Wolf Inside

By LoopyLuna98

5.8K 162 26

Just your average witch. Except I am an outcast. My witch mother bore me to a werewolf father. I am a new or... More

Just a small town girl
Family or Foe?
Long time no see
Plan A-Z
De ja vu
A night to remember
Divide and Conquer
Which Witch is Witch?
New Orleans Soil
Eat, Sleep, Howl, Repeat
Change is normal
Turn back time
Who? When? Why?
Witches for the win?
Friends? Friends
New Hope
Home is where the heart is?
Now you see me
Mirror, Mirror
Family gift
Yes? No? Maybe?
Three Words
Two Words
One Word
Our reality

I don't wanna live forever

146 6 0
By LoopyLuna98

---------------------------------------------Dream World-----------------------------------------------------

With my eyes closing over I hear the  tune to 'I don't wanna live forever' by Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik. I grunt softly as I wake up In a circle of trees. I look around and notice the dense forest surrounding me. I rub my eyes and stand up. As I decide to walk into the forest I feel trapped inside of  a glass cylinder. I close my eyes and the cylinder shatters. I walk past the glass floor and feel shards entering the sole of my feet. I run in a straight line, using my werewolf senses I run as fast as I can. After running for what I feel is longer than half an hour I decide to take a break. I drop to my knees and grip the moss on the ground focusing and re centering myself. I channel my witch self and try to locate where I am. I hear a faint voice and all of a sudden I am brought back.

I look at the ceiling when I wake up. I sit up and look around the room. White. Bright. Light. Strange. 'How did I get here?' I say in a whisper. 'Klaus?' I shout out. The door opens and an unfamiliar woman walks in. 'Good Morning Alex, my name is Nurse Craig. You have been involved in a car accident resulting in a major head trauma. We have had to keep you in a medically induced coma for the past year. It is a miracle you have woken up.' She says and leaves in a hurry. I frown and look down to my hands. No ring. I frown and shout out 'Nurse Craig? Hello?' Nobody comes in. I take out the needles in my arm and switch off the heart rate monitor. I walk out of the room into a strange surrounding. I decide to walk towards the receptionist desk that I notice. Nurse Craig walks right into me. She grabs my hand and leads me down the hall to what appeared to be a waiting room. I walk inside noticing my change from a hospital gown to a simple jeans and t-shirt and my gaze falls upon a few familiar faces. 'Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol' I breathe out in front of them. I run straight towards Klaus and hug him. His cold response shocks me. I pull away from him and look in his eyes. 'Klaus?' I ask. 

His face is stuck in concern as are they all. No responses. 'Alex please come back to us, don't leave us.' Klaus says. His body then becomes pierced my multiple sharp objects and he bleeds drips and drabs. 'I hope she wakes up' Kol says with no emotion. I walk backwards from Klaus and the others. What the hell is going on? I think to myself. 

---------------------------------------Outside of the Dream world----------------------------------------------

Rebekah's view

'Alex please come back to us, don't leave us' Klaus says and tries to push himself through the white oak thorns, causing pin pricks of blood to cover his body. 'Nik please stop this, hurting yourself will not aid Alex in any way.' I say. 'Sister I must do something to help her, she is being wrapped in thorns the more I try to free her' he says in pain, still trying to pull the thorns off of her body. 'Nik, if we capture the witch Bonnie maybe she could give us a way to free her' I say.

'Kol, Elijah and I shall go to the witch, we will torture her until she gives us what we want to know. Simple.' I smile towards my brothers. 'What shall we do with mother whilst she is still alive?' Kol asks. 'Trap her, she is not going to help us and not going to make us any happier in the meantime, we will fuss about Finn later. Right now our focus is on Alex.' I say sternly. 

I turn towards the door and walk back down the hall. At least she returned the power back to the house I think as my heels click down the empty hall. I exit my house after changing into some simpler clothes for torture and am joined by the car by Elijah and Kol.

We speed down the street ignoring all road signals. We park up in front of the Gilbert' house. We listen closely and hear a crying Bonnie. I smirk to Kol and Elijah and offer up the honors. 'Who wants to knock first?' I say. They nod to me and I go first. I kick down the door and find I am unable to get inside. Plan B. Kol grabs a piece of wood and lights it on fire. 'If you would be so kind as to give us dear Bonnie Bennett we will leave you relatively unscathed' Elijah says loudly. Elena and Bonnie come down the stairs together with Caroline in tow. Bonnie looks as though she has been crying. Pity. 'Look witch, you have really messed with the wrong family, we protect our own, and since you have cursed Alex, you have become target number one' I say sarcastically. 'Give us the cure, or the solution or Kol will destroy this entire house and maybe the entire neighborhood. What do you think Kol?' I ask looking towards Kol. We all nod as he sets alight their welcome mat. He super throws the fire stick onto their couch. All of the girls scream in horror.

'Come with us Bonnie and you will be safe...' I say lightheartedly. Crying again Bonnie quenches the fire with her magic and shouts 'NO, I'm not leaving!' I look towards her and her friends. 'Have it your way.' I look down the street and notice poor Jeremy walking with his earphones in oblivious to what is going on. I speed away from the door grabbing Jeremy by the arm. I bring us up to the front of the door. I bite into his neck drinking his blood. In front of them I bite my wrist and place it over Jeremy's mouth. 'Jeremy's life for Alexs' life' I say grinning, knowing that I pulled on an emotional chord. Elena's brother. Bonnie's Boyfriend. Struck a goldmine.

I drive us all back to my house. As we pull up the lights are all out. Dragging Jeremy alongside Bonnie with Kol eager to kill him we make it to the top of the hallway in front of the scene with Klaus. 'Bonnie you'd better hurry up with your spell. You have until sunrise. If she doesn't wake up and be released from those thorns you will have a Dead. Vampire. Boyfriend.' I say strongly.

------------------------------------------ Inside dream world----------------------------------------------------

Running up to each of the Mikaelsons screaming 'Why can't you hear me?!' In their emotionless faces has made me exhausted. I sit down in the middle of the floor, the music echoing in the room. 'don't wanna live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain' are the only lyrics bouncing around my head. I start to cry into my hands. I look up to Klaus and see he is again bleeding in various spots.  I rub my eyes and I notice that they all fade. I stand up quickly making myself dizzy. I look around and notice the room is getting smaller. I start to scream but my voice fades into nothingness. The song increases in volume making my ears feel like they are exploding. 

'I just wanna keep callin' your name, until you come back home,  until you come back home' are the only words I hear last. 

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