the ski lodge ➳ zarry

By fluorescentzarry

240K 14.5K 10.2K

harry is proudly on his second year of uni, happily dodging the sororities, frats, and generally speaking: pe... More

⤿ introduction
⤿ preface: how they met
⤿ part one: how they found out
⤿ part two: how they sang justin bieber
⤿ part three: how they collided
⤿ part four: how they partied
⤿ part five: how they yelled
⤿ part six: how they remembered
⤿ part seven: how they lied
⤿ part eight: how they took the elevator
⤿ part nine: how they switched
⤿ part ten: how they melted
⤿ part eleven: how they ordered pizza
⤿ part twelve: how they shared books
⤿ part thirteen: how they were the sun and stars
⤿ part fourteen: how they discovered
⤿ part fifteen: how they were together at 1am
⤿ part sixteen: how they felt
⤿ part seventeen: how they could hear clearly
⤿ part eighteen: how they called
⤿ part nineteen: how they were honest
⤿ part twenty: how they realized
⤿ part twenty one: how they brought cupcakes
⤿ part twenty two: how they were hurting
⤿ part twenty three: how they were detectives
⤿ part twenty four: how they were in love
⤿ part twenty five: how they figured it out
⤿ part twenty six: how they stopped
⤿ part twenty seven: how they turned twenty
⤿ part twenty eight: how they were everything
⤿ part twenty nine: how they debated
⤿ part thirty: how they laughed
⤿ part thirty two: how they met family
⤿ part thirty three: how they loved
⤿ part thirty four: how they hesitated
⤿ part thirty five: how they fought
⤿ part thirty six: how they cried
⤿ part thirty seven: how they were brain dead
⤿ part thirty eight: how they ran in the rain
⤿ part thirty nine: how they cooked
⤿ part forty: how they were confident
⤿ part forty one: how they were on vacation
⤿ part forty two: how they imagined
⤿ part forty three: how they couldn't wait
⤿ part forty four: how they kept secrets
⤿ part forty five: how they were alright
⤿ part forty six: how they broke
⤿ part forty seven: how they had baggage
⤿ part forty eight: how they connected
⤿ part forty nine: how they loved it
⤿ part fifty: how they fit
⤿ part fifty one: how they booked
⤿ part fifty two: how they fogged the windows
⤿ part fifty three: how they finished
⤿ conclusion

⤿ part thirty one: how they left

3.9K 262 189
By fluorescentzarry

Zayn Malik

*in this story, Zayn has one sister*

"When do I meet him Zayn?" His Mum asked him over the phone the day before spring break. "Because you're going to Mexico.. Oh! That's what I forgot to ask! Is Harry going with you three?"

"Mum," Zayn sighed. "I'm not going to Mexico,"

His Mum gasped on the other line. "You're not?!"

"No," Zayn chuckled. "No need to act so surprised,"

"But I am surprised!" Trisha continued on. "My son isn't taking the first opportunity he gets to jump on a plane?"

"Not this time," Zayn shook his head. 

It was quiet for a moment, as if his Mum was just catching on.

"It's your boyfriend, isn't it?" She questioned and Zayn could sense her smirk. "Did he say he didn't want to go, or?"

"He didn't say anything," Zayn said. "I.. I want to bring him home during spring break,"

It took Trisha a moment, but when she finally got it, she practically screamed. "You're bringing him home, home?"

"Yes home, home," Zayn smiled. "I want him to meet you and Amara," 

"Amara is going to St Lucia with Jesy," His mum answered, and Zayn rolled his eyes just hearing her name.

"Damn, Amara takes every opportunity she gets to leave," Zayn answered, chuckling.

"Let your sister have some fun," Trisha spoke. "She's half way done Uni anyways, she deserves it,"

"She's literally one year ahead," Zayn sassed, but his Mum shut him up quickly.

"I should get Miss Blakeslee to set up the guest room then, shall I?"

"No Mum," Zayn said quietly. "Can he stay in my room?"

"There's only one.. Zayn.." Trisha trailed off, and once again Zayn could just hear her smirk.

"Mum," He groaned. 

"No canoodling," His Mum smiled, which made Zayn's cheeks heat up.

"Is that a yes then Mum?" Zayn asked, just wanting to get off of this phone call.

"It's a yes,"

"Alright then Mum, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You're coming tomorrow?! That soon!?"

"I'll see you tomorrow Mum," Zayn confirmed before the two exchanged goodbyes.

After putting his phone down, he turned around on his spinning chair to see Harry still cuddled up onto his bed wearing Zayn's Gucci hoodie.

Zayn smiled at the boy, who had slept over the night before.

After about a minute, Harry stirred and turned the other way.

"Harry?" Zayn asked, his voice quieter than it was when he was on the phone with his Mum.

"Mm?" Harry stretched and his eyes fluttered open. 

"Good morning Harry," Zayn couldn't help but smile.

"Mm," Harry nodded and got up to use Zayn's washroom.

Once he was out he looked down at himself. "I look pretty rich, if I do say so myself,"

He was wearing the grey Gucci pullover that had roses around the brandname. 

"You wear it better than me," Zayn smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes and plopped back down onto Zayn's bed. 

Zayn got up and sat beside him. "I have a question," 

"Anything," Harry answered quietly.

"How would you feel about coming home with me?" Zayn asked, hesitant.

Harry let that sink in, a smile upon his lips. "You want me to meet your family?"

"Well.. I mean, just my Mum.. Amara is going on vacation.. And my dad.." Zayn bit his lip. "Uh, he doesn't really.. Know about me?"

"Oh," Harry nodded. "That's okay,"

"What's okay?"

"The situation with your dad. I mean, you tell whomever whenever you're ready, right?"

"Yeah," Zayn nodded.

Harry sat up and intertwined his fingers with Zayn's. "I'd love to come home with you,"

"Really?" Zayn padded his thumb across the top of Harry's hand. "You want to?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "Your Mum seems like a very kind soul,"

"She is," Zayn smiled at the thought.

Then Harry pulled him in for a kiss.

It was one of their infinite kisses. The kiss they shared secrets through, the kiss where they discussed the meaning of their existence.

The kiss where Harry let Zayn pull his hoodie over his head.

The kiss where Harry let Zayn explore him until he couldn't contain himself anymore.

But those kisses always end.

"I'm sorry," Zayn blushed, handing Harry the hoodie, and trying not to stare at his body.

"No Zayn," Harry shook his head and pulled Zayn inwards, their lips finding each other quite easily.

Harry trailed his hands under Zayn's shirt, and let his fingers roam upon Zayn's beauty.

"Harry, we shouldn't.." Zayn said, parting with Harry and stepping off his bed.

"I'm sorry.. D-Did I do something?" Harry asked, fiddling with the hoodie in his hands.

"No," Zayn shook his head. "It's not you,"

Harry shook his head, and pulled on his jeans and t-shirt, folding Zayn's hoodie neatly on his bed. "I should go,"

"No, no love.." Zayn tried to catch Harry at the doorway, but he quickly left without another word.

Zayn stood in the threshold of their dorm room.

His contemplated running after Harry, but Harry seemed like he needed space.

And Zayn wanted to give that to him.

A sudden, he heard a yawn behind him.

It was Niall, who wore blue plaid pyjama pants and no shirt. "Where'd the boyfriend go?"

"His dorm," Zayn answered simply.

"Zayn pissed him off," Louis said, coming behind the two.

Quickly, Zayn turned around and closed the door. "I did not,"

"Come on! Zayn wasn't down to fuck, so he left," Louis smirked, as Liam slid his arms around Louis' waist.

Liam chuckled. "Louis, it's okay if he didn't want to have sex with Harry,"

Zayn's entire body was blushing.

"I'm exiting the conversation!" Niall said, forcing a laugh and running back to his room.

Zayn closed his eyes. "It's not like I didn't want to fuck.." He whispered.

"Then what?" Louis frowned. "I mean, if I were you, I'd jump on-"

Liam cut Louis off by clearing his throat. 

"I'm joking," Louis grinned, looking up at Liam who shut him up with a kiss.

"Not helping," Zayn said, walking past them and into the kitchen where he grabbed cereal out of the top cupboard. 

"Okay then what do you want us to do?" Louis frowned, wiggling out of Liam's grip and sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Lou, I think we should just-" Zayn cut him off.

"What if I do something wrong?" He asked, and he could feel the heat trickling up his neck.

"Oh my god," Louis threw his head back laughing. "There's a goddamn hole, and that's where you insert your dick, got it?"

"I'm fucking sorry that I've never participated in gay sexual-intercourse," Zayn said, his eyes closed.

Liam and Louis both looked at each other.

Zayn opened his eyes.

The two bursted out into a fit of laughter.

"You'll be fine Zayn," Liam finally said when the laughter died down. "Do it when you're ready.. And make it special,"

Louis rolled his eyes. "Zayn you will be fine,"

Zayn smiled a little.

"And you finally get to wreck that pretty little-" Louis was immediately cut of by Zayn and Liam both yelling at him.

a/n: Alright so Zayn is taking Harry home :)

And other things may happen too..

- Alexis !!

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