The Plugs Son: 2

By deschanel_xo

1.4M 48.6K 25.5K

The kids are all grown up. Some are going down a good path while others follow a bad one. Who's actually go... More

Family Reunion


32.5K 1.1K 696
By deschanel_xo


After we got the women and children to a safe house we went to our meeting place to load up the trucks. When we got here the Koreans and Hispanics were there. Everyone got out of their cars and walked to the building.

"What made you move the date?" One of the Koreans asked

"A party we were attending got shot up. All the wives and children were there as well." My father explained to them.

"We got hit too. 2 explosives in our home." The Hispanics said

"You should have called. We would have had this done last night." My father said unlocking the door.

"It was your call." The man said

We spread out in the building loading up with weapons. As of right now I'm a little nervous. I've never been in a war, my father and his boys always handled it. I don't want anything to happen to me that'll make me have to leave my family.

"You alright?" Mikah said patting my shoulder

"Yeah. I'm straight." I said

"Call Kamiya before we go." He said

"I don't want to worry her." I said

"She wants you to call her. I just got off the phone with her and Jamila." He said

"Okay." I said pulling out my phone. He walked away letting me speak to my wife.

Kamiya- Hello?

Cameron- Hey baby

Kamiya- Hey cam.

Cameron- I'm nervous

Kamiya- Why?

Cameron- I've never been to war with another gang. My father handle that shit not me.

Kamiya- Cameron I know you nervous but you got this. You a strong man and I know you can handle anything that comes your way.

Cameron- What if I don't make it? Or I lose a arm or leg?

Kamiya- I promise you that you'll make it out and if you lose an arm or leg me and the kids will still love you the same.

Cameron- I love you.

Kamiya- I love you too. Now go kill some people.

Cameron- That doesn't even sound right.

Kamiya- I know but ya know it's what you're about to do.

Cameron- Bye baby we're leaving.

Kamiya- Bye sweetie, be safe out there

I hung up and start to walk with the men. When we got outside there were 4 vans. Everyone got into the vans and we drove off. I feel like I'm fighting in the army. I put my red bandana around my face and get prepared for what was coming next.


As the men were arriving to James secret warehouse, James and his men were setting up to attack them. In James warehouse were Russians and James men.

"What's going to happen if they do a sneak attack?" One of the powerful Russian men ask.

"As long as we don't do anything to provoke them then they'll wait." James said with much confidence.

Outside of the warehouse were Mr. Price and his men setting up a circle around the warehouse.

"At 10:45 exact we run in." Mr Price said to them.

The time was 10:44.

They waited and waited and waited. The minute seemed to last forever. As the minute went Cameron hands got shaky and sweaty. Jayceon was ready to kill. Roc got slightly nervous. Kiari hand was in the trigger ready to end lives. Nardo was a little high so he was just like whatever. Mikah was shaking in his draws. The Koreans and Hispanics just wanted to get this over with.


They ran into ever part of the warehouse they could find and started shooting. If you didn't have a red bandana on you were dying. Men were falling like flies. Mr. Price men were strong.

Cameron fell down with a gun shot to the chest. Roc went down after with a gun shot to the leg. Nardo fell next with a gun shot to his shoulder.

Mikah saw his brother on the gun with blood coming from his chest. And remember what Kamiya told him.

Always watch out for your brother. If he's on the ground bleeding out you take out whoever did it to him.

Mikah saw nothing but red as he shot. The only brother he liked was on the floor bleeding out. Mikah started making head shots.

Kiari saw both his boys on the ground and started shooting and hitting. He got close behind some men, put the into a headlock, and shot their head in.

Knowing 3 of their men were down mad Mr. Price and his team angry. The battle was now a fight and some men ran out of bullets. One man ran up on Mr. Price and Mr. Price punched him to the ground with a mean one.

James was in his camera room watching everything happen. Many of his men were dead or wounded. Maybe 18? But only 3 of Anthony men were injured. James looked at the green button that dropped smoke bombs all over the room. He slammed his hand on it and saw the room fill with smoke.

Mr. Price grabbed Cameron and Roc as the room filled with smoke. Jayceon yanked Nardo up and they ran out of the building. Mikah followed behind but notice someone running towards the woods.

James dashed out the house towards the wood. He was going through there to reach the highway on the other side. It was dark but James had lights around his warehouse which lit up darkness for at least 5 miles.

James glanced back to see if he was being followed and locked eyes with Mikah Price. That made James run faster through the woods but it wasn't enough. James fell to the ground after feeling a sharp pain in his back.

He heard footsteps coming towards his way and tried to get up but the bullet hit his spinal cord. James began to crawl but Mikah and Jayceon reached him before he could move.

Mikah stepped on his back where he saw blood coming from.

"You shot up a party with our wives and children there and you think you gone just crawl away." Mikah said

"I didn't shoot up anything." James said

"We know you did it." Jayceon said

"I swear I didn't. I was waiting in your father to start anything. I wouldn't provoke him." James said in pure fear of his life ending.

"You did and you know you did." Mikah said putting the gun to the back of his head.

With one pull of the trigger James was dead. Mikah and Jayceon walked out of the wood and got into a waiting van. The van drove to the hospital were Cameron, Roc and Nardo were being treated.

Back at the safe house the women and older children were worrying about their fathers and grandfather. The younger children were just playing on their iPads or watching the tv.

Even though they were all worrying Kamiya was worried the most. She couldn't lose Cameron or Mikah because they both were very important to her.

It was 11:27 and she hoped they were on their way here to take them home.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about. Here we are waiting to see if our men are dead or alive." Jamila said

"Jamila baby not right now. It's not the time." Kamiya tell her as calm as she can.

"No it is the time. I know y'all tried of not knowing if your husband is alive or not." Jamila said

Nobody answered her because they're already annoyed with her and they're still thinking about their husbands.

"I mean I'm pregnant and don't know if I have to raise the baby by myself." Jamila continued.

"Jamila? Hunny right now we're worried about our husbands coming home not about you being pregnant and having to raise the baby by yourself." Jasmine spoke out

"She right Mila, you just need to hush for a while." Kamiya said

"I'm just saying." Jamila said

Back at the hospital the wounded men were quickly bandages and released. Giovanni missed the battle because he was in Italy with his dying grandmother and everyone understood. None of this was supposed to happen this soon so Mr. Price understood.

They got into SUVs that we lined up outside the hospital. The trucks drove to where the women were. Cameron was the first person out and went into the building past the guards. He opened the door and was rushed by Kamiya and his kids.

"I thought you weren't going to make it." Marcus said

"You got shot?" Kamiya said worried

"Yeah I'm straight now." Cameron said wrapping his good arm around Kamiya kissing her cheek.

All the husbands reunited with their worried wives. After 30 minutes of talking about what happened they went home each with guards.


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