Why's it Gotta Be You? (Larry...

By YouXLoveXMe

11.6K 148 59

Louis and Harry are best mates. But when a slight doubt in there own relationships are uprising, they never w... More

Chapter 2: Confusion
Chapter 3: Moving Out; Part 1
Chapter 3: Moving Out - Part 2
Chapter 4: Field Trip
Chapter 5: Stuck
Chapter 6: Tell Me A Lie - Part 1
Chapter 6: Tell Me A Lie - Part 2
Chapter 7: Make It Out
Chapter 8: Patch Up What Needs Healing; Part 1

Why's it Gotta Be You? (Larry Stylinson)

3.3K 20 9
By YouXLoveXMe


For those who don't know, Larry Stylinson is the bromance between two members of a band named One Direction. Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. (I did not create the name...fyi...) ALSO,

(*) <-- That means the POV is changing. It WIILL happen a LOT in this story..


Enjoy (:


Chapter 1

Louis' POV:

"Come on Harry, get your bum up and moving," I called, jumping onto the side of Harry's bed. "We're heading out to meet the boys!"

Harry, still captivated by sleep, mumbled something unintelligible, rolling onto his side.

I sighed. Always choosing the hard way...

"Hazza. . .," I cooed, crawling my way over to his sleeping form. "Hazza babe, its Caroline. Wake up snuckums." I tried in my best "girly" voice.

Suddenly, Harry's hand shot out from under the covers, grasping my t-shirt, patting down my chest.

"No. . . .boobs. . . .," he mumbled, head falling face first back into his pillow.

"God dammit Harry, wake up!!"

Getting this boy back into reality was probably the most difficult task in the world. But sometimes, it made mornings. . . interesting. Harry Styles, my mate, my best friend, is probably the most God damned lazy ass on this planet. Usually, I give up, and he ends up waking on his own, making it just in the nick of time. But not today, no. Today, he has a reason to wake up.

"Harry, seriously, Eleanor is going to come barging in any minute. Go get dressed."

Harry bolted upward on his comforter, eyes flying wide.

"Eleanor? Why is she coming here?" his voice was edged with distaste.

Eleanor's my girlfriend. She's sweet, kind and gentle,and not to mention, very attractive. But it wasn't her model legs and nice bum that reeled me in. It was the dangerous, bloody amazing edge to her personality she had. Not too tempered, but not a goody-two shoes either. And she likes carrot cake. Just my kinda woman. How could you resist?

Harry, on the other hand, is my best mate. He's cool, collective. Cheeky, flirtatious. Harry has an amazing sense of humor, leaving us dying in fits of laughter after ever snide and sarcastic remark.Ever since the XFactor, we both just sorta. . . . hit it off, you know? You can just tell when someone is destined to be your best mate. Harry's like my brother. Hell, he is my brother. I loved him so. But. . . You'd think Haz and her would get on like long-lost cousins, right?


Absolutely, positively, dead. Ass. Wrong.

Harry positively despises Eleanor. From the very start. Even though he was the one to introduce me to her in the first place. He doesn't like talking about her with me, so I leave the matter of subject at hand. I never could grasp the the fact why though. Why did he hate her so much? One of life's mysteries....

However, he hates Eleanor as much as I hate Caroline Flack. Caroline wasn't exactly dating Harry. Yet. But not one single band member, excluding Harry, liked her the least bit. She was too...loud. Outgoing. Now don't get me wrong, I am an extremely outgoing person. But there's always a limit. And Caroline always exceeds to pass it. She acts like she belonged with us. With our band. But in reality, we just wanted her to go away. Like. . . .forever. . . . .

As for Eleanor's attitude, she treated Harry like she would treat her five year-old brother. Bossily.

They bickered, they fought. She'd tease him, he'd retort frostily. Always leaving me to defend one and pick a side.

"Who's right Louis?" "Tell him Louis!" "Louis, please tell me you don't agree with her!" "Louis!!!"

I choose Eleanor's side. Every time. What else could I do? I'd apologize to Harry later, while he mimicked my words, knowing them by heart.

"Haz, mate. I'm sorry. She's my girlfriend, and I wouldn't want to upset her. What else can I do?"

"Yeah, yeah." he'd always reply, waving me away with his hands.

I felt bad, I really did. But I had no choice.

"I dunno. She just said she was." I replied, eyes never finding Harry's hardened face.

"She treats you like a dog," he replied sadly, already peeling off his shirt.

I frowned. Harry never has anything positive to say, does he?

"Does not," my eyes narrowed.

Harry merely sighed, tossing his pants onto the floor in a heap, making his way to the bathroom, shrugging his bare shoulders.

"Whatever you say, Louis."


Harry's POV

I clicked the bathroom door locked, sliding down its side. My head fell heavily into my hands, and I let out a deep breath.

I was going insane.

I absolutely hated her. With a passion.

"Louis, doll come here!" "Louis, pay attention to me!!"

Everything about her was fake. Her hair. Her boobs. Her smile, her laugh, her nose, her bum.....and the list goes on. I regret ever meeting her, ever introducing her to Louis! She was always constantly trying her best to avert Louis from spending any time with his band mates, or rather the fact, me. I'm Louis' best friend. We practically share a soul. And having my soul constantly being prodded at does not make me....happy.

Louis Tomlinson. Who, or better yet, what is he to me? What is that loveable ball of fun to me? I chuckled to myself, slipping into the warm shower. Louis was my best mate. One I could always turn to, no matter what the circumstance. One friend, I will never, ever want to loose.



I let the cool air beyond the bathroom bask over my skin as I strode out the door, in nothing but a towel hanging loosely around my waist.


Damn. That voice. It was her.

"God dammit, put some clothes on before you stride out the bathroom door Harry, I told you Eleanor was coming." Louis sighed, lifting himself from the couch.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up a second Louis...who's home is this? Because I'm sure has hell it isn't hers," I glared at her pointedly. "And I don't think I'm here as a guest."

"Ugh, Har-"

"No. I believe I'm right. I have the freedom to walk anywhere in this house, in any condition I feel like being in. And," I let a smirk play on my lips. "You never seemed to complain before, dearest Louis."

I laughed, dodging Louis' deadly barrage of pillows.

"Get dressed you idiot." he mumbled, tossing another pillow in my direction.

Grumbling, I let out a dramatic sigh. "If you say so...."

And I began to untangle my towel from my waist.


My hands froze, clutching the base of were my cloth towel held together, an innocent smile on my face.

Eleanor huffed, arms waving around madly. "Do you not see me standing right here?" she barked.

I pondered a moment, then let a slow, devilish grin waft across my face.

"Its alright Eleanor, we're all guys here, aren't we?"

And then...the room erupted into chaos...

I struggled, trying to dodge more flying objects, however, none being relatively as soft as I wish they were. An alarm clock struck me in the knee, and I fell to the ground in pain.

"Aarghh!" I hollered, clutching one knee to my side, the towel falling away around me.

Eleanor shrieked, hands covering her eyes. What a ninny...

"Harry, your such an immature little brat!" she hollered, back facing me.

My eyes went rigid. Me. Of all people. Immature? Well..she's got a point there... But I wasn't going to let her stand there and get the best of me.

"Your so stupid," I laughed, my curls swaying atop of my head. "I'm immature? Who's the one who can't even face me to speak?"

"Who's sitting stark naked before us?!?!" she hollered back, shoulders quaking.

"Me. Thanks for stating the obvious."

"GOD! Louis, I just can't stand him anymore! I've had enough!!" she spun on her heel, marching up to Louis to grab hold of his collar.

"I'm tired of running into him every time we want to be alone. I'm tired of his immature behavior Louis, I'm just plain sick and tired of him!" she shrieked, her eyes narrowing. "Louis, move in with me instead."

My body stiffened. Did I hear her right? The dead silence of the room seemed to echo her words throughout my mind, like a terribly awful never-ending song.

Move in with me instead...

Like hell we won't!

Louis stared at her in agape, mouth open in shock. Growling, I marched up behind Louis, hands shaking his shoulders roughly.

"Louis!" I shouted. "Are you really going to let her treat you like this? Your not her pet! Tell her you won't tolerate this!"

Eleanor frowned. "I don't treat him like a pet."

"Like hell you do!" I retorted, temper flaring.

"Not!! Louis, tell Harry he's being a damned bloody idiot!!"

"Stop telling him what to do!!!"

"Diddo to you, Mr. Shameless!"

"Least I have something to show. My junk isn't fake."

"What was that, you little ass-wipe?"

"You heard me, I-"


Louis' scream broke through the bickering, letting us fall silent. My eyes searched his red face. Louis' usual calm, happy lopsided smile was flipped completely upside down. Veins were popping up near his hairline and his cheeks flushed scarlet. My heart sank. He's never looked to stressed before...

"You two, I swear to the bloody stars, are going to be the end of me.." he mumbled, massaging his temples.

"Louis, love? I'm so sorry..." she whispered, arms encircling him.

I snorted. "Cut the bullshit Eleanor."

Her head snapped up from his shoulder to throw daggers at me with her eyes, mouth already open with a retort.

"Stop." Louis repeated, pulling her out of his arms.

Sighing, he took her by the hand, leading her to the couch. After she settled down, Louis walked to my discarded towel, handing it to me.

Shrugging, I tied to cloth around me once again before joining the two on the couch.

"Harry, Eleanor," he began, hands running through his hair.

Wow...I stared in awe. I rarely got to see Louis series side. It was so....unfamiliar. It didn't suit him. I don't like it...

"We need to figure out a way to end this unreasonable fighting.." he gripped his forehead.

Eleanor was the first to jump in. Dammit..

"Exactly my point. You should just move in with me. Then, poof! Problem solved!" she emphasized her "poof!" with a flick of her fingers.

Louis stared at me intently, gazing slighty into my eyes. What was he thinking? Surely he wasn't considering her offer? No...

"Louis would never." I met his gaze hard on.

Flinching, he dropped his gaze quickly. "I-I don't, I mean this is so.." he stuttered.

"Your making this harder for him Harry," Eleanor snapped, intertwining her fingers with his.

Eyes narrowing, I stood. Facing them both, I crossed my arms, waiting for an answer.

"Well Louis?" I asked plainly, hiding any expression from my face.

Louis looked around nervously, eyes sweeping across his hands, then at my expressionless mask. He sighed again, closing his eyes.

"Guys, please don't make me do this."

"No." Eleanor spoke now, her voice icy. I hate when she does this. Her series side was a total load of bitch on PMS... "Choose Louis. We need to settle this. Who are you going to stay with?"

Avoiding our gazes again, Louis stared at his shoes. Then at the ceiling. Then at his watch.

"Shouldn't we be meeting the boys up-"


He stood in frustration, tugging at his hair. "Alright, alright!" he grumbled, eyes darting between us both.

He took a deep breath, slowly counting to ten. Then, while reopening his eyes, I heard him chant under his breath,

"Eenie, meenie, minie mo. Catch a nuisance by the toe.."

I couldn't help but smirk. Louis is such a dork sometimes, too much for his own damned good.

"Louis, I'm loosing my patience." she whispered irritably.

Can she ever shut up?

"'Kay'" he mumbled, turning to face me.

"Harry?" he whispered, locking gazes. "I-I think, maybe...that..uhm..that I should..maybe we can...I-I mean, I-if y-you can, well, probably....I...duhm...."

This is hopeless. And frankly, really getting on my nerves. How is this so hard? Why is he hesitating so much? The answer should be obvious! I'm his fucking best friend, one he's been living with for almost two years now!! She can't just waltz in one day and demand he live with her! So why isn't Louis seeing this clearly?

My head was still stuck in a train of thought, because I barely caught his last words. Words I shouldn't have caught. At all.

"Maybe I should...go."



"Oh..." my lips formed the single syllable.

Louis' eyes were downcast, never meeting mine. And just my luck, I met Eleanor's icy blue ones, which were smirking at me in triumph, her arms snaking around his neck to pull him close.

That's it. He wants to live with her. All of a sudden, even after all we've been through, he just decides he wants to pack up and leave. Wonderful. Brilliant.

My head spun violently, and my stinging eyes threaten to expel. But I forced them down, gliding past the two to walk down the steps and out the door, calling over my shoulder,

"Don't forget to take all your shit out of my room."


This chapter...depressed me to write...*sigh*

OK...next chapter should be up soon :)

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