That Summer Crush (#wattys201...

By theemmydiaries

438 70 52

It's the same thing each summer. Two weeks of physical attraction and obsessiveness over "A Guy." The Same gu... More

Meet the Cast
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Three

38 4 2
By theemmydiaries

I just stood there hoping this was all just a nightmare and I would wake up in like a minute sobbing. It wasn't. Not by a long shot. Great, I blew my first chance of impressing him. Yeah, I was noticeable...but not the kind I wanted. Then I roll my eyes and face palm my face as I realized all I said was 'Hey' and nothing else. Ugh! This is not happening. Keep it cool.

                         "You're back!" exclaims Bobby with a funny tone. He remembers me? What the..? No way! Is that good? Yes. No. I don't even know. Say something, Everly! Do it before he gets weirded out and walks away. You have like five seconds...!

                          "Uh, yeah. Once a year. I told you I'd be back." I say in a super embarrassed tone as I smile at him. Really? That's what I chose to go with? Oh, I bet my family is just eating this interaction up. Dinner will be so fun.

                           "I remember. Well, I have to get out to the pool...but I'll see you around. Nice to see you again." Says Bobby as he waves goodbye to me and my interesting family. I wave back and as soon as he was out of sight – I plopped back into the seat and made a loud moan. Freddie walks over and sits on the arm of the chair and nudges my shoulder. Go away! I need to be exiled away from this resort. I would love to hang out with him...but that was so embarrassing; and Freddie is making it even worse! Ugh, where's my dad?

                          "Dad. Can I have a wristband?"

He tears one off and I notice that it is Hunter Green in color and my eyes widen and I bare a grin. I snap it on my ankle and head to the restroom; with my tote bag in hand. Did I have everything?

 Mermaid Beach Towel

 Sunscreen

 Tanning Lotion

 Heart Shades

 A book

 My romper cover up

 Phone

Check. Yes. Everything was in my bag. Speaking about my phone, I wanted to see if anyone posted anything to Instagram or Snapchat or Facebook. A lot of things can show up on social media after one day.

            Facebook Status Update: Finally here! Feeling great. Lots of pictures to come. Vacation baby! :) :)

Scrolling down, I see a name pop up in my newsfeed and curious, I check it out. It was Micah Cavanaugh's status – my ex-boyfriend. We broke up because he cheated on me with one of Darcy's friends. Yeah that was an awkward conversation and confrontation. His status read:

             I'm moving in two weeks. Chicago here I come. I move in with the love of my life, Taylor. Thank you for all the support. So blessed for this relationship and success in my life. 2017 is the best.

What the hell? He's still with her. You know what...I wish him...I mean them...the best of luck. If they can make it work, why should I stand in the way of their happiness? I wonder what my friends are posting.

            Poppy's status: He proposed!! I said yes! Wedding is set for next June! I'm having a June Wedding!!

            Cece's Status: Spending the summer with, Jacob Jennings. Last night, we went to the batting cages. Never done that before. It was fun.

            Maggie's status: Tutoring starts tomorrow. I'm also moving into an apartment with George. He treats me like a princess. Pictures to come. This is the year that good things come to those who wait.  

             Bea's Status: I start interning at the Magazine tomorrow. Ran into a familiar face today, when I went to grab my keys to the office. Who remembers Liam Merrick? I do. We're having lunch later. We also intern together. Super stoked.

            Desi's status: Super excited to be helping children in Belize. I am so blessed to have this opportunity and I get to share this experience with my sisters, Jade and Kiera. Not only my sisters, but my little brother, Jonny gets to start volunteering for the first time this trip. Siblings bonding! Also my boyfriend of four years, Colby is joining me. Can't wait to show photos of my trip. My plane leaves in an hour.

Everyone is having fun. It's only been a day since I spoke to them last and we left off in a weird place. Cece was judging me and trying to analyze my actions, just like a lawyer. Bea was just overly shocked. Desi didn't think I was making the best choices and silently judged me. Oh and Poppy and Maggie – the ones who told me to go for it in their own words – were baffled that I actually was going through with it. The only person who applauded me my mission was Pip. That was yesterday. Today is a whole new day of crazy intentions, local gossip, and new ideas. Yet my friends have made it perfectly clear that they aren't waiting around for me to fulfill this. I'm truly happy for them and their lives, I mean even Micah found happiness in this messed up world we call life.

Should I respond? No. Not yet. Let them enjoy this transitionary period happen and then I will congratulate them. This was reasonable. If I reply to their statuses, they will have to stop what they are doing and focus on me again. That seems wrong. I'll just see where this week takes me and if I don't like the outcome; I will get over it and pick my college major and maybe sign up for classes. Poppy & Kieran are so cute and I can't wait for the wedding. Desi has an opportunity to help countries that need it. Cece has her career and a guy that would do just about anything for her. Bea will probably stay with the magazine and end up working for Seventeen or Teen Vogue...because she's that talented. Also I can't believe she finally is with Liam?! I totally called it from the beginning. Maggie and George are goals. I can't wait to see the apartment. That's what I would tell them, if I were to post on their statuses.

Gosh, my family is going to think I fell in the toilet or something. I've been in here for like fifteen minutes. They either think that or think that I am having a selfie party in the bathroom; which I am not. Bathroom selfies are for amateurs and I am not one. Holding my stomach, I laugh at the thought and I walk up to the mirror and fluff my hair. Then I make sure that my makeup is spot on and then I spin around and head out to the hallway.

Teens were running up and down the hall playing a game of tag and I couldn't help but smile. One of the tall guys stops and says, "Wanna join? There's no cost."

                                     "Maybe later. I'm Everly, but everyone calls me Hoffy."

                                     "Lucas. See you around."

Just like that he darts into the stairwell and vanishes from my sight. Pippa and Darcy come charging towards me and I immediately think I should've gone with Lucas. There's still time.

                                      "Hello? Where have you been? We thought you ran away."

                                      "No. Just because I ran into him, doesn't mean I am not going to show my face. Darcy, I was freshening up. Hey did you hear that Micah and Taylor are moving to Chicago together?"

                                     "No. Wait, why did you change the..." says Darcy as I scurry pass her and she yells, "We are not finished. I will find you, Everly! You can't just change the...!"

I could feel the sun before I reached the door.

Pushing it open, I let the family of eight come in before I walk outside and officially start my vacation. Where to first? Lazy River? Slide? Jacuzzi? Pool? The beach? The bar?

Then I decided after seeing Bobby's blonde hair at the Lazy River. If I am going to make this work, I need to be noticeable. If we don't end up together...we can be friends. The start of #getBobby is finally in motion.

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