Mobile Suit Gundam: Rogues

By JoKing101

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War engulfs many planets that stretch around an entire solar system. Families get torn apart, people become s... More

1. The Rogue Chaos
2. The Ugly Truth
3. Cerberus Appears
4. Dire Situation
5. Skill, Pride and Emotions
6. Home
8. S.O.S.
9. Ambush
10. The Cobalt Paladin
11. The Simple Truth
12. The Little Giant
13. Heavy Artillery
14. Turn Of Events
15. Reinforcements
16. Intel
17. Complications
18. Instinct
19. Code Red
20. Phenomenon
21. Risky Mission
22. The Odds Even Out
23. Impossible Escape
24. Sacrifice
25. Detour
26. Survival Of The Fittest!
27. The Truth Of It All
28. Grief and Regret
29. Cold Logic
30. Arbiterra
31. Rough Ride
32. A Plan In Motion
33. Mission Impossible
34. Slight Hindrance
35. Countdown
36. The Mission Comes First
37. The Festival Pt. 1
38. The Festival Pt. 2
39. The Festival Pt. 3
40. Heavy Rain
41. Uninvited Guests
42. Close Call

7. Tools Of War

22 0 0
By JoKing101

All repairs to the Cloud 9 and the Gundams were made and all of the civilians from the Desert Storm village were spread out all around Nirvana to make a living with their new life. During the repairs the team gets an urgent message from the home base about a major discovery over at Sector 3, the mining facilities and a small team comprised of Tenna, Tyriel, Ares, Lok, Rika and Miyuki immediately headed over. Upon their arrival they meet the head of the mining groups in Sector 3 Joshua Hughes.

"Well hello and welcome back home!" Joshua

"Yeah, good to be back Josh. How are things on your end?" Tyriel

"Very productive! That's why I called for you as soon as you arrived! Though, I never expected you to make an entrance like the way did! I must say I would've never thought a Gundam capable! Afterwards you must tell me how it happened!" Joshua

"We'll tell you everything from each of our point of views no doubt..." Tenna

"But as you said.... Afterwards." Ares

"Yes of course! Right this way please." Joshua says then leads them on.

They enter a small vehicle with Joshua at the wheel, he drives past a few buildings before he makes it out to an enormous field full of craters and miners steady at work. Joshua stops near the edge of the largest crater, everyone gets out and he leads them to the edge.

"Now without further ado! Take a look at the center of this crater!" Joshua says pointing inside of the enormous hole.

They all look down to see a surprising sight.

"The hell is that thing?" Miyuki

"Are those... Teeth?!" Tenna

"No.... It couldn't be! Is that one of the Beast Armaments?!!" Rika

"Ok 1: Level Rika. 2: You found another one?! Seriously?! What the hell happened on this planet?" Lok

"Nice leveling Lok... Good on ya." Miyuki

"He does bring up the big question... No one knows who made this planet and no one knows what happened here.... It's a miracle that we even found a single scrap of a mobile suit here let alone 4 but soon after we find remains of the Beast Armaments..... This planet wasn't just made for inhabiting." Ares

"I thought it was just me that thought that...." Rika

"Yes well no matter how it got here we are reaping the rewards! To think that the mobile armors known as the Beast Armaments that were specifically made for the Gundam frames would be on this planet somewhat backs your theory Ares and Rika." Joshua

"The Cerberus armada also found a Beast Armament of their own." Tenna

"What?! Which one?!" Joshua

"From the looks of it, I'd say it was a.." Tyriel

"Japanese Spider Crab." Miyuki

Heads turn to stare awkwardly at Miyuki.

"..... I read when I'm bored alright!" Miyuki says frustratingly then storms off.

"What happened to him?" Joshua

"The Gundam meister who weilds the Spider Crab Beast Armament is none other than Penta Hanz." Ares

"..... I see..." Joshua

Without saying a word Ares walks off towards Miyuki.

"Let's step up the digging efforts. Rika, Tyriel and Lok can lend a hand while I go and bring a large amount of cold ones." Tenna says then gets in the driver's seat of the vehicle that they arrved in.

Miyuki sits up on a nearby edge overlooking the dig sight and is deep in thought.

"Its your own fault ya know." Ares says walking up behind of Miyuki.

"What're you talking about?" Miyuki

"You're the one that fell for her." Ares

"You're joking right?" Miyuki

"Would you feel better if I said yes?" Ares asks sarcastically.

"..... I'll apologize to them later." Miyuki

"I know you will. You're more responsible than you lead on." Ares

"Is... That a compli..... Nevermind." Miyuki

They become silent for a moment as they gaze upon the dig sight.

"What do you think it is?" Ares asks directing his question at the Beast Armament.

"...... Maybe its another big cat." Miyuki

"Yeeaahh I kinda hope not." Ares

"Tch.. Everyone's a critic." Miyuki

Ares grins in response to Miyuki's comment then walks up beside him. He then turns his back to the edge and sticks his hand out to Miyuki.

"Come on, can't let them do all the work right?" Ares

"Pff! Speak for yourself." Miyuki says then grabs Ares's hand.

Ares pulls Miyuki to his feet, they both smile and make their way back to the mining field. They arrive back at the mining sight where they see that the Beast Armament is already halfway out of the ground witch allowed them to identify what kind of animal it is.

"Are those wings?" Miyuki

"Ares! Nice timing!" Rika says running up to them.

"How so?" Ares

"I'm happy to introduce to you the Peregrine Falcon Beast Armament!" Rika

"Peregrine?... Isn't that one in the records of top 10?" Miyuki

"Even better! It was recorded to have the top speed of 242 mph! It wasn't just in the top 10.. It holds the number 1 spot and we have it!!" Rika says jumping out of excitement.

"That is a good catch." Ares

"That's not all!" Joshua says from behind of Rika.

He then tosses a small electronic tablet over and Ares catches it.

"Take a look." Joshua

Ares and Miyuki examine the specs of the Beast Amrmanet on the tablet but only Ares knows what he is meant to see.

"That thing is pretty wicked looking but who's Gundam wave frequency is that for? Doesn't look like mine." Miyuki

"It's mines. It's compatible with the Ultimatum." Ares

"Yes!! Even though you fight like you don't even need one but none the less you finally have one! Isn't that great?!!" Rika

"Level Rika. Take it down a notch." Tenna says walking up from the side with a couple of drinks in one hand and 1 of her own in the other.

Tenna then raises the 2 drinks in front of Ares and Miyuki. Ares grabs his drink, Miyuki pauses, looks up at Tenna who nods, he nods back and grabs his drink. Tenna would then raise her drink, Ares and Miyuki would also raise their glasses in front of hers. They cling their glasses together in celebration of their success in achievement.

"After we get this beauty out of the ground and repairs are made we'd better get as much rest as we can. That Includes you Mr. Grim Reaper of War." Tenna says then walks up to Ares.

Without warning she kisses Ares on his lips and it would last for a number of seconds. Joshua and Rika smile then walks back to work.

"Tch!... Women..." Miyuki

Miyuki would then walk after Rika and Joshua while gulping his drink.

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