Lost and Found [Hulkfrost]

By RobinHood37

16K 978 162

After sixteen years of searching for their daughter, Bruce Banner along with rest of the Avengers finally fin... More

The Avengers come and "save" the day
Flag Girl tries to reason with me
I'm free to go. . . Sort of
A few Avengers my ass
Home sweet home, right?
Thanks for the pep talk, Russian Spider
Wait, what?
Family home videos are the best way to deal with death
Party time
Clean up crew
Welcome home
New school, new. . . Whoa!
I'm "in trouble"
Baby talk *special Spideypool chapter*
It's a date
Preparation for my first date
Date night
Moving day
New Years Eve
My first taken Valentine's day
I become a superhero for the day
My first trip to Asgard
It's my birthday?
Say hello to Baby Parker-Wilson
Super babysitter!
The perfect ending to a perfect story

Now is not the time, Wade!

443 25 1
By RobinHood37

As I walked along the sidewalk to Peter and Wade's apartment, I played around with the ring on my finger. Today I was wearing a simple green tank top with light blue jean shorts and a pair of black flip-flops. My hair was up in a bun because it was scorching hot outside and I didn't need my hair down in my face. I had on the necklace Tyler gave me when he asked me to be his girlfriend, the pair of earrings I got for my birthday, and the bracelet I got for Christmas.

When I reached the apartment, I fished for the extra key Peter gave to me and unlocked the door. I opened it and walked in. The apartment appeared to be empty.

"Hello?" I called. No one answered. I used my superhearing to hear if anyone was home. Upon hearing noise come from the bedroom, I stopped using it and gagged. "Gross, you two!" I yelled. Peter stumbled out of the bedroom, hair tousled and clothes all messed up, an apologetic smile on his face. I scrunched my nose and gagged again.

"Hi. I forgot today was Saturday." He said softly.

"Apparently." I agreed, trying my best not to gag a third time. Wade walked out and snaked his arms around Peter's nine month pregnant stomach.

"You were supposed to come over today?" Wade questioned upon seeing me. I nodded.

"Today's Saturday, is it not?" He shrugged.


"The both of you did apparently." I argued. "You already made one miracle, were you trying to make a second one before the first was even born?" They laughed and attempted to clean themselves. "What's worse is that you forgot I had superhearing. Next tine just put a sock on the door!" They laughed as he headed to the kitchen table.

"You know you won't be able to come over that much pretty soon." Peter said, lightly rubbing his stomach, probably just to smooth out his shirt.

"I know." I stated. "Though I hope I can still come over once in awhile when she's born. But I'm warning you now, I'm not so could with babies." Peter laughed softly. Wade pulled a face.

"I don't know, Elizabeth. I would like the first year of my daughter's life to be as simple as possible." Wade told me. I shrugged.

"O-" I started but Peter cut me off.

"Why can't she come over every once in awhile? Maybe not every Saturday a month but she can still come over." He defended.

"With the baby crying every two minutes?" Wade argued. Peter shrugged.

"Sure. If she's anything like you then we would need the extra hands." I raised my hand slightly.

"I just said I'm not-"

"And what does that mean exactly?" Wade asked, cutting me off.

"Nothing, I was just-" Peter tried to defense himself.

"No. If you think I'm such an asshole then why am I staying with you?" Wade stood up from the table and started raising his voice at Peter.

"Because you supposedly love me and you said you would stay with me for when the child's born." Peter said, doing the same thing Wade was doing. I leaned further back in my chair, trying to act invisible.

"Well. . . Not anymore!" Wade stormed out and slammed the door behind him. Peter and I got up and stared at the door.

"Over dramatic much?" I joked, turning back to face Peter. He gave out a small laugh before freezing. I raised an eyebrow, he looked fine. At least he did until I noticed the wetness form in the front of his pants. "Uh-oh."

"Eliza, please, grab my phone and call Wade." Peter told me, still frozen from the neck down. I ran into their bedroom and grabbed his phone. I dialed Wade's number and listened to it ring.

"If you called to apologize I don't want to hear it. My decision is final, I'm out." Wade said once the phone picked up. I rolled my eyes.

"Wade! Look, it isn't Peter, it's Elizabeth."

"What do you want?" He asked, spitting out the word 'you'.

"It's about Peter. He went into-"

"Save it for someone who cares." With that he hung up. I groaned and ran over to Peter just in time for him to hold my hand as a contraction hit, phone in my other hand.

"Is he on his way?" Peter asked through the pain.

"No." I said slowly. Peter whipped his head to look at me so I decided to explain, sending a smile his way. "He cut me off before I could tell him." Peter groaned and threw his head back.

"Now is not the time, Wade!" He sighed before continuing. "For someone who goes on and on about a stupid fourth wall he apparently doesn't know when to break it."

"Yeah, apparently." I wrapped one of his arms around my neck and attempted to walk him to the door before realizing I had no mode of transportation. "I suppose you can't swing us over to the hospital?" Peter looked at me and I knew he was done with my shit. "I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Please, lighten up or else these next couple of hours will be painful for the both of us." He cracked a pained smile. "Thank you."

"How are we getting to the hospital?" He asked and I attempted to shrug. I unlocked Peter's phone and dialed the first name that came up.

"Hey bro! Whatcha-" Emily started but I cut her off.

"Not Peter, it's Elizabeth. I need you to come and pick us up." I demanded.

"Why?" You could hear the worry in her voice as she answered.

"Because Wade walked out and Peter went into labor and I don't know how to drive!" I barked.

"Shit! Okay, I'm on my way! Meet me outside." She told me then hung up. I put Peter's phone in my pocket and walked him outside. Surprisingly, she was waiting out there for us by the time we got down. I helped Peter into the backseat then sat down next to him, squishing in between Peter and the child seat. As Emily drove, I held onto Peter's hand so he could squeeze it every time a contraction hit.

When we got to the hospital, we rushed into the building and up to the reception desk. The lady smiled at us warmly.

"Hi Mrs. Howlett, is everything okay?" She asked. Was this the hospital Emily went to when she had Logan?

"No, not really. My brother went into labor and we really need a room." The lady looked over at the three of us, before her gaze fixed on me. She seemed to inch towards the phone.

"I wouldn't if I were you." I threatened. She raised an eyebrow.

"Will she be allowed in the room, Mrs. Howlett?"

"Of course she's allowed in the room!" Peter snapped. "She walked me in, she held my hand, she's the one that called my sister, she will be in the room." He declared. The lady seemed to calm down some.

"Okay Mister Parker, we'll take you to a room." They showed us to a room and got a nurse to check on Peter. Emily went out into the hall to call Steve and Anthony. I stayed in the room with Peter and tried to get ahold of Wade. I've called him ten times already, this being the eleventh.

"Sorry I can't get to the phone right now, I'm probably out fighting bad guys with my boyfriend or he went into labor and I'm going to be a daddy! Any who, you know what to do. --beep--" I got his voicemail for the eleventh time in a row. I groaned, rubbing my temple with my free hand.

"Wade fucking Wilson! Your stupid voicemail makes it sound like you're excited to be a dad but here I am, in the hospital, with your boyfriend who went into labor as soon as you left! Get your mutated ass over here!" I screamed into the phone. Peter reached up and grabbed my other hand, giving it a light squeeze. I looked down at him as I hung up the phone, resisting the urge to chuck it at the wall.

"Thanks." He said tiredly. My brows furrowed.

"For what?" I asked.

"For attempting to get Wade on the phone and for being here with me." I smiled faintly.

"Emily's out in the hall." I reminded. He let out a small laugh and smiled at me.

"But who was with me when I went into labor? Who stayed by my side as every contraction hit? Who called Emily to get us to the hospital? Who's been trying to get my stubborn ass boyfriend on the phone since we got in here?" I looked down, away from Peter.

"Me." I whispered.

"Then you deserve a thank you." He told me before squeezing my hand and screaming out in pain a second later. Emily chose that time to walk in.

"Mom and dad are on their way." Peter nodded as he relaxed. "Have you gotten Wade on the phone?"

"No. Let's trade places." Emily nodded and took my seat next to Peter. I went out into the hallway and called Wade one last time.

"What do you want Peter?" He asked once the phone picked up.

"Wade! Oh thank god, I finally got you on the phone!" I cheered.

"Elizabeth? Why do you have Peter's phone?"

"Because I've been trying to call you ever since you left." I stayed through clenched teeth.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"You to get your ass to the hospital. Peter went into labor the second after you left this morning."

"WHAT?!? Oh my god, I'm a terrible boyfriend! I'm on my way, tell Peter I love him and I'm sorry for walking out." Wade hung up when he was done talking so I went back into the room. Emily got up and let me take my seat back but Peter was asleep so it didn't matter. I slouched down in the chair, rubbing a hand over my face.

"Did you get him?" She whispered. I nodded.

"Yeah. He said he's on his way." I told her. She nodded.

"Good." A couple minutes went by before Steve and Anthony ran into the room. Emily and I both put our finger to our lips as a way to shush them.

"How far along is he?" Steve whispered.

"And where's Wade?" Anthony added, looking around the hospital room.

"About four centimeters and on his way." I responded. "They got into a fight before his water broke and I just got him on the phone a couple minutes ago. He should be here in a little bit."

"Try now." Someone said from the doorway. I looked over to see Wade standing there with a bag. "I stopped at home to change and realized that you forgot the hospital bag." I quietly laughed as I approached him. I didn't know whether to hug him or slapped him so I did both.

"I'm sorry for starting a fight between you two, but man are you an ass." He chuckled softly.

"You're fine. I shouldn't have made a big deal out of it. Now, where's my baby and the one he's giving birth to?" I pointed to the bed behind me and he nodded.

Hours have gone by now and still no baby. Peter woke up two hours ago and was happy to see Wade. Said person took my place and held Peter's hand for when every contraction hit.

"Want to start brainstorming names?" I suggested because we were sorta running out of things to say and I was getting bored.

"Not until she's born. The author has an amazing name but she won't let me know." Everyone in the room rolled their eyes before Peter screamed out in pain again. A nurse walked in to come and check on him.

"Sorry sweetie, you're only at six." Peter whimpered. "You'll be there soon enough."

Fast forward a couple more hours and still no baby. But everyone else in the family made it. So now the whole tower is waiting for the arrival of Baby Parker-Wilson in the room and out in the hall. The nurse walked in a moment ago to check on Peter.

"Eight, sorry sweetie." She told him, Peter threw his head back and groaned.

"She is so your child!" He screamed. Wade kissed his forehead in a way to calm him.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll make sure this never happens again." Wade agreed.

"Why don't you walk around? Isn't that supposed to help?" I suggested. The nurse, who hadn't left yet, nodded in agreement.

"I would listen to Banner's kid." I frowned slightly. "Start walking around, that'll speed things up." They nodded as she walked out. Wade then wrapped Peter's arm around his neck and helped him up. Once he was up, they started walking around the room.

"Did she just call me Banner's kid?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess." Emily responded. I nodded before going out in the hall to talk with Tyler.

More hours go by and now it's 2:00 a.m Sunday morning. I have been up since seven in the morning yesterday, I'm exhausted. But I'm not about to complain in front of Peter who is trying to push a baby out of his. . . Somewhere.

"Ah, ah, AHH! Wade call the doctor, please!" Peter cried out. Wade did as told and the nurse and doctor walked in a second later.

"You're at ten, get ready to push." The nurse told him. "Everyone who isn't the father get out of the room and wait in the hall." I got up to leave with everyone else but Peter grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.

"Elizabeth can stay with me." He said. I turned around and looked at him. "She's been with me more than my boyfriend has been today, if she can't stay then Wade can't either." The doctor looked to me. I shrugged.

"Very well." The doctor said and I walked back to where I was sitting. Wade held one hand and I had the other as Peter pushed at the next contraction. Damn, Peter has a strong grip when he's in pain. But not strong enough. "They're crowning." The doctor announced after a couple minutes had past.

Peter kept pushing until we heard the loud cry of a newborn baby. Once we heard that sound, Peter threw his head back onto a pillow and sighed. I smiled warmly as Wade kissed his forehead.

"Ten fingers, ten toes, a happy and healthy baby girl." The doctor announced when they were done cleaning her off. Wade had cut the umbilical cord a minute before they took her.

"Congrats Petey! You did it." I congratulated. He gave me a tired smile as a mix of tears of pain and happiness streamed down his face.

"Thanks Elizabeth. Now let me see my baby girl."

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