Sleep (APH Nordic Fanfic)

By catastrophic_mess

19.6K 811 285

I loved him, and he loved me. But you can only love someone if you still have yourself. They might tell you t... More

Sleep (A Hetalia Nordic Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10 ^-^
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 ^-^
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 ^-^
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 9

633 28 5
By catastrophic_mess

Chapter Status: Edited

Finland's POV

I wake up to the front door creaking open, then almost slamming shut. I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I reach to my nightstand, and pick up a sugar cookie. (Me: you would Finland ^-^) As I leave my room, I begin munching on the delectable sweet.

I march tiredly into the main room to see Denmark scolding little Iceland in an angry whisper. I stand in the doorframe for a moment until they notice me. Denmark glances over and stops whispering.

"What's up?" I ask, nonchalantly.

A tense pause follows my supposedly laid back question.

"Why don't you tell 'im, Iceland?" Denmark glares at him, furiously.

"Why!?" He asks defensively.

"Well, you were so set on going out, why wouldn't you want to?" Denmark reasons.

"Fine!" Iceland exclaims.

"Why are you all up?" Norway walks in, his summoning book in hand. "You disturbed me. I was trying to summon a miniature mountain troll." He places a hand on his hip.

Denmark glances at Iceland suggestively. His violet eyes bore into the ground, rage apparent in his expression. I stare intently at him, waiting for an answer. Suddenly, I feel a big, strong arm rest on my shoulder. I look up into Sweden's wakeful eyes.

"Oslo was being attacked. I went to help her," Iceland states, his voice full of discontent.

"How did you know she was being attacked?" Norway asks, a hand on his forehead.

Iceland sighs, obviously annoyed. "She texted me, and when I replied she didn't even read it. Then I decided to call her and she was screaming for help! I was acting in her protection!" He yells at us.

I jump back, startled. He's never raised his voice at us! I don't like when people yell, I'm not a fan of it at all! Especially when they're angry. I'm a fragile little flower, and I guess I'm easily scared too.

Oslo's POV

I stand in my kitchen, bored out of my mind. What should I do? That incident was miserable. I'm only glad Iceland came to save me.

But a thought keeps nagging at me. Why was Denmark out? I mean, I wasn't that loud, other wise anyone could've come. What was he doing? He didn't smell like anything, did he? No, he pulled me against him like I was a teddy bear. What was he wearing? Plaid pajama bottoms and a black T-shirt. He didn't look suspicious.

"What was he doing?" I hiss to myself.

"Who?" An unfamiliar voice asks.

I freeze in terror, and my body doesn't allow me to turn around. I am paralyzed, and a random person has found their way into my house. My lungs cease to collect air, and I stand, in a prime position to allow them to... Oh god, I don't even know.

"Who are you?" My voice trembles.

"I am everything you fear, I am the monster hiding under your bed at night. I am the dark voice far in the back of your head, pleasurably feeding you every murderous thought you've had. I. Am. Sheer. Terror," I can hear their smirk.

I slowly turn around. They're already gone. What. The. Heck. Just. Happened. I dash to my room and hide under my comforter. Trembling, I sit in wait for the morning to roll around.

I remember what my psychologist had said to me once: "with depression as severe as yours, it is possible to experience hallucinations, especially when you're off your medication."

That must be it. I'm sure of it.


My eyes flutter open to a knock on my bedroom door. Panicking, I burrow farther into my sheets. Then, almost expectedly, I begin hyperventilating as the memory of what happened last night floods into my mind.

The knocker lets the self in, and I hold my breath, not daring to make a sound. I hear shuffling. Two- no three sets of feet make their way towards me. They're back. They're going to kill me this time.

There wasn't anything there. It was a hallucination.

"And this is Oslo," my mothers voice drifts into my ears, as she pulls my blankets back.

A blonde haired man, and a younger girl with similar hair look down at me. The girl looks no older than thirteen, but she looks like she has been a detective for a while. The man looks the same way, except older, of course.

I sit up and look at them, not daring to say a word. The man wears an olive colored overcoat, and pants of the same color. He looks down at me with piercing, light blue eyes.

The girl looks and acts so similar to the man, it's easy to say they're related. The girl has long, full, wavy hair which she has parted to the side. She has the same color eyes as the man. She wears an olive dress which falls to her knees.

"My name is Germany, and zhis is my younger sister, Berlin," he gestures to his sister, who nods at me.

"Ve vill be investigating your uncles deazh, as upon testing zhe rope he vas hung from, ve found fingerprints zhat had DNA ozher zhen Manchester's on it," Germany explains. A difference I notice in there voices I find is that Berlin has a thicker accent than Germany.

"Wait, he was murdered? We were told otherwise," I contradict.

"You vere told zhat at zhe scene, so zhere hadn't been tests done, " she informs me.

Great. Now the rest of my summer will be spent as a big murder drama.

Anonymous POV

Last night was a lot of fun, I got to scare Oslo a lot! But unfortunately, I got beat up pretty bad, so now I have to lay around doing nothing. I'm so bored. That reminds me! I have to postpone Sealand's murder more than I already have. Ugh. I had it all planned, too!

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