This Popstar Has A Mate?!?!

By isiscoran

17.7K 490 71

International superstar Olivia McCoy: 17, austrailian,singer, dancer, actress, and model. DarkMoon Pack Alph... More

This Popstar Has A Mate?!?! Redo
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By isiscoran


My heart is yours

My heart is yours

My heart is...

"OK Livvy that was good. Let's take a break and do it again one more time. Josh will be here in three hours to listen to the finished product. So we will take a twenty minute break OK." I nodded to Melissa and took my headphones off.

I left the booth and took a seat on the couch checking my phone. I had several missed calls from Mary, and Jace, but none from Malcolm. Just thinking about Malcolm brought back the memories of what happened on Thursday.


We had left and took a walk to the woods behind the school. "You aren't trying to kill me right? You don't usually take someone to the woods unless you want to kill them. Just saying."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna kill you. I just want to show you something." Rolling my eyes,"That's what they all say before they take you to a cabin and kill you."

He just rolled his eyes and kept walking, holding the branches so I could walk through without getting hit or scratched. "We are almost there."

"Can I ask what you are going to show me? I'm really curious now as to what it is." I could tell he was nervous by the way he swallowed really hard and his breathing picked up. "No you can't know! I mean you can, but just not right now." I nodded and it was quiet for the rest of the walk. I was wondering what he needed to show me. I couldn't think of much since we were in the woods.

"OK we just need to walk through this bush and we have our secret spot." He moved the bush over and walked through it. It was so beautiful. It was a clearing in the forest. The sun hit the grass so nice, it seemed like it glowed. "What is this place? It's so beautiful."

"This place is where I like to hang out when I need some alone time from everything. I found this place when I was thirteen. My mom had died a couple days before and it was her funeral. After it I didn't know what to do, I was so heartbroken. I was wandering in the woods when I found this spot. It was so beautiful with it's heavenly glow, and it reminded me of my mom. She always had this heavenly aura to her. Everyone in our community loved her, she was like a motherly figure to everyone in this town. And I didn't want to many people knowing about this place. I always said that the only other people that would get to see this place would be my mate and our children. It would be good-"

"Wait a minute. Hold up right there. What do you mean by mate? Is that like some secret code for something?" He froze. I furrowed my brows. "Mal what did you mean by mate?" He stood there staring at me as if in conflict of what to do or say.

Eventually he sighed. "Yes I said mate. If you promise not to interrupt or run away can I explain?" I thought about it. What was so bad that I would run away? I looked into his eyes debating on whether or not I could trust him. Slowly I nodded. "OK I won't run away or interrupt."

He took a deep breath. "OK the truth is, I'm a werewolf and you are my mate." I stared at him for a second. SLAP! "What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you say some crap like that? I've heard a lot of crazy things from people because I'm famous and they want to impress me, but you are just like them." By now I was pacing back and forth as he rubbed his cheek. "I thought you were different. I thought I could trust you. I thought that we would actually be- Ugh. I can't believe you I'm going home."

I turned to walk away, "No don't. Just wait a second." He grabbed my arm to stop me and turn me around. I yanked my arm from his grip. "Listen. I'm not lying. I really am a werewolf and you really are my mate." I scoffed. "Yeah and I'm Glenda the Good Witch." He rolled his eyes.

"Please let me show you. Just give me five minutes." I looked at him. I mean really looked at him. And looking at him I could tell her was on the verge of desperation to prove to me that he was telling the truth. "OK you got five minutes." He smiled at me. "Thank you so much. Wait right here I will be back."

He jogged back into the forest out of sight. Oh great I'm waiting in the middle of the woods for some crazy guy to prove to me that he is a werewolf. How great is that? Am I retarded? I didn't get enough time to criticize myself because I heard a rustling. I looked at the spot that Malcolm disappeared. I saw a wolf head poke out from behind a tree. It slowly moved out from behind the tree to give me full view of it. And Lord Jesus it was huge! It looked like it came up to my shoulder standing up to its full height. Oh my its staring at me. I slowly took a step back. It growled lowly baring its teeth at me. I squeaked and took another step back. It took two forward. I'm gonna die. It's gonna eat me and I'm gonna die. I haven't even got to finish all that I wanted to. I have so much ahead of me to accomplish before I die. I can't die. I took another step back and it followed my movements forwards baring it's monster sharp teeth.

"Malcolm! Um now would be a good time to come out and help me. I will forget this ever happened if you come out and get rid of this thing." I could tell I made it mad when it growled at me and took two more steps forward. I took three more steps back. Maybe if I get to the edge of the woods I could run and find my way to the school. I can't go to the school it might try to eat everyone there. I took some more steps back and it followed.

"Mal-Malcolm!" I was scared shit less. And I guess the wolf could tell because it whimpered and lowered its head. Seeing the opportunity, I ran screaming. I ran like I was in the Olympics and screamed like I was in a horror movie. Which was kinda true because you probably had to be in the Olympics to run faster than this beast, and this was my own personal horror movie. I ran not caring if I was getting hit or scratched by the branches, I just had to get out of here. I could hear the wolf coming up behind me closer and closer. I pushed myself even harder. The harder I pushed the harder the beast pushed. I felt myself slowly get tired. No no no! I kept trying to push myself, and now I had tears running down my face and blocking my vision causing me to slow down. I could feel its breath on my neck before it took me down pinning me to the ground with its paws.

"Please no don't kill me!" I was crying so hard by now. I closed my eyes waiting for it to attack, but all it did was lick my tears off my face and whimper. I opened my eyes to look at the beast in front of me in confusion. It got off and took a couple steps back. I just stared at it confused on what to do. There was this quiver int he air around it when it started transforming, and then standing in front of me was a boy. And not just any boy, it was-


(End Of Flashback)

After that he explained to me that he was a werewolf and the soon to be leader of his pack. His dad was now in charge and also a werewolf. So was Jace and Mary, and the entire population of this town. Me and my family were the only humans. He told me that werewolves only had one love, one soul mate, and I was his. It was a lot to take in. I mean it's not everyday that you learn that the guy you were crushing on and everybody else in this town were werewolves. And that you didn't just have a normal crush on him, you were meant to be with him for all of eternity. It was overwhelming especially since I had a lot I needed to focus on.

I told him I needed time to absorb everything and think about what I wanted to do. And I haven't talked to him since. I didn't go to school on Friday because we were recording the new song I wrote, but I went back in time to judge the dances for the competition. The winners were Jesse and Taylor. Their dance was beautiful. It was hard but I avoided Jace too. It was hard to see him sad because he was my friend, but I just needed the space to get my head together. All Saturday and Sunday we were in the recording studio in the basement of my house, only taking breaks when my voice couldn't give anymore or somone's hands needed a break. It took more time on this song because we had to find the right melody and we just couldn't agree, but we found it. It sounded a little more rockish than I intended, but what the heck!

Today was Monday and we were finishing up recording. Josh was supposed to come by today to hear the finishing product to see if it is good enough to add to the album. Seeing all the missed calls and text messages from Jace and Mary left me feeling guilty. I hurried and sent them a quick text message.

To: JDog and Mary

Hey guys! I'm not mad at any of you. I just needed some time to think about everything. I'm not avoiding you guys purposefully, I'm recording a new song for the new album and it's taking some time. Hopefully if all goes well I will be back tomorrow.

XOXO Livvy

I pressed send and went on Twitter and posted to my fans about the new song i was doing and how I am anxious to see how it comes out. Immediately everybody started replying back with words of encouragement but one stood out to me. It was from Mal_Wolf14:

@LivvyLove your song is great and don't let them tell you otherwise. I'm rooting for you.

Seeing it made me realize what I wanted and needed to do. I went to my contacts looking for Malcolm's name. I took a deep breath and called him. It started ringing and my heart started pounding.

"Hey this is Malcolm. Sorry I missed your call. Please leave your name, number, and message and I'll try to get back to you. Peace." I waited for the beep before I spoke. "Hey Mal it's me Livvy. Um... I thought about everything we talked about and I made my decision.." I took a deep breath and let it out. "I want-"

"Livvy it's time to finish up." It was Melissa. I nodded and she left the room. "I gotta go,but I'll talk to you later. Bye." I hung up and took a moment to breathe in deeply to calm my heartbeat. I got up, headed into the booth and finished the song that would either make me or break me. Let's hope it wasn't the latter.



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