I'll Be Superhuman (One Direc...

By _Its_Zen_

142K 4.1K 1.7K

You thought you knew One Direction. But everything you heard is just their cover story. These boys are hiding... More

Chapter 1- Harry- Rehearsals
Chapter 2- Harry- The Gunmen
Chapter 3- Louis- Liam Payne
Chapter 4- Louis- The Bully
Chapter 5- Louis- The Invisible Boy
Chapter 6- Liam- Chub Chub
Chapter 7- Liam- Fear
Chapter 8- Liam- Family
Chapter 9- Liam- The Street Dancer
Chapter 10- Liam- Mr. 'I Don't Drink'
Chapter 11- Niall- Head Aches
Chapter 12- Niall- One Year
Chapter 13- Niall
Chapter 14- Niall
Chapter 15- Zayn
Chapter 16- Zayn- Heroin(e)
Chapter 17- Zayn
Chapter 18- Zayn
Chapter 19- Niall
Chapter 20- Liam
Chapter 21- Harry- Busted
Chapter 22- Louis- Gods Among The Mortals
Chapter 23- Niall- Liar
Chapter 24- Liam- A Deadly Game Of Tag
Chapter 25- Liam- RV-T
Chapter 26- Harry- The Debut
Chapter 27-Niall- Mr. X
Chapter 28- Louis- All I Have
Chapter 29- Zayn- A Piece Of The Night
Chapter 30- Zayn- Poision
Chapter 31- Eleanor- Femme Fatale
Chapter 32- One Direction- What They Were Meant For
Chapter 33- One Direction- Six Legged Spider
Chapter 34- One Direction- Jedi Master
Chapter 35- One Direction- Playing Hero
Chapter 37- One Direction- Finale
Chapter 38- One Direction- A Reason To Fight
Epilogue- One Direction- A Twist Of Fate
Author's Note- Zen
Long Time No See

Chapter 36- One Direction- ZAP!

2.6K 100 93
By _Its_Zen_

It's such a strange feeling, dying. Niall observed as he laid on the road. The colors of everything around him seemed to soften slightly. The edges of his vision blurred and everything moved in slow motion, smearing the colors a little. It was like looking at a water color painting.

Niall stayed immobile where he was, gasping for air and trying not to choke on the blood in his mouth. He couldn't even lift his hands to try and stop his stomach from bleeding. He stared up at the sky, tears streaming down his sweaty face and accepted the fact that he was going to die. The sky was pretty, though. It was very blue, a few little clouds dotted across it and the sun felt warm on his skin. It was kind of a perfect day.

“Niall!” A voice said. It was hard to hear. His shock had made everything sound muffled, like he was listening through a glass plated room. Niall's eyes shifted slightly to the side and he saw his friends running at him in blurred, slow motion. All around them, X's army started to swarm them. Niall wanted to shout at them to leave him alone and fight without him. He didn't want Mr. X to take them, but Niall's mind felt just as slow as the people moving around him.

Liam reached him first. He dropped to his knees and put his hands over Niall's wound. Something seemed to awaken Niall for a moment. His back arched and he screamed at the overwhelming pain Liam reminded him of in his stomach. Liam instantly cringed back at Niall's reaction, his brown eyes wide and brimming with tears.

Niall dropped back onto the ground, gasping even harder, sweating even more, and bleeding profusely. Louis was suddenly by his side, pushing Liam- who held his bloodied hands close to his chest so not to hurt Niall again- to the side slightly to give him some room. Niall looked at Liam and saw behind him, Danielle was charging up to him, sword drawn. Niall was about to warn him, but a chain wrapped around the dancer's waist and jerked her backwards before she could make her deadly blow.

Liam heard the sound and turned to see Zayn holding the girl down. The dark skinned boy looked up and saw the advancing army all marching towards them. He turned to say something to Liam, but Niall couldn't hear it. Liam nodded and Zayn turned his attention back to Danielle. He shook his head and said something to her. He looked apologetic and maybe he even said he was sorry. Danielle looked at him savagely, but Zayn raised the ball end of his kusarigama and hit her in the head, knocking her out before she was able to do anything. Zayn untangled her and dragged her limp body to the sidewalk before he turned his attention back to the soldiers. Liam, too, stood and pulled out his broadsword.

“It's going to be ok, Niall,” Louis' muffled voice told him. Niall looked back and saw Lou's teary blue eyes staring back at his. Harry made his blurry way towards the team now, his hand touching Louis' back before he crouched on the other side of Niall.

“Do you need any help?” Harry's equally muffled voice asked the brunette. Louis didn't say anything. He took a deep breath and placed his hand directly on Niall's wound, making him arch his back and scream all over again. Harry gently placed his hands on Niall, trying to keep him from thrashing around.

Louis was quickly enveloped in blue, and it seeped over to Niall's body. It made the pain go away a little. Enough to make Niall relax slightly, but it didn't seem to be doing much after that.

Niall, still knowing he was dying, looked back up to the sky, unable to watch his friends fight for him. He felt like he was having an out of body experience and suddenly, he was up in the sky, looking at the battle below him. Zayn thrashed madly at the soldiers, Liam at his side. Louis and Harry were sitting next to Niall's body, trying to keep him alive. The two boys fought like mad men, hacking and slicing at any android that came too close to the rest of the group. It was like the soldiers really were trying to kill them all now.

Niall watched himself on the ground. His eyes were wide and he was surrounded by a halo of blue. Suddenly, the blonde's eyes started to slowly close. Harry saw him and started to shake him a little.

“Don't do this Niall!” Harry shouted at the 20 year old. “C'mon, just give Louis a little more time. You can make it!”

“Please, Niall,” Louis begged, watching Niall's breathing slow. “Don't give up on me now,”

But it was too late. The young lad's eyes closed and his breathing stopped all together, coming out in one last, slow sigh.

The two other boy's sat in stunned silence for a moment. Louis was too shocked to even stop his healing powers. Harry's hand's started to shake and he crawled up closer to Niall's face. His arms trembled vigorously as he tried to find a place to set his hands. “N- No!” Harry stammered, blinking away tears.

“Niall,” Louis breathed, bursting into tears.

“No!” Harry protested louder, causing Liam and Zayn to turn around.

Niall still watched from above as Zayn stood still, staring at the blonde boy. “No,” He whispered to himself.

“Niall!” Liam roared, looking completely crushed.

Harry collapsed over Niall's body, crying hard into his friend's chest.

“I can heal him!” Louis shouted, placing both hands over Niall's stomach. His power started to glow brighter as he looked on determinedly at that single spot. His own tears were blurring his vision, but he didn't care. His whole body started to shake; from grief or from the strain it put on his own body as he pushed his power to it's limit, he wasn't really sure. “I can still heal him!” It was hard to tell if Louis was saying it to himself or to everyone.

“Niall!” Harry sat up and looked around. His hands held fists full of Niall's suit and he looked at all of the soldiers around them and at Mr. X's monster.

It was Harry who finally snapped. Poor, gentle Harry who would never hurt a fly, finally jumped to his feet, screaming at the top of his lungs in white hot rage. Zayn and Liam could only stare at Niall, but Harry broke to pieces right there.

He screamed again, doubling over from the force of his own lungs, veins popping out of his neck. When he screamed the second time, it was as if the air had gone still. Like the whole world really did stop moving. The soldiers were lifted from their feet by Harry's fury filled power, but his friends remained untouched.

The androids were hefted violently into buildings, exploding into fireballs and shrapnel.

Just let me die here, Harry, Niall thought as he watched One Direction fall apart from his death.

Louis was still trying to heal the boy, emanating a brilliant blue glow that surrounded the both of them. From where Niall was floating, he felt a twinge of pain in his stomach and looked down. He watched in complete awe as his wound started to close. Niall felt himself being jerked back to the ground. He grinned widely as the street rushed up at him and he was slammed back into his body.

Niall sat up, letting out a scream as he felt the whole word collide with him. Adrenaline pounded through his veins and he still felt a horrible ache in his stomach, but he was on such a massive rush, it didn't seem to matter.

“Niall!” Louis gasped. Niall leaned back on his hands, panting hard and trying to catch his breath.

“Oh, my god!” Zayn said. Harry and Liam only stared at him.

“Niall!” Louis repeated, breaking into a smile. His eyes were wet with tears again, but they weren't sad anymore. “You're alive!” He rammed himself into Niall, pulling him into a tight hug and almost knocking him over.

“Yeah,” Niall laughed and panted at the same time. He wrapped one arm around Louis in a weak hug, patting his back. He smiled broadly at the rest of his friends who just stared in shock at what just happened.

“Good to see you're ok, Niall,” Mr. X's voice echoed off of the buildings, ruining the moment they just had. “I was afraid I had lost a piece of my collection.” Louis pulled away from Niall and they all looked up at Mr. X's robot, nearly forgetting he was there. Nearly. “But do not worry,” He told them as a new plate started to drop from the bottom of the machine. “My army won't hurt you anymore if you just give in.”

Liam eyed the panel as it made it's descent before he sheathed his sword and walked briskly over to the blonde. “Come on,” He said, scooping Niall into his arms. “We need to get you out of here now!” He hurried into an alleyway and the rest of the group followed.

“No, I can fight!” Niall protested as Liam set him down next to a trash bin. Niall instantly tried to climb to his feet. “I can-” He had to catch himself on the dirty brick wall, doubling over and clutching his stomach in pain.

Liam held out his hands to catch Niall, but he held his ground, wincing as he stood up straight and looked Liam right in the eye.

Liam glanced at Louis. “You're the doctor here. What do you say?”

“Oh boys!” X called in a sing song voice. One Direction heard the march of at leas a hundred more boots approaching quickly. “Let's just end this now before anyone else gets hurt.”

“He's lost a lot of blood,” Louis informed Liam. “I'd say he shouldn't even be on his feet.”

“But we need him,” Harry argued.

“Yeah!” Niall added, brushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes.

Zayn watched the rest of them argue, feeling more and more anxious.

Suddenly, they heard someone scream and all of the boys rushed to look around the corner of the building.

A soldier stood in the center of the street, holding Danielle by her arm. He must have found her where Zayn had left her lying on the streets. She was struggling to get out of his grip, but she didn't have the strength to.

“How many times am I going to have to threaten the safety of your loved ones until you finally understand that I have the upper hand?” X sighed. The soldier pulled out a hand gun and pointed it directly at Danielle's head. “Now I'm going to give you boys to the count of three, or Miss. Peazer dies. One-”

“Liam!” Danielle begged. At this point, she seemed to get in touch with her human side and looked at Liam completely terrified.

“No!” Liam shouted, trying to run for the girl.

“Too late!” X laughed and there was a loud bang.

“Danielle!” Liam screamed. Zayn and Harry grabbed Liam's arms, pulling him back towards the alley. The 20 year old was too shocked to even fight them back. The boys knew letting Liam rush out into the fight right now was too dangerous.

“Hmm,” Mr. X mused. “What a shame.” The soldier tossed Danielle's body aside and holstered his gun. “I told you, I have the upper hand. Don't you try to fight me. It will never end well.”

“No!” Liam cried as they pulled him back into the alley. “No.” He leaned against the wall, burying his face into his grey gloved hands and sobbed.

Everyone looked at each other wildly, not knowing what to think of what they just saw. They heard the army getting closer again.

Zayn ran his hands through his hair. This is all my fault! He thought to himself. Why does everyone have to die because of me? He thought of his family then. He thought of Niall when he burned him, when he watched him get stabbed moments ago, he thought of Perrie and Eleanor and Danielle. Guilt settled deeper and deeper into his bones, bringing determination with it.

“Zayn,” Louis said, trying to stop his friend from walking out of the alleyway. Zayn merely brushed him off and everyone else was too shocked to stop him.

He marched out towards the army, pulling up the sleeve of his suit near his underarm. He strode through the streets, making the soldiers train their guns on him. Zayn threw out his hand, fireballs shot from his palm and blasted away the first line of androids. He swiped his other to the side as he got closer and flames roared towards the others in a wave, incinerating them on the spot. More fire shot from his hands, taking down the last of them. Zayn was glad. He didn't want them, though. He knew what he wanted.

He stood before Mr. X's robot, clenching his fists, he looked up at the monster. “X!” He roared at the top of his voice.

“Ah, Zayn.” He could hear the sickening smile in the man's voice. “Come to give up?”

“This ends here!” Zayn snarled.

And maybe it was because he was high on adrenaline, maybe it was because he just wanted this battle to end, or maybe it was because he watched too many superhero movies with the lads and that gave him weird ideas, but Zayn had a very bad idea.

And it would probably end up killing him.

Dark clouds quickly consumed the sky, blocking out the sun. Deep shades of purple and green stained over the blue and swirled threateningly overhead. The wind picked up and the air smelled damp with rain. But Zayn didn't want the rain.

And just like that, a white flash of lightning licked the bruised looking sky, crackling with energy. Thunder rolled after, making the ground shake.

Standing in front of the monstrous robot, with the ominous sky as it's back drop, and the sky scrapers framing either side of them made Zayn realize how incredibly small he really was. He knew he wouldn't stand a chance against this beast, but he had to try!

“Is that the best you can do?” X laughed. “Bring a little thunder storm? Do you really think that's going to scare me away?”

“Zayn!” Harry tried to call.

Zayn snapped his attention to the side of the street where the other boys were watching anxiously. More lightning flashed across the darkened sky and the wind blew faster as Harry took a step towards him. “Stay back!” He warned, holding his hand out to Harry to stop him.

A massive bolt of lightning came crashing to the ground, exploding in a blinding flash. Harry froze at it struck Zayn. More lightning fell from the sky, electrocuting him in what looked like a never ending bolt.

“Zayn!” Niall gasped behind Harry.

Zayn was completely consumed by a massive pillar of white, blinding lightning. But it the force didn't knock him to the ground. And he wasn't burned by the heat. Instead, it seemed to absorb through his skin, like when he had first gotten his powers in the pod. Zayn didn't feel any pain. He hollered with pure energy as electricity surged through him. Zayn lifted his hands inside the pillar of lightning and arks of electricity crackled between his fingers. The lightning zipped all around him, leaping across his body in searing volts and scurrying up and down his arms and legs.

He watched the energy zapping around him and finally lifted his eyes to Mr. X's robot. He grinned wickedly, even though he knew nobody could see him through the light, and held his arms out in front of him. Zayn roared with adrenaline as the energy blasted from his hands and rammed straight into the six legged spider. The monster froze as it started to short out.

“No! Stop! What are you doing?” X demanded as his robot seized. Zayn finally dropped his hands. The lightning coiled back into the sky, leaving only Zayn in his charred spot on the street.

Zayn slouched as he felt all of his energy leave him. He panted, but kept his eyes on the immobile monster. It was finally over.

Zayn heard his friends cheering as they all rushed over to him, clapping him on the back as Zayn tried to catch his breath. He grinned tiredly at them.

“So that's it then,” Niall breathed, still clutching his stomach.

“I think so,” Louis beamed up at the robot.

“What do you think happened to Mr. X then?” Liam asked. His eyes were read and bloodshot from crying so hard.

“Well,” Zayn said, taking a deep breath and standing up straight. “That thing is made entirely of metal. I'm guessing I put enough electricity in there to fry up everything in it...” His stomach churned a little at the thought, but Liam smiled weakly and nodded.

Harry clapped Zayn on the shoulder. “Way to go, Thor!” He said, grinning.

Zayn tipped his head back and groaned. “Oh, god, not another fucking nickname,” He sighed.

Liam chuckled. “If you're Thor, I'm Iron Man!” He said.

All the boys turned their backs on the robot and started to make their way home.

“I thought you were Batman,” Niall said. Louis put his hand on Niall's shoulder and started to heal him some more as they walked.

“I have to be Iron Man if he's Thor,” Liam said. “Otherwise we can't make up the Avengers. If he were Superman or something, then I could be Batman and we could be the Justice League.”

“He can't be Superman!” Niall protested. “I'm Superman! I can fly!”

“No way,” Louis argued. “I'd be Superman. 'Cause... I'm awesome,” He smiled and nodded his head as if that were a good explanation. “You can be Robin, Niall.”

“There's no way I'm Robin,” Niall said, glaring at the Doncaster boy. “Robin doesn't fly.”

“Robins can fly,” Harry interjected.

“Wrong robins,” Liam said.

“Yeah, you're thinking of the bird, you dip shit,” Louis said, making Liam and Niall laugh.

Zayn groaned again. “Nerds,” He muttered under his breath, loud enough for the others to hear.

“Excuse me,” Louis said, turning his attention to Zayn. “This coming from the man that has a 'Zap' tattoo on his arm,”

“That's completely different!” Zayn said.

“Really?” Niall asked. “And how is that?”

Zayn laughed, knowing he had been caught, but he tried to defend himself anyway. “It's different- 'cause it's... Like-”

Suddenly, they heard an ear shattering groan from behind them. They all froze in their tracks and slowly turned around and found the barrel of a huge machine gun protruding from the front of the robot pointing straight at them.

~Won't these boys ever catch a break??!

So this chapter and the next one were supposed to be one chapter, but it was wayyyyy too long, so the explanation for why Niall managed to get stabbed will be in the NEXT chapter!


And Danielle's dead....

And X is alive.....


(Wow that had a poetic sound to it.....)

I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter, though. It had better be AWESOME!!

Check out the pic on the side of the boys as the Avengers! Althought Niall looks pretty funny with the Thor hair.... And speaking of Thor! What did you think of Zayn recreating a SCENE from Thor? Wasn't that legit??? :DD Tell me what you think, guys :3~

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