Wilted Rose

By Kiitty_qt

1.2K 167 97

"No!" I screamed, "You can't keep me here forever." and ran out the door slamming it behind me. A cold autumn... More

Chapter 1: New Home I🌷
Chapter 2: New home II 🌷
Chapter 3 :New Class🌷
Chapter 4 :Shades of Purple 🌷
Chapter 5:Memory 🌷
Chapter 6: Betrayal🌷
Ctd 🍁
Chapter 7 🌷
short A/N
Chapter 8 🌷
Ctd 🍁
Chapter 9 🌷
Chapter 10🌷
Chapter 11 🌷
Ctd 🍁
Chapter 12🌷
Ctd (2)πŸπŸƒ

Ctd 🍁

15 3 5
By Kiitty_qt


OK, So I can't count how many times I've given up on this story..It wasn't going where I wanted it to go and I just felt overwhelmed. But now I've found new motivation to finish writing this story. A Huge Thank you to all those who supported me. 💜💜

Now, onto the story it's going to be a bit different, a faster pace. I'm going to explain here all what I left out in the story, please enjoy!

Selena P.O.V

As I laid, unconscious, on the cold hard ground, waves of past memories came washing over me.

I see myself, surrounded by a mountain of book; magic, spells, witchcraft, history. I had taken a liking to these things.

Suddenly, my older brother bursts through, my room's wooden doors. He is boasting, saying how the Elders love him, and how proud father is of him.

His words cut me like a knife, and I tuck myself further into my own world. They always favored my brother, he was the strong one, the smart one, the future coven leader.

And, what did I have to offer?

Nothing, but some stupid obsession with childish stuff that would do nothing to help our covern.

My brother ignores me, as I sulk further.

Fast forward, and I'm briskly walking down the hallways in our mansion. It was more like the office building for official meetings.

Others stare at me as I walk by. My hips, which had significantly grown, swayed gracefully in the purple skater dress that clang to my frame.

My hair, tightly pulled back in a ponytail, showing off my prominent features.

My first official meeting, I thought as I opened the heavy oak doors, and entered the room.

I could barely hold back the feeling of disgust I felt, as the Elders gazed at my body with their lustful eyes.

I took the empty seat by my brother, and My father began to ramble. The meeting progressed and I remembered thinking how long and boring it was.

Across, the large, dark brown meeting table, someone caught my eye. She was young and beautiful, and in the room's dim light, she glowed.

I was captivated by her. The meeting ended and everyone filed out of the room. I got up from my seat and hurried after her.

"Hey!" I called out in the hallway. She turned to face me.

"Hi," She responded giving me a nervous smile.

"What's your name?"

"Suzie," She replied, "Please, excuse me." she turned away.

"Hey, wait," I said, grabbing her by her wrist. "You're a witch, aren't you?" The question flew out of my mouth faster than I could comprehend it. Luckily, there was no one around to hear it.

Suzie went pale "D-Don't be ridiculous," she stammered pulling her wrist from my grip.

"Teach me," I said, gazing at her frightened eyes. "Teach me and I won't tell anyone."

She sighed deeply, "Meet me by the river, tonight, at eight," and with that she left.

I entered the meeting room again, with a broad smile on my face.

"Father," I said.

He was in a deep conversation with the chancellor. They stared at me. The man seemed a bit young for his position. His features were more boyish than handsome.  He smiled nervously at me

"Yes, Selena my dear," My father began "This is your new husband."

My blood ran cold.

A few years later, we were in the living room of our mansion, in a heated argument.

Sherize was on the floor, playing with her stuffed pink flamingo.

"You can't go out there again! Sherize needs her mother!" Michael shouted.

"Stop trying to control my life! for the bloody last time!" I huffed, I grabbed Sherize, who was now crying hysterically, and stormed out of the door.

"Please watch her for me," I pleaded, as I handed the baby over to her caretaker. The woman had an off day today and was spending time with her two sons.

"I'm so sorry about this,"I apologized  for the fifth time that night. Then I left.

"I'm surprised to see you here," Sherize said, as she saw me approaching the river bank.

"That bastard," I said, securing a knife into the black boot.
Suzie and I had grown to be close friends over the years.

It was now the Third Great Creature War, where all vampires, werewolves, shape shifter and all other creatures, fought for domination of their world.

Suzie secured the red cloak over her head, as other vampires approached the river bank.

"We will be victorious!" My brother bellowed, waving his sword in the air. "Advance!" We rushed into the forest.

Hours later, I was lying on the cold ,muddy, ground, barely conscious, as blood flowed out from beneath me, colouring the grass that cushioned my body.

We were ambushed. The forest was silent, with blood curling scream erupting from the darkness from time to time.

My body was cold, my throat patched. I shuddered as a gust of wind  ran through the forest, rattling the leaves, on the tress around me.

I heard foot steps coming towards me. I held my laboured breath. The figure loomed over me for a long time.

Then it crouched down besides me, removing the torn, blood matted cloak, than stuck to my forehead.

In the glimmering, dim moonlight, that seeped through the tress, I saw his face. He was beautiful.

His grey eyes sharper than any dagger I had ever seen. His black hair combed back  reviling his chiseled jaw.

He gently caressed my battered face with his hand. My body stirred  under his touch.

I smiled, as the beautiful image of him grew, darker and darker, following me into my deep sleep.


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