It's High School (Completed)

By Everydaylover122

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"Henry?'' I whispered, scared that if I spoke to loud he would disappear into thin air like breath in cold we... More

Chp.1~ Greetings From Austin, Texas
Chp.2~ Old Friends, New School
Chp.3~ Changed Person
Chp.4~ Patio of the Forgotten
Chp.5~ Lunch With the Morales
Chp.6~ Caleb's In a Band?!
Chp.7~ Finding Henry
Chp.8~ Priorities
Chp.9~ Homecoming
Chp.10~ Heat Of The Moment
Chp.11~ Aftermath
Chp.12~ Confession
Chp.13~ Waiting Room
Chp.14~ It's On
Chp.15~ Coco Deliciousness
Chp.16~ Alex Wagner
Chp.17~ Grudges
Chp.18~ Confused
Chp.21~ Revenge is Going to Be Sweet
Chp.22~ Terry-Tots
Chp.23~ She Knows
Chp.24~ Rumors
Fixing My Situations
Chp.25~ Searching for Answers
Chp.26~ Pool Party
Chp.27~ Guilty Pleasures
Chp.28~I Feel the Same Way
Chp.29~ Girls for God
Chp.30~ Her Sickness 1/3
Chp.32~ Her Sickness 2/3
Chp.33~ Her Sickness 3/3
Chp.34~ You Don't Understand 1/2
Chp.35~ You Don't Understand 2/2
Chp.36~ This Is Me
Chp.37~Therapy Boredom and Flynn Rider
Chp.38~ Wedding Day
Chp.39~ Don't Absorb The Hate
Chp.40~ Hero
Chp.41~ Three More Years

Chp.20~ Valentine's Day

67 10 0
By Everydaylover122

"Caleb's POV"

I took a deep breath. Today is Valentine's Day. The day of overpriced chocolates in plastic heart-shaped boxes, the crappy greeting cards, and the bunches of roses; I absolutely hate Valentine's day. Why was it such a big responsibility for the guy to throw a special women a big, humongous surprise? Us guys get nothing out of it! I've hated Valentine since grade school. It makes me sick. I looked off into the horizon of my school. People hung outside where the snow was as they handed each other their gift. Balloons, 4 feet teddy bears, chocolates and big gift bags. I rolled my eyes. Now the girls would just go around and giggle about how they got romantic gifts and brag to their single friends.

"Stop hating." I could hear Alex's voice in my ears. He wrapped his hands around my waist as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. Alex and I got to know each very well over the weekend. After my car broke down, Alex showed up and became my hero at that moment. We kissed, and it was amazing. I went back to his house that same day met his two moms (that was pretty cool) and we hung out that entire day. on Saturday we met for ice cream, even though it was below 20 degrees, but I loved it. He hung back at my place and ended up meeting my dad. Of course my dad knew nothing about us; heck, nobody in my family does! Then finally on Sunday, we decided to take things REALLY slow, and when I say slow I mean like just still acting as friends slow. I still haven't told Lola or Teresa and I'm pretty sure they won't take this lightly. I talked about girls 24/7, they would think I became mentally ill if I told them right now. Alex insist that the only way I could feel better is if I tell at least tell one person I trusted, but I'm just not ready. My parents would definitely kick me out of the house and my sister would never look at me the same way, and I'm still not sure if I'm gay or if I just into both sex.

"Are you going to tell them?" Alex asked me. I turned round in his grasp. "No, not right now. It's not a good time." I folded my arms. Alex let go of me.

"You don't understand Alex. Coming out bi will be a lot harder for me than for you. You have two moms! This was child's play for you." I sighed.

Alex titled his head. "Bi?" He leaned against his car. We had parked up on top of a hill, one of the hills that I knew nobody could see us. Since my car was still in the shop, I needed somebody to take me to school, and who better than Alex?

"Yeah. I'm still not sure what I am." I leaned beside Alex on the car.

"Well don't make this sound like you're some creature. You're still Caleb." Alex explain. I looked down at my gloves. I wasn't so sure about that still. Am I still the immature, funny Caleb that I used to be? This, what ever I am, has changed me, and I could feel it.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend or had a crush on a girl?" Alex asked me. I thought for a minute. I did have a girlfriend, in like the fifth grade, but I don't know if that will count. And I did have a crush on Teresa at the beginning of the year, or at least I thought I had a crush on her.

"Who was it?" Alex smiled. He knew that I have thought of somebody.

I sighed. "Teresa." I spoke quietly. Alex laughed. "It wasn't for long, it was like for three weeks, maybe a month, but no more than that."

"Seems like the whole school has a crush on her." Alex looked down at the school. I spotted teresa on her phone sitting on the bench, it looked as if she was talking to somebody.

"Why do you say that?"

"You know that kid that sometimes sits at our table? the one with the really dark hair?" Alex illustrated him.

"Mason?" I guessed. Alex nodded his head. "Yeah him, I can see it in his eyes when he talks to her."

"Really Alex?" I laughed. Alex thought he could see everything in people's eyes. Like he was some type of wizard or something. "If not that then probably that he only talks to her when he sits with us." We both laughed. That was true, he never open his mouth for anybody unless it was for Teresa. I once asked him question and it looked like he was ready to claw my eyes out.

"Ready to go?" Alex asked me. I sighed before nodding my head and getting back in the car.

"Teresa's POV"

Valentine's Day was so beautiful. Couples showed how much they truly cared for one another and buy one another sweet gifts. Romance was one thing that killed me. I could always do good with a romance book or movie.

I smiled. "Hola novia." Lola said before taking a seat beside me on the bench.

"Hello." I greeted. "Please tell me that YOU at least got a Valentine's present?" Lola begged. I giggled.

"No I didn't get anything."

"NOOOO!!" Lola cried. She laid her head back.

"Why is it so important that I get something?"

"Because Teresa, this whole school has a crush on you and if you didn't get a gift then there's no hope for the rest of us." She shook her head. I playfully rolled my eyes. Lola could be so dramatic at times.

"Not even you boyfriend shipped something over?" She asked again. My smiled faded away. Me and Trevor barely even communicate anymore. I'm not sure if it was because we just haven't had time, or if it is because we just kinda distance ourselves. The last time I had talked to Trevor was the week after he went back to Florida, ad that was almost two months ago. He has been super busy with his channel, and I would watch his videos and stuff, he even started to collaborate more with other users.

"Are ya'll not talking?" Lola showed concerned.

"Not for a while, but it just he's been so busy." I lied to her. I didn't need Lola the worry-wart worrying about my love life.

"Oh." Lola sat back. I thought for a minute. Maybe Trevor had something planned for me, maybe I was just in over my head.

"Well, come on the bell will ring any minute." Lola grabbed my hand as we entered the school.


I put the last of my books in my locker right before I would leave to go home. I had finally found the time to decorate my locker and it was looking quite spectacular.

I sighed.

Today was rough for me. Walking through the hallway and seeing people with the gifts that their loved ones gave them hurt a little. I mean, I know my love one was way back in Florida, but not even a text? I took my phone out of the pocket of my skirt. I check my messages with Trevor, and nothing. I sigh once more.

I then remembered the necklace that he gave me last Valentine's Day. I smiled, thinking of the way it sparkled in the sunlight.

"What's wrong snowflake?" I heard behind me. I only knew one person who gave me a new nickname every time I saw him. I turned around and smiled. Mason had is leather jacket on over is Lovelorn vest.

"Hi." I chuckled. I turned as I close my locker, locking it back up.

"Now what is a snowflake like you doing without the rest of your snow?" He joked. He held one hand behind him. I starred at him in suspicion.

"I had to ask Lola where you were. What are you doing at the school so late?" Mason asked.

"It's only 4:30." I laughed.

"Right, too late to still be at school." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I was decorating my locker."

"Oh." Mason nodded his head. I was glad that Mason was here. I was happy that he still believed that their was more to his life than washing cars and flipping burgers.

"I'm glad that you here." I smiled.

Mason snickered. "I know." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"I meant that you we're still holding of you side of the bargain." I swear Mason can be so arrogant.

Mason nodded his head. "Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about." Mason dark eyes turned light just like that. I smiled.

"I talked to the secretary to see how my grades were doing and it turns out that I have one A, five B's, and one C."

My eyes glowed. "I'm so proud of you Mason."

Mason has come a long way from the boy who wouldn't even show up to school.

"Yeah, I even spend some of my evening studying." He laughed at himself saying that. I giggled.

"I just wanted to come over here and tell you that, I am so grateful for what you did for me, and that I appreciate how much you care, not just for me, but for people who need it." He started. The smile on my face grew.

"Without you I would probably have to go to an alternative school and probably just would've given up hope on graduating at all." He continued. "And because of how much you care it has made a difference in my life and for that, I got you something." Mason had finally pulled his hand from behind his back and showed the beautiful bouquet of red roses. "Oh my gosh Mason, thank you." I gave him a nice hug. He handed me the flowers as I gave them a quick sniff. They smelled like happiness.

"And I also got you something else." Mason grabbed into his pocket and pulled out a white box.

"Mason..." I shook my head. Everything that Mason was doing was too much, it made my heart flutter, but this was just really too much.

He opened the box to a diamond pendant, it looked a little aged out, but it was the most precious thing I have ever seen.

"Mason, I can't take this." I shook my head. Mason stepped closer.

"Turn around." He whispered. I felt bad, I didn't want to be like one of those girls who didn't want anyone to give her anything, but then take what they give, but, oh well. I turned around holding my hair up as Mason clipped it together.

"It beautiful." I looked down at it. It was just a single diamond, but it meant so much more, I turned it on its back and it said love.

"It was my grandmothers, she told me to give it to somebody special to me."

"I think she meant you wife." I laughed. Mason shrugged.

"Have a good Valentine's okay?" Mason smiled. I nodded my head. Mason walked away and I watched until I couldn't see him anymore.


I sat on my bed as I waited to see if Trevor would answer his face time. I haven't talked to him in a while, and I hoped and prayed that it wouldn't be awkward. It rang only for a few more seconds until Trevor answered. I smiled to myself. Trevor's beautiful face popped up onto the screen. His pearly white teeth noticeable.

"Hey Teresa." he spoke. His voice calmed me. "Hey." I greeted back. The background noises sounded as if he was in a car, driving.

"Are you in a car?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"I'm on my way to a dinner with a few Youtubers so we can meet about some new exciting things." Trevor smiled.

"That's great." I lied once again. Not like I was excited about him just going to a dinner.

"Hey Teresa!!" Another voice beside Trevor yelled, Trevor elbowed him in his chest.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Nathan, I told him to be quiet, but as usual he doesn't listen." Nathan laughed beside him. I gave a fake smile. I was hoping it was just me and Trevor, but oh well.

"I was just calling to say Happy Valentine's Day." Trevor's expression changed. I could see that he didn't even remember.

"I'm so sorry Teresa, I totally forgot all about Valentine's Day. I've just been so busy."

I sighed. "It's okay, I kinda thought that." I lied again. I felt like I wanted to cry. How did you just forget about Valentine's Day? It was all over social media and doesn't some of his friends have girlfriends? Didn't they talk about it or something?

"Hey, Teresa I'm here, but when when I get the chance we can talk later, okay?" Trevor smiled.

I nodded my head. I waved goodbye as Trevor hung up. I closed my eyes. Maybe I was doing something wrong, maybe I wasn't adding enough effort, or maybe I was adding too much effort. A relationships is a two way ticket, if I'm the only one keeping it alive then-

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden tapping sound at my window. I looked with suspicion. Maybe that was my imagine. But once again the tapping began. I grabbed the scissors off of my desk before going to see what the leery sound was coming from.

I slowly walked to the window. Maybe this was just a bird. I thought to myself. Finally when I reached my window, weapon in hand, I looked down. In the large oak tree some-what close to my window, Mason sat throwing what seemed to be like rocks. He smiled when he finally saw me. My jaw dropped. What is he doing here?

I unlocked my window and threw it up. "What are you doing?" I shouted, laughing at the same time.

"Wear you running shoes and something warm, I need your help with something." Mason said, he held onto the branch for support. Is he crazy?! It was almost 9:00 at night.

"Please, meet me at your front door." Mason finished his pleading as he climbed down the tree. I blinked a few times, did this really just happened? Did Mason Williamore really just ask me to go with him at 9 at night?

And before I knew it, I threw off my slippers, and on came the sneakers and winter gear. I snuck down quietly to make sure not to wake my mom or wake Buddy because he would bark.

I slowly open my front door, making sure it didn't creak as I saw Mason sitting on my porch steps. He smiled when he saw me.

"Ready?" He smirked. I didn't even get to say anything until he pulled my arm and we started walking. The only thing guiding us was the overhead streetlights.

"What took you so long?" Mason asked.

"How about some guy came up to my window and ask me to leave at 9." I laughed.

"How about you actually listened to this guy?" Mason smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"What are we even doing that couldn't wait until the evening?" I asked, I looked up and tried to spot his chocolate brown eyes, but it was too hard to find.

"Because you don't want them to see." Mason smirked as he grabbed my arm and we hopped into his old 2004 Buick Le Sabre.

We stopped as we reached the dollar store. Mason told me to wait in the car as he went in. Moments later, he returned with so many rolls of toilet paper.

"What in the world?" I laughed as he stuffing the rolls in the back of his car.

"What's going on?" I'd asked him. Payback was all he said as we sped down the road. Mason seemed different, I mean, yeah I could see him doing something destructive to somebody's house, but he just seemed different in a way.

When we reached a small, one-story house on the curb, Mason parked a few houses away from where we were really going. As we walked to a random strangers house, carrying numerous amount of toilet paper, we had made a plan that I would take the right side and he would take the left. Nothing rock science about it.

"Wait." I took a deep breath before he throw his first roll. "Why are we doing this?"

"This person has been making my life a living hell for two years now, it's time he felt the pain he caused." He explained.

"Okay, but why am I here with you?" I laughed.

"Remember that deal we made?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Well this is living in the moment. If you've never toilet papered somebody's house, than you're not living in the moment right." He had a glimmer in his eyes. He was right, he was keeping his deal, and I guess it was now that I kept mine.

Mason winked at me. "Ready?"

I nodded, a rush of adrenaline went through me every time I threw a roll. I watched him, admiring the effort he put in to destroying this person's property. I giggled to myself.

Mason was doing this for me. He wanted to give me a rebellious feeling, and I was really enjoying it so far.

It only took us 15 minutes to completely wrap the entire house with toilet paper. We even managed to cover the large tree out front.

"Beautiful." Mason whispered in my ear. I laughed giving him a big hug for taking me out of my comfort zone, because for once stepping out of my safe box felt nice.

Suddenly we could see a light turn on in the house. I felt my heart rush. "RUN!" Mason whispered. I ran right beside him as we hopped into his car and rode down the road.

I laughed hard. "I loved that SO much!!" I smiled beside him. He smiled back at me. "I've never felt this energy from you before." Mason told me.

"That's because I've never had such an adventure before." I laughed one more time.

"Thank you for taking me with you." Mason looked over at me as I thanked him. Once we reached my house he walked me up to the porch.

"So, can you tell me now who's house that was?"

"Mr. Gentry's." Mason smirked. My eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh, how did you even know that his house was right there?"

"Mr. Gentry is like an open book. It only took a few questions and a genuine smile and he basically told me his deepest darkest secrets." Mason smiled wide.

"And I knew that if you knew who it was that you might've not thrown a single roll. And it was like 100 percent more fun this way." He said.

"Well." I nodded. I tried hard not to match Mason's contagious smile, but it was too hard. "Congratulations, you were right."

I turned to open the door until Mason stopped me. "I have something else for you." Mason pulled a small book out of his pocket.

"I saw it somewhere on Instagram and thought it was kinda cool."

"What is this?"

"A need me book." He replied. "When ever you need somebody to talk to, or somebody's shoulder to cry on, these are some tickets to a free way pass to me." Mason smiled. I chuckled.

"Thank you." I gave him a quick hug once more. "And thank you for everything you've down today." I could feel Mason's heart beat faster as we stood in the same hugging position.

"You're welcome." He spoke softly. I departed from him and looked at the book again, it was pink and decorated in glitter.

"You don't need a book to come and talk to me, I'll always be here for you." Mason's Chocolaty eyes were mesmerizing as they stared back into me. I tilted my head. Something was different about him. The glimmer in his eyes showed a sensitive side of him that I never had seen before. I smiled.

I turned back to the door, when I stepped into the doorway I looked back and smiled. "Stay awesome Williamore." I giggled before closing the door completely.



Hey guys!!! Thanks for reading!!!!

Could it be that Mason could be catching feelings for Teresa, OR NAH!?

QOTC: "There's just not enough toilet paper to clean up the crap people have created."




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