It's High School (Completed)

By Everydaylover122

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"Henry?'' I whispered, scared that if I spoke to loud he would disappear into thin air like breath in cold we... More

Chp.1~ Greetings From Austin, Texas
Chp.2~ Old Friends, New School
Chp.3~ Changed Person
Chp.4~ Patio of the Forgotten
Chp.5~ Lunch With the Morales
Chp.6~ Caleb's In a Band?!
Chp.7~ Finding Henry
Chp.8~ Priorities
Chp.9~ Homecoming
Chp.10~ Heat Of The Moment
Chp.11~ Aftermath
Chp.12~ Confession
Chp.13~ Waiting Room
Chp.14~ It's On
Chp.15~ Coco Deliciousness
Chp.17~ Grudges
Chp.18~ Confused
Chp.20~ Valentine's Day
Chp.21~ Revenge is Going to Be Sweet
Chp.22~ Terry-Tots
Chp.23~ She Knows
Chp.24~ Rumors
Fixing My Situations
Chp.25~ Searching for Answers
Chp.26~ Pool Party
Chp.27~ Guilty Pleasures
Chp.28~I Feel the Same Way
Chp.29~ Girls for God
Chp.30~ Her Sickness 1/3
Chp.32~ Her Sickness 2/3
Chp.33~ Her Sickness 3/3
Chp.34~ You Don't Understand 1/2
Chp.35~ You Don't Understand 2/2
Chp.36~ This Is Me
Chp.37~Therapy Boredom and Flynn Rider
Chp.38~ Wedding Day
Chp.39~ Don't Absorb The Hate
Chp.40~ Hero
Chp.41~ Three More Years

Chp.16~ Alex Wagner

94 10 5
By Everydaylover122

"Lola's POV"

"Run it again Lopez. You've got to learn to keep your legs straight." Coach Denise bitched on about.

I rolled my eyes when she turned her back to me. I had for the past two months considered running out of here shouting at the top of my lungs I quit, but I couldn't. Believe me, it wasn't because I love gymnastics, it was more for the fact of the incredibly muscular and attractive guys that had worked out during my routine. I loved when they did the rings, flexing their humongous biceps, and showing off their brilliant thigh muscles. I was the only one that starred at them differently, everybody always stuck with one concept, "no boyfriends, no troubles." And that meant no starring, not talking to, and definitely no flirting. I would catch their eyes sometimes averting to me, and I would give them a slight grin, but it was soon met with a loud yell and an even more annoying voice.

"Come on, Lopez, we don't have all day!" Coach shouted from the floor, "and don't stop until it's right."

"I'm trying my best." I mumbled under my breath, pressing the large chalk to my grips.

"Then try harder." She frowned. I hadn't notice the words fell from my mouth so loudly.

"If it help turn your body before you flip and it'll make it a lot easier keeping your legs together." A voice sounded behind me. I turned vastly, meeting contact with the new gymnast who didn't speak a word unless having to. A few of her kinky curls let loose of its hair tie, falling and framing her face. She wore the exact same leotard as me, naming her a Top Elite like myself.

"Gracias." I thanked.

"De nada." She grinned.

"Lola." I smiled, outstretching my hand for her to shake.

"Ava." She presented, shaking my hand lightly.

"Lopez! Let's go!" Coach screamed at me, I dropped the chalk back into the bucket and hurried over. I did a front flip to mount up onto the low bar. As soon as my hands were in contact I prepared to start my routine. Pirouettes, circles, and release moves were all bundle up into the 45 second performance.

"Straighten those legs Lopez!" coach shouted as I did my handstand position on top of the bar, I took another large gulp of air. After another three acts, it was the Giegner, one of the toughest moves I had performed yet.

"Let go Lopez, you got this." Coach stood a few feet behind me as my safety rope, ready to catch me if I fall. One more deep breath and I turned my body before releasing off the bar and doing a 360 twist, legs straight, landing back perfectly on the bar, like I never left.

"Yes, Lopez! That's it, right there!" She clapped rapidly. I dismount the bar by doing a simple double back and landing perfectly, without tumbling.

Coach patted me on the back proudly. I took a large gulp of my water, finding myself starring back at the guys who have moved on to the vault. One always caught my eye, Avery Portman. He was the top of the Boys Elite team, and never failed to impress everyone that watched him. His long brunette hair was tied back into a ponytail. He had majestic blue eyes and deep dimples that came out when he smiled. He was always watching me, and I was always watching him. Though this time he was focused on something else. His new girlfriend, Willow Menken. She smiled gleefully as he came over and hugged her. I wished that cold be me, but even if, I would get in trouble. I couldn't even think of who my last boyfriend was, probably so dweeb from 4th grade. I huffed, still starring at the newest couple and Lovelorn before sitting in the chairs and waiting on Caleb. Now that he had his license, he offered to take me home after practice because he had his band rehearsal held in the orchestra room. I hated having to wait on my mom, she always took a good, twelve to fifteen minutes just to get into the car. She would've been another 30 minutes, for sure.

I didn't notice how long I was sitting there until Avery and his girlfriend had exited the gym. Caleb was usually here before they left, but as I looked around there was no sign of him.

"Hey, Lopez come here." Coach called to me from her office. I paced up the ramp and slid into her room.

"Yes entrenador?" I asked, letting my hair out of it insanely tight squeeze.

"Your team captain now; that means you need to step up your game and be a mentor for your fellow teammate. No more talking back to me or complaining, and stop it with the gazing at the guys, got it?" She pleaded, the restless nights and hardcore morning was evident in her face. She might've had gray hear, but she was always so flawless in her features, but lately I've been noticing changes. Like how there were crinkles by her lips, and her eyes became doleful. She rose her eyebrows as she waited for my reply.

"Got it."

"Good, now make sure you ice that foot, we need you on your best game." Her focus went from my face to my foot.

I grimaced before exiting her office.

"Hey." Caleb breathed out. standing up taller and digging around in his pocket for his keys. "Hey." I replied back. One o the guy gymnast patted Caleb on the shoulder before heading out.

I followed him with my eyes out of the gym.

I squinted my eyes. "How do you know Jake Williams?" I asked, grabbing my bag from my cubby, "From Chemistry." Caleb breathed out as we descended to his car.

"Ugh, I wish I could have chemistry with him, and not just the class." I joked, poking Caleb in the arm as we hoped in the car.

He pushed my arm away. "But, I mean come on he's hot right?" I asked when I saw Jake getting into his own car, his afro was large and had to be held back by two headbands."

Caleb started up the engine before speaking, "I'm not gay Lola." He snapped before pressing on the gas. He pulled out of his parking spot and drove up to the stop sign.

I gazed at him out of my peripheral view, a sinking feeling biting down onto my chest. I have known Caleb for almost two years now. We met after Caleb had accidentally took my phone thinking it was his. I was extremely mad at him, but for some reason since then, Caleb was my best friend. And as my best friend, I knew something since then that I hadn't seen in other guys. Caleb rarely talked to girls, and when he did it was never in a romantic way. But, he didn't really talk to much guys either. As his friend, I wanted to tell him what I thought, but as his best friend, I would rather not. Caleb could pop off easily, so telling him that I thought he might have liked guys would've been a whole different story.

I didn't say anything the rest of the drive. I continuously starred straight out of my side of the window. Caleb held a calm expression the entire drive, but I could feel that Caleb knew I was on to him about it. He tried to throw in a few, 'I'm not gay' phrases every now and then, but there was no denying it, especially since I knew.


I still thought about it even in the morning. I carried it around with me throughout the day and was suspiciously quiet to Teresa at her locker. She didn't ask about it, but it wasn't like I was going to be able to say something. Once again, that was Caleb's business, not mine.

I heard a locker slam shut with startling force. It involuntarily made me jump with wide eyes. Caleb threw his backpack over his shoulder, the coldness in his eyes coordinated with his disinterested slack of manner.

His eyes met mine with a glare, "what's wrong with you? You're acting really weird Lola, like weirder than you usually are." Caleb wasn't the type to think twice about his words, I knew that the very first time he spoke to me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like I'll start conversations and then you won't respond or say anything." Caleb leaned against his locker, he still frowned at me with a sort of look that I wasn't comfortable with.

"Nothing Caleb, I'm going to be late for class."

Caleb bitterly followed behind me before descending off to his class, and I suspected that he was relieved when we had to go our sperate ways. I didn't know how awkward I was getting around Caleb, especially just since it's been a day. But, I couldn't forget the way he looked when he said he wasn't gay. I hadn't seen his eyes so watery since the day his dog died. Caleb rushed me out of the car before I could even say goodbye, shouting that he dad would be mad if he wasn't home soon, but I knew. Caleb was going through something that he didn't want me to see. Something must have happened, he must've ended up in something he didn't want me to know. I tried saying something, but before I could he drove off. I knew it wasn't any of my concern, but Caleb is my friend, and since day one I distinguished they way he acted, the way he talked, the way he seemed. Caleb could try to hide it all he wanted to, but I knew.

I retrieved a Spanish book from the back of the class before sitting at my desk. One of the kids from the Top Elite team waved at me and I shyly smiled back. I wasn't in my right mood to be perky or speak. I couldn't help but feel poor for Caleb.

"Alright let's get started!" Coach Denise had also happened to be my Spanish teacher, she shouted for us to turn to a page in the book but was interrupted by a sudden opening of the door.

"Is this room 109 with Ms. Denise?" The boy's light voice spoke, giving a toothy grin, "yes, and you are?" Coach Denise asked.

"Alex Wagner. Transfer student." He spoke.

I could hear soft whispering and light giggles. I turned in their direction and it was some of the cheerleaders pointing and making sexual gestures with their hand.

I looked up to the front of the room and spotted the new transfer student.

"Well, there's an empty seat next to Lopez, err, Lola over there. Lola, wave your hand."

I struck my hand halfway in the air, and Alex sat down in the seat beside me.

"Hey," he greeted. I could feel the girl's daggers stabbing me in the chest as I greeted back.

It wasn't a shock of why the girls had thought he was cute. His fresh buzzcut and blue eyes could sweet-talk any girl to his house. His build was large too, but I could tell his ego was not those of a cocky jock. He seemed sweet, kind of like a kid stuck in a muscular body.

"Hey, do you know where the boy's bathroom is? I couldn't find it on my way here, and if I don't go now it'll be too late." Alex Joked after class. Mostly everybody had left except for the cheerleaders. They waited for their turn to speak to him, glaring at me for wasting their time.

I chuckled, "Yeah just one right down the hallway and on your left will be the boys room." I motioned with my hand. "Thanks." He said before slightly jogging out of the room.


Caleb and I sat in silence at lunch. He had his school sweatshirt on and flipped the hood over his head and ate his unusual salad in silence. I could feel the awkward tension between us and wished that Teresa class wasn't so far away. I normally would wait for her, but I was desperate. I thought by lunch Caleb would talk to me, but nothing. I knew I had to do something, I wasn't going to let our friendship sail away because of something as tonto as this.

"I know somebody that has Panic! At the Disco tickets if you're interested." I leaned forward looking at his figure. He sat still, still chewing on his icy lettuce with ranch.

I frowned, I was making an effort and yet he couldn't make one for me? "Are you even listening?" I jabbed at him, but still no reaction.

I then noticed the white cord reaching from his phone to his ears. I abruptly paused the song that he was on, Man in The Mirror by Michael Jackson. He looked at me with glaring eyes.

"You're not listening to me." I complained. He kept his eyes on me while he pressed play, "Sorry, not in the mood to listen to your problems."

My mouth widened, what's his problem? I understood that I was pretty quiet today, but I was trying to make a valuable effort to talk and he dissed me out. I can't try if he's not willing.

"Teresa's POV"

"And this is the Cafeteria." I gestured to Alex.

"Holy crap." Alex looked around in admiration.

"This school is big."

He huffed, "my old school looks like a motel compared to this."

"Most do." I agreed.

As we weaved our way through tables, Alex got a few waves and seductive smirks from the girls.

I noticed the shock on his face and decided to tell him of the school's fondness over new students.

"I was once new here and I had wondered why I was getting so many eyes, but as you can tell, this school is very prestigious and expensive, so new kids are kind of like a new present for them." I explained. "And who knows? You have all these girls looking at you, it shouldn't be a problem to date one of them." I joked as I opened the door to the patio.

He grinned, cheeks coming to a light red, "that might be a problem."

"Why? Girlfriend back home?"

"I find guys a lot more attractive."

I felt a sting in my chest from the stupidity of assuming. I tried apologizing, but Alex flagged it away.

"Yeah everybody does, I guess don't look gay enough or something."

"Well, I'm sure there is just a nice boy waiting to meet you." I lead him to the table to only to be met with Caleb sitting isolated in his music and Lola fixed on her phone.

"Hey guys." I greeted them as Alex peered beside me.

"Hey Amiga-" Lola stopped to stare speechless at Alex. "Guys, I would like you to meet Alex, Alex this is Lola and Lola this is Alex." I introduced them.

"We've met before. We actually have Spanish together." He took a seat beside Lola and smiled.

"But it is nice to officially meet you Lola."

"And same to you, Alex." Lola gleamed.

Alex peered over to Caleb who still hadn't acknowledged him, "and you are?" Alex waited for an answer, but Caleb head was down. He seemed a lot more interested in his phone than ever.

Alex frowned in confusion as he waved a hand in his face and finally Caleb looked up.

He took out his earbuds and pulled down his hood.


Alex repeated his question, "your name?"


"Well nice to meet you Caleb." Alex smiled

Alex shoot up form the table, "I'm going to get food." He said before entering back into the cafeteria.

"Oh, Dios mío." Lola mumbled under her breath.

Lola eyes starred fixacted on mine, "What do you know about him?"

I huffed, "not much."

"Does he have a girlfriend or something, because if not, I'll take him."

"I don't think that'll happen."

She pouted at me, "Why is it always the cute ones!" Lola whined, throwing her head on the table.

"He's gay, Lola." I announced. Lola head shot up, covering her mouth in shock. "Do you know that for a fact?"

"Yep, told me himself." I smiled, grabbing at one of Caleb's croutons.

"NOOOO!!" Lola cried.


"Alex's POV"

I walked down into the quad. My first day here and I was already the talk of the town, it was a little annoying, but in a weird way, I liked it. I never really had this type of attention back at Rosemarie, but then again, there were new people coming from everywhere there.

I looked onto one of the benches and was met with Caleb, the quiet boy that sat at that table. He had his hood up, draining in whatever emotion he was having. I saw him after lunch headed to his next class, and I got a better look at his face when a teacher commanded that he take is hoodie off. He was cute. I could tell his eyes where chocolate brown, but today they were duller. He rushed a hand throw his wavy hair before walking off to his next class. I was going to say something, but I decided not to. Caleb seemed like a cool kid, just not having the best day.

I wondered how he would react if I sat beside him. I didn't know if he would stay silent, or actually try having a conversation, but before I could even make a decision, my body carried me over to him.

"Hey." I greeted, adjusting myself on the uncomfortable bench.

"Hey." He said, tensing up at my arrival. I could see out of my peripheral view that he paused the music, but he still kept a stern look on his face.

"Something tells me that you're not usually this quiet. That you crack jokes and laugh a lot."

He shrugged. "If I'm not smiling or joking people just automatically assume I'm not okay."

I nodded my head at his words. I didn't know Caleb at all, but something had to be bothering him for him to act like this.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Caleb looked my way with a hard glare. I laughed at his expression, not noticing the small features that decorated his face. Even closer he was good-looking.

"How about we start over. Hi, I'm Alex."

He look me in the eyes before speaking, "Caleb."

Caleb's mood had drastically changed the further we had gotten into our conversation. I was curious of what he liked, and who his siblings were.

I could already tell that I was meant to meet Caleb, and it had only been a day. He was the type of light my old coach had told me to find.

Don't hang with the wrong crowd kiddo. You only have one more chance. I could hear his voice  speaking into my ear.

I was going to do all I could to not breach my contract. It was either this or juvie, and I wasn't going to let pass mistakes outgrow new ones.

Not yet, at least.



Thank you SOOOOO much for reading!!!!

I am NOT at all in any way a Spanish speaker. The only words I know in Spanish that I don't have to look up is Uno and amigo. I use Google Translation to turn what I want Lola to say in Spanish. I'm sorry that if you do speak Spanish and read my book that you see that I didn't say something right or I didn't spell it correctly or something like that. I have legit no clue about anything Spanish. PLEASE just bear with me and if there is something that you would like to tell me about something, than please direct message me and politely give me constructive criticism.

QOTC: "Healing can only happen when people are willing to shift."




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