The Street Fighter

By beebee12345678

381K 11.8K 3.1K

At the age of 17, Skylar Green is left to care for her 5-year old brother, Dylan. Her mother? Dead. Her fathe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Authors Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 25

5.1K 172 60
By beebee12345678

I roused from my deep sleep, my eyes fluttering open before snapping shut at the bright light that invaded them.

A croak escaped my lips at the displeasure of waking up to blurry eyes that watered due to the blinding light. Only now did I become aware of the weight on the lower half of my body.

My eyes shot open, wanting to know of the thing on my abdomen that was weighing me down. I waited a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light pouring in from the huge windows.

The first thing I noticed from my position was a sofa bearing a sleeping Tyler, quiet snores reaching my ears from where he lay.

My eyes slowly travelled to the being keeping me from moving and my eyes came into contact with brown messy hair.

The sigh of relief that came from me when I realised it was only Zach surprised me.

Only Zach.

I wasn't supposed to feel so comfortable around him that it only being Zach eased my worries.

I let a groan slip from my lips as I noticed the position we were in. How was I going to get out of this one?

His head rested on my stomach with my right leg wrapped loosely around his torso. Unintentionally, my hand was situated on his chest as my arm draped next to his head, providing me with warmth.

How did we even end up like this?

He must have fallen asleep on me after I drifted off.

I attempted moving my arm but he shifted so that he lay on his side, his cheek pressing firmly against my tummy.

I held my breath, not wanting him to wake up yet, and only released it when he stopped stirring.

Only, I did it too early.

As soon as I thought he had dozed off, he tilted his head up to face me, his blue eyes meeting mine.

What I didn't expect was the small smile that adorned his lips as he stared up at me.

"Morning," he croaked in a sleepy voice.

I was momentarily star struck, not knowing what to do with myself.

His voice was heaven to my ears and I internally cursed myself at how easily he affected me.

Even so, I wouldn't mind waking up to that every morning.

I snapped out of my daze as I formed words, my raspy voice responding. "G-good morning."

A dark blue coated his eyes, an emotion I had seen too many times before. Not able to stand that look, I turned away from him and took in the teenagers in a deep slumber.

"Well I guess it's just us awake."

Noticing the way I tried to distance myself from him, he pulled himself up onto his forearms, adjusting his body so it hovered over mine.

His right hand neared my chin before it captured it in his fingers, forcing me to look up at him.

"Hey, hey Sky. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I wouldn't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Alright?"

I convinced myself that he was telling the truth. He hadn't raised his hand to me nor forced me to do anything I didn't want to before.

And when I did feel perturbed and I had told him to stop, he did right away.

He gave me no reason to prove that his manner contradicted his words.

He was telling the truth.

I nodded my answer.

His eyes softened as he gazed down at me and although hesitant at first, he lowered his body and wedged it between the backrest of the sofa and myself.

His arm slid around my waist, barely touching it to the point where I wouldn't have even know it was there had it not been for me staring at it.

He was testing the waters. Giving me space for me to move if I wanted.

I didn't want to.

I expected his arm to enclose around my waist but it never happened. The space between us made me uncomfortable. I understood that he didn't want to hurt me but the lack of warmth because of his apprehension to touch me irritated me.

Just touch me already.

Whoah Sky, too soon. At least let him buy you dinner first.

I could practically hear that voice snickering, thinking it was funny. As if.

Realising he wasn't going to do anything, I pushed myself against him, my back flat against his torso.

Instantly, his head rolled into the crook of my neck, as if wanting the close proximity just as much as I did. As if being just those inches away put him in pain.

I felt him let out a sigh of relief as his hot breath fanned my skin, raising goose bumps along it.

His lips moved against my neck as I barely caught his mumbled words. "Thank fuck."

His arm tightened around my waist with his words and a small smile graced my face.

The tender brush of his lips burned as they made contact with my neck, the small kiss compelling me to hold in a moan.

At that moment, the others started to come around. Their yawns and stretches from their spots on the sofas made it obvious that they were waking up.

Zach gave out a groan of annoyance from behind me and I figured that was my cue to get up, not wanting to get caught in our situation.

Despite the others getting closer to seeing us due to them becoming more aware of their surroundings, as I tried to move, Zach's arm stayed locked around my waist, not letting me get up.

"Zach," my hoarse voice whispered, still sleepy from having woken up just moments ago. My attempt to warn him to let go failed as he only pulled me into his body closer, if that was even possible.

"Sky," he muttered back in the same tone, the touch of his lips on my skin driving me crazy.

I relaxed into his body and his unwillingness to release his hold on me suddenly became apparent.

"Shit." I felt something hard poking me and the expletive that fell from his lips only confirmed what it was.

"I'm sorry. I-If I had known that moving into this position would have given me a hard on, I wouldn't have wrapped my arm around you. Fuck. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm so sorry."

His rambling as he tried to apologise for it had me release a snort of laughter.

"I don't think it's even morning wood. Wait, is it still morning wood if I get it after I've already woken up? Like it wasn't there when I woke up only when I moved right next to you. Oh fuck, I'm messing this up."

"Be quiet. Before the others hear you." I managed to say around my laughs.

This was too funny.

"Hear what?" Carter voiced as his palm rubbed the sleepiness from his eye.

Zach regained his composure, returning to his cool collected self, "Nothing man."

My hand shot to my mouth, muffling the laughs that tried to escape.

Carter sent us a weird look before slapping his hands down on his knees and raising to his feet.

"Anyways, what are we going to do now?" He spoke up.

Get to Dylan. Make sure he's safe.

He was my priority.

"How's the storm? Has it died down?" His voice tickled my neck from behind me as he asked the group a few questions.

Tyler shrugged his shoulders before moving to the window. "Seems as though it has. It's definitely sunny, only drizzling a bit. But it's going to be hard to drive out there."

"Oh well. I'm always up for a challenge." I removed Zach's arm from my waist, successfully standing up this time.

He would have to work out how he was going to deal with his predicament himself.

I was going to see my Dylan.

If he was even there.

I started looking on the floor, trying to find my phone and quickly retrieved it once finding it.

I would try to see if my motorbike worked once more and if not, I would just have someone drive me.

But why hadn't it worked? It was perfectly fine on my way here.

And to repair it would cost a fortune. I don't know what I would do if it had to be serviced.

"Thanks for letting me stay last night. I'm just going to head on out. See you tomorrow."

I didn't dare bring up what I said last night. Nor did I stay long enough for them to remind me that tomorrow was a Saturday.

I didn't care.

I rushed out of the living room, sloppily pulling on my shoes and snatching my keys off of one of the tables at the entrance.

"Bye," I called out before shutting the door behind me.

A puddle of water on the seat remained from where the storm went on a rampage, deciding to release an abnormal amount of rain in the process.

I wiped it away with my forearm before seating myself on the wet leather.

Just like the night before, I turned the key only to be greeted with yet another rattling before the engine automatically turned off.

"Little shit. Fucking start." I'd have to go back in there. Again.

Realising I had no other option, I got off and took the agonising steps towards the door.

It opened just before I got there as Zach came out, hurrying to his car.

"Come on, let's go. We'll figure out what's wrong with your motorbike later."

I didn't deny his offer and scurried after him, sitting beside him as he drove off.

The car remained silent and only when we came across a tree blocking the road did he speak up.

"It might take longer than I expected to get there," he muttered.

"As long as we get there," my voice reassured him yet I couldn't help but get irritated.

What if he had already gotten there?

Though it wasn't Zach's fault. If anything it was because of Zach that I was on my way there now. I could do nothing but thank him.

"Zach." His eyes flickered over to me as I fidgeted with my fingers in my lap. "Thank you."

"It's nothing really."

I shook my head. He wouldn't be able to understand.

We got there in a matter of minutes and I practically flew out of the car as soon as we stopped.

I turned to Zach in the car who was only just turning the ignition off.

"No Zach, thank you. So much. I can't even begin to think how I'm going to repay you. I just –thank you Zach, for everything."

Not just for getting me to Dylan. But for everything.

He nodded in acknowledgment before a grin took over his face. "Now go get Dylan, I'm sure he's waiting for you."

I shut the door sending him a small smile and dashing to the apartment, running up the stairs and to our door.

My hand shook as it rested over the handle.

What would I find behind the door?

Would I find him? Maybe they weren't there.

Maybe he had taken them.

I hesitated before twisting and trying to push open the door only to find it was locked.

My breathing picked up pace as I unlocked the door with my set of keys.

What if...

Stop with that. You won't know until you go in.

And with that I opened the door. What I saw inside had my eyes widening.

The place was a mess. Milk spilled, blankets strewn all over the place along with cushions. Toys were littered all over the floor as well as a few items of clothing.

But the reason behind my sigh of relief was all that mattered.

Dylan and Shaun lay on the floor under a blanket with cushions covering most of Dylan and only part of Shaun's long body.

They were safe.

And that's all that mattered.

After completely processing that they were actually here, untouched and safe, I couldn't help but laugh. Only a quiet one, not wanting to wake them.

They must have made a den in attempt to get Dylan to sleep.

Apparently it had collapsed in the night with all their moving because of the numerous pillows resting on them.

I kicked the door closed with my foot and decided to text Zach.

They're fine. Knocked out on the floor after a bit too much milk I think. Thank you so much for getting me here and everything else. I truly am grateful. Xx

I decided to join them on the floor as I snuggled up to Dylan. I heard the ping of my phone as I got a text back from Zach.

You really don't need to thank me but that is definitely a relief, I am very glad they're okay even though I knew they would be ;) Stay safe.

A small smile creeped onto my face at his message.

I set my phone down beside me and heard the sound of a small groan as Dylan looked up at me with his green eyes.

A lazy smile filled his features as his eyes became too heavy for him to keep open. "Sky, I missed you." His quiet voice sounded as his eyes flitted shut.

"I missed you too Dyl. I love you, you know that right?" I whispered back.

A small hum came from his parted lips, "I love you too Sky. My mummy."

The last part was so soft, I almost didn't catch it but when I did I only pulled him closer into me.

I really did love him with everything I had. And I would do anything to keep him safe.

The sound of his breathing which evened out told me he was back to sleep.

And despite already having slept, I dozed off as well.

Sleeping with the people I loved. All three of us. Safe and together.



Booooring I know but you'll have to bear with just for this chapter. It's leading onto the next chapter which is going to add to the plot ;)

So what did you think? Zach and Sky are cute right? But what if Shaun and Sky were cuter?

Maybe even Tyler and Sky?

I wonder what will happen...

I can't say. What I can say though is how I feel. And I feel so grateful for all the comments and votes and all I am able to say is thank you. So much.

Ooh yes and I will have an uploading schedule as I have said in a few of my replies. Just have to write a few chapters in advance first.

Don't forget to comment, vote and share (if you want to).


Leave a comment and tell me if you're liking the story so far and what you think should happen next...

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