Amethyst - The Story Of A You...

By Gibson111

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Story of a fifteen year old girl, her life, love and heartbreak. Historical book - set in the 18th century ... More

Chapter One - Amethyst
Chapter Two - Joe
Chapter Three - Luke
Chapter Four - Love draws from fear
Chapter Five - Anne
Chapter Six - Mystery
Chapter Seven - Learning to trust
Chapter Eight - A place of safety
Chapter Nine - Kidnap
Chapter Ten - Shadows in the night
Chapter Eleven - The Hidden Fort
Chapter Twelve - Running Free
Chapter Thirteen - The next day/Three months on
Chapter Fourteen - I love you
Chapter Fifteen - The figure in the aisle
Chapter Sixteen - Heart song
Chapter Eighteen - our precious child
Chapter Nineteen - Our Amelie
Chapter Twenty - Goodbye my love/Goodbye my friend
Chapter Twenty - One - Five years later
Chapter Twenty - Two - You are my world

Chapter Seventeen - My darling girl

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By Gibson111

Amethyst lay sleeping as Lee kissed her. "Darling, I think we should go home, we will be safe there, the Comte will not hurt us again". He lifted Amethyst into his arms and cradled her to him, kissing her softly on the lips.

"I am scared to go home, I am scared what he will do now Theo is working for him, baby can we stay here, there's something you have to know my sweetheart, I am" - she was cut off as there was an insistent knock at the door.

"Stay here my darling," he lovingly kissed her as he walked down the stairs to the door, as the knocking continued. He was prepared if it was the Comte - to deal with him, and as he opened the door a frightened young girl stood there".

"Who are you, and what do you want here - go on get out and leave me alone, I do not receive visitors ever" Lee was angry and bewildered but he wanted to protect Amethyst so he knew better than to treat strangers well. 

"Please sir, I need to see you and Amy, I need to warn you, the Comte he is a bad man, he will do anything to get Amy back, he made me - he" - the girl broke down in tears and Amethyst heard the tearful plea as Lee made to send the girl away.

"No, don't hurt her, please darling I think we should listen to what she has to say" Amethyst walked down the stairs and stood between the terrified girl and Lee - whose eyes softened as he saw her.

"Okay, we will listen to you, but if you show any signs of having brought the Comte with you, then you will be out do you understand" he looked between the girl and the woman he loved with fear in his eyes.

"Come with me, what is your name", Amethyst walked quietly over to the girl, who shook as she said her name was Anne, and she was hiding away from the Comte and what he was like. Luke stopped short, remembering he had heard the name Anne before, but he could not place it. 

The three of them walked into the sumptuous dining room where a breakfast was being set out for the 3 of them. They sat, and began to eat - the young girls face losing some of it's paleness. 

"Please sir - I am Anne, at least that is what the Comte called me, I remember nothing before my 12th birthday when he found me and took me in. I was treated like a princess, loved and cherished from that day. He took care of me, until I turned 19 years old. He did not want me, he was so concerned with finding her, the girl he loved. That Amethyst is you".

Luke looked at her, his heart aching for what he knew was coming next. Sure enough Anne continued. "He wanted me to kidnap you Amethyst, he wanted me to bring you back, to carry on what Theo failed to do. I was told to kidnap you when you went out riding, or by yourself to the village". 

"I couldn't do it, I had to run, to escape from him and find you. I have no idea how I found this place, I just needed help and saw your house in the distance. Of course, I did not know it was yours, I felt like I would be safe here, safe like you Amy".

Luke knelt down beside her, holding her hands gently. "Anne, I will take care of you, I will keep you safe, the Comte has ruined so many lives, so many people have lost because of him. I will help you find who you are", he gently kissed her on the cheek then went to Amethyst who was shaking.

"Baby, my darling sweet girl, he will not hurt you or Anne, I know her, somehow I have seen her before and I cannot think where, but she reminds me of someone, Amethyst please look after her and we can find her some warm clothes and she can stay here".

Amethyst looked at Anne and something stirred in her too - where had she seen this girl before. She knew that he was right, she had to be protected. 

"We must hide her somewhere else, the Comte will look for her here - he is dangerous - I do not want you to be hurt - I know somewhere she can be safe and he will not find her there".

Amethyst looked at the two of them, and a memory triggered in her brain, she knew this girl - knew her from years ago. She shook her head, and looked at Lee again. "We must wait until cover of darkness, then we can take her to the safe place".

"Can you ride"? she questioned Anne who nodded - Amethyst smiled and said that they will take the horses and find her somewhere safe to live. "And we should go home, I will not live in fear of the Comte, so we should go and take Anne with us, she will be safe in our home and I have some news for you my darling".

Luke walked over to her, pulling her close and kissing her. "You are the bravest girl I have ever met and I love you, what is your news my darling girl"? Amethyst smiled and leaning in whispered something to him. 

He pulled back and held her gently, the look of absolute love in his eyes was beautiful to see. "Really my darling, oh Amy", and he gently kissed her, then looked at her again. "Amethyst you have to stay safe now, I will not let you be put in danger, I will take Anne then come back for you, I promise sweetheart".

Amethyst looked at him and nodded. She knew now how important it was for him to look after her, and she wanted to keep him safe also.

They finished their meal and went to their respective rooms. Lee led Anne to another part of the house, and said she can have this room. It was furnished like a little palace - with a beautiful four poster bed, comfortable sofa, bookcase filled with different books - and a large window seat overlooking the gardens and paddock where the two horses played and grazed together. 

Seeing the two horses, Anne smiled. She loved horses and had her own when she was younger before the Comte took her in. She silently crept downstairs and out to the paddock. She whistled for Star - and the headstrong young mare trotted over to her. "Easy my beauty, it's alright, I am not going to hurt you". 

Slowly she climbed up the fence and seeing a head-collar hanging by the gate with the nameplate Star on - she put it on her - looping the lead-rope through the buckles like reins and swiftly she climbed on - walking Star easily round the paddock. 

She did not notice Luke and Amethyst - until they walked over to see the horses - and noticed her riding Star very easily and confidently.

Suddenly another memory triggered in Amethyst's mind, of another girl, very like her - riding a chestnut Anglo - Arabian bareback with just the head-collar in a field. 

Amethyst shook her head, why all these visions, they just did not make sense. She could not work out how they were linked to Anne, as she did not know anyone with that name. 

Anne nudged Star into a trot and rode her over to the gate, dismounting and taking the head-collar off. "I am really sorry Amethyst to ride your horse, but I have not ridden for the longest time and I missed it. I used to have a pony, and I miss riding".

"Anne, you rode her amazingly, you can ride her whenever you want to, or we could look for a horse for you, We want you to be happy and we only have 2 horses - so we could get you one then you could ride out with us whenever".

"What breed was your pony - when you were younger?" Amethyst asked Anne as they took Star back to the stable. "I had an Anglo Arab mare - her name was Stardust - I never knew what happened to her as she disappeared right around the time I turned 12."

Amethyst stopped - another memory clear in her mind. She nodded and said that Stardust must have been beautiful and the two girls chatted away as they put the horse away. "Amy, are you going out tonight, can I ride Star later on"?

Amethyst nodded yes and she went to get ready, and three hours later the carriage came to get them both and take them to the dance that was going on. Anne had agreed to stay behind and take care of the two horses and to exercise Star. 

Luke led Amethyst down the steps of the house - and into the carriage, giving her a gentle kiss as it drew away. "I know who Anne is, she is my sister Kaitlin, but she is using her middle name. We were discussing horses and she mentioned she had an Anglo - Arab mare called Star who disappeared right when she turned 12, well my sister had a mare called Star that was the same breed and she went missing the same time as Kaitlin".

"So my darling, Anne is your sister Kaitlin", he held her to him as the carriage slowly headed towards the area that held the dance. Their friends were hosting it, and it was a chance for them to have a fun evening. 

Amethyst wore a beautiful dusky pink ballgown and Lee looked gorgeous in a suit and tie. He held her to him as the coach drove the five miles to the grand hotel where the party was to be held. 

As the carriage stopped - he jumped out - holding his hand to Amethyst as she exited. He put his arm around her waist and walked with her to where the servant was standing waiting to announce the guests.

As they entered up the 6 steps Amethyst looked around, searching for her friends who had said they would be there. Her gaze fell on someone she would not have expected to see there - and her heart sank as she realised who it was.

The Comte stood there - with a very pretty girl on his arm and he smiled as he saw her. "Lady Duvallan, allow me to introduce you to my fiance Elisabeth Montremecy, Lissie this is Amethyst Duvallan, one of my dear friends".

The Comte smiled as the two ladies greeted each other, then his face darkened as Luke appeared. "And this my love is Amethyst's husband, greetings to you too sir", The Comte smiled at Luke, but it was not a very nice smile.

"And to you sir, Amy my love shall we go and sample the food and drink, Madam, Comte please forgive us, we have not long to be here", he held out his hand to Amethyst and pulled her to him - kissing her gently. 

"It is okay my love, he cannot hurt us, I think Lissie is very pretty and he seems devoted to her - you never know, he may have changed". Luke looked at her and the two of them started to giggle. "No perhaps not" he said holding her again and kissing her. 

The party began in earnest and they danced and ate well for most of the evening. The Comte drank and drank, mostly avoiding them until later on, when he walked over to the couple who were absorbed in each other and asked her to dance. 

Amethyst could see he had been drinking, so refused politely. The Comte pulled her to him and held her. "Amy, I will not hurt you, please walk with me - the drink has gone to my head somewhat and I need some air", before Amethyst could pull away the Comte led her out to the gardens - and he walked with her quietly for some paces. Both of them were unaware that Lee was following them, he had seen the way the Comte had taken Amethyst out, and he feared for her because he knew exactly what he was like.

"Amy, my sweet darling, you cannot still want to be with him, with that guy - I want you back my love - Lissie is fine, but she will never be you. Please Amethyst, come back with me - you will be my lady and I will treat you well and never hurt you. I love you darling, I always have", he pulled her gently to him and was just about to kiss her when Luke appeared. He walked between the two and tried to get Amethyst to go behind him. 

"No, I am fine, darling please go - baby please", her plea fell short as the two men looked at each other - hatred in their eyes. Amethyst tried to take Luke's hand and lead him away, but he gently pushed her off and stepped closer to the Comte. 

Amethyst burst into tears - as she watched the two men stare at each other, then start to circle round each other. "Amethyst go my darling, please go - sweetheart you agreed if I told you to run you would", he turned to face her and his eyes begged her to go.

"No not without you my darling, please just leave him, I love you and you need to be there for this", Amethyst rested her hand on her expanding stomach - and Luke breathed in and out - closing his eyes before opening them and staring at the Comte.

"She is right, I cannot do this Comte - please don't make me, I need to be with her, she is pregnant with my baby and I cannot hurt her by fighting you". The Comte's eyes softened as he looked at Amethyst and he nodded saying you can go, on one condition - if you have a girl - you must give her to me, or I will kill him right now and take you and raise the baby as my own anyway. 

Amethyst looked at the two guys, crying as he moved to the Comte - anger in his eyes. "You will not hurt her, or our child, I am not prepared to let you take our baby from her, so yes Comte we will fight and if I die - I did it to protect my beloved wife and our baby, and you must promise not to hurt her - or our baby".

The Comte nodded - agreeing to Luke's terms. "Oh and one more thing, you must let me take Amethyst away from this, I do not want her to see us fighting". The Comte agreed to this provided he came right back, and as he went to take her hand she shook her head. "I cannot leave you, please don't ask me to".

He shook his head and led her away to an area a short distance away. "I will find you after the fight my darling, he won't win, I won't let him". Amethyst pulled him to her kissing him and he touched her stomach he felt their baby moving for the first time. "Our little bub wants you to be safe too sweetheart, please come back to us darling".

Luke held her to him and promised he would as he pulled away and headed over to where the Comte was waiting. The two men circled each other and started to fight - their blows hitting the other rapidly. 

"Stop - enough", he stopped fighting and pulled away. "I promised that I would return to Amethyst and I will - you cannot stop me any more Comte, please let me go back to her, I want to hold her in my arms and kiss her - you will not hurt us again." 

Luke immediately turned away, and ran back to where he had left Amethyst, she was there and as he approached tears fell down her face. "Oh my love", she said running into his arms and as he kissed her - they embraced over and over again, his tears mingling with her own as he gently held her in his arms. 

She sobbed, wrapping her arms around him as he kissed her. "Why did you fight him, you didn't kill him did you, I don't want you hurt my love". Luke pulled back and looked at her, reassuring her that he did not kill the Comte, though he wanted to. 

"I stopped the fight my love, I couldn't continue with it, I thought of you and our baby and I knew that I wanted to be with you both and when our child is born, he will not hurt us and take our baby. I promise you that my sweet angel".

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