We Fit Together Like Ying And...

By JustYouWaitAndSee

45.4K 689 95

To the human population Savanna's parents died of an unknown cause, but her and her brothers know the truth... More

Our New Home
The Day We Met
Getting Closer To Jacob
Beach Time
There's a fire starting in my heart
The Untold Story Of Pain
The Kiss
The Suppose Date
The Transformation
The After Effect
Getting Away
It Was Only Just A Dream
Her Fault
Micheal and Leah's Plan
Micheal and Leah's Plan Part 2
Just A Kiss
My Best Friend James Levar
The Threat
I Miss You

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

1.3K 19 1
By JustYouWaitAndSee

Savannas POV

Two weeks have passed since James came to visit me. Him and Jacob were not getting along and I didn't know why. Jacob tells me all the time that I should be careful around James. Saying things like he's not who he seems, or that James was planning something that was big and I should be careful. I quickly dismissed it as jealousy though.

The way Jacob looked at James when he was around me was pure jealousy and hatered. I asked him what made him hate JAmes without getting to know him and he told me it was the day that we went bowling, the first day that James came. He didn't tell me specifically what made him hate James just that James had said some things to him that hurt him deeply.

Being around those two was sheer torture. Either they were glaring at each other or they were completely ignoring each other. All I wanted them to do was to make up and be friends. It pained me to see them the way they were. Well that was going to end today. Today is the day that things between them were going to change for the better, hopefully.

James POV

I stared at Savanna's beautiful face while she yelled at me. Sure she was yelling at me, again, but I couldn't help but be fascinated by the beauty of her.

"Are you even listening to me James?!" Blinking I slowly nodded even though it wasn't true. Savanna saw through it clearly. She could always tell when I was lying. Her eyes narrowed and she growled lowly.

"Then repeat to me what I said." Biting my lip I looked away.

"That exactly what I thought. Why won't you just listen to me James. You know how much Jacob means to me. For the love of my life and my best friend to be fighting is not something I enjoy. Why can't you two just make up? For me?" My eyes glazed over as my warlock started to come out. These past weeks all I ever heard about was Jacob. What he made her feel like when he kissed her. That should be me making her feel like that. 

Slowly my warlock was getting fed up with hearing about him and what she had just said was the last straw. Be friends with that mutt that was trying to take my mate away from me. The very vain of my existence. Never. Not if my life depended on it. Growling I stood up, well more like my warlock made me stand up. Savanna gasped and I could assume that my eyes were not they normal blue.

They were probably silver as I've been told by the other wizards and warlocks that I live with.

"J-James what happened to your eyes?"

"You want me. To be friends. With that mutt? Never would such a thing happen. Not when he is taking away the most precious thing in my life. I have sat back and took all the pain of seeing you and him together, but no more will I sit back and watch.  You are mine Savanna. Do you hear me? MINE. I am your soul mate. The person your suppose to spend forever with. Can't you feel the connection we have. Can't you feel the love that I have for you. It's me and only me. Not some lowly mutt." While those words were spoken, by my warlock, I had walked over to her. 

Third Person's POV

Her face was in shock as she processed his words. Putting his hand's on either side of her face he softly stroked her cheeks and breathed in her strawberry scent. Growling lowly he looked her in the eyes.

"I know you feel the same way Savanna. I know deep down in your soul, your demon wants me and only me. The only reason your with that mutt is because he has a claim over your human self. The demon self wants me. Why not give her what she wants." Lowering his head he brushed his lips against hers. Sparks went off at just that little touch making him and her shiver in pleasure. Smiling at her he watched as her eyes clouded over until her blue eyes were a deep purple.

Savanna wrapped her arms around his neck and purred into his ear.

"My dear Lucas. Oh how I have missed you. I don't know why I let that petty human control me for so long. I was stupid to do that. I should have taken over sooner then me and you could have been together by now." My warlock was in pure ecstasy at the sound of the demon's voice. He had been waiting for so long to hear her voice, to be with her that the sound nearly consumed his entire being.

Stroking her cheek he watched her eyes close and her lips part in a silent moan. Smirking devishly he moved his face closer to hers.

"It's okay my love. Were finally together now so that's all that matters." The demon smiled before her eyes glazed over again. The warlock knew instantly what was happening. The human was trying to take her body back. Her and the demon were having a internal battle for dominance. In the end the human won.

The girl's body sagged to the ground as she panted for breath. Looking up at the man in front of her she did the only thing she could think of. She ran.

Savanna's POV

"My dear Lucas. Oh how I have missed you. I don't know why I let that petty human control me for so long. I was stupid to do that. I should have taken over sooner then me and you could have been together by now." No! I don't mean those words! I would only say those things to Jacob. Get out of my body! 

Never. My dear girl its time that I took what was rightfully mine. You don't deserve to have this body. Look at all the things you've done to it. Most of it over a silly mutt. I can't believe you denied our mate too. How could you be so foolish.

Foolish? How am I foolish to be in love with the right person? Explain that to me cause I sure as hell don't get it. Jacob is the one I love. The one I want. Not James. James is my best friend not the guy I love.

Stroking my cheek he watched my eyes close and my lips part in a silent moan. Smirking devishly he moved his face closer to mine.

Oh dear girl you can't tell me you didn't feel the pleasure when he stroked our cheek. The sparks that went off. You know you can't deny it.

"It's okay my love. Were finally together now so that's all that matters." The demon smiled before I decided that enough was enough.

Growling inside my mind I used every ounce of strength that I had to push her to the back of my mind. While she screamed and yelled I took control of my body again. Falling to my knees I tried to bring air back into my lungs. Getting her to leave and for me to take control again was hard. It took every ounce of strength I had to do that.

Looking up at James I felt my eyes widen in fear. This was not the James that I knew. The James that I knew would never say such things to me. Slowly I stood up and backed away from the person. When I was a good few feet from him I turned and ran. Running down the stairs and to the door I flung it open and took off running.

Running across the street I ran into the woods. I don't know why I ran into the woods, but I did know that I had to get away from that person that took over James body. I couldn't take the chance of having my demon take over my body again. I wouldn't have the strength to push her back the next time.

I ran aimlessly through the woods, not wanting to start for fear of James finding me.

Stop you imbecle! Go back to my mate this instance! 

Growling at her in my mind to shut up I stopped running and leaned against a tree. My heart was beating way too fast and my legs felt like they were about to fall off. Tears filled my eyes while I slid down to the floor. Pulling my knees up to my face I let the tears fall carelessly.

Why are you crying? Theirs no need to cry.

I'm crying because I probably lost my best friend. I- I don't even know him anymore. What happened? Why is he like that? You have to know something since you seemed to know that person that took over his body so well.

Yes I know who he is. He's a warlock. Which makes your precious James a warlock too. I can't believe he never told you. Some best friend he is. And as for how I know that warlock. His name is Lucas. We met along time ago when every supernatural being lived together with the humans in peace. We didn't have to hide from them we could be our self's. 

We were young and in love. We promised eachother that we would be together forever. Since he was a warlock he used a spell that whenever we die that our souls would be reincarnated into the body of a human after 50 years and that some way we would find eachother everytime.

But being that he was a new warlock and not completely trained the spell backfired. Instead of being reincarnated into a body we would be forced to share that body and give the user power that we possessed. Thus that's why I'm stuck sharing this body with you.

I had been so focused on her words that I didn't notice a certain redhead vampire sneak up behind me until it was too late. Grabbing my the throat she lifted me up and stared me in the eyes. Smirking brightly she flung me on top of her shoulder and kept running. Me and my demon were frantic. My demon was trying to use her powers on Victoria but nothing worked.

What is going on?! Why don't my powers work on her! This can't be possible.

I don't know. They usually work. I have no idea why not now.

Their is a possibility that she has a warlock or a witch helping her. That means that she probably made it to wear demon powers don't work on her.

I groaned in my mind. 

Were so screwed. What are we going to do?

She's more than likely taking us to Richard so all we can really do is just wait, plan, and stay alive.

Sighing to myself I stopped struggling against Victoria and let her take me. All I could do was grit my teeth and wait for my time to come. Maybe just maybe I could once and for all take Richard down. If I  live to try.

Jacobs POV

I pulled up to Savanna's house, ready to apologize for how I've been treating James. Sure he was trying to take her from me, but he is her best friend and she wants nothing more than for us to be friends. Even if I have to fake it I will, just to see her happy. 

Getting out of the car I heard shouting and things being thrown. Furrowing my eyebrows I walked over to the front door and raised my hand to knock. The door flew open and there stood Micheal. His eyes were a bright yellow and his lips were curled back in a snarl.

"Where is Savanna?!" Blinking I backed away a little.

"What are you talking about? I haven't seen her." His eye's flashed brighter and he growled.

"You're lying! She has to be with you!" I shook my head.

"I was coming over here to see her. I haven't seen her all day I swear." Micheal straightened up, his eyes going back to their natural color, but filled with suck sadness. My heart clenched as the words finally processed through my mind. My Savanna was missing. No this couldn't be possible.

"She's missing isn't she?" I whispered, not having the strength to say it louder. One look at his face and I knew that it was true. Taking a deep breath I forced the sadness back and focused on one thing. Finding Savanna.

"Who was the last person to see her?" I asked, stepping into the house and walking over to the living room. Micheal growled at James. James looked completely destroyed. His shoulders sagged and his eyes looked so dead.

"James was the last one to see her. Go ahead James. Tell him what you told me." Looking back at Micheal I saw his hands clench and a look of fury shined in his eyes. James looked up at us before looking away.

"I never meant for it to happen. I didn't think I'd lose control. I didn't think she'd run." His voice was off. It sounded like his, but at the same time their was a deeper sound to it.

"I didn't say Lucas. I said James. Now let him speak or so help me I will break every bone in your pathetic body!" My eyebrows burrowed and I frowned. Lucas? What the fuck was he talking about. James sighed and stood up. Putting his hands on top of his head he paced back and forth.

"I'm so sorry. I can't control him anymore. I don't know why he's acting like this. Its not normal for him to act like that."

"What is going on here?" I wanted answers before I got too confused. James sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm a warlock, Jacob. I have another soul in my body that lets me tap into his warlock powers. Just like Savanna is a demon only because of the demon soul that lives in her body. My warlock took control of my body and made Savanna's demon take over hers. Savanna and her demon fought each other for dominance and Savanna won, but she ran away from me.

She ran away from me in fear and I was too shocked to follow after her. I fear the worst has happened. Their is a chance that Richard has taken her. If that is the case then she has very little chance of survival." During his explanation his voice seemed to change. Blinking at James I just stood there dumbfounded.

"So your telling me that you and Savanna have another soul living in y'all." James nodded, but frowned.

"Is that all you can think of! I just told you that Richard probably has her and all you can think about is the souls. Do you even really love her!" My eyes darkened and I growled.

"Of course I love her! Micheal I want you, James and Tyler is you can find him, to meet me and the pack at first beach. From there were going to go look for her." Micheal nodded, took his cell phone out and started talking on the phone.

Leaving out of the house I run over to the woods and strip down. Quickly I phase and meet the other  pack members. Surprisingly they were already all there.

Yo Jake! Its a good thing you showed up. That fortune teller saw the red head leech in one of her visions. She said she say her carrying something but she couldn't tell what. -Paul

I growled. The leech had saw her take Savanna. There was no other explanation.

She took Savanna! How do you know!?-Embry

Savanna is missing. Her and James got into an argument and she ran off. They think she went into the woods and Victoria or Richard grabbed her. Apparently it was Victoria. -Jacob

What are we going to do?-Seth

Obviously were going to save her stupid.-Leah

Leah's right. Were going to save her. I won't leave her with him. I told her brothers and James to meet us at first beach.-Jacob

Wait. Why would you tell James?-Sam

He's a warlock. He knows about everything.-Jacob

Warlock? Is that even possible?-Jared

Savanna's a freaking demon. Anything is possible.-Quil

Silently I agreed with Quil. Running full speed to first beach I stopped at the outline of the trees and shifted back. Pulling some shorts on I walk over to the guys. The whole pack was there along with James and Savanna's brothers.

"Now that everyone's here. Were going to split up into three groups. Sam, Tyler, Quil and Leah go north. Micheal, Seth, Paul go south. Me, James and Embry will go west. Everyone split up and keep in contact at all times. I want updates on any kind of scent you find or any trace of Savanna that you pick up." Nodding we all took off into the woods and started our search for Savanna. I just hopped we found her before it was too late.

Richards POV

I stared down at Savanna as blood trickled down her cheek. She chuckled and wobbly stood up.

"Is that all you got Richard? Or are you holding out on me." Growling I lunged at her, grabbing her by the throat and throwing her against the wall.

"Not so tough now that you can't turn into a demon or use your powers." She hissed at me and shakily stood up. Smiling viciously at her I ran over to her and pinned her against the wall by her neck. Her eyes widened in fear as she clawed at my hands.

"That wont work sweetheart. I'm finally going to get what I want. After so long I'm finally going to make you mine. You always did fascinate me. Such a young thing yet your so strong. I'm going to take you back to Italy with me and make you the best fighting machine ever. You're going to love it in Italy my dear. Sorry that I'll have to break you first." Sighing I stroked her cheek.

"Mizu. I need your assistance."

"Coming sir." In a matter of seconds Mizu stood before me. She looked from me to Savanna and back to me.

"Is this her?" I nodded.

"Hm. I can see why you fancy her so much. She reeks of power. She'll be very useful to the Voltori. Do you want me to transport us to Italy or would you rather I erase her memory now so that it be easy to make her a fighter." Looking down at Savanna I saw the fear and panic.

"Erase her memory first then transport us." Mizu nodded and took my place when I let go of Savanna's neck. Watching Mizu I saw a blue aura surround her hands. She started to mumble incoherent words. Savanna shook under her and tried, but failed to push her away.

"Stop! No! What are you doing?!"

"Shh. It will all be over soon." Savanna yelled and screamed until she went completely still. Mizu dropped her hands from Savanna's head and turned to me.

"It is done. She won't remember anything about her old life now. I also put memories into her mind. In her eyes you are her lover and her name is Nikki, not Savanna." Smiling in satisfaction I took Mizu's hand and kissed it.

"Thank you Mizu. Now if you would do the honor." She nodded and followed me over to Savanna. Taking her into my arms I picked her up bridal style and Mizu placed her hand on my shoulder. Her hands started to glow blue again.

"What are you doing with Savanna! Let her go!" My head snapped over to see the pack of mutts, Savanna's brothers and that filthy wizard. Smirking at them I looked down at Mizu and nodded. The mutt ran over to us and just as he reached us we disappeared.

Jacob's POV

I stared at the space before me. They vanished, gone without a trace.

"No." I whispered. Shaking my head I felt my body shake.

"No!" I yelled, punching the wall. Falling to my knees I felt the tears streaming down my face.

"I was too late. I'm so sorry Savanna." Everyone had tears streaming down their faces. I can't believe we were too late.


Dun Dun DUN! :D Lol wow that was alot of typing. Just an Fyi the chapter after this will be the last chapter and then I'm gonna start on the next book :D I hope you guy's arent too made at me for making them take Savanna but hay its very essential for the next book! Until next time! :D

Comments make me smile and votes make me want to hug you! :D

A picture of Mizu is on the left. Remember her cause she's going to be veeery important!

Savanna's outfit for today>>>>http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/48244993/id/rUImPSUiRQyNzNbPJssG3A/size/y.jpg

Oh and if you hadn't notce. The black was Savanna's demon and the italic is Savanna. So yah :D

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