Hidden Kingdom

By Leostar729

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Avian Ravenwood has always known her place in the world since she was young, serving the Royalty she had been... More

⊱Chapter 1 - part one 🗡 Failed Lesson⊰
⊱Chapter 1 - part two 🗡 Summoning⊰
⊱Chapter 2 🗡 An Unwanted Guest⊰
⊱Chapter 3 🗡Surprises⊰
⊱Chapter 4 🗡Birthday Bash⊰
⊱Chapter 5 - part one 🗡Introducing Magic⊰
⊱Chapter 5 - part two 🗡Elemental Strength⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part one 🗡Mage Trials⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part two 🗡Master Mage⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part three 🗡A Royal Command⊰
⊱Chapter 7 🗡Beginnings of Courting⊰
⊱Chapter 8🗡Courting Disaster⊰
⊱Chapter 9 🗡Courting Secrecy⊰
⊱Chapter 10 🗡Beginnings of Panic⊰
⊱Chapter 11 🗡Death within Life⊰
⊱Chapter 12 🗡Eternal Sorrow⊰
⊱Chapter 13 🗡Nightmares⊰
⊱Chapter 14 🗡Revenge Mission⊰
⊱Chapter 16 🗡Mission Order⊰
⊱Chapter 17 🗡Mission One⊰
⊱Chapter 18 🗡Unpleasant Company⊰
⊱Chapter 19 🗡Unending Nightmare⊰
⊱Chapter 20 🗡Hostage Situation⊰
⊱Chapter 21 🗡Attempting Seduction⊰
⊱Chapter 22 🗡Jail Break⊰
⊱Chapter 23 🗡Hidden Truths⊰
⊱Chapter 24 🗡Decoding the Past⊰
⊱Chapter 25 🗡Dragon Bonding⊰
⊱Chapter 26 🗡 Stifling Truths ⊰
⊱Chapter 27 🗡Chosen Future ⊰
⊱Chapter 28 🗡A Lover's Betrayal⊰
⊱Chapter 29 🗡 A Dragon Encounter ⊰
⊱Chapter 30 🗡Destiny's Decision⊰
⊱Chapter 31 🗡A Mother' guidance and a King Revealed⊰
⊱Chapter 32 🗡Hidden Kingdom⊰
⊱Chapter 33 🗡Mother's Story⊰
⊱Chapter 34 🗡Anxiety Rising⊰
⊱Chapter 35 🗡Sky Trials⊰
⊱Chapter 36 🗡Capture the Magic Flag⊰
⊱Chapter 37 🗡Magical Challenges⊰
⊱Chapter 38 🗡All or Nothing⊰
⊱Chapter 39 🗡Nightmare Calling⊰
⊱Chapter 40 🗡The King's Blade ⊰
Authors Note

⊱Chapter 15 🗡Revenge is Sweet⊰

41 2 6
By Leostar729

YAY!!!!! This is the last chapter of the triple posting for today. I do hope you enjoy the chapter!!!.


With a roll of my eyes I make my way towards them. Ignoring all the whistles and cat calls that came my way from the half-drunk men in the room. Which alerted my prey to my presence as dark blue eyes made contact with mine.

Whispering into the ear of the lady sitting on his lap she gave an exasperated huff and stalked off. Stomping to the other side of the room where she started seducing another man. Easily climbing onto the new man's lap and puffing out her chest. What a gross display it was too.

I ignored her as I came to stand before the man who was making a pain of himself. "Jerid I must speak with you."

"What can I do for a pretty lady such as yourself?" He gave his most charming smile that I could easily see through from day one. Why my sister couldn't, I had no idea.

"Not here. Somewhere more private."

"Sure thing. Follow me." He got up from his seat at the table. Eagerly heading towards the Tavern's rooms for customers spending the night.

"No not here. I have somewhere more private that we can talk. Come this way." I grab his arm to stop him from taking a step further. Releasing him just as quickly, I sharply turn in a half circle heading outside to the alleyway.

Jerid grumbling the entire way. A look of disbelief as we slipped into the shaded area of the alley. "Now that you got me here. What is it that you wanted to speak to me about? Pray tell?"


"What about her?" He crossed his arms while raising an eyebrow.

"I thought you should know that she is dead."

"Oh? So she kicked the bucket did she? How did she die?" He seemed unaffected by the news that I had delivered to him. Which could easily be an act, but I really doubted that was the case.

"By giving birth to your daughter."

"Oh? So the whore had a child did she?"

The name he had called my sister really started to make me infuriated. Don't lose your temper now Avian, it will only end badly. "Yes, she gave birth to your daughter, who was stillborn."

"How do you know that it was my child? Your sister could have slept with other men besides me."

"I know my sister. You are the only one who had successfully seduced her into bed. It was your child."

"I'm glad the child her poor excuse of a mother died." He sneered at me. Oh no he didn't. Hold onto your temper Avian. Don't let him bait you. Don't fight a lowly man such as him. Stay strong. "I thought you would want to know. I thought you cared about my sister and possibly the child that she carried for you."

"Care about her? All I wanted to do was bed her. It was an act and a way of getting closer to you just in case." My eyes narrowed as his switched to a more predatory gaze. "The way I had it figured, if Olivianna didn't become the next King's Blade then I would already be close to you. Giving me an advantage over other males seeking your hand."

"All you wanted was power and wealth. I suspected as much from the beginning when you started seducing Olivianna." I backed further away from him as he stalked towards me slowly. Drawing him deeper into the darkened alley.

"Damn straight. Now that I have you, I will be one of the most powerful people in the Kingdom. All you have to do is say yes. Believe me it will be in your best interest. I can make you happy beyond your wildest dreams." This guy is a freaking psychopath.

"It looks like you didn't get the memo. I am already engaged to another." A satisfying smug smile finding its way across my face as I delivered the news.

Shock colored his features before his expression changed to one of utter fury. The shade of his face changing from pink to red to blue, to red and back to pink before repeating again. "What! You son of a [*Beep*]!" He backhanded me, sending me staggering back a couple steps. My cheek felt as though it had exploded. The anger within me climbing higher to where I had almost no control over it. "How could you do this to me?"

"Technically the term would be daughter since I am clearly not a man. Secondly we were never together or even a match. Thirdly the King picks out my betrothed not me." Of course I get the final say between the matches of Bao and Dax but I'm not about to tell that to this lunatic. Who does he think he is? Hitting me like that. He is no gentleman that is for sure.

"Don't smart mouth me. You are going to break off your engagement and marry me." He looked about ready to hit me again. Let him try, he should know not to mess with a Blade.

"Let me think about that." I broke off to pretend that I was thinking about it. In reality I just wanted to make him angrier so he would be blinded by his rage when the fighting started. "Sorry no can do. Plus I would never marry you. Not even if my life depended on it, which it doesn't." Snickering for effect.

"You [*beep*]!!! You're as much of a whore as your sister was!" He has no right to call me that! He should really watch himself, because he has no idea how dangerous I can be when someone gets on my bad side. Too bad for him he is about to find out. Oh this is going to be a sweet revenge.

My eyes narrowed at the sight of his anger filled form. "You have no right to call me and my sister that." I pointed at him.

"Yes I do! I have every right!" He clinched his hands into fists. Just a little more to push him over the edge.

"No you don't. You are just a sick conniving person who takes joy in taking advantage of girls weaker than you. But I am not like those other girls. I can fight back."

"Oh ya?" He snarled.

Nodding I smirked, "Yes. I am stronger than you." I goaded him on.

"We shall see about that." He punched with his right fist aiming for my face. Ducking at the last second, pivoting on my feet to elbow him in the stomach before twirling out of his reach.

He doubled over in pain while I stood calmly a foot away. Patiently waiting for his next attack. Ignoring the flaring pain from his stomach he charged at me swinging wildly.

Stepping once more out of the way of his flying fists. I send a roundhouse kick striking at his back as he stepped past me. Giving him the momentum which had him flying face first into the brick of the Tavern's wall.

Standing back up on shaky feet he faced me. Blood seeped from the scratches on his face received from crashing into the brick wall. He charged a few more times while I kept dodging his attempts. Sending him to the ground each time he attacked.

Finally I grew bored of these games. At his next attempted charge I held my ground instead of simply dodging. Sweeping under his arm I landed a right hook on his face. Continuing on the attack to roundhouse kick him in the stomach.

As he stood doubled over from the pain. I grabbed the back of his head to knee him in the face with enough force to shatter bone. A sickening snap sounded before he clutched his face with his hands. Howling out in pain.

Guess I did end up breaking his nose. Oopsies.

Blood gushed between his fingers from his broken nose. Soaking the front of his shirt already stained from blood and dirt. Circling him like a predator I bask in the pain that I have brought upon his miserable existence. Growling as I start to lung at him only to be caught around the waist by familiar arms. I guess Jake came home early.

"Avian enough." Jake voiced.

"No! He needs to pay for taking advantage of Olivianna and trying to seduce me." I hiss between my teeth. I need to bring that pitiful person to greater heights of pain.

"He has already paid enough. Can you not see what condition he is in from fight you? Look at him." Jake struggled to keep his arms locked around my wiggling form as I tried to break free.

"He did what?" Dax and Bao entered the alley as I stood caged inside Jake's arms. Dax looked horrified at my reddened cheek as he gingerly fingered it. Wincing I half turn away from him to escape his probing fingers. "Avian what happened?" Dax demanded.

"He slapped me when he found out I was engaged to you guys." I simply stated. It was the truth after all.

Fury lighting up in Bao's green depths, "He did what?!?!" Bao growled. This peaked my interest as I took in their shaking forms. Hmmm.

"Yep. He was mad that I wouldn't marry him. So he hit me. A mistake he won't be repeating again." I mutter the last part darkly.

"What! You are to marry one of us!" Bao shouted.

"He had no right to lay a hand upon you." Dax shouted, finishing what Bao was probably going to say next. As Jerid struggled to his feet, he was once more knocked down. Not by me but by Bao and Dax as they charged at him and began to beat on him. The guy was going to look like a pulp by the time they were done with him.

"Jake you can let go of me now. My anger has subsided." He hesitated but ultimately did as I asked. Standing beside him I watched in amusement as my fiancés kicked the crap out of my sister's ex-lover.

Who by the way looked absolutely pitiful. "Dax, Bao, enough. I think he learned his lesson." Either they couldn't hear me or they were just ignoring me. Huffing I stalk up to them and tug on their arms. "I said stop you two. He has had enough." Both backed off shaking the blood from their knuckles as I faced Jerid. "Get out of here, Jerid." My tone threatening.

He spit out a mouthful of blood. "Don't think that this is over sweetheart. I will have you at some point."

My anger peaked again causing me to punch him one more time in the face. Knocking him unconscious.

"Avian, King's Blade Apprentice." I turned to see who had called my name. At the mouth of the alley stood one of the King's personal knights. He took in the sight of Jerid's bloody form laying on the ground and the blood that soiled our clothes. Shaking his head he announced, "The King wishes to see you." Then walked off. Probably headed back to the castle to tell the King what had occurred.

I personally couldn't move. All I could think of at that moment was, AWE CRAP!!! 


I do hope you enjoyed the last three chapters. I don't know when the next few chapters will be uploaded but I will try to do so within the next week. But I can be very lazy, soooooo we shall see. Let me know if you guys have any ideas on how to further improve the chapters. Until next time...

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