Camp Anderson

By pair-of-socks

4.6K 231 13K

It's been a year since the events of a Glamorous Times. Now, Jon and Ian Anderson have taken it upon themselv... More

Songs From the Wood
I've Seen All Good People
Dance on a Volcano
Still...You Turn Me On
Long Distance Runaround
The Ravine
Looking for Someone
An Aside (I am So Sorry- This is Really F***ing Strange)
The Only Way
Fire at Midnight
The Gates of Delirium
The Barbarian
Three of a Perfect Pair
Aisle of Plenty
This Was
Black Satin Dancer
Going For the One
Mental Door
Jack in the Green
End of the Book

The Devil's Triangle

98 10 289
By pair-of-socks

As everyone runs to the hall, I note a very sad look come upon Sara's face. I go up to her and give her a gentle hug, "Sara, what's wrong?"

"It's just that-," and she sniffles a bit, "Moonie left us! He left us for that Clan scum... I can't see my innocent little puppy killing someone, I have to help him!"

I hold her closer and say, "Oh, Sara, my dear," I can feel that she is really hurting about this, and that makes me hurt too, "Don't worry, after lunch we will go and save him. For now, Ian and I will help you serve up the campers."

She hugs me even more, "Oh, thank you so much Jon! You have no idea how much that means to me! Oh, yes! The both of us will go out with a basket of cupcakes and ask for the return of Moonie."

Hannah taps on her shoulder, "That sounds like a lovely idea, but if I were, you, I would be getting to serving these hungry campers. I mean, let's just say David Gilmour and Rick Wakeman can get terribly grumpy when they are hungry..."

I look over, and sure enough they were really grumpy:

"If I don't get some sustenance in the next minute, I'm going outside with a knife, cut up a tree, and then make a salad from the leaves! Then I'll go into the river and catch a fish with my bare hands!" David shouts, "Does someone have a knife I can use?"

Roger laughs, "Ha! I'd like to see you do that, Gilmour!"

Kay puts her arms around David and says, "Shh, darling. Let's not talk about hacking up trees or fishing with our bare hands. Besides, I doubt anyone has a knife on them," then she whispers to Keith Emerson, "If you give him one, I swear to God..."

Sara immediately comes running out with a pot of soup, and then a sandwich tray, and then several other trays of things, namely potatoes. Finally she shouts, "And.... we have quiche!"

Everyone stampedes to the table, and Jimmy shouts, "Ohh! There will be nothing left for me!"

"Calm down, Jimmy. I bet Sara has food especially set aside for you!" Lee says.

"Really?" Jimmy beams.

"No," Lee snarls.

I grab myself some of the nice quiche- or rather what's left of it. As all of the campers sit down, Carl cries, "Where is my vegan food?"

Sara laughs, "Oh, yes. The special treat for Princess Carl," she reaches under the table and pulls out a packet of unsalted sunflower seeds, "Bon appètit!"

He takes the seeds, "Ugh, this sucks!"

Sara replies, "Excuse me, princess, what did you say?"

"Nothing! I said nothing!"

Sara laughs and replies, "That's not what I heard..." She takes the remainder of the quiche and smashes it in Carl's face, "That's what you get for being a whiny baby." Everyone immediately starts laughing at poor Carl, especially Keith, who managed to laugh so hard he fell out of his seat. Sara sasses at him, "And that's what you get for being an immature and high baby!"

Lily laughs and shouts, "Roasted!"

Judy screams, "Oh my God, Sara! Please roast Mick Jagger, will you?"

Sara calmly takes a sip of water, "Sorry, only two roasts per day."

Gina says, "Hey, if you'd like, and can roast him for you."

Judy laughs, "Wow, I'd just love to hear Mick's girlfriend roast him."

Gina opens her mouth to speak, but just before she can say anything, Mick interjects, "I think we are done with this business, don't you all agree?"


I groan and say, "Would someone here like to help Carl get washed off?"

Stephanie raises her hand, "I will, sir! Come on, Carl! Let's go get you washed off." Before I know it, the both of them are already headed out the door.

I shout to them, "Be careful of Ringo and his sock! Oh, yes! And be very weary of Brian Eno's Clan! And bears!" I start to breath very heavily, I couldn't imagine any of my friends getting hurt.

Gina comes up for seconds and as she walks past me, she says, "Jon, calm down! Everything will be alright." Somehow her words do make me feel a little better about everything.

I finally sit down next to Elisa and Steve, and Elisa says, "Hey, Jon," and smiles.

"Oh, hey Elisa!" I respond.

Elisa takes a bite of some little pasta dish and says, "Too bad we can't get sushi, that would be amazing."

"Perhaps that would," and I smile. Ah, yes! I remember having some veggie wraps that were quite nice... Dang, now I want sushi.

Steve Winwood says, "So, Jon, I suppose you really have your hands full with this whole rogue clan that Brian started."

Katherine turns around and squeals, "Wow, Brian hasn't been of any harm to anyone here!" She hugs her husband, and they both eye me.

"Oh no, Katherine," I respond, "Wrong Brian. We are talking about Eno. Remember the one that is trying to kill Keith Emerson?"

Katherine takes a bite of her salad, "Oh, yes. I do, thank you." She turns around and continues conversing with Brian and Freddie.

I continue, "Anyways, guys, I really hope it just kind of fizzles out. Hopefully it will end quickly." That's such a lie, Brian is scaring the pants off of me.

Judy comes over and says, "You know what I say we do? I say we hand over Lily to Brian and then they can patch things up and everything will be done with. I mean, technically she's the reason we are in this mess at all."

Lily sasses, "Absolutely not! There is no going back! Besides, do you really want me to go back to someone who is trying to kill my current boyfriend?"

Judy holds her lamp high in the air, and then says, "Well, now that you out it like that..."

Grace comes over and hugs Lily, "Yes, we must protect everyone here. But that doesn't mean handing anyone over. However, I nominate Stu to protect us all!"

Stu writhes up to Grace, "I accept this honor happily!"

Roger Waters stands up, "I will also protect the campsite!"

Jane laughs, "Wow, Roger. It's nice to see you really putting yourself out there to help us all out though!"

Roger hugs her and says, "Thanks, my love. Well, I think."

Jane says, "Shh, just accept it as a compliment."

Lily and Hannah get to work cleaning up the mess hall, and then Sara taps on my shoulder and says, "Well, come on, Jon. It's time to get back Moonie."

Roger says, "Hey, can I come with you?"

Sara says, "Oh, of course!"

Megan says, "I'd actually like to come with you guys, too! I'd like to help out Moonie."

"Sure, sure." Sara says, "that would be perfectly acceptable."

So, the four of us start out into the forest, and finally we come across Moonie, and Sara pulls out her basket, "Keith, Keith darling? Please come home, I have cupcakes waiting for you."

Keith smiles and takes one, "Okay, mommy. I'm sorry, I've been out of order. Let's go home." He hugs her, and Roger whispers to Megan, "Wow, how simple!" Just as we start to leave the forest, we are stopped by Robert Fripp, Robert Plant, and Brian Eno.

Robert begins, "We are the Devil's Triangle! And we hear that there has been disrespect to our clan. Therefore, we need recompense for the loss of our brother."

Robert sasses, "Yeah, recompense, ladies!"

Brian slaps Robert across the face and then says, "If you want to bring Moonie home right now, then you must provide us with one more member to our ranks this evening!"

We all gasp, who could we dare offer to this terrible Devil's Triangle!

Btw, fun fact: Devil's Triangle is an awesome song by King Crimson. I strongly encourage you to Google it.

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