All On Contract

By SavedByShady313

361K 12.6K 4.9K

Tessa Sanchez Black is an singer from California. She's worked with many talanted people like Jay z, Beyoncé... More

Chapter One: What?
Chapter Two: Moving away
Chapter Three: Meeting His Friends
Chapter Four: Meeting his family
Chapter Five: Engagement Ring
Chapter Six: S.W.M.M
Chapter Seven: Big Trouble
Chapter Eight: Telling The World
Chapter 9 - Marks Call
Chapter 10 - Reunion
Chapter 11 - The Suprise Party
Chapter 12 - The Way You Look At Eachother
Chapter 13 - Dre's Party
Chapter 14 - Dre's Party Part 2
Chapter 15 - What Happened Last Night?
Chapter 16 - Back To Detroit
Chapter 17 - My Future Mother In Law
Chapter 18 - Family Dinner
Chapter 19 - Quality Time With My Future Brother In Law
Chapter 20 - New York
Chapter 21 - Live In The Moment
Chapter 22 - Aftermath Of The Party
Chapter 23 - Awkward silence
Chapter 24 - Holding Grudges
Chapter 25 - The Last Straw
Chapter 26 - Ending The Contract
Chapter 27 - Going Over The Contract
Chapter 28 - Jacob
Chapter 29 - His apology
Chapter 30 - Fresh start
Chapter 31 - Controlling Managers
Chapter 32 - Strangers
I'm sorry
Chapter 33: Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Chapter 34 - O.D
Chapter 35 - 14 years ago
Chapter 36 - Needing time
Chapter 37 - Telling More Lies
Chapter 38 - First Performance Together
Chapter 39 - No Feelings Allowed
Chapter 40 - Give It a Chance
Chapter 41: Our Little Secret
Chapter 42: Aftermath Of The Party
Chapter 43: Navy Pier
Chapter 44: New Contract
Chapter 45 - MTV Movie Awards
Chapter 46 - Nothing Serious
Chapter 47 - Letting Go
Chapter 48 - Pinky Promise
Chapter 49 - Unwanted Feelings
Chapter 50 - Clothing Line Launch
Chapter 51 - Aunt And Uncle
Chapter 52 - Drunk Mess
Chapter 53 - How I Feel
Chapter 54 - It's Official
Chapter 55 - Dinner At The Renee's
Chapter 56 - Halloween
Chapter 57 - Break In
Chapter 58 - Jane Doe
Chapter 59 - She's Awake
Chapter 60 - I Love You
Chapter 61 - Facing My Fears
Chapter 62 - Recovery
Chapter 63 - It's All Over
Chapter 64 - Whitney Lanie Scott
Chapter 65 - Kids
Chapter 66 - He Knows
Chapter 67 - FBI
Chapter 68 - When It Ends
Chapter 69 - Adoption
Chapter 70 - Iris
Chapter 71 - Iris (Part Two)
Chapter 72 - Abuela
Chapter 73 - Madre
Chapter 74 - The Black Family Part One
Chapter 75 - The Black Family Part Two
Chapter 76 - Now You Know
Chapter 77 - Now They Know
Chapter 78 - Dr Dawson
Chapter 79 - Bye Bye Asshole
Chapter 81 - You're An Alcoholic
Chapter 82 - I Am An Alcoholic
Chapter 83 - We Know
Chapter 84 - Guys Like Him
Chapter 85 - There Is Always A Choice
Chapter 86 - He/She Is The Only One For Me
Chapter 87 - I Don't Deserve This
Chapter 88 - This Is Wrong
Chapter 89 - I Messed Up...Again
Chapter 90 - Who's The Cheater Now?
Chapter 91 - Creators Of The Contract
Chapter 92 - One Year
Chapter 93 - Match Made In Heaven
Chapter 94 - Missing Person
Chapter 95 - It's Just A Little Cut, Right Marshall?
Chapter 96 - Aftermath Of The Attack
Chapter 97 - They Did This
Chapter 98 - Intruder
Chapter 99 - Jay Sanchez Black
Chapter 100 - Something Has Changed
Chapter 101 - The Thirty Percent
Chapter 102 - Bad Dream
Chapter 103 - Nothing Is The Same
Chapter 104 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter - 105 - Who The Hell Are You?
Chapter 106 - I Love Her Too!
Chapter 107 - I Miss The Old Her
Chapter 108 - It Was Already Over
Chapter 109 - She Hates Me....Again
Chapter 110 - It Will Be All Over Soon
Chapter 111 - I Hate You So Much!
Chapter 112 - I Can't Trust Anyone
Chapter 113 - Hug It Out
Chapter 114 - Not Fair
Chapter 115 - Yellow Carnation
Chapter 116 - The Wedding Planner
Chapter 117 - I'm Going To Be An Aunty...Again
Chapter 118 - One Day Before The Wedding
Chapter 119 - An Autumn Wedding
Chapter 120 - An Autumn Wedding (Part Two)
Chapter 121 - An Autumn Wedding (Part Three)
Chapter 122 - The Married Couple
Chapter 123 - Necker Island
Chapter 124 - It's Just The Four Of Us Now
Chapter 125 - And The Oscar Goes To...
Chapter 126 - Ryder Mitchell
Chapter 127 - Ryder Mitchell Part Two
Chapter 128 - This Must End
Chapter 129 - I Want A Normal Life
Chapter 130 - You Stay Alive
Chapter 131 - Charity Event
Chapter 132 - Charity Event (Part Two)
Chapter 133 - You Again
Chapter 134 - Missing Person
Chapter 135 - My Life Is A Mess
Chapter 136 - Lost And Broken
Chapter 137 - A Father To Seven
Chapter 138 - Murder
Chapter 139 - Olivia
Chapter 140 - I'm Here For You
Chapter 141 - All For The Contract
Chapter 142 - You Did This
Chapter 143 - We Killed Them
Chapter 144 - Blood On Our Hands
Chapter 145 - This Is The End
Chapter 146 - I'm Leaving You
Chapter 147 - Greece
Chapter 148 - Greece (Part Two)
Chapter 149 - Greece (Part Three)
Chapter 150 - Miss Not Mrs
Chapter 151 - For Me It Isn't Over
Chapter 152 - She's Gone
Chapter 153 - What About Me?
Chapter 154 - It's Going To Kill Us
Chapter 155 - No More Dad
Chapter 156 - Before Sunset
Chapter 157 - Before Sunrise
Chapter 158 - Before Sunrise (Part Two)
Chapter 159 - I Killed My Bestfriend
Chapter 160 - Stole The Show
Note: New Story

Chapter 80 - Back To Normal (Well...Kinda)

1.8K 69 25
By SavedByShady313

Tessa's P.O.V:
I hum to myself as I fill my wine glass up to the top and walk out the kitchen. I bump into something hard, making me almost fall onto the ground until I get pulled up quickly. I look up at Alexander and let out a long sigh. He spilled half of my wine on the floor when he bumped into me. Well....When I bumped into me.

"It's 10am." He states.

"And?" I mumble as I walk away from him and to find something to clean the mess up.

"And you are drunk." He says, making me roll my eyes.

"I am not-" I start but my words a get cut short when I trip over the leg of the stool and fall down face down. "Ow..." I moan.

"I've got you." Alexander sighs as he helps me up. "Come on." He mumbles and walks towards the door.

"I need to clean up the mess." I say as I look back at shattered wine glass.

"I got it. Come on." Alexander says sternly.

"Since when do you ever clean?" I laugh.

"I don't....Jacob or someone will sort it out." He shrugs, making me roll my eyes. "Right..." He mumbles as he walks into the living room. "You stay seated right here." He says as he slowly pushes me back down on the leather couch. "You...Maid...." Alexander says quickly. I watch the new house maid walk into the living room.

"Uhr...Yes?" She says.

"There's broken glass in the kitchen, maid." Alexander says. "Clean that up." He adds. She's pretty with blonde hair and green eyes but I can't remember her name, if I did I would tell Alexander to stop calling her maid and call her by her real name.
"Okay, is that all?" She asks.

"Yes. Go away now." He says and sits down on the couch across me.

"You are so rude!" I tut.

"I don't like her." He shrugs as he leans back.

"Well I do." I state.

"She tried to make a move on me." He mumbles, making me roll my eyes.

"Correction, little brother. She did make a move on you....And you made out with her too until you realised that you're not officially divorced yet." Leonardo says as he walks into the room.

"Very funny." Alexander mumbles as Leonardo drops a brown envelope in Alexanders lap. Alex clears his throat and puts it behind his backs.

I'm guessing those are the divorce papers. Alexander is really good at hiding emotions. I can tell that he truly still cares about his soon to be ex wife but he's pushing his emotions down so he can be there for his kids.

"You're drunk." I look up and sigh.

"I am not drunk." I state.

"Yes you are." Leonardo states.

"She's drunk." Alexander sighs.

"It's been a week since you started to drink this much." Leonardo says, making me groan as I fall down on the sofa and stretch my legs.

"Please just stop talking." I mumble against the pillow. "My head hurts." I add.

"Yeah...That happens when you drink all night and all morning." Alexander says.

"I wasn't drinking all-" I start but get cut off.

"Does Marshall know?" Leonardo says quickly.

"Know about what?" I ask.

"About the drinking." He gestures towards the cabinets that are filled with alcohol bottles.

"He knows I drink." I shrug.

"Does he know your starting to slowly become an alcoholic?" Alexander raises his brow.

"I'm not starting to become an alcoholic!" I snap.

"I've seen this happen plenty of times before, hermanita." Alexander says calmly as he leans foward. Leonardo sighs and sits down next to Alexander. "I've seen this happen to to Jay. To Jacob and Micheal. I've seen it happen to my own wife and I am telling you right now, drinking won't help you with any of your problems." He adds.

{Translation: Little sister.}

"Gayle's gone now." Leonardo says, making me look away from him. "You need to think about your relationship with Marshall. You're getting married soon." He adds.

"Plus, Now you have Iris to think about too." Alexander says.

"I don't think her having another mom that drinks will keep her happy or help her." Leonardo says, making me sigh.

"Gayle is no longer a problem." Alexander says. "Don't lose yourself because of him. Don't let him take your life away and happiness away...Don't let him have that." He shakes his head.

"Drinking is never the answer, Tess." Leonardo sighs as he stands up and walk out the room.


It's been a week since we left California and life is still hectic. Now that Gayle is locked up, more and more details about my past with him are slowly coming out. I don't know how but Leonardo thinks that people from the jury or the guards that were in the court room gave out the information.

We left the a week after since Marshall had to work and Iris has school. Marshall didn't mind going alone to Detroit with Iris, he said he could look after her but I was the one that wanted to come back to Detroit.

Being around family was nice but...sad I guess. Now that the whole Gayle think is over, we don't know what to do. It's just awkward. We haven't talked in years so it's really awkward and quiet. I couldn't stay there any longer. Plus, I wanted to get back to working for my new album and my clothing line. I just want everything to be normal again.

"We've been in bed all day for the last three days." I state.

"So." Marshall and Iris mumble as they take pop corn from the bowl that's in my lap.

"It's unhealthy." I say.

"Mmm." Marshall hums as he turns the volume up to the movie.

"Is it?" Iris mumble at the same time.

I sigh and stand up from the floor and walk towards the huge screen. I pull out the wire from the back, making Marshall and Iris whine. I walk past them and pull open the curtin, making them groan as they cover their eyes.

"It's a beautiful day outside." I say as I open the window.

"The sky is pitch black and it's raining." Iris states, making me tut.
"It's beautiful." I repeat. "Come on. Get up." I say and turn to face them.

"We're in a middle of the movie." Iris states.

"Yeah, we're on the part we're the main character and his dog dies." Marshall says.

"The dog dies!" Iris whines.

"Who cares about the dog. The main character gets shot." Marshall says.

"The dog gets shot too? Is that how he dies?" Iris tuts, making me roll my eyes at the both of them.

"What happens is-" Marshall starts but I cut him off.

"You can finish your stupid movie later." I say as I walk over to them. "Let's go for a walk." I suggest as I pull Iris up by her hand.

"It's raining." Iris tuts.

"It'll be fun in the rain." I state, making her sigh.

"Ugh...Fine." She groans and walks past me. "Oh...and Marshall." Iris stops by the door.

"Yeah?" Marshall tilts his head back to look at her.

"About the movie that you wanted to watch later. " Iris says.

"What about it?" Marshall asks.

"Jared isn't his son. His really son dies in the end-" Iris starts but stops mid sentence when Marshall grabs the pillow and throws it at her. Iris quickly closes the door before the pillow hits her, "That's what you get for ruining this movie for me." Iris shouts through the door, making me laugh softly as Marshall tuts and shakes his head.

"If she gets sick because of the rain then it's all on you." He says.

"Come on, get up." I ignore him as I take Marshalls arm. Marshall wraps his hand around my wrist and pulls me down on top of him.

"I don't do walking in the rain." Marshall says as he tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Well now you do." I say as I start to get up but only get pulled back against his chest. "Marshall...Please." I whine as I bury my head between his neck and shoulder.

"You have an interview tonight." He says, making me sigh.

"Yeah, tonight. We have the whole day." I shrug before it goes quiet between us.

"Talk to me." He says after a long pause.

"I am talking to you." I state. "How about you listen to me. Come on get up." I repeat as I sit up again.

"You've been quiet for the past three four days." Marshall says, making me sigh.

"Have I?" I mumble.

"Yeah...You haven't talked about the whole Gayle thing." Marshall says.

"Because it's all over now." I state.

"Is it?" Marshall raises his brow.

"What do you mean?" I ask. Marshall lets out a loud sigh and looks away from me.

"Things like this..." He says as he turns to look at me. "You can't just move on easily. People go fucking crazy when they don't talk about things and-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Trust me, babe. I'm not about to lose my shit over him." I say.

"Tessa!" Iris shouts before she walks in. "I can't find my rain jacket. I think I left it in the care home." She says. "And I can't go out in the rain without one." She says, making me sigh.

"You're right, you can't." I say as I look out the window.

"Does that mean we can stay home and watch movies." She says quickly.

"No, it doesn't." I turn to face her. "You can burrow one of mine." I shrug. Iris lets out a sigh and walks out the room. I start to to get up from Marshalls lap but he quickly stop me by placing his hands down on my thighs.

"Te-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Like I said." I shrug. "I won't lose my shit over him." I say and lean foward and place my lips on his as I place both of my palms against his cheeks, god he is freezing. "I promise." I mumble against his lips and kiss him before I stand up from his lap and walk out of the room.

Marshall's P.O.V:
"That was so fun." Iris says as she walks in after me. The three of us are soaking wet. Tessa closes the front door and walks past me as she unzips her see through rain jacket.

"And there were less paparazzi which made it even more fun." Tessa sighs as she takes off her jacket. "I'll get you some fresh clothes, sweetheart." She adds as Iris takes off one of Tessa's rain jacket.

"Thanks." Iris smiles. I follow Tessa and Iris upstairs as Iris talks about her day.

We spent hours in the rain just running and dancing around, well Tessa and Iris did the dancing whilst I sat down and watched. We bumped into Nick on the street infront of the park and Tessa offered him to join us and unlike my 'fiancé' he's not crazy enough to stay out in the cold weather so he just went home and said he would come with me and Tessa to where her interview is..

There were hardly any paparazzi out, they also unlike us are not crazy to go out in the heavy rain but near the end when a few people spotted us I think they found out and five of them showed up at the park so we had to come home.

Tonight, Tessa has an interview about Gayle and her past. She refused to do it at first but Leroy and pull explained to her that the quicker these interviews are over with then the quicker the paparazzi will stop following us.

Them telling her to do another interview so quickly only pissed me off. I had another argument with my manager which is nothing new. I also tried to talk Tessa out of it but she wouldn't listen. She's not ready. I know she isn't, I just know it.

"Where are all of my ironed shirts gone?" Tessa asks as she walks around in our room with just leggings and a bra on. "This new house maid really sucks." She sighs.

"Just check on one of the shelves." I shrug. "She's probably just mixed it up." I add.

Leroy hired a maid for the house, named Samantha. She cookes and cleans around the house and also lives here in one of the guest rooms. He's also hired a new security guard, some big guy who used to work in the army. His names Ted and he's also staying here. Our managers turned my home into a damn hotel.

"I'll just wear one of yours." Tessa shrugs as she grabs one of my ironed white shirts. We both get dressed in silence. I glance at her a few times as she slowly pulls on her top amd stares off at the far wall.

"Tess." I call her. "Tessa?" I say louder as I pull my shirt over my head and make my way towards her. "Hey." I whisper as I touch her shoulder, making her gasp as she jumps back. "You alright?" I ask. She drops her gaze down to the floor and then back up at me.
I knew this interview was a bad idea.

"I'm fine." She clears her throat.

"You sure?" I ask. We both look back at the room when we hear my phone ring.

"You should get that. Might be important." Tessa says. "I need to get dinner ready." She adds as she walks past me.

"Samantha can make dinner." I say as I walk out after her.

"I've got it." Tessa shrugs and walks out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

I let out a sigh and walk towards my bedside table and pick up my phone. I look down at the unknown number and decline the call before I place the phone in my back pocket and walk out of the room.


"They asked so many personal questions." Tessa repeats. "And how on earth did they even know half of the things." She shakes her head.

"I don't know." I sigh as I move her hair away from her tear stained cheeks. "You shouldn't have done the interview." I add. Just when she's about to speak again, my phone starts to ring. I let out sigh as she gets up from my lap so I can take my phone out of my pocket.

"I'm going to go to bed. You should answer that, might be important." She says as she rubs her puffy eyes with her hand and walks away.

I let out a sigh and answer the call. The same person with the unknown numbers been calling me all day. I've had at least 32 calls which I just ignored, I usually don't answer unknown numbers because at times fans find out my number which I have to change every other week.

"Hello?" I say into the phone as I lean back.

"Carajo, Marshall! Gracias a dios que recogio!" I hear Tessa's brother Alexander let out a long sigh.

{Translation: Damn it, Marshall! Thank god you pick up.}

"Is everything alright?" I ask slowly, not understanding one word he just said.

"Is everything alright with you? With Tessa?" He asks quickly.

"Yeah, why?" I lie. I hear him inhale a long breath out.

"You had me worried all day." He says after a long pause. "I tried calling Tessa but her phones been switched off. Karla called, Chris called, Leonardo, Micheal, Jacob, Andrew...We all called and her phoned would be switched off or she wouldn't pick up." He explains. "No one had your number apart from Karla who's in hospit-I tried calling and you wouldn't pick up." He adds.

"Karla's in hospital?" I ask quickly.

"She's the hospital." He says slowly.

"Alex. What's wrong with Karla?" I ask as I sit up.

"I don't know." I sigh. "Chris won't tell us. I think it's the cancer. She's getting worse day by day." He says sadly, making my heart drop a little. "Tessa can't know about this." He adds quickly.

"Karla's her best friend....They're like sisters." He states. "You can't hide this from her. I can't hide this from her-" I start but get cut off.

"You have to!" Alex hisses through the phone make me clench my jaw as I stand up.

"I can't look at her in the eyeing knowing that her best friend-" I start but get cut off once again.

"She's an alcoholic Marshall!" He shouts in anger.

"What?" I say in confusion. Alex lets out a long sigh.

"Tessa. She's been drinking alot lately. Gayle turned her into an alcoholic and so did this fame and the paparazzi." He says.

"We've been in detroit for a week. How the hell do you know?" I ask in anger. "Accusing your little sister of-" I start but get cut off.

"Go up to your bedroom, Marshall." He says.

"What? Why?" I ask in confusion.

"Go look under the bed, you'll probably find empty alcohol bottles just like I found a few under her bed in California. Or go through her wardrobe and-" He says but I cut him off.

"Fine. I'll go and i'll prove it to you that Tessa isn't a alcoholic." I say as I stand up and walk out the room. I storm up the stairs as Alex waits quietly. I stop by Iris' room and peak in through the small gap to find Tessa and Iris fast asleep as they cuddle each other.

I let out a sigh and switch of the light off before I slowly and quietly close the door. I hear Alex cough from the other end as I make my way to mine and Tessa's room. I open the door and close it behind me.

"Well?" Alex says. I walk towards the bed and pull the bed sheet up and look under the bed. I let out a sigh of relief and sit up.

"Nothing." I state as I stand up.

"Well check in the closet." He says.

"Why do you hate Tessa so much?" I ask as I walk towards the closet.

"You think i'm making up lies because I hate her?" Alexander chuckles in disbelief.

"There's nothing in here." I state as I look through the draws and clothes on the floor. "She's not an alcoholic." I state as I walk out of my room.

"Where is Tessa now?" He asks.

"She's sleeping." I tell him.

"Right....Well...I'm sorry." He clears his throat awkwardly. "Look...The interview was just plain brutal. The way Tessa broke down on live..." He stops and clears his throat. "She shouldn't have done the interview. She wasn't ready." He adds.

"I told her not to do it." I sigh. "But Paul and Leroy thought it would be a good idea." I say.

"Her knowing about Karla will kill her." He says. He's right. "She's depressed and upset as it is because of this whole Gayle thing and because of the media. Marshall, Karla will be fine. Tessa on the other hand will get more worried and depressed.....She'll be a mess and she might turn to drinking again and-" He carries on but I cut him off.

"Alex-" I start but get cut off.

"I know my baby sister. She had this problem before when she was taking pills and when she was going through a divorce." He states. "She's going to go back to drinking and pills...Just...Please don't tell her." He says.

"Fine." I sigh.

"Gracias." Alex says after a long pause.

{Translation: Thank you.}

"Keep me updated on Karla's health." I say.

"I will." Alex replys. "How is everything?" He asks. "And don't lie to me. I'm her brother. I can help."  He adds quickly just when i'm about to speak.

"She's was fine before the interview, we had a nice walk today which was her idea. She was happy." I say as I stop in front of her bedroom door.

"You haven't seen her get drunk or anything?" He asks.

"Nope." I say as I slowly open her bedroom door.

"You sure?" He asks as I step into her room and close the door. I walk towards her bed and left the bedsheet up and look under the bed. I let out a sigh and close the door.

Stop it Marshall, Tessa is not an alcoholic.

"Marshall? You there?" Alex asks as I stand up.

"Yeah, i'm still here." I clear my throat. I turn to face her walk in closet and let out a sigh.

"So.." Alex sighs. "Everyone's back to work and...What ever else they were doing." Alex says as I turn on the light in the closet. "Jacobs been talking to Gayle's son...He says Gayle wants to see him." He adds as I look through Tessa's shelves and her draws. I just want to prove Alex wrong.

"Oh yeah." I mumble as I look through her pile of laundry.

"Yeah...I doubt he's going though." Alex mumbles. "Anyway everything seems to be back to normal here. How is it there...Or how was it there?" He says the last part slowly as I walk towards the long wardrobe which is usually filled with towels.

"Yeah." I say as I reach for the door. "Everything is back to normal here too." I say as I pull open the door. Empty glass bottles drop at my feet and smash into tiny pieces. I look back up at the shelf to find rows of alcohol bottles that are mostly empty. I drop the towels down on the floor, revealing more bottles.

"Yeah?" Alex says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Mhmm." I swallow the lump in my throat as I remove more towels, only to reveal more bottles. "Everything is back to normal." I say as I pick up the bottle of burbon and look at the rest of the bottles. "Well...Kinda." I whisper.

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