You and Me || JM ✔️

By AlmightyBomb

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"She leaned on the wall for support. Her knees weakened but managed to hold her up. Tears trickling down her... More

Chapter 1: Let me go!
Chapter 2: Who are you?
Chapter 3: Maid costume
Chapter 4: It's the begining
Chapter 5: Rules
Chapter 6: Reasons
Chapter 7: Nearly Escaped
Chapter 8: Assistant
Chapter 9: Never!
Chapter 10: Trapped once again
Chapter 11: It all starts now
Chapter 12: I beg you
Chapter 13: He's crazy!
Chapter 14: Save me
Chapter 15: Finally at peace
Chapter 16: The hunt is on
Chapter 17: Hawaii
Chapter 18: Business can be nasty
Chapter 19: Shopping and starvation
Chapter 20: Reveal the truth (part 1)
Chapter 21: Reveal the truth (part 2)
Chapter 22: War with business (part 1)
Chapter 24: War with bussiness (part 3)
Chapter 25: Trust
Chapter 26: All I want is you
Chapter 27: I'm back with a surprise
Chapter 28: my heart
Chapter 29: Handover
Chapter 30: lets go back home
Chapter 31: satisfaction or guilt
Chapter 32: alliance
Chapter 33: i may pronounce you husband and wife
Chapter 34: i married this man
Chapter 35: unexpected visitor
Chapter 36: the real truth
Chapter 37: honeymoon?
Chapter 38: 2 faced?
Chapter 39: it can't be
Chapter 40: not ready for this
Chapter 41: mistakes
Chapter 42: please come back
Chapter 43: another member
Chapter 44: love and hatred
Chapter 45: another chance
Chapter 46: I love you
New book

Chapter 23: War with bussiness (part 2)

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By AlmightyBomb

Mum than told me later that grandma didn't know about the losses and our current situation. They didn't tell her because she was a heart patient. Her heart was quite week, so they just hid it.

I jut hope everything goes well.

End of recap

Jennie's POV

2 weeks later.

It's been 2 weeks now since I arrived home. To be honest I thought Jimin will come after me but no. He didn't. Good I'm so happy that I finally got out of his claws. I'm free.

Dad had been drinking quite a lot from the past 2 weeks and when I asked, he would just say his doing all he can. He seemed restless and tired by time. Mum was trying all she can to hide it from grandma that there isn't anything wrong as grandma suspected something fishy. I on the other hand tried coming up with strategies or some sort do idea to help dad. So far, nothing.

*buzz buzz*

"Mum? Why is she calling?"

Sliding through the screen I picked up the call.

"Jennie where are you?"

"Huh? Oh I'm out jogging mum remember I told you".

"Oh yes, yes. Ok just come back home as fast as you can".

"Why what happened?"

"I have some good news and bad".

"What is it?"
I asked huffing.

"Just come back and I'll tell you".

"Just tell me now mu-, hello? Mum? He-"She hanged up on me.
I wonder what's so important. Good news and bad news?

I ran as fast as I possibly could, reaching home in less than 3 minutes.
I knocked the door aggressively due to my heavy breathing.

"Oh my child you're as mess, get in".

"Thanks gran-ma", i huffed.

After a while of catching my breath, I asked mum who was sitting in the living room. Well more like standing now since I arrived. I asked her privately away from grandma.

"What's the good news". I impatiently asked.

"The good news is that we paid the debt . We paid the billions".

"Omg that's great mum. Oh how I yearned to hear those words", I was filled with joy.

Her expressions remained serious. Not a change.

"Mum why are you sulking? we should be celebrating, come on ", I grabbed her wrists and threw it in the air and danced around her.

"Jennie hear me out first".

"Ok ok, what's the bad news?"

Not so bad obviously, we paid the debt so we're done.

"The bad news is that we're not complete yet, I said we paid the BILLIONS. The millions remain. There's still 5 million remaining".


5 million? Oh how I thought it was all over.

"don't worry mum, dad would pay that too, just like he paid the res-"

"No Jennie we're bankrupt. We don't even have enough money to do your grandma's by pass anymore. We don't even have hundreds in the bank. We're stripped down to no money".

WHAT? we're bankrupt? No no, oh this is terrible.

"Mum you can't be serious...y-you mean we don't even have money for grandma's medicines?"

"Exactly we're down to nothing, we won't have any luxury anymore, nothing." Mum burst out crying. Her head hung low and a hand on her forehead covering those tears.

Lord this is bad. This is really bad.

"What now mum?"

She wiped her tears before continuing.

"Well...b-by law this mansion, all the cars, jewellery and money would go to that cooperation. The owner will have it all. The only problem is the remaining 5 million. How are we gonna pay that? There's no way."

"Mum I'm sure there might be a way, come on have hope".

"Jennie you're not used to being poor, you never experienced it. You were only born rich. 5 million isn't a small amount for poor people, since we are one as well, it'll take us our entire lives to repay it. Specially when there's no jobs and no money. All we have is your aunt's old cottage now."

"Mum but-"

*ring ring*

Mum's phone rang before she picked it up, sniffing back her tears.

"Hello? What? now?....ok".

"Who was that?"

"It's your dad, he wants to talk to you".

She handed me the phone before I took it.


"Jennie, honey you need to come down to my office right now".

"Office? But why?"

"We are having an important meeting. Regarding the debt with another cooperation. I learnt that the entrepreneur is in this city and he wants to meet me for the remaining 5 million".

"So why do I have to be there?"

"He somehow found out that I have a daughter and he would like to meet you too".

"Meet me? why?"

"Honey I don't know that either and I really don't like the idea of him meeting you but you were the one who kept records of the stocks so you need to be there. Please just come".

"Ok I'll be there dad, give me 30 minutes".

"Ok sure, bye".

"What happened?" Mum asked.

"I need to go to a meeting", handing mum back her phone I ran to my bedroom, taking a quick shower and changing into a formal white skin fit 2 piece dress. The skirt ending below my knees with a long sleeved crop top. I quickly did my natural makeup, hair loose and grabbed my black heels as fast as I could. Grabbed my phone and exited the house in mum's Maserati.

Why do I have to be there in the first place?

Narrators POV

In no time Jennie arrived at her dad's office.

"Good morning Miss Kim would you like any help?".

"Oh no thanks, Eun-Ji".

Kindly declining her staff, she walked over to the boarding room.

"11.35? Great, there goes my precious day".


She barged in to only see her dad on the phone.

"Dad? Where's that person?"

"Oh yes, yes. Ok sure, thank you".
The only lines he said before hanging up.

"Oh honey you're here, thank god".
He stood up, walking to the door located at the end of the gigantic table.

"Why is the meeting room so empty and where's that person?"

"He'll be here in no time. I was just having a chat with his manager, they're nearly here. Is it just me or am I really nervous?"

"You are nervous dad. Don't worry I'm sure he'll give us some time to pay back."

"I don't know, I've heard the owner himself is quite audacious and intimating. I just hope he'll understand my problems and give us time".

" I hope so too dad"

Jennie's POV

Its been past 10 minutes as me and dad discussed the overall and previews of records. Even equipments that'll be handed back to the cooperation and the remaining $5 million. Dad seemed really nervous but tried hiding anyways. I'm his daughter I could see it all. It's visible. The horror of us all being poor is eating him alive. He's so restless, tired yet still trying to survive. I just hope whoever this guy is...turns out to be an angel.

"Dad don't worry. Everything will be alrig-.."

"Mr Kim, they're here"

"Call them in Eun-Ji".

"Sure sir".

She politely gestured the people to come in.

Me and dad stood up in sign of respect and observed the people. There were all together 3 of them. All professionally dressed up in suits. 2 aged men in there late 40s and a young guy. Maybe in his 20s with beautiful complexion, cute face, brown hair and dark orbs staring right at me.

"Please have a seat".

"Thank you", the young guy replied.

They settled at the other side of the long, massive meeting table. Only 2 heads. One claimed by dad and the other empty. He just stood beside his seat across dad. I took a seat close to dad with files neatly placed on table for requirement.

"Young man may I ask your name please"

He kindly smiled.

To be continued...

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