Unwanted love

By NoelCecil

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Ciara Welsh is your average teenager but with one exception she lives on her own, her parents got divorced so... More

Unwanted love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 17

62 1 0
By NoelCecil


Hello my fantabulous lovelies, it's finally April. I'm also almost at 700 reads ahhhhh. So was last chapter crazy with Ciara. I told you I would jazz it up and mama don't lie. So did you like my editor suggestion. Also since it's spring I might not be able to post every week like I'm doing now but the chapters are going to be 2x longer than usual though :) Also alot of people might be confused with who John is but he is the kidnapper and the person who took Ciara btw.

Read-Vote-Comment- Drink some tea

"She is the days I can't get over,

She is the nights that I call home, endlessly."green river ordinance, Endlessly


Ciara POV:

All I could think about is how I just want to get out of this place, Its horrible. I listened to the girls story it's terrible. This one girl Rebekah got taken four months ago, she got in a fight with her parents and stormed out of the house but her car broke down and he offered to drive her to the gas station to get a tow truck but she's stuck here instead. There's many more sad stories here too but mine sounds pathetic compares to theirs, they had a future and one even had a fiancé who might not ever see her again. But for the past five hours Ive been stuck in here I became friends with the fifteen girls here, they are surprisingly nicer than the girls at my school but im the youngest out of the group of girls so I dont know what will happen to me.

"Stop the chit chat bullshit now and umm Ciara come with me now" John said opening the door.

I got up quickly recieving many nervous and sad and good luck stares from the many girls around me sitting on their rundown beds.

'Yes" I said as i finally made it out the door and was next to him shaking.

"No need to be nervous, I just need to ask some questions about yourself" He said grabbing my arm and pulling me up the ridgdy stairs and we made a sharp right when we made it up the stairs but i got the chance to see that we are probably on the outskirts of the town, in the country.

"SIT DOWN NOW AND DONT TOUCH ANYTHING"He yelled to me as he slammed his door shut and i saw i was in a very poorly done office type room.

"Okay stop looking like a lost puppy and this will be fast and quick kay starshine'" He said sitting on his desk facing me.

"Okay lets get started then, Have you ever had sex?"

"Pass' I said not wanting to tell him about my virgin life.

"Haha this is a yes or no answers, so pass wont be accepted my dear, so I will ask you again, Have you had sex?"

"No" I said quietly

"THERE IT GOES AGAIN WHAT DID I FUCKING SAY ABOUT SPEAKING UP WHEN I TALK TO YOU" he said slapping my cheek which resulted on my head hitting the armrest.

"Its No" I said a little louder.

"Now was that so fucking hard and this will be great never had a virgin girl before" he said showing a smirk growing wider and wider.

"Okay were done here"

"I thought you said you had to ask me questions?" I said lifting my head even though it was throbbing like crazy from earlier.

"Well your a virgin so you wont have any stds and shit and sweetheart you will be starting your shift in a week and hopefully everybody would have forget about you being missing."

"Okay and may i go now"

" Yeah lets go my little virgin" He said while pulling my hair down the stairs and then shoving me into the door.

"Dick" I whispered for hurting me

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME" He said corning me into the concrete wall in the basement.

"N-nothing S-sir" I said scared that he might hurt me

"It better be nothing" He said but before he turned around, he punched me square in the nose and blood started pouring out instanly.

"Now dont ever disrespect me again you under-" he was soon cut off by somebody calling for him

"Dad, Where are you"

"Get back into the room, I have to go deal with something,"He said while pushing me towards the door quickly like he was trying to hide me from his son who opened the basement door all of a sudden.

"Omg, Ciara what happened, somebody get me a wet towel please." Rebekah said. Even though we were in a basement there was a bathroom here and a small kitchen area with hardly any food and beds for us that were dusty and rundown and the only light that we got were from the bathroom and the little window on the wall.

Soon after Rebakah cleaned me up I put my ear to the door to hear his conversation with his son cause it was quite suspicious how he pushed me in here like that and locked the door.

"Dad I thought you said you were going to stop with this prostitution/slave or whatever the hell you call it"

"I cant son we need the money and this is what I love"

"Do you think the girls like it"

"I dont give a fuck their all sluts except one and why dont you try, I started off raping and then kidnapp and put them in the buisness"

"I tried but it didnt work out dad I ended up liking her"

"Great fucking going, turn off those emotions, I swear you are just like your mother emotional as fuck"

"You only became this way cause she died along with my cousin"

"THATS A FUCKING LIE, and go be with that girl you so eagerly like so much"

"I cant she only thinks of me as the guy who tried to rape her cause of you, you bastard" he said before he stormed up the stairs

I suddenly took my ear away and I thought to myself and how familiar his son voice is.

"What was the arguement about" Lucy said (another one of the girls)

"About this buisness and how his son wont join it cause its wrong" I said quietly because I was still in thought about his son and that whole conversation.

"Ciara you okay" Chelsea asked ( another one of the girls said).

"Y-yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking about how his son voice is so familiar" I said getting off of the floor slowly cause my body stills hurt and I'm pretty sure I am suffering from a couple of bruises. As I made my way to the beds, I was rewinding their conversation.

'My cousin died, Almost rape, Started liking, money issues'

Those five little things were going round and found in my head but I just couldn't put them together, maybe because of the lack of water we have down here or the lack of sunlight is getting to me.

But all of a sudden it hit, No I mean literally it hit me cause somebody accidentally threw our only brush at my head.

But who would have know that little brush would cause something in my brain to click and put the pieces together.

"Girls I know who he's son is" I said suddenly jumping off the bed on to the concrete flooring we had.

"Who?" they all said at once.

"He's son is -" I started to say but soon was interrupted by John.

"Ciara come here now and we have a major issue" he said furious, so I did what any scared teenager would do and listened.


Here I am sitting here aggravated as fuck throwing a baseball at my wall in my bedroom. But my heart knew I should be driving around town to try and find Ciara, I can't lose her too. She made me feel like everything was going to get better every since Amy death and my mom I just felt like every girl who ever loved me would always leave me, and here's Ciara. She has this thing with her that draws you in and you soon become attach to it and you don't want to let it go.

"Ethan get your ass up and stop moping around" My brother said to me as he barged into my room.

"What's the point of getting up and I don't mope"

"Oh you mope so get up and were gonna go get your girl" he said as he exited the room and leaving me completely shocked on why would he want to help me get Ciara.

I jumped off the ground and slipped on my shoes and jacket and ran out to be greeted by my brother and Jamie.

"Why is she here" I said making sure he heard the disgust in my voice.

"Why she's the one who thought of it" he said, which made me know that she didn't tell him.

"Whatever I don't need her help, I'll find Ciara on my own" I said grabbing my keys off the counter, finally got my cat back from the shop.

"Ethan wait" Jamie said grabbing my arm.

"Get off of me slut" I said and yanked my arm back which resulted in her falling into my brothers chest.

"What the fuck Ethan" he said shocked.

"Ask your sweet Jamie" I said sarcastically and with that I was out of the house and in my car look for my love, Ciara.

I had no fucking clue where she is and if she was okay but I was holding on to the hope she will love me and we will be together and safe.

P.S. I did finish this yesterday but I had to edit it myself cause my editor was out and about so it took awhile soo my bad.

Also I need help with coming up with a name for Ethan's brother. SOS

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