The Cheerleader And The Nerd

By _ayeesha98

200K 2.2K 651

Meet Riley Pearce! She's in her senior year. She's the head cheerleader and she has the star quarterback begg... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

6.7K 78 36
By _ayeesha98

"For the last time Zach, you cannot watch the 'Lord Of The Rings' series!" I exclaimed as I tried to explain to the 9 year old who pouted back at me and crossed his arms across his chest in annoyance. We'd been at it for ten minutes now... and I was slowly but surely losing my mind. 

"Can we watch Harry Potter?" asked Zoe quietly, as her twin still sulked.  

"Yes!" I yelled, throwing a hand up in the air in victory. Harry Potter wasn't bad, gory or for adults. Perfect.  

"Oh so you listen to her suggestion but not mine. I see how it is," he grumbled. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to acknowledge him. 

"Zach, Harry Potter is for kids. Movies that you suggested, oh like Saw, Lord of the Rings, even Scary Movie? These aren't for kids." Who even suggested these movies to this kid? He shouldn't know any of them, yet he wants to watch them. He just huffed. 

"Harry Potter is?" he retorted. Zoe just sat there going through my entire collection of Harry Potter to see which one she liked the best. I'm so going with her decision. 

"Yes!" He rolled his eyes. 

"There's a giant in that! And a guy in a black robe that has no nose." 

"Voldemort?" I supplied, tired of the bickering, as I rubbed my temples. 

"Yeah that guy."  

"Zach, sweetie, please don't make this difficult. I'm tired and exhausted and just wanna eat and crawl into my bed, so please. Can we just watch Harry Potter?" I pleaded with the blonde who contemplated what I said before slowly nodding. 

"Okay, but only if you promise I can have ice cream for dessert! And can we watch the 4th one? That's the coolest!" he exclaimed. 

"Zoe is that fine with you?" I inquired; glad I got Zach to finally understand, even though he was daling a good bargain. God was he a handful! 

"Yeah personally, 'Goblet Of Fire's' my favorite one" she admitted, as she left me with a mess of a stack of DVD's and crawled nest to her twin on the couch. Thank god! 

"Yes!" I exclaimed, throwing a hand up in victory as I did a small victory dance. 

Time to make a small mental note. No more babysitting. Like Ever!  

Don't get me wrong, I love kids, I really do but babysitting? As in taking care of them? Cynthia was a different case altogether. She didn't whine much and was, well as much as I'm ashamed to say, not much of my responsibility. Sarah's the one who brought her up. I did the job of annoying her as a sister, being overprotective of her at school, helped her with her homework but I never had to clean up after her, never make sure she's eaten her meals, in bed at the right time. No I didn't do that.  

"Aha! Here we go!" I muttered as the movie started up. "I'm going to pop into the kitchen for a bit, I'll be back in a few," I let them know. A nod in my direction was all I got as a response. I shrugged and went into the kitchen to see Sarah bustling about. 

"Sarah?" I cocked my head to the side. She squealed and turned to glare at me. 

"Riri, how many times do I have to tell you, young lady, to not sneak up on me? I swear, one of these days you'll give me a heart attack." She said as she placed a hand on her chest and took a breath of relief. 

"Sorry." I replied sheepishly as I went to the fridge to get a bottle of water. I chugged it down as Sarah stirred a pot full of something. 

"What cha making?" I asked, as I set myself on the edge of the counter, swinging my legs back and forth. 

"Stir fry. I figured those kids would like it." She winked at me. "Who are they by the way?" 

"You saw them? Um, they're Jayden's younger brother and sister. I'm kinda, uh, babysitting for him" I said as I bit my lip, seeing surprise flitter across Sarah's face. 

"Oh really?" 

"Mm hmm" I confirmed, averting my eyes. 

"Alright then, well I hope Cynthia told you already but if she hasn't, I'll do it, she's staying over-" 

"At Sapphire's," I finished for her, "Yeah, I know" 

"You've both grown up so fast..." she trailed off, as she added some spices to the stir fry. "I still remember the day you were born. You were such a tiny thing and you had these sparkly blue eyes that you got from your mom an-and-" she choked as she covered her mouth with a hand. 

"Sarah?" I asked uneasily. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love her and all but why the sudden rush of emotions? And why the flashback? 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she murmured as she turned her back to me. Now confused, I jumped off and wrapped my arms around her small torso, burying my face in her hair. 

"Hey, what's up?" I asked her as she turned around and hugged me back, almost choking me but I wasn't complaining. She looked so pained, it made my heart clench. This woman was like a mother to me and to see her so torn up... "Did I say something to upset you?" 

"No sweetheart, it's fine. I'm fine." She assured me, releasing me. She turned her head a bit to the side, as she brushed my bangs away, before her eyes went to something behind me and she squeaked, pushing me aside and grabbing the spoon to mix the stir fry. I was still confused but glad Sarah wasn't looking so beat up.  

"Well, when will dinner be ready?" I asked her politely, trying to distract her, as I watched her move about. She peeked at me from the corner of her eyes. 

"Oh, are you hungry? It'll take another twenty minutes probably" she inquired as she raised her eyebrows. 

"Nah, I'm good, just asking" I shrugged. "Well I better get out there," 

"M'kay" she hummed. I went out; shaking my head as a giggle escaped me. God was I going insane now too? I walked into the living room just as a loud bang followed. I jumped a few feet before turning my head in the direction of the sound; the television.  

"Riley, move out of the way!" whined Zach. I spun round to face him, and silently moved aside as a 14 year old - I'm guessing - Harry stood in a deserted ground. I would guess this was the part when they went to watch the quidditch tournament. I made my way carefully towards the other couch and plopped down, immersed in the movie.  

Was it just me or were all the Harry Potter movies just so addictive?  

Okay so I'll admit, I was a big - make that humongous - Harry Potter fan. To be quite honest I didn't know it that well till the third movie came out. After that I went to every opening night show of every movie. I know, I know. I could've just read the books but let's face it, books just aren't my thing. 

I don't know when I fell asleep but the last scene I remember seeing was Harry being selected as a champion competing in the Tri-wizard tournament before everything turned black. I was awoken when I felt something lightly press against my nose. I twitched my nose, hoping whatever was bothering me would just go away.  

No such luck. 

I turned the other way though I don't know why but I was sort of cramped. Odd. My bed was big enough for three adults yet little ol' me was having trouble moving around? Oh my god! This is like my nightmare or something. I've magically turned so fat; I can't even turn in my own bed! 

After a few minutes though I felt something press against my cheek this time. I moaned once, and swatted my arm towards whoever was annoying me and just as my skin made contact with someone else's, I hear someone let out a high pitched squeak followed by a giggle.  

Now groggy, I lazily sit up, causing my sleep-invaders to let out loud belts of laughter. I rubbed my eyes tiredly but frowned as I felt something mushy and slightly wet rub against my cheeks. What the hell? Now if I hadn't been half asleep, I probably would have realized what had been smeared across my face. But I repeat I wasn't. I was still half hoping to plop back down and go back to sleep for ever. 

"Hmm?" was all I could come up with as I stood up. Almost tripping, I steadied myself once before I heard a gasp come from in front of me. 

"Oh my... I knew I shouldn't have given them that!" cried an alarmed voice as someone's hand grabbed mine. 

"Sarah?" I asked. Stupid question. Who else would it be? 

"I'm sorry, I really didn't know they'd do this" she reassured me. All the while, I could hear some shrieking and lots of laughing in the background. 

"Um, what is exactly is on my face?" I asked her though I already knew. Why those little brats... 

"Uh... whipped cream?" she said bashfully. I roughly jerked my hand away and rubbed it down my face as I opened my eyes. I looked down at my hand and sure enough the white foamy cream was all over it. Damn...  

I turned around to see Zach and Zoe on the floor, holding their stomachs, laughing at my embarrassment. Sarah as well, had a hand covering her mouth, trying to stifle her chuckles. 

"Oh yeah? Let's see how you like it" I said in a challenging manner as I strode forward to grab them. That snapped them out of their stupor. 

"Aaaahhh!" they let out loud shrieks as I advanced towards them with whipped cream on each of my hand. They shot out faster than a bullet out of a gun and as much as I hate to admit, damn, they could run. But I wasn't a cheerleader for nothing. We ran around the couch a few times, and I almost caught them once but right when I had Zach's shirt, Zoe whipped round and threw a pillow at me. And that just engaged a huge pillow fight. 

"Oh, you don't know who you're messing with, twin 1 and twin 2! I am the queen of pillow fights!" I exclaimed as we all readied ourselves. 2 against 1 were hardly fair but, eh. I wasn't about to rain on their parade. They were only 9, I was 18. So technically if you added their ages, we were kinda the same. Just they had 4 arms and me, only 2. 

Zoe made the first move as she tried to attack me from the front, and Zach ran behind me. I swung my arm lightly, hitting Zach but I missed as Zoe got a hit to my abdomen. And from then on, we were just hitting each other as we tried to calm down our labored breathing, due to two reasons. One, because we were running around and swinging our arms around. Second, because we just couldn't stop laughing!  

And just as I fell down the third time, Zach too toppled down on me so we were both in an awkward position, trying to stand up yet Zoe made that difficult as she kept swatting us with her pillow. Apparently we were too noisy and loud otherwise we'd probably have heard the doorbell ring. I heard some shuffled feet but disregarded it as Sarah. 

"Riley, your arm is on top of me!" complained Zach as he tried to hit me as well as get up. I merely grinned, leaning on my elbows, when we heard a loud throat clearing. My head snapped up, and there in front of me, was... 


My first thought? He looks really cute, in that shirt.  

My second thought? Shit, I look stupid... again. 

All three of us scrambled up, and a lot of 'ow's and 'aahs' were passed around till we finally all stood up straight. Zach and Zoe ran forward and embraced their brother while I shuffled my feet awkwardly at being caught in such a way. I felt like mentally slapping myself.  

"Jay, we had so much fun! We watched Harry Potter and then-" Zach started. A blush crept up my cheeks at the story they were saying.  

"Riley fell asleep watching the movie so-" Zoe continued. That sounded so bad! I was responsible for taking care of them and I fell asleep. Damn... 

"We asked Auntie Sarah for some whipped cream-"  

"And we sprayed it all over her face!" Jayden's head snapped up to me as I just turned pinker, as my blush crept up to the tip of my ears. Trust me; I do not look good blushing! There was amusement itched all over his face, but his eyes kept drooping tiredly. I gave a small grin, which he returned with a soft smile. 

"Is that so?" Jayden asked, as he cocked an eyebrow up. Damn, he looked good. 

"Oh yeah, Zoe even got a picture!" Now I snapped my head to Zach as he took out a phone and clicked a few buttons. More specifically speaking, my phone. Where did he get that?! I was sure it was in my room... oh no they didn't! 

"Where'd you get the phone guys?" Jayden asked, but I think he already knew. I ran a hand through my messed up hair. 

"Uh, somewhere..." they said in unison. Oh god... 

"Hand it over" Jayden told them sternly as he held a hand open, his palm upwards. They sighed before handing the phone over to him, who in turn took a few steps forward and handed it back to me with an apologetic look. 

"I'm sorry" he murmured softly. 

"It's fine" I answered, not knowing what else to say. 

"Oh and Jay, we didn't even tell you the best part!" exclaimed Zach. 

"You didn't take anything else right?" he interrupted Zoe, who was about to speak. 

"No" they said sheepishly. "Anyway, so after that-"  

Jayden cut them off again. "Guys you can tell me in the car, hmm? It's late and I'm sure Riley's tired, right?"  

I didn't know what to answer. Was I even supposed to answer? Checking the time on my phone it was 10:30. In an hour and half and it'd be Valentine's Day. And I don't know why but I really wanted to share it with Jayden. Well I did know why but I just wouldn't admit it. Call me stubborn if you will. 

"Hey guys, can you excuse me for a minute" I let them know and without an answer, turned and speed-walked over to the kitchen where Sarah was doing the dishes. I made my way over to her. 

"Hey Sarah?" 

"What is it, sweetie?" she asked, not looking up from the dishes. 

"Uh, I was just wondering, did the twins have dinner? I mean did they eat something..." I said as I fidgeted with e end of my shirt. Sarah frowned and glanced at me. 

"Yes they ate. They were just about to have dessert when the whole whipped cream incident occurred" she said, trying to hide an amused grin.  

"I'm a terrible babysitter!" I moaned as I buried my head in my hands. "I didn't do a single thing right! I was supposed to look after them, and I fell asleep. I was supposed to make sure they had something to eat, but you had to do it!" 

"Aaw, sweetheart," she said softly as she dried her soapy hands and wrapped them around me. "It's alright. It was your first time doing this, and it's not like the kids didn't enjoy themselves" 

"I know but still..." I murmured. 

" Sweetheart, you're like a kid yourself. Even if you don't wanna admit it," she said when she saw me open my mouth to argue. I pulled away and huffed at her. I was not a kid! I was a legal adult... for 2 weeks now. "There, see. You're just proving my point further. I'm serious, Riri. You need someone to look after you. You should take this as an example. Who cooks for you? Who cleans out your room? Who does your laundry? You don't have a job either. You have no sense of responsibility, honey" she softly told me. Her tone wasn't scathing or scolding just some motherly advice. My shoulders sagged in defeat. 

She was right. She knew she was right. Blood hell, I knew she was right. But I didn't want to admit it. After all it was all true. And who wants to admit that? 

"Riley, tell Jay we don't wanna go!" came Zach and Zoe running into the kitchen, thankfully not letting me dwell on the things Sarah said. They came crashing into me and wrapped their arms around my waist. I felt a grin take over my face as Jayden entered. His movement sluggish and slow and he honestly looked like he could faint any second.  

"Jayden?" I asked uncertainly as I immediately took a step forward towards him. I felt my heart tug as I watched his wave a hand in dismissal. 

"I'm fine" he deadpanned. 

"No you're not," I argued just as the twins unwrapped their arms. I walked forward till I got to him. "You look like you could fall over any second." 

"I'm fine!" he proclaimed strongly. 

"Just admit you're not! You're not and you know it!" I said, poking his chest as I stood higher on my tip toes with every word so I was towering over him. "And to think you're gonna drive in this condition? Have you lost your mind? No way am I letting you go like this!" 

"So what do you suggest I do? Crash here? At your place? Or are you forgetting I'm not alone this time. What about Zach and Zoe?" he retorted, towering back over me. 

"Have you seen the size of my house? I have like 10 spare bedrooms! They can crash in any, as can you! No, you're staying here and that's final. Now give me your phone so I can call your mom and let her know while you go and relax on the couch. Please don't fight me Jay. You and I both know you're dead on your feet." I said softly as I caressed his cheek and ruffled his hair playfully. He sighed but I knew I had won. 

He silently handed me his phone and left the room. I smiled and turned to see a pair of happy twins, practically jumping up and down on the spot and as for Sarah she looked surprised and amused. 

"I guess that means we're having a sleepover huh?" I asked them with a smirk as I went through Jay's contact list.  

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, so much!" they cheered, high fiving each other.  

"Okay guys, just keep it down a bit 'kay? Your brother's trying to relax in the other room." I scolded them gently as I found 'Mom'. "I'll be right back" I told them as I walked a little distance away and pressed call. 

The phone rang for a bit before a concerned voice picked up the phone.  

"Jay, sweetie?" 

"Uh, no Alex, this is Riley," I smiled. 

"Riley? Is everything alright, sweetheart? Why do you have Jay's phone?" 

"About that..." I started as I informed her, exactly how I ended up with her son's phone. And finally I finished. "So you see, he's exhausted and in no state to drive so I just called you to ask if it's alright if he just stays over at my place for the night? I have spare bedrooms that the twins can stay in as well." 

"I don't know, are you sure it's alright with you? Zach and Zoe can be quite a handful..." she sounded weary and I could just imagine a frown on her face. 

"It's no trouble" I reassured her with a smile, even though she couldn't see it. "I have Sarah to help me and everything. We'll be fine. I just hope its okay with you?" 

"Mm hmm, it's fine sweetie. Now I have to go, take care, and have Jayden call me in the morning okay?" 

"Okay, bye Alex" I said as we both hung up. Checking the time, it read 11. An hour left. I felt as giddy as a schoolgirl as I practically skipped back to the living room where Jayden was. He was on the couch, sitting with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. 

"Jay?" he sprung up, quicker than a bullet out of a gun at my voice and looked round till his gorgeous green eyes found mine. He sheepishly smiled. 

"Uh, sorry..." he said, rubbing his hand at the nape of his neck. Nervous habit. 

"It's fine. It's probably a little after 11 now; do you want something to eat? Are you hungry? Oh and your mom asked me to tell you to call her up in the morning" I informed him, taking small steps towards him. His whole body posture screamed, tired. 

"Mm hmm," was all I got as he ran a hand through his hair. 

"You know you didn't answer my question. You hungry, my dear husband?" I pointed out, as I gave him some fake eyelash fluttering with big smile. 

"A little..." he replied, as he shot me an amused smile that disappeared soon. 

"Okay, well I think we have some stir fry and we have some leftover Chinese from yesterday too," I told him. "Jay, you can go and sit in the dining room, I'll be there in a minute with the food, okay?" 

He nodded as he went towards the direction I pointed out. I made my way to the kitchen silently. 

The twins had cleared off somewhere and Sarah was probably checking out their rooms and making sure everything was fine. So the kitchen was empty when I entered. Sarah had made life easier for us and kept some of the sir-fry in a plastic container on the table.  

I took out a large tray and put two plates on it. Humming, and occasionally doing a twirl, I danced around the kitchen, grabbing everything I needed. Finally placing the container with the stir-fry on the tray, I walked out and made my way to the dining room.  

Jayden's head snapped up the minute he heard my footsteps. 

"Hey, need any help with that?" he asked me as he stood up. I wanted to wave a hand away in dismissal but the tray was full and unless I wanted to clean up the mess, I'd rather not. 

"It's fine, I got it" I flashed him a smile as I flicked my head to move my side bangs away. He sat back down uncertainly as I set everything in front of him, slowly. Starting with the plates, and then the drinks, and the stir-fry as well as some fruit salad on the side. All the while, his eyes were on me and it sent a thrill through me.  

"Bon appetit!" I said in satisfaction as I sat on the seat right next to him.  

We both hungrily dug into the food. I filled my whole plate and scarfed it down like a homeless person would. What? I was hungry... 

"So you have a lot of guests over or something?" he asked idly, trying to hold up a conversation as he took a sip of the chocolate milkshake. What? So I was a little obsessed with them, but a girl's allowed that much right? 

"No, why?" 

"Well this room is huge, and this table looks like it could easily seat 20 or more people, so I just figured..." he trailed off. I actually let out a small giggle. 

"Nah, it's just for show. We don't really have a lot of people over... other than the occasional party here and then, but that's all Kat" I shrugged one shoulder, as I twirled my fork around and took a quick bite. 

We kept up a steady conversation till we finished which was probably a few minutes, maybe 15?  

"You know my room, right? I mean, you remember the way to my room?" I asked him, stumbling over my words as we both stood up.  

I guess it was true what they say, about feeling even drowsier after you've had a decent meal. Jayden looked ready to sleep... for a long, long time. 

"Yeah" he replied. 

"Okay well there's a room right next to it. On the right. You can have that for the night." I let him know, as I placed my plate on top of his and put them both in the tray. 

"No, I'll help you clear things away" he argued, but it was half-hearted. 

"Jay," I said turning to face him, as I put my hand on my hips. I pointed towards the staircase. "Go." 

"So stubborn..." he grumbled as he shuffled towards the doorway, leading to the living room which in turn would take him to the stairs. 

I laughed loudly. "I'm stubborn?" 

"Yes!" he exclaimed, popping his head to flash me a lopsided grin before disappearing again. I shook my head, chuckling as I cleared everything and took it to the kitchen. I just dumped the plates and utensils into the sink. Sarah would take care of those; I shrugged, before Sarah's words replayed in my mind. 

Damn it. Grumbling, I put on the gloves I'd seen Sarah use countless times as I cautiously turned the tap on. I'd only done the dishes once. And that was when Sarah was really ill. And it wasn't a pleasant experience. I slowly scrubbed the dishes.  

Ew, ew, ew. Was literally I was thinking. I didn't do these sorts of things. No I don't believe I'm spoiled, a little maybe but I'm not that bad, just doing the household odd jobs like the dishes, laundry - well they weren't my thing. Don't get me wrong, I could do it, you know. The thing is, I don't want to. 

In fifteen minutes I was done with all the dishes and satisfied, I turned the tap off, and threw the gloves in a heap to the side. 

"Riri?" I heard and turned back. Sarah stood there, with her jaw open and a bemused expression on her face. 

"Sarah!" I beamed. "Look. I just did the dishes!" 

"I know... but why?" 

"I know, I know, but you said that I need to take on some responsibility so I just thought..." I shrugged, trailing off. I was hoping she'd give me a big grin and hug me and say that it was brilliant of me to help like that but she just busted out laughing. 

"Huh?" I muttered as I cocked my head to the side as she stood belting out laughter for minutes before composing herself. 

"Sweetheart!" she exclaimed, before gripping me in a hug. "There's a dishwasher! You should've just left them, and I would've taken care of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm so proud of you but it really wasn't necessary" 

"Oh..." I said as I pulled away, an embarrassing blush creeping up my cheeks. Damn! Even when I wanna help, I mess things up! 

"It's fine. Just get to bed, sweetie, you look exhausted. The twins are in the room 2 door down from yours" 

"Yeah," I answered as I made my way out and walked up the stairs. I walked over to the twins' room and just as I was about to open the door, I heard some talking. 

"I really like her" whispered a voice, that sounded a lot like Zach. 

"Then why do you keep annoying her, Zach?" Zoe asked, and I could hear the grin in her voice. I heard some shuffling before it was silent again. 

"It's my charm!" he defended himself, his voice rising a few octaves. 

"Hush, do you want someone to hear you?" Zoe hushed him, again. 

I decided I better go in now. I didn't want to eavesdrop anymore. I knocked lightly, to signal I was here. It was immediately quiet. 

"Hey guys," I whispered with a smile as I opened the door. They were both sharing the double bed, and were already tucked in. Zach was wearing a long shirt as well as Zoe that I think... belonged to Cynthia. Oh she wouldn't mind, she'd just use this as an excuse to buy more. I rolled my eyes at my sister. She was a diva sometimes but I loved her more than anything else. 

"Hey Riley..." they smiled back as they got comfortable under the covers. I walked over to them, and lightly smoothed their hair over their heads before leaning in and kissing their foreheads. 

"Night twins. Sleep tight-" 

"Don't let the bedbugs bite!" they cut me off and finished in unison. I grinned and left the room, gently closing the door behind me.  

I ran a hand through my hair once as I walked across and entered my room. Checking the time, I saw that there were only 10 minutes left till 12. Giddy with excitement, I rushed to my walk in closet and took out a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt that hung off my shoulder. I went to the bathroom and quickly changed into my bed clothes and brushed my teeth and hair. 

Getting out, I walked out of my room and made my way to Jayden's with my phone in my hand. 


2 minutes left. I cautiously turned the knob, and opened it. Taking a deep breath, and closing my eyes, I opened it enough so I could slip inside, and only when I was in did I open my eyes. I expected Jayden to exclaim in surprise or something but no, it was silent. 

It was dark.  

He was asleep. Turning my phone on, I pointed the light round till I found him, sleeping on the bed.  


Damn, only a minute left. I tip toed over to the bed, and loomed over so I could see his face. He looked adorable. He didn't have his glasses on and I'd only seen him without them once before, at my party. His face was clear of any emotion other than peacefulness and his lips were slightly parted. I felt a smile creep up my face as I took him in, one hand under his head and the other near his chest, and the rest of his body under the covers. I turned to my phone. 


What I had planned to do or intended to do was a fail, as Jayden needed to be awake for that but seeing him like this, I had another wicked plan. 

I leaned over his figure and bent my face as his left cheek was buried in the pillow. I moved till I was only an inch away from his face, and could actually feel his warm breath on my lips. A shiver ran through my body in anticipation, as I closed my eyes and finally moved the whole distance and pressed my lips to his. 

It wasn't a complete make out kiss or anything, just a touch. Just a butterfly kiss. I pulled away quickly, already feeling my cheeks warm up, as a blush crept up. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, Jay" I whispered softly against his lips, my lips brushing his with every word, as my eyes remained closed. I stayed that way for a few seconds just taking in what I did. 

I kissed my husband. I kissed Jayden. And he was asleep. Oh my god, this practically classified as me taking advantage of him! I took advantage of my husband. Of Jayden. But you know what? It felt damn good! The best kiss I've ever had and all I could think of was if this is how it felt when he was asleep, how amazing would it be if he was actually conscious? 

I slowly opened my eyes as a grin graced my lips. The first thing I saw was green. Despite the dark, his gorgeous green orbs stood out and as cheesy as it sounds, I was completely lost in them.  

That is before reality slapped me in the face.  

Jayden is awake. He saw me kiss him.

Only one thought ran through my mind at the time.

Oh shit.

A/N: OMG, FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've had this scene in my head since the beginning of the book and I'm so glad I finally put it up !!!!!!! I AM SOOOO FUCKING SORRY GUYS !!!!!! I was grounded, as most of y'all know and no, I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON THIS STORY !!!!!! I got a message from a girl a few days back, threatening me to upload, and accusing me of not finishing this story and having given up on it. Now, I know you want me to upload and I love that you pester me for uploads, honestly I do! But don't threaten me, and accuse me of such things! I love y'all, and I really hope you love this story cause it's like a baby to me, and I'm sooo glad that most of you do! Just don't threaten or accuse someone of something you don't know, okay? Not just with me, but with any author.  

I know this chapter isn't my best yet but I wanted to get something up, I'll edit it later! 

On a happier note; How many of you have seen the Hunger Games?  

It is ah-fucking-mazing, am I right? ... Sorry I've been swearing a lot these past few months... though I keep it out of my stories! Josh Hutcherson is soooooo adorable! (Though a bit on the short side!) And Liam Hemsworth? *fans myself*  

Banner in the side made by fusiee. Amazing, ain't it? Thanks a lot! =)

And how many of you have heard that song on the side, 'Call Me Maybe' by Carly Rae Jepsen? It';s really catchy and had been stuck in my head for the past 2 days !!!!! Hehe... anywho... I've bored you enough! 


Love ya! =)

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BOOK COMPLETE - EDITION ONGOING. This work is intended for an 18+ audience. I stop searching for it and stand in front of him, perplexed. Is he sayin...
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Meet Riley brooks. Age 18. She was bullied her hole school life so she is shy round people but that's not the only reason shes shy, Riley's beaten by...
248K 7.4K 30
I WILL EDIT THIS WHEN THE BOOK IS DONE!!!! Hey, My names Summer, Summer styles. I live in Los Angeles with my brother. Yes my brother. My father...
1.4K 177 29
Jamie a High school girl faces problems even getting raped. Through a drunk abusive dad and feeling guilty of her mom's death but,on the outside Jami...