Bad Boy Games

De MeMyselfAndI123

77.1K 2.3K 341

I gritted my teeth as his hands ran up the blonde bimbo's thighs and when he leaned forward to suck on her ne... Mai multe

Bad Boy Games
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 31

1.3K 33 12
De MeMyselfAndI123


So how have you guys been? c:


When I woke up the next morning Jacob was gone. I felt a wave of sadness pass over me when I thought about him always being alone. Does he-

“AHHH! What the shitnuggets?!” I screamed when Winter pounced on me. She ignored my little ‘shitnuggets’ comment and proceeded to scream in my face.

“Why was Jacob Daniels, the hottest badass of our school, at your house?! Is there something you’re not telling us?! Tell me! Tell me tell me tell me tell me tel-” She shook my shoulders violently until I finally managed to roll out from under her.

I got to my feet and she copied my movement, turning to face me with her arms crossed. I backed away a bit and she narrowed her eyes at me. I looked to Carter for help but he isn’t even looking at me. Sighing, I ran my hands through my hair.

“How about I make us some breakfast? Then I’ll answer your questions!” I rushed out the last part quickly and held up my hands in surrender when Winter took a step toward me.

She seemed to accept my offer and I almost laughed as we made our way into the kitchen. Winter can never resist as long as food is involved. It’s a wonder that the girl is so skinny.

There was a little bit of bickering between the three of us about what to eat until I offered to make chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. Winter helped me cook and Carter poured the drinks. He also offered to clean the dishes afterward but I told him that it was fine.

We got our plates and brought them to the table along with the syrup and Nutella. Hey, Nutella on pancakes is delicious. If you haven’t tried it then you haven’t lived.

I ripped off a bit of one of my Nutella-smeared pancakes and dipped it in the syrup, popping it into my mouth and almost moaning from the sweet taste. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how good it tastes.

I took a sip of my orange juice and cleared my throat.

“What do you want to know?” I saw Winter open her mouth and take a deep breath but I cut in before she could speak. “One question at a time!”

“Why was Jacob here?” Winter stuffed a piece of bacon into her mouth without taking her eyes off of me. Carter kept glancing at me out of the corner of his eye as he ate. I shrugged my shoulders before replying.

“I honestly have no idea. He just showed up at my door and basically invited himself in. He claimed that it was because he could hear us all the way over at his house.” I rolled my eyes and continued. “And besides, it didn’t look like you minded too much when you guys were teaming up against me about the movie.” I shot her a glare when she let out a quiet giggle.

“Hey, it’s not my fault. That was all him. But I will admit that your face was hilarious when he agreed with me.” She choked back a laugh and her face turned red from the effort when my glare got nastier.

“Yeah well at least I know who to never let come to one of my sleepovers again.” I grumbled to myself. “What else do you want to know?”

She kept asking me questions like ‘How long have you guys been talking?’ and ‘Does he come over a lot?’

“Do you like him?” I started to choke on a piece of bacon as my face turned red and Carter’s eyes snapped to me. Winter slapped my back repeatedly until I stopped choking and then they both stared at me intently, waiting anxiously for my answer.

Damn bacon. Trying to kill me. I’m kidding. I can’t stay mad at bacon; I love it too much.

“W-what? Of- of course I don’t! Where the hell did that even come from?” I coughed out, nervous butterflies filling my stomach. Should I tell them about the feelings that I may or may not have for him? I mean hell, I don’t even know what I’m feeling. So would it be a good idea to consult with anyone else about it?

And then there’s our little game to consider. He basically came right out and told me that he’s physically attracted to me. That was hard enough to process.

I finally decided to just keep it to myself for now and see if they pass. It could just be my hormones acting up. Let’s not forget that I’m a teenage girl and he’s an extremely attractive guy.

We talked for a few more minutes until the whole Jacob thing blew over.

“So have you been having any luck with finding a job?” Carter asked. I smiled a bit and nodded.

“Yeah, actually. I’m supposed to be going in for an interview at that new grocery store tomorrow at one. It’s within walking distance and from what I’ve heard they pay pretty well. So, I thought ‘why not?’” I shrugged. He smiled and Winter got up to get some more bacon and another pancake.

Carter and I finished our food and then put the plates and glasses in the sink. I snatched two more pieces of bacon off of the plate and munched on them absently while wrapping up the rest of the food and putting it in the fridge.

I walked back into the living room to find Carter and Winter fighting over the remote, yelling and rolling around on the floor.

“Your fat ass can squish me all you want, but I’m not going to give you the remote!” Winter’s muffled scream came from underneath Carter and then he was flipped over onto the ground under her. She sat perched on his chest with her tongue sticking out at the remote held high above her head.

I walked behind her and, with a smirk, plucked it out of her hand before going to curl up on the couch. They both got to their feet as I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. Winter crossed her arms over her chest while stomping her foot like a little kid, her bottom lip jutted out in a pout. I chuckled but kept my eyes on the screen.

After about three minutes of looking and turning my nose up at what was on, I flicked the TV off. I fell sideways and stuffed my face into the couch, closing my eyes. Suddenly ‘Addicted’ by Saving Abel blasted from somewhere across the room and I heard Winter scrambling off the couch.

“Hello?” She answered a moment later. “Yeah… No I’m good… How long?... Alright I’ll get my stuff.” I heard the click when she hung up and then came to plop on the couch beside Carter who’s sitting beside me. I pushed myself up and looked over to see her sprawled out with her stomach across his lap, head resting in her hands. She met my gaze with her sad hazel eyes and I frowned.

“When’s she going to be here?”

“She said she’s going to stop at the store really quick before she picks me up so around thirty minutes.” She sounded glum and I patted her head. Her mom still has to drive her around because they’re having trouble with money at the moment and can’t afford to get her a car. Carter is the only one out of the three of us that has one.

“It’s alright Winter. We’ll see you on Monday.” I pouted at her teasingly and then grinned when she stuck her tongue out at me. She always gets sad when she has to go home because she says that she misses us and there’s nothing to do at her house.

I handed her the remote and she perked up, getting off of Carter and laughing madly at him while waving the remote in his face. He narrowed his eyes at her but she ignored him, cackling to herself as she changed it to some random channel that she knew would annoy him.

I resumed my position from before with my face pressed into the couch as they began bickering again. A grin found its way onto my face when I heard Carter whining and begging her to change the channel while Winter mocked him and giggled like a maniac the whole time.

Oh, the people I choose to be my friends.



She’s going to die…

I swear to god I’m going to rip this bitch’s head off her shoulders…

It’s so disgusting how she flings herself at him like that…

Why does he even enjoy that kind of thing?...

She’s such a slut…

When is this going to end?!...

Those are just a few of the thoughts that have crossed my mind. And those are the nice ones. I actually woke up in a slightly bearable mood this morning and I’ve had a pretty good day so far. Then I come into the lunch room and of course I happen to see Jacob with some whore yet again on his lap. And guess who’s group she’s from?

The head bitch’s of course. And this girl is one step below being as bad as Britney. The only difference between them is that this one hasn’t slept with as many guys as Britney has and she doesn’t always do the insulting. She fluctuates between that and laughing at everything her ‘master’ says. Her name is Rachel Sot. Yeah her last name is kind of weird. But of course since all the guys think she’s ‘hot’ that doesn’t matter.

“Lyla?” I jumped at the sudden voice coming from beside me and turned to see Winter looking at me with a raised eyebrow and Carter looking confused. “Sorry. You were staring at something over there and you looked really concentrated. What were you looking at?” She asked the last part slowly, gauging my reaction.

My teeth clenched and I forced all thoughts of that manwhore and his new toy for today out of my mind.

“Nothing,” I growled, stabbing into the Country Fried Steak on my tray with my fork. Neither one of them said anything else as we finished our filling meal of cardboard and sewage water.

“Hey Lyla.” I heard Carter’s voice behind me and turned to see him standing to my right, smiling warmly. I smiled back and grabbed a book out of my locker before slamming it shut and beginning to walk down the almost empty hall. It always clears out within minutes after school because everyone is eager to go home or to parties. Whatever other people in high school do on a regular basis.

“So do you need a ride home?” I thought about it for a moment and pursed my lips. Just then Winter skipped up to us and linked our arms together.

“Yes she does.” She answered for me. I raised an eyebrow but decided not to say anything about her interruption.

“Sure. I need to go home and get ready for work. I wouldn’t mind having a bit more time.” I threw Carter another smile over Winter’s head since she’s between us. He returned it and when we got in the car I slipped into the back like usual. I know Winter likes to sit in the front since that’s where the radio is and I don’t mind sitting in the back.

We talked and laughed on the way to my house and we eventually agreed that they would come to my house and stay there till I have to leave. We finally pulled into the driveway and got out, going into the house.

“So do you need a ride to work too?” He asked from behind me as I made my way through the house and to the stairs after telling them that I’m going to take a shower. I looked back at him and smiled, shaking my head.

“Nah, but thanks. It’s not that far and besides, I don’t mind walking.” He nodded and went back into the living room to entertain Winter while I continued on my way up the stairs.

When I finished my shower, dried my hair, and put on my work clothes I went back downstairs. I heard voices in the kitchen and walked in to find Winter sitting on the counter swinging her legs with a bag of potato chips in her hand. She shoved a few chips in her mouth and looked over when I came in, offering me some. I giggled a little bit.

“You’re offering me my own food?” She grinned at me and nodded. I shook my head and took a handful, popping one into my mouth. We munched on stuff for a while and then Mom walked in with a pizza box in her hand.

Michael came bounding into the room holding the other one less than ten seconds later, grinning widely. He loves to help out when he can.

“Thank you for helping me carry in the pizza. You’re such a big helper.” Mom told him, placing her purse and the pizza boxes on the counter and swooping down to kiss his cheek. His smile grew.

“You welcome Mommy!” She smiled and then looked up at us.

“So how was your day?” She asked all three of us. Winter shrugged and stuffed more chips in her mouth while Carter and I said that it was fine. As she passed by Winter Mom smacked her knee lightly.

“No sitting on the counter,” She joked, smiling when Winter stuck her tongue out at her.

“I’m going to change. Feel free to help yourselves to the pizza.” She threw over her shoulder and then turned the corner. I heard her going up the stairs a few seconds later. Winter put the bag of chips away and I moved forward to grab a piece. I’m hungry and I won’t have a chance to eat during work so I might as well try to eat something now before I leave.

We all got some and Mom did as well when she came back downstairs. Michael asked me if he could color so I found him a coloring book and grabbed a box of crayons, placing them on the kitchen table. He almost instantly went quiet as he became engrossed in the coloring pages.

The rest of us went into the living room and talked for a while. Winter and Carter caught up with Mom, telling her things that have happened since the last time she saw them. It wasn’t that long ago but still. A lot has been happening lately. At least it has for me.

I looked at the clock and told them that I had to leave. I hugged Mom goodbye and, after telling her that I love her and that I have my phone on and with me, went to tell Michael that I’m leaving. I heard Winter and Carter saying their own goodbyes as I left the room.

“Hey Tiger. Whatcha coloring?” He looked up at me from his coloring page and smiled, moving aside to let me see. A soft smile stretched across my face when I saw the little puppy that he’s been coloring.

“It’s so cute!” I leaned in and kissed his forehead. “I need to go to work now. I’ll see you when I get home.”

“I don’t want you to leab sissy!” His lower trembling lip poked out in a pout and I instantly felt my stomach drop. I circled my arms around him in a hug.

“Tell you what. If you’re still awake when I get home I’ll read you a story before you go to sleep, alright? And maybe if you ask Mommy you can sleep in my room tonight.” He pulled back and looked at me excitedly. I smiled and kissed his forehead again when he nodded. “I’ll see you later Tiger. I love you.”

“I lub you too Lilla!” he hugged me back. Winter and Carter came out of the living room and I started for the door with them following behind me.

“Thanks for shopping with us. Have a nice day and please come again.” I smiled at the lady and she returned it warmly, picking up her bags and walking in the other direction.

“You’re doing really well Lyla. I’m just going to find Fran really quick and tell her that you’re leaving so she can take over here.” I nodded and sent him a smile. He smiled back and then left.

I had a pretty good first day. Since I’ve worked at a grocery store before my boss, Fran, didn’t have a problem with hiring me and did so almost immediately. Most customers are friendly and some will even start up conversations while I’m ringing up their items.

Stevie, the guy who just went to find Fran, is the bagger for this register. They usually move them around but Fran made it his job to make sure I’m doing well and being nice to the customers. He’s really nice and funny and I can see us becoming close friends in the future. He told me that he’s twenty-one and that he’s gay. I almost squealed when he said it because I think gay couples are adorable.

I untied my apron, folding it and running a hand through my hair. Just when I was bending down to grab the ‘register closed’ sign I heard a cart stop and someone placing their items on the belt.

I straightened up and felt my heart shutter to a stop when I saw who was standing about four feet away from me. He froze as well and stared at me with wide eyes. My jaw clamped tightly and my teeth ground together. My face screwed up into a scowl when Preston smiled brightly at me.

“Well hello Lyla. Fancy seeing you here.” When I finally managed to open my mouth to reply to him I heard footsteps nearing us and then Stevie appeared, looking between the two of us. He looked a little confused and suspicious but thank god he decided to drop it.

“What are you waiting for Lyla? We’ll just ring up his groceries and then you can go home.” I nodded stiffly.

I quickly rang up his groceries, feeling Preston’s eyes on me the whole time. Stevie bagged the stuff and Preston walked down and picked up the bags. Stevie looked at me expectantly and I felt bile rising in the back of my throat.

“Thanks for shopping with us. Have a nice day and please come again.”  I ground out lowly. With a wide smirk, he nodded and shot me a little wave before walking off with a bounce in his step and the bags in his hands. It was silent for a few seconds and I placed my elbows up on the cool metal around the scanner, burying my face into my hands.

“Ex problems?” I jumped a little when I heard Stevie’s voice a few feet away. Raising my head I met his sympathetic gaze.

“I guess you could call it that.” He pursed his lips but didn’t push me for more information which I’m grateful for. I just don’t know how to feel about seeing him again and I know that if I try to talk about what happened I’ll break down right here. And that would be really embarrassing and not to mention horrible for the store’s business.

I mean what would people think if they saw a teenage girl sobbing all over the register and spilling about her love life? That’s not going to give them the best image of the store.

I dropped my arms and sighed when I felt the familiar throbbing start in my head which means I’m about to have a major headache. It seems like I’ve been getting those a lot lately. I said goodbye to Stevie and he surprised me by giving me a quick hug.

As soon as I stepped out the door I sighed in relief. My hair swirled around my face in the soft wind and I felt a small smile overtake my features. This feels so good after being in that store and wearing the apron so long.

I closed my eyes for a moment and then started across the parking lot to the sidewalk.

Before I got there, however, I was yanked sideways. My converse scraped against the pavement and I inhaled sharply, ready to scream for help. Before I could though a large hand covered my mouth. My heart beat erratically in my chest to the point where it was painful and I felt myself getting lightheaded.

I know for a fact that this isn’t Jacob. Whoever it is is being extremely rough. I struggled and tried to scream but the hand over my mouth clamped even tighter until I whimpered in pain. I thrashed around wildly, trying desperately to pull free.

The sunlight slowly left my face as I was dragged farther into the shadows. I quickly realized that I’m being taken into the alley between the store the restaurant next door. This is where the two keep their trash. There are trash bags full of rotten food and other things heaped in the dumpsters and along the walls. Normally there are a lot of people at the restaurant but they’re closed right now due to some kind of gas leak in the kitchen.

It’s already almost ten since we were busy tonight. So there aren’t any people really out right now. No one will see me unless they’re passing the alley and happen to look down it.

My hair fell in my face and then I was slammed into a brick wall harshly. I cried out when pain flashed up my back. It began to dully ache and I whimpered. My eyes are wide and terrified. Anyone who looked at me could see that.

“So Lyla, how have you been?” My breathing quickened and I finally looked into the face of my attacker.



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