A Mindless Twin!!

By C_Perry16

63.7K 596 78


A Mindless Twin!!
meeting for the first time:)
Finally Together
The Sleep Over!
Once Again:/
The tour.
We Going To The Mall.....
One down...Two to go
Gummy Worms
Cyra...and the boys
The date!!!
I dont know what to believe anymore...
so sad
We miss Them
The airport
meeting again
Not A Morning Person
At the Park
I like fried chicken;)
This Nigga again...
Sorry I haven't wrote in a while
Hate On Cyra Day
I done got shot
come one Cyra..wake the hell up
Jake and Bella
second play date
Jake comes home.
You are so dead!!!!
unexpected arrival
Update!! Castig Call!

Baby Moments

1.1K 8 4
By C_Perry16


~~Cyra's POV~~

{September 6}

I woke up this morning to the twins moving around. 

I was now 9 months along and they are due any day now. And boy am I happy.

I never thought being pregnant would be this much of a pain. You got the random cramps, tight clothes, fat ankles,mood swings, and weird ass cravings. 

Lately my weirdest craving was peanut butter on my pizza, everyone was grossed out so somethings I ate by myself.

Besides eating by my self, the gang has been a big help. My pregnancy has brought me closer to the boys more. They are always there, getting me things I needed.

Yes, we girls are still closer than ever. I even let them design the nursery. I knew they wanted to start off as good aunts so I let them.

I still haven't seen it yet, its suppose to be a surprise to me and Roc. I have tried peaking but I've always been caught so I stopped after a while.

The boys have also been very jumpy. If I bring up a cramp or them moving they go into daddy bear mode. Roc's the worst, but also the best.

Surprisingly me and Prince have become best friends lately. We were close before but now its like Bella and Jake friendship.

Speaking of Jake, he has been a great addition to the family. He's the bundle of energy that keeps us going. His and the boys have a super hero group going on. It's funny, me and the girls even made then costumes.

Celeste treats Jake like her own, she's the one that spoils him the most. Casey is like his big sister. Her and Roc even taught him how to play Call of Duty, which I regret let happen cause that's all he wants to do now and he's only 5.

Yep, my little boy is 5. We had a big party, super hero theme of course. It was crazy, he had all his new friends there, and it was LOUD!

But he had fun, and that's all that matters.

He's actually really happy to be getting new brothers and sisters, which made me happy. He was actually trying to name them but he came up with some silly things.

But he was fine with the names we picked out.

"Mommy!! Get up, me and daddy made you breakfast." Jake said running into the room with Roc behind him.

"Ok Ok. Mommy's up. Let me brush my teeth then I'll be down." I told him. He smiled up to me, showing off his missing front tooth. 

I leaned down and gave him a kiss. "Be right back. Morning baby." I said, giving Roc a kiss.

"Morning," He got on his knees in front of me and lifted up my shirt. "Morning babies, did you give mommy a rough night?" He said to my belly, giving it a little kiss.

I smiled down at him, as he rubbed the baby bump. 

See, Roc is already a great father to our unborn twins. I love it!

"Ok, let me get ready." I said rolling my shirt down.

He got up and gave me one last kiss before running out the room with Jake.

I laughed at his childishness as I headed to my closet. I grabbed some grey sweat pants and a mickey mouse tank top. 

I went to the bathroom and stripped to take a shower.

After washing up, I wrapped a towel around me and stood in front of the mirror.

I grabbed my brush and cleaned my teeth, I did my hair putting it in a ponytail with a red ribbon it it. 

I slipped on my bra and panties then my sweats and tank.

"Only a couple more days." I said, rubbing my belly. 

I wattled out of the room, and headed downstairs.

"Good morning beautiful people." I said, walking into the kitchen.

"Hey momma." Prod said kissing my cheek.

I smiled at everyone else then went to set my plate. It held three pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns.

"This looks good." I said to Jake who was eating a piece of bacon. "Thank you mommy!"

I nodded and started on my eggs. 

Roc came and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "You look beautiful." He said in my ear. "I look fat." I mumbled.

"No, your pregnant so being fat is beautiful(CORNY)" I turned and gave him a kiss then went back to my food.

"So what are we doing today?" Casey asked, from Rays lap. 

"I could go look at the nursery!" I said, with an excited face. "Nope! You and Roc have to wait." Celeste said.

"Unfair." I whined. Everyone laughed. "Babe, you only have to wait a few more days." Roc said.

I sighed and looked over to Prince. "Whats good Prince!!!!" I said smiling. "Hey CYRA!!! How are you?" He said, pulling Celeste closer.

"Pregnant! How are you?" Everyone laughed at us, like always. Me and Prince have this convo almost every morning. "IN LOVE!!!" He said kissing Celeste. I laughed and nodded. "I LOVE CELESTE TO!!" I said. "AND CASEY TOO." I laughed at the face I got from the boys. 

"You don't love us? Hurtful." Ray said faking tears. "Yes I love you guys too, but I love my girls more, sorry." I said.

"I see you." He said back.

"We should go baby shopping." Celeste said standing up. "You are not about to spoil these two." I told her with a serious face. "Yea, that's my job this time." Roc said, rubbing my belly.

I shook my head and placed my hands on top of his. "Right there." Roc said moving his hands so mine were on the bottom. 

I laid my hand down and felt a small kick under my touch. I smiled as tears started forming. I remember the first time I felt the babies kicked. 

Me and Roc were in the middle of walmart and I felt a kick and started flipping out. Of course Roc made a bigger scene than mine and a crowd started forming. It was a good day.

"You guys are so cute." Cas said, pulling out her phone.

I laughed as the girls started snapping pictures of me and Roc. Finally they stopped after the babies stopped kicking.

"I'm so ready to get these two out." I said rubbing the sides of the bump. "But then you have to deal with two crying babies." Ray pointed out.

"Oh well, I'll have my body back." I said.

"You still got a donk, even when your preggo." Casey said laughing with Celeste.

I rolled my eyes and stood up putting mine and Jake's plate in the sink. "Jakey what you wanna do today?" I asked, picking him up.

"Shopping for my twins." He said clapping his hands. I laughed and headed to the living room. "I guess we're shopping." I told the gang. 


"This is cute!!" I said holding up little Jordan booties. "Get them!" The girls said. I nodded, grabbing a pair in each color. I paid and we walked out of footlocker.

"Lets all pick each the babies out an outfit." I said, as we walked into the baby store Toddler Toes. (NOT A REAL STORY)

"Ok." They said, before walking off in different directions.

I walked over to a rack with girl clothes. I picked up a purple dress with black and white flowers printed on. "That's cute." I heard behind me. I turned to see Prod standing there with a boys outfit.

"Yea, it would so good with these black booties I got at home." He nodded and grabbed it placing it on top of the outfit he got. 

He started looking on the rack I was at for a cute outfit. He picked up a white dress that had a hot pink waist band with a flower. I nodded as he held it up for my opinion.

I left him there and headed to the boys side. I picked up some denim shots and a red shirt that says Momma's boy in white.

I looked around for a little then headed to the counter where everyone waited. 

"Ready?" Roc said taking the outfit from me. I nodded as the lady rang up all the clothes. "Thank you." I told the lady as the boys grabbed all the bags. 

"come again." She said, as we walked to the doors. I nodded and we all headed out.

We shopped around for a little longer, some for us and then some for the kids. After about four hours we headed back home.


"I'm hungry. PRINCE COOK SOMETHING!!" I yelled, from the living room.

Prince and the boys came out of the game room and came to sit with me and the girls. "Mommy I bet Uncle Ray at Just Dance 3." Jake said proudly.

"He cheated!" Ray whined sitting on Casey. "Nigga get up." She said, pushing him to the open spot next to her. 

He pouted then buried his face in Casey's lap. I laughed then hugged Jake. "Good job babe." I said kissing his forehead.

He smiled up to me then grabbed the TV remote and flipped through some channels. 

"PRINCE FOOD!!" I yelled. Everyone laughed as Prince ran out the kitchen with a plate of chicken nuggets and fried. 

"Thank you." I said smiling up to him. He rolled his eyes and sat down by Celeste. 

After I finished my food I went to my room to find Roc messing with his phone. He looked up as I closed the door. 

"Hey baby." He said smiling. I smiled back and laid down beside him. "what you doing?" I asked, grabbing his phone. "Looking at pictures." 

I nodded and started looking at them with him. "I look ugly right there!" I said pointing to a picture of me sleeping. "No you don't. You look peaceful." He said kissing my cheek.

"why did you take a pic of me sleeping in the first place?" I asked, looking at him. 

"You looked cute. I had to have it as a memory." He said placing his head on my shoulder. 

"Ok then." I said, laughing. 

He looked down at me, leaning down. I smiled and leaned in too. I shut my eyes waiting for our lips to meet. 

Once they did, my arms found their way up to his neck. I pulled at his baby curls pulling his face closer.

He grabbed my by my waist and pressed his body on mine. I nibbled at his bottom lip waiting for an opening. Once his mouth opened I felt his tongue rub across mine.

I smiled into the kiss as his hands intertwined with mine. He slowly pulled away, biting at my bottom lip.

He let it go and perked my lips. "I love you." He said, catching his breath. "I love you too." 

He rested his head in my neck and we both slowly fell asleep holding each other.

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