{ #3 } Twisted Moon (MxM ||...

By Snape75

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Black Moon Series Book #3 Warning: #Mature #Gay #Triggering You shouldn't read this story before you have rea... More

Warning / Foreword
Pictures, Maps & Plans
Chapter 1 - New Year Resolutions
Chapter 2 - An Encounter
Chapter 3 - The Flee
Chapter 4 - A Call To Order
Chapter 5 - When You Need Money...
Chapter 6 - Coincidence
Chapter 7 - Is It Better Out There?
Chapter 8 - Not This Time!
Chapter 9 - An Air Of Déjà Vu
Chapter 10 - Frustration
Chapter 11 - Considerations
Chapter 12 - Authority
Chapter 13 - Nightmare... Or Souvenir?
Chapter 14 - Pushing Limits
Chapter 15 - Stress
Chapter 16 - Making Decisions
Chapter 17 - Trying My Luck
Chapter 18 - Resolutions
Chapter 19 - A Quiet Saturday
Chapter 20 - Persistent Friends
Chapter 21 - Best Birthday Ever!
Chapter 22 - And I Thought My Childhood Was Shit...
Chapter 23 - Lea
Chapter 24 - The Second Kiss
Chapter 25 - Maturing A Bit
Chapter 26 - A Very Persistent Friend
Chapter 27 - Back To School!
Chapter 28 - Explanations
Chapter 29 - Revelations
Chapter 30 - Is That What You Really Want!?
Chapter 31 - Seduction Mode
Chapter 32 - The Black Diamond
Chapter 33 - Jealousy Could Be The Key...
Chapter 34 - Jealousy Might Be The Key, Indeed...
Chapter 35 - Jealousy IS The Key! Or So I Think...
Chapter 36 - Daddy's Baby Boy
Chapter 37 - Master? No... Daddy!
Chapter 38 - Holy F*ck!
Chapter 39 - First Initiation
Chapter 40 - Making New Friends
Chapter 41 - First BDSM Scene
Chapter 42 - Learning Through Training
Chapter 43 - Learning Through Mistakes
Chapter 44 - Learning Through Punishment
Chapter 45 - I Learned My Lesson Well
Chapter 46 - Successful Day
Chapter 47 - A Busy Saturday
Chapter 48 - That's The Masochistic Me
Chapter 50 - A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
Chapter 51 - Dullness
Chapter 52 - Green For Harder
Chapter 53 - He Is Fucking Mine!!!
Chapter 54 - The Punishment Of His Life
Chapter 55 - Collared!
Chapter 56 - Panic Attack
Chapter 57 - A Kinky Barbecue Party
Chapter 58 - Things Look (Almost) Perfect
Chapter 59 - Exciting News!
Chapter 60 - Is A First Public Scene That Exciting?
Chapter 61 - Worries
Chapter 62 - I Think I Love Him...
Chapter 63 - Losing Control
Quick But Important Note
Chapter 64 - Abducted!
Chapter 65 - Early Investigation
Chapter 66 - Ready To Meet Your Master?
Chapter 67 - Running Out Of My Mind
Chapter 68 - Hell
Chapter 69 - Snap Out Of It!
Chapter 70 - Worse Than Hell
Chapter 71 - Revelations
Chapter 72 - Let The Devil Out
Chapter 73 - Please Don't Die...
Chapter 74 - Surprising Unraveling
Chapter 75 - Aftermath (Part 1)
Chapter 76 - Aftermath (Part 2)
Chapter 77 - A Long Week
Chapter 78 - Guilt
Chapter 79 - One Step Forward
Chapter 80 - One Step Back
Chapter 81 - Let Daddy Back In!
Chapter 82 - Moving On
Chapter 83 - Goodbye Black Diamond!
Chapter 84 - Faith
Epilogue (Part 1)
Epilogue (Part 2)
Thank you / Announcement
The Black Moon Series Has More To Come

Chapter 49 - The Perfect Match

59K 1.4K 1.2K
By Snape75

Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 49: The Perfect Match

(Camden's POV - Fri. 24 April 2015)

It's been one hell of a week again. I have had so many appointment requests that there is not one evening I made it home before 9:00 pm. Sarah being off sick since Wednesday didn't help because Ethan and I had to cover her up with her usual patients, so, needless to say that I am welcoming the weekend with huge relief. I will finally be able to enjoy some time with Noah, and I well intend to do that with what I have planned for the next two days.

Ever since I took my decision on Monday, I have told Noah to get ahead as much as possible in his work so that we wouldn't need to spend too much time on his revisions over the weekend. He has been so serious about his schoolwork that he managed only B's and A's at this week's tests and I am sincerely proud of him. I have no doubt that he will be able to graduate in about a month time. The next step will be to enroll him in college but I need to speak with Josh about that. Being in the architecture and construction business, my friend should be able to provide some advice and to help him make some choices.

It is already half past eight and the traffic is still heavy toward the suburbs of Chicago, but I have no other choice than to be patient. I would have taken the bike but it was raining this morning and anyway, I needed the trunk of the car to carry some stuff I bought during my lunch break. I just hope the weather will be fine enough for our hiking weekend at the Starved Rock State Park and that Noah will enjoy it. He is a nature lover so I expect him to, but hopefully he won't complain that we don't go to the club at all.

The first thing that motivated my decision to go away for the weekend was Mark's plans to take his boys to New York for a few days to celebrate Alex's birthday. As weird as it may sound, I need to take Noah on a getaway, out of home, out of our lifestyle and out of the routine of schoolwork. I just want it to be the two of us in the middle of nature, even if it will involve a bit of BDSM; I'm not sure I can't help it.

Then there were all these Dominants ogling him at the club last Saturday while he was dancing with his friends, completely oblivious to all the looks on him. Well, I wasn't. I saw how several of them tried to approach him - like they always do when there is a newbie - and disappointedly refrained when they saw the red bracelet around his wrist. However, seeing all these vultures lurk at my Baby Boy like he was a piece of meat convinced me to arrange something for the following weekend.

Anyway, that won't be a problem anymore very soon. By the end of next week, he will be collared and I will be able to claim him as mine and only mine. The few times I collared a Sub in roleplays, I used thick leather collars because they are my favorite. These are easy to buy and I could have ordered a new one for Noah that I would have received within a couple of days, but I want something special for him; because he is special.

I don't want him to wear it only at the club, but also outside, so I had to go for something more discrete. Something that he can wear every day without fearing what people at school or in the street may think. So yeah, in the end, I am not any more original than my friends. I ordered a collar-like necklace at the jewelry that Mark and Joshua advised me. However, the design I requested needs a bit of time and I won't get it back before the end of next week at best.

I really hope Noah will like it and that he won't mind wearing it all the time, though I don't worry too much about that. The way he pushes his body into submission never ceases to amaze me. His mind is a different story and will need much more time before he lets go of his strong temper - and I am not sure I even want him to - but his determination to submit his body to me exceeds any expectations I had. His masochistic tendencies are one thing but the way he surrenders all his powers is another and I love it. I loved having him cock-caged last weekend. Knowing that only I had the power to decide on his erections was great but knowing that this was what he wanted was even better. And I am not mentioning that scene we played later on.

Having one's cock plugged is something that very few men wish to experiment, but once they have tried it, as long as it was well done, they realize that it can be extremely pleasurable and are more than willing to do it again. How do I know? I tried it myself. I admit that it took Master Donovan a lot of convincing before I accepted that he initiates me to that kind of play. But it was too tempting, so as per the policies of the club, I had to try it myself. That moment you feel the fire building, remove the plug and let your orgasm explode is amazing. Using thick plugs like some people do is pointless to me, I much prefer the thin ones. The larger ones don't bring more pleasure than the thin ones, I believe, and personally, I think that they are aesthetically awful, whereas the small ones... Mmmh.

This is definitely not the right time to have such thoughts though! Now that I am out of the traffic jams, I can pick up speed and get faster to my boy. Anyway, Noah loved it and this is what matters. What is even more important is that he didn't flinch or even looked repelled by the idea, which only strengthens my belief that we found each other well; like two pieces of a puzzle assembling perfectly; one fitting with the other.

Last Saturday night, after two more rounds and a long hour of aftercare, Noah insisted that I put his chastity cage back on until Sunday evening. Who was I to deny him this? I obviously took great pleasure to tease him a couple of times the following day - or maybe three or four times... - but I have to say that he earned it.

On Sunday morning, I woke up before him and decided to go out running with Jess, but when I came back, the little minx was cooking breakfast, stark naked, except for the cage. He was wearing such an impish expression that I had to bear with my hard-on when all I could think of was to bend him over the counter and fuck him hard. However, his ass still needs to adapt to frequent sex so I withheld my sexual urges, but believe me that the Sadist in me found quite a few ways to arouse him throughout the day without allowing him any release.

"Oh shut the hell up, Jess!!! Damn!!"

This is the first thing I hear as I get out of my car once I have parked it in the garage. The second one is some whimpering behind the door that leads inside the house. I slide down the door of the garage and head inside, immediately assaulted by the small cocker. Chuckling, I take him into my arms before I walk to the dining room. Noah is still working at the table and clearly not in a great mood, contrary to the puppy who is trying to lick my face.

"Well, at least one little guy is happy to see his Daddy!" I cheer with heavy sarcasm, looking at Noah who just rolls his eyes, still focused on his work. I eventually put the dog back on the floor and go to stand behind Noah's chair. I lean down and tilt his head to have a better access to his lips for a kiss. "What did he do that deserves your anger?" I then ask, resting my hands on his shoulders and starting to massage him.

"He's been a pain in my a... neck since I came back from school! There was no way he would go and sleep in his bed and he just spent his time by my feet barking and scratching my legs, as if I hadn't seen him in a long time!" he complains. I told the little dog this morning that he would spend the weekend with our neighbors, but dogs don't understand what we tell them, do they? At least not that kind of stuff... Maybe he just feels it...

"He just wanted a bit of your attention," I reason him.

"He did get some, but I just can't spend all my time petting his head or playing with him!" Noah replies irritatingly.

"Oooh, someone sounds grumpy..." I chant, applying a little more pressure on his shoulders.

"I always am when I'm doing Math..." he grumbles.

"Great! Sounds like another good three or four years of grumpiness then, if you really intend to take architecture in college..." I sigh.

"Huh... true... Will you bear with me...?" he then asks warily.

"Not likely..." I snort, slipping my hand inside his tee-shirt through the collar, until I meet his left nipple. "But I'll teach you to control yourself..." I whisper, pinching the little bud hard enough to make him startle and moan at the same time.

"Ngh... I can't concentrate if you do that to me..." he whines. "And that calculus exercise is such a pain..." With a chuckle, I retrieve my hand from his tee-shirt and lean down to look at what he was doing.

"That's because you don't reason the right way, Baby. I'll explain you."

I quickly show him how to solve that problem - and o' miracle! He finds it much easier then! - then go make myself a sandwich before I go back to the garage, with Jess in my tracks, to prepare the material we will need for the weekend. Once that is done, I get to the first floor and pack up some warm clothes into two backpacks, as well as two sleeping bags. I will only need to add the minimum toiletries and the food tomorrow morning. It is past 11pm when I meet Noah downstairs and tell him to call it a day. He worked so well that he should only have some lesson reviewing to do over the weekend.

"What have you been doing by the way?" Noah asks as we both lie down in bed a little while later.

"Preparing some stuff," I reply mysteriously, pulling him into my arms.

"What stuff?"

"Stuff for this weekend. We're going away tomorrow morning," I reply.

"Really? But we're still going to the club in the evening, right?"

"Nope. We'll be gone until Sunday late afternoon," I reply, pecking his forehead. Noah tenses and tries to pull away from me, but I hold him firmly against my chest.

"But what about the club? Saturdays are the only days we can go! Plus I wanted to see Alex, Shan and Liam!!" he whines.

"You'll see them next weekend, Baby Boy. And trust me, you're going to enjoy yourself all the same."

"Ugh... I doubt... I like the club!" he grumbles.

"Yeah, I saw that!"

"Where are we going to by the way?" he sighs, finally snuggling into my chest.

"You'll find out when we get there..."

"Pfff you're not even funny..."

"I never said I was," I snort. "Now shut up and sleep. I'm tired and we need to wake up early enough tomorrow." I hear him chuckle as one of his hands slowly slides down my chest. "Stop it or I'll have to tie you up!"

"Oh yeah, please Daddy... tie me up and fu..."

"Ugh just shut the fuck up, Noah! I'm not fucking you tonight because I need you to be in full form tomorrow. Now sleep or I'll send you to your other room!" I order firmly. With a sigh, he eventually obeys and soon enough, we are both drifting to sleep.

* * *

"Are we going on a hike and camping?" Noah cheers as I open the trunk of the car and reveal the two backpacks, one being smaller for his slender frame and a bigger one that holds a small tent for my larger shoulders. He managed to remain concentrated enough on his notebooks throughout our one-hour-and-a-half drive to our destination, only interrupting the silence a few times to try and ask where we were going. We dropped off Jess at Silvo and Maria's place before we left and it went pretty well. The puppy likes our neighbors and Maria was already dolling him so he didn't even pay much attention to our departure. Noah was a bit sad to leave his baby, but I think he was more upset about the fact that we are not going to the club tonight.

"I'm honestly surprised you didn't get that earlier, smart as you are..." I tease him. "Why do you think I gave you new hiking boots this morning?" I add, pointing at the pair of shoes he is wearing. Realization finally hits him and I can't help smiling at how his face brightens before his squeals of happiness fill the silence of the forest around us.

"I love hiking!!!" he cheers, throwing himself at me in a tight hug. "Thank you, Daddy, that's a great idea!"

"You're welcome, Baby Boy. I love hiking too. I've been here before with Aaron and I'm sure you'll enjoy the place very much. There are beautiful canyons and waterfalls."

"Oh damn!! I should have brought your camera..." he sighs.

"It's in your bag," I reply with a wink. I knew he would ask for it. "Take it out now if you want," I suggest.

"Cool!! You're really the best!!" he whispers, rising on his toes to beg for a kiss. I give it to him more than willingly but before it turns too deep, I lean back up and pull away.

"Come on, let's go now. It's already eleven and we have a two-hour walk before we reach our lunch place."

The Starved Rock State Park is really a great place for nature lovers, especially when the weather is as fine as it is today. I would have preferred to take him to the Shawnee Forest in South Illinois but it is at least a seven-hour drive so we would have spent more time in the car than exploring. My friend Aaron loves hiking too and the two of us have often been here, mostly on Sunday mornings. We would have a good breakfast after the club shut in the early hours and drive East to the park where we would hike until it was time for him to go back to the club in the evening. We haven't done that in a long time though and it feels good to be back here.

The trees are beautifully green right now, but the place is even more gorgeous at fall when the leaves turn to various shades of yellow and orange. Once I have locked the car which I parked on one of the numerous parking lots in the western part of the forest, we both put our packages on our backs and head toward the first path hand in hand, but I soon lead him out of the main trails. Throughout the whole day, we don't meet many other hikers and it gives us plenty of opportunities to kiss and hug each other. Not that I would care about what other people may think about two men kissing but feeling that we are all alone, in the middle of nowhere, with only the sound of the light wind running through the leaves and the birds singing is just amazing.

Around two, we reach the Wildcat Canyon Waterfall and take a break to eat some sandwiches I prepared this morning. There are other hikers admiring the beauty of this site but we manage to find the trunk of a fallen tree to rest for a while. Noah pulls out a notebook and I make him review a few things for his history test on Monday but after an hour, I can tell that it is annoying him and that he is mostly eager to pursue our visit and take more pictures, so we pack up and follow our route westward along the Illinois River.

I could have booked a space at the camp ground, but thought we would have more fun in the forest. The area is not dangerous as long as we stay far enough from a canyon and damn, we're men! I assume we can go without restrooms and showers for 36 hours! We could almost live like wild beasts... I actually plan to fuck him like a wild beast tonight and alone as we will be, I will allow him to scream as much as he wants. Just looking at his cute little ass molded in his jeans as he walks a few feet ahead of me makes me hard as hell and I could so easily take him right there against a tree... or even on the ground... Fuck! I need some release now!

"What did you say?" Noah suddenly asks, turning back to face me and letting me catch up with him. I cup his face and tilt his head to look down into his eyes.

"Nothing... I was just thinking that it's quite annoying to walk with an erection..." I whisper, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Are you serious??" Noah exclaims, opening his eyes widely.

"You may touch and see for yourself..." I reply huskily. Noah shyly reaches a hand to my swollen crotch and gasps at how hard I am. "It's all your fault... Walking in front of me and showing me that cute butt of yours..." A mischievous smile spreads on his face as he pulls away from me.

"That's too bad for you, Daddy..." he chants, biting his lips as he turns around and starts walking again, wriggling his backside in temptation. Damn little creep! He should know better than to tease me.

"Baby Boy! Get back here!" I call out with authority, making him stop and turn around. "You shouldn't have done that," I warn him, already unbuckling my belt as I feel a load of precum escape from my cock. I can't wait to feel that warm mouth around me!

"Here...?" he asks in wonder.

"Here," I confirm. It is late afternoon already and we haven't met anyone in a long while now. Besides, we have reached an area where we are surrounded by rocks and thick trees. I lean back against one of them and pull out my throbbing hard-on, smirking at him as he walks back to me. "On your knees, Baby Boy..." Noah gets rid of his backpack and kneels down in front of me. "Hands in your back. I only want to feel your smart mouth."

I watch him lace his hands at the small of his back and lean over to take the cock I am holding toward him in his mouth. My other hand reaches for the back of his head, grabbing a handful of hair, and I start bobbing his head back and forth, at the pace I need, and pushing him further and further. Noah works his tongue around my shaft and uses his cheeks to suck, quickly accelerating the fire I have been withholding. Seeing my rod pull in and out of his cavern while he looks up and moans sensually quickly brings me over the edge.

"Get ready, Baby Boy..."

The little groan he utters and that sends vibrations through my shaft is my undoing and my juices spill at the back of his throat and straight down his gutter. After he has milked me dry, I keep a firm hold of his hair and bend over to dip my tongue inside his mouth, tasting myself through his moans. He shudders lightly as I pull him up by his armpits, never breaking our kiss until we run out of breath. I swiftly tuck myself back into my pants, watching his expression turn to... what is it? Embarrassment?

"Are you okay, Baby Boy?" he nods in agreement as he slips his backpack on, but he doesn't convince me at all. For a couple of seconds, I stare at him, wondering what is bothering his mind. He knows that pleasuring his Dominant without always getting release is part of the rules and that's one he actually likes as he told me again earlier this week, so what is it? Is it the idea of doing this in plain sight? "Noah, talk to me honestly. What's wrong?" I demand firmly.

"Nothing... I'm fine...Daddy," he replies with a small voice, turning around and walking away awkwardly. Well, I'm not going to have it this way, so I catch up with him and flip him around to face me because I have my guess on what the problem is.

"Baby Boy, either you tell me now or I'll find out myself," I warn him.

"I said I'm okay..." he whispers, slightly blushing. Still gripping his arm with my left hand, the right one grabs the waistband of his jeans and slips inside his boxer briefs. "What are you doi..." he mutters, writhing in my hold, but the sticky mess that my fingers meet confirms my guess. The naughty little minx actually liked it a lot; so much so that he came in his pants! "I'm sorry..." he mumbles as I retrieve my hand and lick my fingers clean. "I'm sorry I came without your permission, Daddy," he says remorsefully, dropping his gaze.

His embarrassment fills the Sadist in me with even more lust, making me hard again. Right now, had it been any other masochistic Submissive, I would have made them take off their pants, spanked them until their backside turns red, ordered them to jack off for the longest time without climaxing while blowing me once more and walk the rest of the day half-naked. Coming without his Dominant's permission is a typical Sub's mistake that requires a punishment. Now, this is Noah facing me here and I know I can't go all Sadist on him because he is still a novice into the lifestyle. Still, I have to discipline him and will go for a bit of mental pain to satisfy my sadistic perversion and a bit of physical pain to soothe his mind.

"This is quite upsetting, Baby Boy," I say sternly. "You know the rules. You're not allowed to come without permission. And you were going to try and hide it from me, which doesn't help your case..."

"Sorry, Daddy... I know I should have pulled out and asked like I did on Tuesday..." he says softly. I'm glad he gets to remember that. I made him blow me while I was having a late dinner earlier this week, him kneeling under the table. I used my self-control to make it last, but after a good twenty minutes, Noah paused and begged for his own release. To which I agreed, of course. "Please punish me..."

"I don't need your permission for that, Baby Boy. Do I need to remind you of your safewords?" I ask and he just shakes his head in answer. Pricking my ears and peeking around us, I pull us behind a huge rock and remain silent for a few more seconds. "Take off your shoes, pants and underwear!" Noah barely hesitates before he complies, first removing his backpack once again, and putting his clothes on it, including his soiled boxer briefs. "You will be spanked ten times and then, I'm going to fuck your mouth again. Of course, you'd better control yourself this time. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Daddy..."

"Good. Turn around, bend over and rest your hands on the stone!"

As soon as he is in the right position, I begin to smack his ass, hard enough but not using my full strength. Noah yelps after each slap and that arouses me even more. Once done, I praise him on how good he took his punishment while rubbing a bit of nourishing ointment into his skin. I then order him to kneel in front of me and to open his mouth before I take control of his head and literally face-fuck him. He has become much better at managing his gag-reflex and even if I don't make him deepthroat me, the intensity of my thrusts quickly sends me over the edge and I release my second load in his mouth.

"Good boy! You did very well!" I praise him with a tight hug. "If that ever happens again, I want you to tell me. Or else, the sanction will be harder, understood?"

"Yes, Daddy... I'm sorry," he repeats.

"Fine, let's go now. We still need to find a spot for the night."

Noah opens his eyes widely when he notices that his boxer briefs have disappeared. He obviously didn't notice me putting them discreetly in my pocket while he was bending over, waiting for his spanking. The funniest is when he tries to get another pair from his bag and I forbid him to. My Baby Boy will go commando for the rest of the day, feeling the rough fabric of his jeans against his bum. That makes him smile though, and we eventually get back to our hike.

About two hours later, we reach the St Louis canyon and decide to settle nearby, in an area perfectly protected by trees and only a few yards from the canyon entrance and its water. The tent I bought is one of those small popup ones for two persons and thanks to its pre-assembled frame, within ten minutes it is ready to use. I start installing everything inside but Noah has been shimmying on the same spot for a good five minutes now. Shaking my head and chuckling, I throw him a toilet roll as well as a plastic bag and tell him to find some bushes around here. He hesitates a few seconds but eventually runs away. Having lived on the streets for so long, Noah is not one of those pampered guys who would have lamented for having to relieve himself in the nature.

Before it gets too cold for the night and when Noah gets back, I take him back to the canyon where we clean up. We may not need showers, but a little wash won't do us any wrong, especially if... well, you know, no need to go into details, right? The water is cold of course and Noah complains a little when I pour some inside his ass, but once we are changed into more comfortable sweat pants and warm sweatshirts, he admits feeling much better. You bet! As if I would give him any choice! I have rope, we are in the middle of nowhere and I well intend to tie him inside the tent and fuck his hole!

I brought a mini camping gas range which allows us to have a warm dinner. I made a small fire to keep us warm and Noah is sitting between my legs, comfortably resting against my chest. He lets me feed him from the pan in which I heated a risotto I picked from the freezer this morning. One mouthful for him, two for me; he is in a much better shape than nearly three months ago, but he still doesn't eat as much as I do.

Once we are done with our meal, we put out the fire, quickly go to the canyon water to brush our teeth and move inside the tent. By the light of the flashlight, Noah revises for a moment, lying on his stomach, while I lay beside him, just listening to his whispered words as he reads and rubbing my hand all over his back and through his hair. That's until I decide this has lasted for long enough and push away his notebook before I shift to hover over him.

"What are you..."

"Shhh, it's time for a bit of fun now, Baby Boy," I interrupt him with a husky voice, grinding my erection against the crack of his ass and sneaking a hand underneath him to grope his semi hard-on. "I want to fuck you... hard..." Noah answers with a lustful moan and his member hardens under my touch. "You just don't move and leave your arms along your sides," I then order after I have taken off his sweatshirt.

I kneel beside him, pull down his sweatpants and toss them at the back of the tent, then grab a long rope from my backpack. I fold back his left leg so that his heel comes to rest close to his hip and make his left hand grasp the lower part of his shin. I weave one extremity of the rope around and between his wrist and his ankle, forming eights until it covers a good three inches width of his skin; then I wrap it once around his waist and proceed similarly with the rest of the rope on his right side. Kneeling behind him, I admire the beauty in front of me, his legs now nicely parted and tied in a position that won't allow him to move and provide me with an easy access to his backside.

"You're so beautiful, Baby Boy," I say, kneading his buttocks in a rough way to give them some color. My fingers dig into the tenderness of his flesh and the palms of my hands rub in circles, parting his ass cheeks a little more each time and revealing his little hole.

"Ngh... thank you, Daddy..." he moans in answer. After a few minutes of massaging, Noah starts writhing on his sleeping bag, earning a slap on his butt.

"Don't move," I order. I pour some lube between his ass cheeks and my thumb starts teasing his entrance while my other hand keeps his buttocks spread.

"Ngh please..."

"Please what, Baby Boy?" I ask as my thumb adds a little more pressure on his tight hole, though without penetrating it just yet.

"Please more, Daddy..." he begs.

"Like this?" My digit finally pushes past the ring of muscles, entering his warm channel.

"Ugh fuck yeah..."

I soon replace my thumb with two of my fingers and progressively stretch him with a third one. Each time he starts writhing, he earns another slap and manages to remain still, but it never lasts for long and his left buttock quickly takes a nice shade of pink that I like pretty much. Noah moans with little squeals after each spank on his butt, begging for them to become harder. When I deem him stretched enough, I retrieve my fingers and contemplate the moaning mess beneath my eyes.

"Ngh please, Daddy, I want you inside..." he breathes out. I chuckle silently as I pull down my pants to my knees and coat my cock with a bit of lube. I lean forward to hover over his back, resting my hands on each side of his head, and start grazing the skin of his shoulders with my teeth. My hips rock very slowly, making my cock rub between his ass cheeks. "Please..."

"If you stop moving, I might give you what you want. If not, I'll just continue this until the friction makes me come," I tease him evilly, but the threat works and he finally stops writhing beneath me.

I still continue to torment him for a few more seconds though, before I lean back up a little and place the tip of my cock at his entrance. I let it probe the tight hole for a moment, making the head slip in a little more each time, until my hips give it a good thrust and I bury my rod deep inside of him with a loud grunt. Noah gasps and I let him adjust to my size but he soon begs me to move, so I stretch my legs and lean on my hands and feet - as if I was about to do pushups - and start thrusting in and out. After a few minutes, I stop still inside of him, and rock my hips in a circle, making him moan louder at the rotation happening inside his butt.

"Please, Daddy... again..." he begs. I do it a few more times and kneel back up, pulling him with me by the hips.

"You want it rough, Baby Boy?" I ask teasingly, and he just whines with eagerness. His body being in an uneasy position, he is unable to move as he would like, but he's still trying to stimulate his asshole around my shaft. "Then you'll get it rough..." Getting a firm hold his hips, I start pounding into his ass, making him meet my every thrust. "Oh fuck! You're so good, Baby..."

"Please, I need..."

"Not yet, Baby Boy! Hold it!" I grunt, picking up speed. I can feel my own climax building up but I hold it back, pounding harder and harder into his channel. "Yes Baby! Scream all you like!" Noah finally lets go of all his reserve and utters the loudest squeaks and moans I have ever heard, a mix of pleasure and pain at the same time, and that brings me closer to high bliss.

"Come for me, Baby Boy!" I growl.

I don't see what happens beneath him, but I do get to hear his screams and to feel the muscles of his hole tighten around my cock, sending me to a dazzling and powerful orgasm. My shaft pulses inside of him, expulsing several streams of semen, while my lungs and vocal chords express the huge pleasure I am feeling from my release. With one hand still holding him by the waist, I swiftly untie the rope on his right side and remove it completely, allowing him to fall down limp on the ground and pulling out of him in the process. I lean over his body and kiss his temple as he is about to pass out.

"You did really great, Baby Boy, really, really great..."

"k'you, Daddy..."

* * *

"I'm done! I think I know everything by heart!" Noah sighs, tossing his notebook on the backseat of the car, making me chuckle at his pouting face when he adds: "Anyway, I don't think my brain can take more..."

"Can your ass take more though?" I ask, grabbing his left hand in mine.

"If you promise me a nice hole massage like the one you did last night, I'm definitely up for it," he smirks. "That rocking move was divine... but the massage afterwards... mmmh..." he lingers dreamily, apparently remembering how I took great care of his little hole after our rough sex last night by applying some soothing cream around his entrance. Well at least it prevented him from being too sore this morning.

"Good to know..." I reply, returning my attention to the road as we finally enter Lisle.

What a great weekend! We were supposed to come back home much earlier, but the weather was so nice that we prolonged our afternoon in the state park. In the end, we didn't hike that much today, considering how we lazed under the tent until after eleven this morning. Noah refused to sleep inside his soiled bag, even after I had cleaned it, but I believe it was only a pretext to share mine; which I didn't mind in the end because it allowed us to cuddle and warm each other in the rather cold night.

Once we had cleaned up everything and packed, we slowly headed in direction of the car, stopping here and there, taking pictures or just sitting against some trees or rocks where Noah would pull out his notebook and revise for a few moments. We also visited more canyons and observed the nature, until I thought that it was getting late and we finally headed back.

I am glad that Noah still found some time to read his notes over the last two days; the weekend was tiring and I want him to go to bed early tonight before tomorrow's tests. He is even about to doze off when I park in front of the house although it's barely nine.

"That was really a great weekend, Daddy, thank you," he whispers as he unfastens his seatbelt.

"You're more than welcome, Baby Boy, and I loved it too. Let's go get Jess back before you go to bed."

However, as soon as we set foot out of the car and meet at the front, a little ball of fur runs to us, barking with joy, and tries to jump on our legs, clearly not sure about which master he should greet first. Noah's eyes brighten and he bends over to grab his puppy in his arms, barely allowing me to scratch his ears.

"Oh my baby, I've missed you so much!!!" Noah coos, trying to pull him away from me.

"Huh! Liar..." I tease him.

"I did!! Don't listen to Daddy, baby, Dad really did miss you," he mutters.

"He must have smelled your arrival!" Silvo calls out as he heads toward us, followed by Maria. "He's been whimpering for the last five minutes behind the door," he chuckles as we all shake hands.

"Has he been good?" I ask.

"An adorable puppy!!! He's such a cutie!!" Maria coos, patting the dog's head. "How was your weekend, boys?"

"Excellent! The weather was nice and the forest was as beautiful as ever," I reply.

"So you guys had a good time, that's nice," Silvo says with that mysterious glint in his eyes and a mischievous smile.

I had introduced Noah as a friend of mine a few weeks ago, but I never told them that he had become more than a friend. I should at some point, but my guess is that they already know. I don't really fear their judgment or opinion because I know that they are both very open-minded.

"Yes, it was really nice, but someone needs some rest now," I reply, pointing my chin at a tired-looking Noah. "Thanks again for taking care of Jess!"

"You're welcome Camden, just ask any time! We'll be happy to take care of him again!" Maria says as she hands me a bag with all of Jess's belongings including his bed, dry food and toys.

"Thank you very much," Noah adds.

We all say our goodbyes and head back to our respective houses. Jess seems to be happy to be back in his house and visits every room, waddling around. I prepare a few club sandwiches for Noah and me while the boy goes to prepare what he needs for tomorrow. After our quick dinner, Noah is yawning so badly that I am afraid he might fall asleep on his stool.

"Noah, go run a bath upstairs while I take care of emptying the car, and I'll be with you in a..." I start saying but I am interrupted by the sound of my phone. I fish it from the back pocket of my jeans and see Mark's name displaying on the screen. Sunday evening. Half past nine. He should be at his restaurant at that time. Why would he call now? "Hey Mark!"

"Hey... Are you back home?" he asks in a strange voice. I don't even know how to describe it. It sounds... tired, hoarse, sore, painful. I don't like this at all.

"Yes, we arrived half an hour ago. Everything okay?" I ask warily, attracting Noah's attention.

"Hmm... no, not really..." he barely whispers and now that scares me because it doesn't sound like him at all.

"Hey, what's wrong, Mark? What happened? Is your father alright?" I ask, standing up from my stool and bringing my empty plate to the sink counter.

"Alex left..." he says, almost falling apart.

"Alex what?? What do you mean Alex left?" I repeat. As I turn around, Noah meets me there with wary eyes and tentatively leans into my chest.

"He ran away... He left a farewell letter and his collar while Shan was sleeping and I was out jogging and he left..."

"I don't understand... He seemed to be good with you and Shannon... and you were supposed to fly to New York tomorrow! Did you guys argue? Did he give any reasons?" So many questions are running through my head. These three have worked things out so well and they make such a perfect trio!

"I don't understand either, Cam and no we didn't argue... And the letter... it's just not coherent...." Mark sighs exhaustingly. I tighten my hold around Noah's shoulders, bringing him closer to my chest, as a natural gesture to protect him, as if I was afraid to see him disappear into thin air.

"When did it happen?"

"Yesterday... yesterday morning..."

"And you're only telling me now!?" I exclaim.

"Cam, I just didn't want to ruin your getaway with Noah! That's why I waited!" Mark argues.

"But we would have gotten back home! Come on Mark!! Is there anything I can do to help? Do you want me to come to your place? Are you home?"

"No, no, don't worry... Josh already put Tony on it. He hopes to find him but I realized that we know so little about Alex... And I'm at the restaurant right now. I needed to breed some excuses for Alex's absence. He left a resignation letter, but I count on getting him back... I just can't imagine it otherwise..."

"Fuck! Mark, I'm so sorry... How is Shannon doing?" I ask and Noah tenses in my arms.

"He's... he's copping not too bad, at least for now... He insisted to go and work tonight, so he's at the Diamond. Aaron is keeping an eye on him. I'll go and pick him up shortly."

"Poor boy... How about you?" I then ask, but I only get silence in return. "Mark, I'm sure Tony will find him. And if there's anything I can do, please just tell me," I offer, because I feel so useless right now.

"I hope Tony will..." he breathes out. Fuck! I've never heard him like that. "Actually, I was also calling for something else... Would you have a free spot for me tomorrow?"

"Yes of course! I'll check my calendar and send you a text. You're off on Mondays, so I guess any time will be okay?" And even if I don't, I will make space for him. I can only imagine how tense he must be at the moment.

"Yeah, just anything..."

"Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow..." After I have finished my conversation with Mark, I put my phone on the counter and look down at Noah. My heart constricts at the tears running down his face and his sad expression. "Hey, Noah... It's okay, Baby, they'll find him!!" I whisper pulling him into a tight hug.

"So he really left?" he asks in a small voice.

"It seems so. But I'm sure Tony will find him..."

"Poor Shannon... How is he doing?"

"Mark didn't tell me much yet, but Shannon was at work. I'll see Mark tomorrow at the practice and I'll find out more about what happened."

"I couldn't really hear, but he sounded... not too good, right?" he whispers. I cup his face and tilt his head upward, wiping the remaining tears with my thumbs.

"Not too good indeed. But he'll get back on his own two feet. Mark is strong and he will help Shan to go through this. Now go run that bath, I'll be with you shortly," I order him before I sweetly kiss his lips.

He nods and leaves the kitchen. Shit! What a sad way to finish the weekend! I make it a quick task to clean up our meal and take care of Jess, and after I have texted Mark an available spot in my calendar for tomorrow, I join Noah upstairs. The trunk of the car will wait. I find my boy in the bathroom, naked and prostrated on the floor, shaking against the sink counter and holding a... a fucking blade!!!

"What the hell, Noah!!!" I shout at him, immediately kneeling down in front of him and cautiously retrieving the blade from his hand. Shit!!! I left him alone only ten minutes!!!

"I didn't do it... I swear I didn't do it!!!!" he pleads, lifting his head to meet my eyes.

"Where did you get that?" I ask, putting the damn object on the counter and already inspecting his body for traces of blood or recent scars I wouldn't have noticed.

"In the street... a few days ago... I swear I never used it, Daddy..." he defends himself, fighting against my inspection.

"I don't want you to have such things!!! You know that you must reach out to me if you... need pain or anything, is that clear?" I scold him, pulling him up with me as he nods in agreement. Fuck! I wasn't expecting Alex's departure to affect him in that way. I hold him tight to my chest for a moment, trying to soothe his pain away by rubbing his back.

"I'm so worried for Alex... Where has he gone?" he sobs.

"I have no idea, Baby..."

"But I understood that he has no family or friends... What if he doesn't find a place to stay at? What if he has to live on the streets? It could be so dangerous for him... And..."

"Noah, Noah... Alex is a clever young man. He must have planned everything and I'm sure he'll be alright until Tony finds him... Don't worry about him, Baby Boy. He might even be on his way back to Mark and Shannon, ready to apologize..." I try to reassure him, but I can't even convince myself of that. "I understand your worry, but please don't ever do that again, Baby. No blade! No cutting!"

"Please punish me, Daddy..." he suddenly begs.

"What? No! I'm not punishing you! You haven't done anything wrong, Baby, you stopped in time," I reply firmly. Right now, I'm angry at Alex for bringing back Noah's urges and that's only unfair because he certainly doesn't know how his departure could affect my Baby Boy and he is probably in no better state at the moment.

"Please... I need it..." he insists with an aching voice, shivering like a leaf in my hold and unnerving my own urges. I wish he could do without his urges. I wish I could do without mine. He needs it, Cam! He needs the physical pain! You promised him you would soothe his mental distress if he needed it! His heavy breathing and his trembling body convince me to drag him to the playroom and swiftly tie him to the brand-new cross we haven't even used yet. I hurry to the rack fixed on the wall and grab one of the leather floggers and immediately whip him a first time, making him tense and whimper.

"Is that what you want, Baby Boy!?" I growl, whipping him a second time.

"Please, Daddy... more!!" he mutters.

His begging wakes up the demon inside me and I give him a series of twenty blows, making sure to hit different parts of his thighs, bottom, lower back and hips every time. I don't go full strength but it is enough to calm me down and also to soothe his mental pain away apparently. I am unsurprisingly out of breath from the tension and the refraining of my force. And I am hard as fuck! When I drop the flogger on the floor and free him from his restraints, he throws himself in my arms, pressing his erection against my thigh, whispering several barely audible Thank you, Daddy's.

After a few minutes of hugging him, I sweep him in my arms and go back to our room where I lie him down on the bed to massage some soothing lotion into his skin. The flogger didn't hit twice the same spot and the color of his skin didn't change much, but I just can't go without a minimum of aftercare. As a Sub, he needs it; and as far as I am concerned, I won't be able to completely relax if I don't do it. Once this is done, we eventually go to the bathroom and settle down into the bath, Noah in front of me so that I can continue to massage his shoulders. I think we both feel much better.

"Daddy...?" Noah suddenly calls out after a while when I thought he had drowsed off.

"Ugh... Sometimes you're really making me feel old..." I grunt with a chuckle. He shifts to straddle my lap, resting his hands over my shoulders and wearing that mischievous smile that I have come to love much better.

"It's because you are old..." he says, grinding his swelling cock over my already very hard shaft.

"Jerk! I'm not old!" I reply, pinching his buttocks.

"You're still turning 30 in October if I understood well..." he insists.

"Shut up..." I grunt. My birthday is definitely not something I want to think about and I guess I should explain certain things to him... at some point.

"That's fine, don't worry. I like older men... Even with a bit of gray hair, I still find you super sexy, Daddy..." he chuckles, his eyes focusing on my temple.

"Fuck you, Baby Boy!" I groan, parting his ass cheeks. "I don't even have gray hair yet! Now you'd better relax that hole because you're going to get it raw, smart mouth!"

Noah closes his eyes and nestles his face in the crook of my neck as I very slowly push the tip of my cock inside of him. The water helps but no prep means taking it real slow. However, the little masochistic minx sees things differently and before I know it, he impales himself on me and he is freaking tight! Tight but fuck! It feels so good! That damn boy's going to be the death of me, I swear!

Published on 6 July 2017

Another freaking long chapter, but this one is one of my favorites despite the sadness of Alex's departure. So yes, we have reached that part of I Was Shooting For The Moon, I Hit Two Stars but don't worry, Twisted Moon won't linger on it too much (only two more chapters) as this story has its own drama coming up. For those who read the first book more than six months ago, there was a conversation between Mark and Joshua that Shannon eavesdropped where they mentioned Camden taking Noah to Six Flags that weekend, though you probably don't remember since it was a small detail. Of course, it has been edited since then, but that was the initial plan and I decided to change this into a weekend in the forest. Much more inspiring in terms of smut :p

Anyway, the next chapter will be in Camden's POV again and you'll get to see (among plenty of other things) Mark's visit to the practice... A tiny bit emotional again there. Those who like big Doms cracking down should feel for Mark. That will be on Saturday!

In the meantime, happy birthday to my sweet Aleena!! I know you share a sad anniversary with Noah's disappearance, but it's Alex's you get today... Sorry. But at least, there was the happy weekend before ;)

Below are three pictures I got from Google Street View of the St Louis canyon where Camden and Noah stayed ;)

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