48. The Late Guests...
49. Beneath Every Lie is an Excuse...
50. The Heat of Night...
51. The Glorious Dawn...
52. The Distraught...
53. The Leaving and Coming...
54. The Awakening to Something...
55. The Heavy Nightfall...
56. The Changes...
57. The Morning News...
58. The Rainbow to his Rain...
59. The Evening Of...
60. The Villa We Shall...
61. The Night to Relish...
62. The Bartering Risks...
63. The Night Goes on...
64. The Sadness...
65. The Fear...
66. The Night Rather Then Day...
67. The Growing Pain...
68. The Beginning to an End...
69. //Epilogue// A New Entry...
llYou Are Most Welcome Alphall
~*Alpha Royale*~
70. //Epilogue 2//
//Regina Luna //
71. //Alternative Epilogue//

26. The Unexpected Guest...

17.9K 521 61
By xbookgirlx15

"How many glasses have you had?" Kaden wondered in astonishment, jumping on the bar stool next to mine.

The coat of his tuxedo was open, showing off how badly wrinkled his once pressed dress shirt was in over a few hours with purple blisters from previous love bites. I drain the glass in hand before replying.

"A couple," I hiccup after the glass hits the counter top of the bar. I giggle as my feet began to sway side to side, sort of like Stephanie's hair had before she had trudged away after hearing my rejection. Kaden didn't look convinced so I add, "Maybe enough to be at the border line of being considered drunk.

"Oh another round of shots please," I order dozily as the young bartender passes by with an empty tray. He gives me an empty look and glares at Kaden before taking a gentle bow and returning to get the shot glasses afterwards. He lines them up horizontally in front of me with the bottle of vodka in his hand but he doesn't start pouring till after Kaden releases a heavy sigh and nods briefly.

After he walks away, I turn to him with a frown. "Why did he have to get your permission for pouring me shots?"

He sips his nearly empty glass of whiskey, before tracing the rim with his thumb. "You can't blame him. A -you've been here at the bar for over 45 minutes, and B -no one besides me and Damon himself knows you're the Luna of this Pack."

"And Stephanie," I mutter under my breathe before draining another shot, its burning sensation giving me a jolt of energy like an injection of caffeine.

"Stephanie?" he choked. An usual glint sparked in his eye at the mention her name. "What about her?"

"Oh nothing I can't handle," I said, grasping another ready shot glass. I drain its content as Kaden observed my unchanged expression. "She had a proposal for me but don't fret. I rejected it."

"What type of proposal?" His expressions grew dark as swerved his stool to face me directly. The music of the other orchestra playing on the other side of the room grew distance as the drinks went down. Now it was a low hum, with Kaden's face starting to blur and mix with colour of the light. I erupt into a fit of giggles. "Your face looks like all funny with all thos-"

"Nora," he seized my wrist with his voice growing lower and deeper. "What was her proposal?"

I giggle again. "You're funny when you're mad. Your nose is all red like Rudolph's!"

"Who in the heck is Rudolph now?" He asked, releasing my wrist frustratingly.

"Rudolph the red nosed reindeer! How have you not heard him? He saved Christmas you know," I scold seriously, grabbing the countertop.

"Did he now?" he said sounding slightly irritated while sipping another sip of whatever he had.

"Y-yes!" I exclaim, trying to stand up on my stool. "W-with his big shiny red nose."

"What in the heck are you doing now?" Kaden slammed his glass down on the counter, so he could use both hands to bring me down from my stool. "What were you thinking!"

"If you don't know who he is," I point at him and then at myself, "then I have to tell everyone about him. A-about how he saved us all with red nose of this!"

"What did you have?" He asked alittle breathlessly as my hands locked behind his neck. 

"Something," I wink, laying my lips briefly on his cheek before taking a seat again. He remained standing, looking at me like I was the world's most confusing puzzle.

"I'll be back," he murmured before racing the in direction of the crowd at the center of room. Luckily I was the only one left at the bar. People came but to order and then leave with drinks in both hands; one for their spouses and one for themselves.

Where they had a company of their mates, I was left abandoned at the bar. Tragic and very cliche. Tears had began to flood my tears at the thought. Well, at least nothing was holding me back from getting drunk -not even my Mate. My cheeks started to flush as I drank the last shot and turned my stool in the direction of the crowd centered in the middle.

Kaden reappeared from the midst of the crowd, gently steering his way around group of people. Damon was no where to be seen as always and so was Stephanie.

My heart quietly broke at the thought of them both being absent at the same time.

"It means my dear sister, you are on the early stages of falling in love." Xavier's words came barging in, making me curse as I chucked the glass in hand towards the crowd.

"Whoa," Kaden caught the glass mid air without any effort and lowered it before anyone could take notice. "I don't think hurdling glasses at our guest is considered as good hospitality."

He took his seat besides me again, silently looking at me as I wiped my wet eyes. "Shut up."

"Hey," he pulled my face towards his towers his clear vivid eyes. "What's wrong?"

"God, I might sound crazy," I confess with a tiring sigh, pulling myself away from him and hanging my head in my hands. "Who is Stephanie?"

"Wh-wait. Hold up," he stammered, clearly taken back my question. "Stephanie? That has you upset? Well, you were right about one thing. You were right about the sounding crazy part. I am seconds away from calling the mental hospital on you by the way."

My lips betray me as I left a smile faintly appear. "Yes, now stop rubbing it in. Will you speak or not?"

"Okay fine, I surrender," he swings his hands up mockingly. "I will, but have this."

He passes a wine glass with some deep red substance. My eye peeks up skeptically. "Blood?"

"Oh please. Only savages, some illegal cannibals and Edward Cullen, can have that stuff and stay sane but for proper, classic people like us, we have wine." He swiftly grabs another glass for himself from a passing waiter, without him even noticing.

Clearly shocked and amused, I rise my own glass to his. "To proper, classic people like us."

Our glasses clink and we drain them quickly without another word. Kaden remained unaffected like it was an everyday thing for him but I was panting afterwards.

Unlike vodka or whiskey or anything I've had in the past few minutes or so, where I received a jolt of energy as an aftermath, the wine was oddly light, and relieving in some sense. "Hmpt."

"Stephanie is Damon's oldest and most cunning as well as deceiving girlfriend till date," Kaden spoke gently as if he were retelling an old forgotten story. "They go back to when Damon was still young and when he was handed down the title of Alpha. He was only 14 at the time, where she was 11. She was Damon's dad, the old Alpha's Gamma's daughter, so they knew each other since birth really. After Damon's parents death, many other were killed, including Stephanie's own parents by other rival Packs that thought they could claim it as their own. There was a war even in which we were victorious and since then Damon and Stephanie have been a thing."

He twirled the empty glass which had less then a sip left, until it coated the more than the bottom before draining down again. "B-but, I have hardly seen the two together."

Translation, I've never seemed the together. He looked up with dismay. "The death of Damon's parents was hard on him enough when the news of an attack was announced. He needed support in a time that was dark to him and Stephanie gave that, creating a bond between them which he still hasn't forgotten. After awhile, Damon was normal and the support was unneeded but that didn't mean their bond was destroyed. Just because they aren't together, doesn't mean they aren't together."

I chewed my lower lip as I faced my glass. Aren't together. Fabulous. Where I was thinking Stephanie was the third wheeler, it turned out I was third wheeler instead. My grip on the glass increased. "What does take to get some wine around here!"

Kaden's serious acting was up and back to his amused smirk. He raised his hand and snapped it once loudly, resulting in a waiter magically appearing with a bottle by my side. "Pour a generous amount for the lady," He ordered, with his eyes darting back and forth from the glass to the bottle.

After bowing his dismissal, I turn back to Kaden to see his eyes rise from his watch. "Showtime."

"What? Now?" I say with disbelief, the glass nearly slipping from my grasp.

"No we'll wait for the grass to grow, of course now!" he erupted, offering a hand. I grab onto it and he yanks me up without a second to spare, and before I knew it we're racing through the crowd, towards the top of the risen platform like the one back in the church, located directed next to the orchestra crew and in between the two corner foyers. "Damon!"

His turned back, flipped around as our pace soften when we approached him. He held a champagne flute while his other arm remained his trouser's pocket. "Excuse me," He excused himself from the other elderly man -who was too busy eye raping me from head to toe to hear.

"About time," Damon spoke softly enough for our ears only as the other left. He glanced past me to Kaden, tilting his head. Damn, he smells good, June purred, forcing my eyes to run over his body. As I went from his legs up, I blush furiously with images of his nothing but a towel wrapped over his mans parts. Behave June.

"What took you so- wait," He took a step in my direction with his nose wrinkling. He withdrew his clear hand from his pocket and took my wrist into a biting grip. "How much tequila did you have?" He narrowed his brows.

"How do you-,"

Damon chuckles dangerously, yanking me closer to his mouth. Brushing my ear with his mouth lightly, I shiver under his touch. "Because you smell like a margarita blender," He whispers huskily, with his smile burning hysterically. "You'd probably taste like one too."

He brushes my ear once more in a quick clockwork motion stroking my cheek in the process and before I could comprehend what was going to happen next, he presses his burning lips against mine. I freeze as he suck the warmth from my lips and tries to bit his access into my mouth.

My minds short circuits as it tries to process everything happening. His chest pushes mine, along with my body a step back as he bites down harder. Do I allow my defence down to my careless Mate as he attempts to pry my lips apart or do I do the opposite and pray for the best possible outcome?

  Open open open open open open, June chants with each word increasing with intensity than the one before. A whimper erupts in the back of my throat as my defense weakens by each second passing dreadfully long. The pulsing of my lips begs me to give up my resistance.

Evenually, after my lips wither up and I was about to part my lips, Damon pulls back. Watching his expression gravely, his eyes flash with their golden rings pulsing with each beat. Somehow the glass in his hand had disappeared, and using it now, he brushes a curl behind.

"Get the Pack assembled," He ordered breathlessly, gazing at me but directing the order to Kaden. He bows with a smug little grin plastered on his face.

"You," Damon instructs me with a tug on my wrist. "Follow me."

He half yanks and helps me up the risen platform as fast as my heels could take me. As Damon releases my wrist he uses it to signal the orchestrate silent. Faces turn in our direction and within a flash, my anxiety rises once more. "Buona sera tutti," Kaden steps onto the risen platform.

"Welcome Everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying their time here," Damon inquired after Kaden catches everyone's attention. He stands tall and proud with his hands as always tucked into the pockets of his bulging trousers.

God, stop thinking of the bulge in his pants! I scold June seriously. We're in the middle of an appearance.

"I've asked for all your presence here not just to celebrate Christmas, but for another, more important and pressing matter. As many of you might know that I've found my Mate," He pauses for a brief second, skimming the area as people turn to chatter under their breathe with the people around them. "As many of you might have already had the pleasure to meet her, I am here to recognise her officially to all of you."

What the hell? This is more of a show and tell than an appearance! June snarls. Agreed.

"Vi presento il Luna del RedBlood Pack, Mrs. Nora Damon Romano," He says rapidly, turning to me with his eyes daring me to make that mistake as the crowd applauds. The applauds werent the only thing ringing to my ears. The criticism came in like a raging river, flooding my mind.

'Have you seen her outfit?' 'Its like the dress I wore in fourth grade.' 'Man those legs. Wonder how much Id have to pay to sleep with her.' 'And he rejected me for her. I pity him.'  'What a degrade for the Alpha.'  'Looks like one of those strippers from the training club I joined last year.'  '50 dollars for getting those shoes off and 100 for those tights.'  'I wonder shes ever handled a man with such a big-'

That was enough for me for to block them all out. My ears buzzed as I mechanically step forward to his side for him to lace his hand with mine.

"Many of you might wonder why I married her but all I can say that for sole business purpose alone. Henceforth, from this day on the SilverRose Pack will be one of our main importers and I strongly suggest trade begin as soon as possible for benefits for both Packs. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the party." Damon tilts my chin up for him to lay his lips on mine for half a second before reeling away and disappearing into the crowd below.

Wait, did he say trade?

I think he did, June replied surprisingly.

But the war...

I lower my head as I walk off the platform and into the crowd just as Damon had. I was about to reach the bar when a passing waiter swept by with glasses of more wine. Copying Kaden's effortlessly actions from before, I sneak a glass off without raising any alarms. I was about to take a sip when my ears caught some extremely loud yelling from near by.

"WHY HER?" Assuming 'her' as me, I move in the direction of the yelling as it leads me into another room hidden behind one of the corner foyers. The doors were wide open, so I simply walk in as the drama unfolds. "YOU PROMISED ME." A female shrieked.

Damon was in the heart of room with Stephanie in her fire red dress, gleaming behind him. They both were faced away from me, so my presence went unnoticed. There were people, but definitely half the size of the other room.

"He promised? That is the worst defence anyone has heard. Pathetic," Stephanie spat in her direction. "And what is even worse, is the fact you believed him."

"He promised he'd love me and that he'd marry me soon and that is why I transferred my father's land in his name. You don't understand what I had to do to get that land from my brother's name to mine for you. I love you godammnit," she cried, her mascara smearing over eyes and dripping down cheek leaving a wet trail.

The second Stephanie caught a whiff of my scent, she whipped around and smirked devilishly.

"Ha love! Damon," Stephanie purred purposely at him with the clear intention to strike me. "You love me. You've always loved me -even from the being of time when our eyes first locked. You should've married me when you had a the chance sweetie but alas. You were forced to marry that ungrateful, awful little...creature," she hissed in my direction, flashing her terrible raccoon like eye at me.

June snorts. Ungrateful? Says the almost extinct breed of raccoon. Damon being unaware of my being, follows Stephanie eyes to me and frowns.

"It's never too late my love," she glazed the tip of her cherry red extended nail against the stubble growing on his jawline. "You could still marry me."

What the actual f-

"No! Fuck off Stephanie, if he's going to marry anyone it should be me!" Another blondie steps out from the darkness. Her hands were shaking with fury as she trudged down the steps of the spiral stairway with the tail of her blue dress floating behind her.

Stephanie remained frozen in her spot with her bare leg and crotch pressed against Damon's thigh and nail trickling around his stubble. Like the other blondie, my hands were tighten with fury around my glass. Seeing them like should've done anything to me, but unwillingly it was.

Kaden raced from behind Damon to jump in the path of the furious blondie. "Hey Valerie! Long time no-"

"Yes and go to hell Kaden," she shoved him aside to me her way to Damon. "If you want to marry anyone it should be me."

"No, marry me!" This time a brunette, similar to the one in the hospital, jumped forward to pull the blondie Valerie aside. Seeing the resemblance, this brunette could be a sister or even a distance cousin of the hospital one.

"Excuse me, it should clearly be me if you Damon want to marry anyone," A bright redhead in a golden gown like dress, rested a hand on Damon's empty shoulder from behind. The second Stephanie saw, she flashed her raccoon eyes at her just as she had done to me.

"No me! He'll marry only me!" Valerie exclaimed.

"No! It'll be me,"the redhead purred. "He'll surely marry me."

"Marry me!"

"Ew no. Marry me!"

"What why!" She flipped around to Damon. "Marry me!"

"Gag me," I cough from behind, covering my mouth with my glass. Damon hears and turns to flash his paranoid look at me but instead of hiding away, I raise my glass to that.

"Now now ladies,"Kaden hollers as I sip my wine and a take a seat on an empty nearby leather bench. "That's enough. Damon cannot marry anyone, since if you deadass bimbos haven't see or heard, he's already married and marked his Mate."

"So? Marking and marrying shouldn't be the issue here. He could marry anyone or just mark them, and claim them as Luna. Marriage never was part the werewolf clan, it is for those mateless humans who needed an excuse to bond with one another before reproducing," Stephanie provided sourly. Why was I get the feeling Stephanie hated humans? "It is not like he's mated with her and fully claimed her as the Luna."

What was with people's problem with Damon not getting in between my legs?

"But she is already been presented as one to the Pack," Kaden defended. "What will he tell the Pack? 'Im sorry, but I accidentally married and bit the wrong girl and then presented her as the Luna to you guys, so yeah lol I messed up big time. Sorry homies'."

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "He's the Alpha. He can claim anyone as the Luna and no one can say a word against it."

"The Moon Goddess created them as Mates for a reason Stephanie and if she did that, there has to be a reason behind it," Kaden said.

"What are you saying?" She questioned.

"I am saying, the Moon Goddess wanted Nora to be the Luna of this Pack for a reason and by compelling Damon here to marry, mark and mate with another girl would be opposing the word of the Moon Goddess and facing her wrath. Would you ready to pay that just so you could be Luna of this Pack?" He argued, silencing Stephanie into deep thought.

The silence was profoundly long and intimidating but the shattering of glasses and echoes of screams from the other room quickly changed the atmosphere. Damon's eyes perked up to their highest point, facing me or rather the door behind me gravely.

Shoving a timid Stephanie aside, he raced towards the screams with Kaden jogging to keep up behind, overlooking me without a second glance. The people gathered around, started exiting through the other door out to the back.

My curiosity getting the better of me, instead of following the crowd out I go the other direction, the way Damon and Kaden had disappeared through. Chucking the glass behind, I take slow steps towards the doors swinging them open.

Before my eyes, were about a dozen werewolves in their human form with their claws outstretched before them, clawing their way through the members of the Pack like a machete slicing through grass. They were scattered over the hall, fighting with nothing but their bare claws dripping in blood.

From the corner of my eye, I luckily catch sight of a man ready to lung at me. Remembering how Xavier taught me back home through a million hours of training, I step to my left allowing my opponent to slip aside before sending my elbow into his spine, causing him to collapse helplessly on the ground.

Another one tries another method, thinking it out outsmart me by appearing from behind me. He grabs my shoulder with his claws digging in, but I take it to my advantage as I grab onto his arm and kick my feet against the wall, doing a complete 180 flip gracefully and landing behind him instead.

I send a punch to his jaw as he turns around, but he sweeps me off my feet as we both go flying back. Hissing from pain, I stand and do the thing I am best at. Running.

I dash across the room, dodging people as I cradle my throbbing elbow. Guess I was out of shape. Unable to see Damon or Kaden, I run back to the kitchen to where I was hoping to find Leila. On my way out while cautiously turning back every now and then, I was taken by surprise when something grabs onto my injured elbow tugging me into the pitch blackness.

Pinning me against the wall, I send my foot crashing down onto the attackers foot without thinking twice. If it weren't the scent of fresh pine cones, I wouldn't have been able to recognise the howl of pain as Damon's. "What the heck is your problem?" A faint sting erupts within my heel around my toe.

"If you hadn't had grabbed me like that, I wouldn't have done that either!"I exclaim as he presses this finger against my lips and tightens his grip on my waist. His brows furrow as he tilts his head to the side as if he's listening to something. "Follow me."

He tugs my wrist down the hall without paying attention to my protests from pain. "We can't save everyone! The warriors will deal with them."

"You can't say that!" He sighs and carries on tugging my wrist behind him. "You're injuried if you haven't seen."

He was about to lead us the third flight of stairs when the sound of glass shattering stops me completely. My eyes spot with dots as I use my other my hand to glaze the back of my hand softly.

As it comes back laced with scarlet blood, my eyes nearly pop out of my head as I heard Damon's growl from ahead. He still had my hand locked with his but as the world around me spun, his glowing ringed eyes dissolved into pitch darkness as my legs left the ground.


Hey Owls!

I was considering if I should make a mini chapter from Damon's point of View from after Nora's fall in the end of this chapter.

If youre willing, then I am too but you feel like I should carry on with the plot then tell me otherwise in the comment section.

I thought writing this party into two chapters would be good so I did and so I published them together. Tell me if I should more like this or nah in the comments too -pretty please!

The Author;

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