Obsessed To Her Only

By haya_zee

806K 31.4K 4.1K

Enrique montario was 22, rich, arrogant and got into the most prestigious University for bachelors in New Yor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - First Encounter
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19- A Secret Confession
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note
Chapter 22- Friends?
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's note
Nominate if you like my book.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
How many updates you all want in total?
Important note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 (Her Forgiveness- His Confession)
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47- YES
Chapter 48
Chapter 49-First touch
Chapter 50- Girlfriend?
Chapter 52
Chapter 53-Intense We Were
Chapter 54
Eid Mubarak :)
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61- Broken
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wattpad Breakdown
Chapter 64 - One Step Closer
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Hell Yes I Do
Chapter 67 - All I Want Is You
Chapter 68- Mine? Forever?
Author's note
Chapter 69 - Destined To Be Yours
Chapter 70 - Those Never Ending Seven days
Chapter 71- Te Amo
Author's note
Second Book Announcement
Author's Note
Remember me?

Chapter 51- First Kiss

7.5K 315 27
By haya_zee

Enrique's P.O.V

Next day I woke up earlier than usual. This was the day I had been looking forward too. A day when we were going to an event first time officially as a couple together. I cross matched my outfit with her's. I chose to wear a black tuxedo with navy blue shirt and black tie.

Her dress was black and navy blue just like mine. I made sure that the dress don't reveal her beautiful milky skin underneath since I didn't want perverts to ogle over what's mine. I was excited nervous and more excited all in all.

I took a long warm shower and made my nerves calm down a little bit then wore my slim fitted two button tuxedo and applied cologne all over me again and again. I need to look perfect. I have to look perfect for her. I did my hair as short spiky style with low cut.

After making sure that every inch of my body was oozing sexiness, I was ready before time and was sitting on my bed looking at her painting deeply. I had planned everything from the start and though it was after a lot of suffering but she said yes.

I wanted to kiss her with all my might but would it be okay? Am I moving things fast? She's my girlfriend now so I can do that right? Or should I wait a little bit more?

I reached her house before the decided time. I knocked on the door and aunt greeted me with a wide smile and spoke in a playful tone.

"Oh my! Someone is looking fine."

I smiled at that and walked inside the house.
"Really? I hope she thinks the same."

"Yeah, we'll have to see about that. She's upstairs. Do you want to go or..."

"No, I'll wait here. I don't want her to pull my perfect hair. It took a lot of effort to make them look like that." I spoke with a hint of mischeiviousness and smiled playfully.

She started laughing at that. We kept talking for fifteen more minutes when I heard heels clicking on the floor. I looked up and there she was climbing down the stairs with all her glory. Her curves were prominent through the dress. Even though the dress wasn't revealing at all but she looked even more sexy in it. A very little part of her long lean toned legs was showing up underneath.

Hot. That's all I felt in that moment. All my blood rushed to my cheeks. I clutched my fists tightly to control my stupid self for reacting like that. She was talking to someone on the phone so she didn't notice me and I was rethinking my decision to attend the event.

Should I just kidnap her? Will it be unlawful?

Aunt stood up from the couch and went near her.
"Natalie, Enrique has been waiting for you."

She was standing near kitchen. After hearing that she ended the call and before she could even look at me, aunt cupped her face lovingly and spoke adorably.

"You look lovely dear."

She smiled at that then aunt moved aside to let her take a good look at me. She looked at me and smiled lightly. It was magic. In that very moment if someone even stabbed me with a knife I wouldn't mind. I was that much engrossed admiring the purest form of beauty in front of me.

Bouncy light curles of her hair were falling on either side of her shoulder. She was wearing red lipstick just like the one in her painting. Her long eyelashes, her prominent cheek bone, her light brown shiny angelic orbs, her well defined nose and again her lips, those inviting plump luscious lips.

Control. You have to control.

That's what I kept repeating in my head. Then I strode forward to stand near her and looked straight into her eyes. I was staring like there was no tomorrow without even giving a damn about the fact that her mom was there too.

She gulped lightly then raised her eyebrows a little then looked back at aunt making me realize that I wasn't shooting for a movie. Then she averted her gaze back to me with a little confused look.

"Beautiful. You look so beautiful Natalie."

She opened her mouth a little to say something but closed it again. Aunt coughed a little on purpose to which she looked at her and shook her head a little at aunt's behavior and smiled again. She turned back to me.

"I know I do. You look...."

Aaahhh! How I wanted her to compliment me and me only. I questioned with my eyes in a pleading way. Please say something?

"I like your tuxedo." She smiled mischeiviously. Hahaha she's teasing me the same way I have been teasing her this last month. Good going angel.

"My tuxedo likes you too." I replied back in the same tone to which she started laughing.

"Shall we Miss Natalie Williams?" I stretched a hand pointing towards exit and questioned smiling a little.

"We shall Mr. Angry bird."

She replied back mischeiviously with a playful smirk plastering on her face. I started laughing at that. I didn't like that nick at first but every time she called me that she made it sound so adorable I started liking it. It wasn't a lie either. I really have anger issues which have worsened after meeting her.

We both walked outside and before she could open it, I opened the car door for her. She sighed at that and got in anyway.

"Just for tonight."

I smiled at that. No baby, for the rest of our lives.

I started driving towards the venue. I kept stealing glances at her then finally broke the silence looking ahead on road.

"This dress looks even more pretty on you than I imagined."

She looked at me finally then questioned in all seriousness cutely.
"Do you want me to compliment you too in return?"

"Yes please." I pleaded quickly.

"You look nothing like my friend Enrique." She averted her gaze back to outside of the window and smiled while saying that.

"What?" I looked at her and raised my voice in shock and confusion.

"That was a compliment. I gave you a hint. Solve out the puzzle yourself." She was still smiling making me confuse even more.

Was it really a compliment? What? How am I supposed to know what it means? Aaahh couldn't she just tell me that I look handsome?

After we reached at the venue I saw her friends waiting for her at the entrance gate. She told me that she would join me a little later so I went towards my friends. After an hour of our personal time I went towards her direction and looked at her friends then spoke while pointing at Natalie.

"Can I have my girlfriend back now?"

They all cooed at my reaction and Natalie rolled her eyes at that making me smile even more. I grabbed her hand and walked away from there.

She kept taking slow steps with me and I took her to the spot I had arranged beforehand. I made her stand comfortably then with a little distance I stood opposite to her. It was a round shaped stage stock. It slowly started getting high and high from the ground.

She looked at me with confusion. Then it stopped at a certain height. Everyone could see us clearly. I moved forward. Since she didn't have any space to move back she was glued to the ground looking at my predatory steps in utter confusion.

When I was barely a step away from her, I grabbed her right hand slowly and placed it on my heart so that she could feel what my heart had been feeling. She tried to wiggle free but I held it tightly. I went more close to her and rested my forhead on her's and closed my eyes.

I had so many emotions that I wanted to express but instead I chose to show them by that miraculous touch of my rough skin on her milky one then I kissed her forhead softly.

This. When she's close to me when I can touch her like this, I feel like I can do and achieve anything in this world. She's my confidence, my strength yet my weakness too.

I opened my eyes. I wanted to kiss her. Our lips were inches away. She was looking at me awestruck. Then she did what she shouldn't have done.


She tried to warn me by calling my name and I lost control. The effect she has on me when she calls me by my name is unexplainable. I moved forward and captured her soft lips without any hesitation. That feeling was so dream like yet so real. I caught her lower full lip and kissed her passionately with all my might. I was sucking in the heavenly feeling with my mouth slowly, deeply, sensually.

I had waited for a long time. I would've waited more but in that very moment I just couldn't anymore. My one hand was holding her hand which was placed on my heart while my other one was gripping her neck tightly. I was too lost in the feeling that I didn't notice that she wasn't kissing me back.

Realization hit me. I stopped and stepped back only to find her serious than ever. I signalled a helper to let us go down. Throughout she kept looking at me dumbfounded. She wasn't expecting this. I racked a hand through my hair in frustration.

I forced her. Shit, I forced her!

I wanted to apologize but it wouldn't have made any sense. She walked away from there. I wanted to talk to her but I just couldn't. What have I done? After half an hour I saw her leaving with Ashley.

Was she leaving without telling me? I am supposed to drop her at home. What is she doing? Ignoring me?  I crossed their way and without even looking at her I spoke to Ashley with a little smile.

"I'll drop her. You can go now. Thanks."

She looked at Natalie who was looking everywhere but me then she stood infront of her to face her more clearly. She nodded her head a little and Ashley walked away leaving us both alone. Before I could speak anything she started walking again. I unlocked my car and she settled herself on the passenger seat immediately.

Throughout the ride she was dead silent. I kept looking at her but she was looking outside with scrunched up eyebrows all the time. We reached after thirty minutes. I got out but she was quicker than me. She got out of the car and without even giving me a glance walked inside her house. I wanted to talk to her but I knew now was not the right time. I went back to my apartment with a heavy heart.

Guilt was already killing me and on top of that I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted to feel those plump lips on me again and again. I am going insane.

Why am I so desperate? I shouldn't talk to her for a while. I shouldn't see her. God knows if I met her, I will lose my mind and do something stupid. I can't let her think that my love is nothing but lust. It's good for both of us to stay away from each other even if it's going to kill me.

Whole night I was burning in the passion of love and longing. I kept touching my lips and the image and that feeling of kissing her kept coming back to me. I couldn't sleep whole night. I even send a message to her but she didn't reply.

Probably because of her anger or maybe she was really sleeping. Obviously she wouldn't be feeling the same so she's sleeping peacefully. I groaned loudly and grabbed my pillow then hid my face in it cursing my stupid self whole night.


Natalie's P.O.V

He had to do that. He had to ask me to be his date right in front of everyone. What was he trying to do? Claim his right on me? He has no right over me. He always does what he wants to do. I'll do what I want to do. I don't give a damn about his surprises.

This idiot didn't even tell me what was in that room. Why the hell is he so mysterious? He don't wanna tell me? A thing he wants to protect? My ass. He can rot in hell for all I care.

Right when he gave me his gift I remembered Ryan unexpectedly. He tried to give me a gift too. He was the first one who tried to get along with me and here I was dating his bestfriend, unwillingly though.

But am I really dating? He was right and I was amazed at how accurate his observation was. I was and I am still trying to push him away. Only thing that caught my attention was that dress. It was so beautiful so classy just perfect according to my style. He has good taste. Guys buy gifts for girls all the time maybe that's why he's an expert in that.

After I disconnected the call, Adrian called me. Guilt. Complete guilt. That was all I felt. He was perfect for me. He is perfect for me. Shouldn't I be dating him? Shouldn't it be his gifts I should be accepting? Should it be him I should go to this event with? I miss him. I miss him so damn much.

I want to tell him all of this. There's nothing he doesn't know about me. Why can't I make myself tell him this? Because I know it will hurt him. Because I have this fear that he'll hate me. Because I think I'll lose him after that.

So I am dating someone who was my friend for merely two years instead of someone who was here with me in every difficult situation for six long years.

Aren't I pathetic? I don't want to lose him. I won't lose him. I didn't attend the call and turned my phone on silent mode. Let another day go peacefully. I don't have the courage yet.


He did what I was afraid of. He kissed me. But it wasn't because of my anger why I avoided him after that. It was the ultimate shock that he actually kissed me.

How did he do that? Why did he do that? That kiss! His heartbeat was like running a marathon. Does he have arrhythmias?  I wanted to take my hand back from there but he kept me still by gripping it tightly.

I have been in my room for half an hour and I still can't shrug that image that feeling out of my mind. I had already imagined how he would kiss me the first time. He had waited for so long so his kiss had to be wild and hungry.

Those type of kisses are always easy to get over with atleast for me. His lips moved so gently, softly, passionately. That wasn't my first kiss. That wasn't his first either but it felt like it was. Like it was first kiss of both of us. Though I didn't kiss back.

I was too shocked and confused to respond. He was looking nothing like the Enrique I knew before or probably it was my first time looking at him differently not just as a friend but as a boyfriend?

The slim fitted tuxedo was revealing his toned muscular body underneath. His hairstyle was so classy complimenting his sharp features. He was indeed looking handsome.

I felt my lips still burning. How he devoured me. How he said a lot of things just by that mere touch of his lips. Why the hell would he kiss me on my forhead? What was he trying to do? You sure know the answer Natalie. Shit! Why is he not backing off a little bit?

Damn it. Why the hell am I still thinking about that? Maybe because I haven't kissed in a long time.

That night was hell for me. I kept tossing around on my bed uncomfortably. Would he be feeling the same? At night when I was still thinking of that stupid stuff at 4 o'clock, he sent me a text message.

"I miss you. I can't sleep."

A smile crept over my face. So he's suffering the same torture. It's his fault anyway. I didn't reply. Why would I want him to know that I am still awake? After reading that one message I slept like there was no tomorrow.

Next morning, I was still in deep sleep when my phone started ringing. Without looking at the caller id, I picked up.



It's him! I replied back in a low tone. Why is he calling so early in the morning?

"How was last night? I mean did you sleep well?" He questioned again. I could clearly feel the frustration in his voice.

"Yeah, very peacefully. Why? You didn't?" I spoke nonchalantly.

"Could I?" He questioned in return.

"Why not?" I asked in confusion.

After sighing a little he spoke again but with a complaining tone.

"That was our first kiss Natalie. Our first ever." Come on Enrique. Did I say it was our second? I rolled my eyes at that.

He sounded angry a little but why would he be? Why is he mentioning that kiss first thing in the morning? I stayed silent still thinking of what to say in reply to that. But before I could say anything he spoke again and ended the call.

"I have to go. Bye."

What the hell?

To be continued...


Finally :D


Poor Natalie is going to get confused again!

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Peace lover :)

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